View Full Version : ACC/LTNZ campaign suggestions

12th June 2007, 16:03
In light of MissL's thread regarding ACC stat's etc I've suggested that anyone with good ideas for inclusion in a submission to both ACC and LTNZ(compiled by me from the contents of this thread, coz I think it would be worth the effort) post their ideas here and I'll collate the data and write up the document.

As I posted in MissL's thread, there are some bright sparks among us and I'm sure the best people to forward the bikers' case is the biker.

Please keep it sensible (I know that's a big ask) and if you want PM me with suggestions then that's fine too.

For example: I wouldn't mind suggesting that car drivers who are found to be at fault in a 'car vs m/c' accident pay higher ACC levies to pay for the damage they cause.

Come on, bright ideas please.

12th June 2007, 16:06
I like that last idea - it's simply user pays... no?

The driver causes an expensive accident, they get to help pay reparation.

12th June 2007, 16:08
Driver/rider education!
Can we please stop teaching people to get their license and start teaching them to drive.
Is there another country in the developed world that thinks its ok for anybody to teach someone to drive, rather than a licensed instructor?

Disco Dan
12th June 2007, 16:08
Driver education.

Bikers took the initiative and have been running courses for years...

Where is the car education programs?????

12th June 2007, 16:41
Next gory ad campagain should show results of bike into car drivers door. They reckon it doesn't happen to bike cops near as much because the primitive brain assesses "threat". Before anyone goes posting "yeah but they still pull out in front of buses, 18 wheelers yada yada" yeah I know but "cop" wakes up a few synapses so maybe "bike vs jappa car door results in mangled me" might do same. Worth a shot.

12th June 2007, 16:50
Next gory ad campagain should show results of bike into car drivers door. They reckon it doesn't happen to bike cops near as much because the primitive brain assesses "threat". Before anyone goes posting "yeah but they still pull out in front of buses, 18 wheelers yada yada" yeah I know but "cop" wakes up a few synapses so maybe "bike vs jappa car door results in mangled me" might do same. Worth a shot.

Anything's worth a shot

12th June 2007, 16:55
While I doubt it'll ever happen......making it illegal to own/drive a car until you're 18. You can own/ride a motorcycle from the age of 15.
After three years as a motorcyclist.....I'm sure when you finally get behind the wheel of a car you'll have a far greater appreciation of what 'road safety' is all about!

I believe this is still the way they do things in Japan.

12th June 2007, 17:20
While I doubt it'll ever happen......making it illegal to own/drive a car until you're 18. You can own/ride a motorcycle from the age of 15.
After three years as a motorcyclist.....I'm sure when you finally get behind the wheel of a car you'll have a far greater appreciation of what 'road safety' is all about!

I believe this is still the way they do things in Japan.

At least some sort of m/c course to add the car license testing? Be interesting to see if anyone knows the Japanese rules......

12th June 2007, 17:23
At least some sort of m/c course to add the car license testing? Be interesting to see if anyone knows the Japanese rules......

Well there's no better way to teach people to look PROPERLY for motorcyclists than making them one.

12th June 2007, 18:12
While I doubt it'll ever happen......making it illegal to own/drive a car until you're 18. You can own/ride a motorcycle from the age of 15.
After three years as a motorcyclist.....I'm sure when you finally get behind the wheel of a car you'll have a far greater appreciation of what 'road safety' is all about!

I believe this is still the way they do things in Japan.

That's a bloody brilliant idea. Perhaps the only possible improvement to that would be to make sure everyone has a smallish accident during that time. I know this is impossible, I'm just saying because I've had a couple of get-offs where I was lucky to come through without injury, but the mental effect of these has lasted for much much longer. My wife rides too and is noticeably more frisky than I am, and I just know it's because she has not had any close encounters with the back of a taxi yet.

As far as I know it has never been done like that in Japan.

12th June 2007, 18:31
That's a bloody brilliant idea. Perhaps the only possible improvement to that would be to make sure everyone has a smallish accident during that time. I know this is impossible, I'm just saying because I've had a couple of get-offs where I was lucky to come through without injury, but the mental effect of these has lasted for much much longer. My wife rides too and is noticeably more frisky than I am, and I just know it's because she has not had any close encounters with the back of a taxi yet.

As far as I know it has never been done like that in Japan.

It's been done here though; on Auckland's North Shore, out at Castlepoint on the Wairarapa coast and also in downtown Wellington. It DOES sharpen the senses.