View Full Version : When you...

26th June 2007, 17:28
...remove the petty disagreements, we are all a wonderful bunch of people here.
We have just had the pleasure and privilege of having 2much and his lovely lady to stay for a couple of days. To say nothing of having canarlee here for 6 weeks or so. hXc is the recipient of an extremely generous donation to kick off his AFS fund. We have met some top people as a result of KB. And been places and done things that we'd wouldn't have imagined 3 years ago. We have been on the receiving end of assistance above and beyond the call of duty. And through our association with KB, will no doubt be able to do the same for others. We all rallied around to help Sarge with his recent troubles. We have found places to live and jobs for others. We got action for Frosty. And we never forget our fallen friends.
Does anyone think that the level of support and camaraderie here be found anywhere else but amongst bikers?
KBers rock!:yes:

26th June 2007, 17:40
F'n A!

Yes yes and yes. For every one things commented on in public there are probably 10 that just happen behind the scenes. There are some good bastards on here - and some brilliant ones.

I love it personally. Ab-so-f'en-lutely love it.

I'm still not sure what to make of it, but there are aspects of this community that transcend personal political alliances and beliefs... all manner of stuff. Two that come to mind:

Zed and Sixpack. Who could ever forget the God Almighty punchups that happened online... the abuse and venom that was flying was incredible - till the day they rode together. It all changed - they spoke, face to face, man to man and they're both really good bastards. They now know their differences, and I'll bet they're happy to cross paths - if it still happens (Zed signed off from KB a while back for those that didn't know him)

The other is Lias and I. Hell we'll still spit tacks at each other on some topics but the day we actually met at FROSTY's place there was something in common that - just put those differences aside for the day. He (Lias) rode up from Hamilton to help at a working bee... that committment made me stop and rethink a few bad things I had reserved for him.

There is a shitload of support in here. I love it. Absolutely love it.

26th June 2007, 17:42
Bloody huggie feelies. No wonder I live in the South


Nah, you guys are OK. Except MDUin a small enclosed room :p

26th June 2007, 17:44
The petty disagreements are a part of belonging to a family I guess, and that is what I believe KB is.

I have been lucky enough to meet quite a few KBers face to face, and have made some wonderful life long friends. I have also developed great online friendships here with people I know that I will meet one day.

I love the security of being a member of KB. I know that if we ever get stuck somewhere, all we have to do is ask and someone will come and bail us out. Likewise we are always here to provide a rest stop, bed, coffee or whatever to anyone passing by, the mechanics we leave to others......LOL.

I totally agree KBers rock indeed!

26th June 2007, 17:44
Nicely said MSTRS.

As I think someone said elsewhere on the site, it's amazing that people from all walks of life, with hugely different values, ages, looks, social backgrounds, incomes, education levels, infact hugely different 'anything' that we tend to instantly judge each other on in day to day life . . . that all that can be put aside in the name of motorcycling and mateship is pretty special.

And like you say, the tiffs and tizzies seem to be pretty minor. I still get the feeling that if a person "warring" on this site were to come across his or her "rival" in trouble on the side of the road they would stop to help without question.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy . . .:grouphug:

26th June 2007, 17:47
... stop to help without question...

That's what I'm talking about.

26th June 2007, 18:02
Isn't it interesting that I know nearly all of the people (sorry Janno haven't met you yet) who've responded to this thread and can say without a word of a lie that you're all good friends of mine and I'm really very thankful to have made you're acquaintance. There are a few others here who I can say the same about and I wouldn't have it any other way...

26th June 2007, 18:20
All good, butya know f*ck all about cycling......:yes:

26th June 2007, 18:49
Exactly what I was getting at on this blog http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=9500&entry=170

It is impressive how KB'ers are there for each other, even when they have never met before.

James Deuce
26th June 2007, 18:53
There's a lot of talkers and very few "doers."

I'm thankful for the friends I've made through this site, but of late largely find KB an unpleasant and unfriendly place.

26th June 2007, 18:54
Bloody hell, with the post counts some of you have, it's no wonder you know each other almost intimately... :Pokey:

Except, Sniper, we don't want to know about you and your MDU fantasies...

I'll admit though, I miss some of the old shit stirrers that aren't here any more. They made the site a lot less serious and humourous than it is now.

26th June 2007, 18:54
I havent met a bad KBer yet, and even respect the peeps I've "locked horns" with over my time on here. Its a pleasure to have found the joint and if I can leave you all with a message that I hope you'll remember when you see my messages on here it: "Sorry, I'm not really a cunt" :drool:

26th June 2007, 19:12
Well put Mstrs .. we have also been on the receiving end ... having Deviant, inline4 and the huge Zukin ride for life crew ... and loads of sharing of foods and rides ... exactly like my family works!

26th June 2007, 19:23
There's a lot of talkers and very few "doers."

I'm thankful for the friends I've made through this site, but of late largely find KB an unpleasant and unfriendly place.

Jim the problem is you aren't coming on the rides, the lunches or mixing with us - we still luv ya, just don't see you any more, so if you want to sit on your computer and get all bitter and keep putting threads into PD for some false sense of pleasure we can't help you. Come out with us again and you will find the nice people and the fun still exists along with heaps of friendliness. We had a fantastic ride on Sunday - Welly, 'rapa and Ashhurst crews involved.

26th June 2007, 19:25
Mstrs all good with me. I enjoyed meeting you guys at the BBQ at your place last year and seeing you down in Kapiti this year. Without this forum many friendships would not have been made.

26th June 2007, 19:34
A lot of people do quite a bit behind the scenes and don't post about it nor get posted about too so as well as many of the good deeds and favours we hear about there are loads that go unsung - which is as it should be.

the only true Charity is that which is cloaked in anonymity.

MSTRS - you're a gem of a bloke anyway and only see the best in the rest of us!

See y'all soon!

26th June 2007, 19:38
Mstrs all good with me. I enjoyed meeting you guys at the BBQ at your place last year and seeing you down in Kapiti this year. Without this forum many friendships would not have been made.

I would have to agree with you. I moved to a new town and got a little down about leaving my family and friends, only to find the Kbers up here and I'm very very thankful for it. They have made me feel very welcome and one of the group even though I didn't ride. Someone is always willing for me to be pillion and it inspired me to get my license now they are helping me to get on the road. Not only that I have a Kber fixing my bike and he didn't know me from a bar of soap but still willing to help and now I would consider him a great friend.

I have also had the pleasure of going up north and meeting new kbers in Auckland, slightly further up north and Tauranga and AlWAYS felt like I have known them for years. I have never been in that situation before and loving every moment of it.

26th June 2007, 19:42
So whoever invented the internet deserves a DB then.

James Deuce
26th June 2007, 19:44
so if you want to sit on your computer and get all bitter and keep putting threads into PD for some false sense of pleasure we can't help you.

I've never put a thread in PD. I rest my case. Very unfriendly.

26th June 2007, 19:46
I like Jim2. I don't have to suck up to anyone. He has been nice to me.

I like his bald spot!

26th June 2007, 19:48
I like Jim2. I don't have to suck up to anyone. He has been nice to me.

I like his bald spot!

And heres me thinking you are talking about MAHA:yes: :dodge:

26th June 2007, 19:50
Haha MAHA... No, I like MAHA's nipple!!

26th June 2007, 19:54
I've never put a thread in PD. I rest my case. Very unfriendly.
OK sorry if it wasn't you mate but when I commented on that the other day you piped up like you'd done it.

Come out with us again you won't find any of us unfriendly and I have no intention of bad mouthing anyone.

I'm here for the fun and the rides and just find the attempts at stifling the community the most unfriendly thing that is happening. If you can convince your fellow mods to lighten up I am sure it will lighten up.

26th June 2007, 19:55
There was an initial adjustment but I think it's fine now, Merv

James Deuce
26th June 2007, 19:55
Try and keep the thread on track. I made a comment that was valid for me and wasn't intended to drag the "the war" into the thread.

26th June 2007, 20:05
There's a lot of talkers and very few "doers."

I'm thankful for the friends I've made through this site, but of late largely find KB an unpleasant and unfriendly place.

Sad you feel like that mate! Not being privy to all that goes on I suppose I cant comment, I have never met you, but have appreciated your friendship in a couple of things.

"Sorry, I'm not really a cunt" :drool:

No but you a bit ummmmmmmmm........lol............just kidding, you are a top bloke! rude but!

A lot of people do quite a bit behind the scenes ....
the only true Charity is that which is cloaked in anonymity.

Aint that the truth!

..... I have never been in that situation before and loving every moment of it.

And that my dear is what this place is all about!

Haha MAHA... No, I like MAHA's nipple!!

You can leave them nipples alone Mr Colapop, they are mine :love:

27th June 2007, 09:06
All good, butya know f*ck all about cycling......:yes:

I know all I need to know. And you ensure my opinion remains...
Stories of KBers helping each other would be nice. Names optional to protect the modest.

27th June 2007, 09:08
.... they are mine ...
Aint medical science marvellous - nipple donation/transplant between the sexes is now a reality....

27th June 2007, 09:53
The other is Lias and I. Hell we'll still spit tacks at each other on some topics but the day we actually met at FROSTY's place there was something in common that - just put those differences aside for the day. He (Lias) rode up from Hamilton to help at a working bee... that committment made me stop and rethink a few bad things I had reserved for him.

There is a shitload of support in here. I love it. Absolutely love it.

<3 you too ya dirty commie *grin*

27th June 2007, 10:45
The real KB experience isnt being online its meeting these people on rides or events. Thats when I get a true measure of who these people are. Ive had so much fun and laughs on rides and am always blown away with the support I get and others get. Most of time I cant remember their KB names though, and I am pretty shy on these rides to introduce myself.

I also have online friends who have helped me out as well... and hopefully will get to meet them (maybe at the Rapa Rumble in March! ;)).

Its been a pretty crappy last couple of months for me, but I have always had someone from KB to talk to.

If Uncle B hadnt told me to get a bike with in a certain time to enjoy summer riding I wouldnt had. If people like Skelstar, Ronin, Kinje, Elle, buckbuck, Mrs KD, and loads and loads of others.. hadnt helped me with my riding, or support, or just a laugh, I probably would still be riding around Masterton not venturing out of the town. I have had numerous positive supportive pms, reps, posts, txts from people... (friends) that just make my day. All this way over shadows the bitching that goes on on KB!

27th June 2007, 10:45
<3 you too ya dirty commie *grin*

LOL piss off - we're meant to be at each others throats (somewhere other than here though).

Re Joni's comment - walking in the shoes of another is the only way you'll ever understand them. The abuse of the mods is like the abuse of the Police and judiciary. They're following the rules, setting the tone of the place - but just doing a job.

If you don't like it... leave! Honestly... leave. If the cons outweight the pros then it's costing you too much. This ain't the hotel california believe it or not. That all being said - there's a good reason MSTRS started this thread.

Read post 1 again if you're in doubt.

27th June 2007, 11:12
. And we never forget our fallen friends.
Does anyone think that the level of support and camaraderie here be found anywhere else but amongst bikers?

There are so many on here that i would like to say what they mean to me. If the day comes that any of them are no longer with us...well its to bloody late then isnt it? I never knew the KBers that died last year, not even as an online persona, and that is why i chose not attend the funerals. When someone dies, then things are said that should have been said while that person is living. Anne and i have made some pretty awesome friendships happen both on and off KB, and we treasure those friendships.

27th June 2007, 11:27
Even as a newcomer, I have been able to experience the awesome feel of this place.
I haven't met anyone yet, but soon hope to remedy to this, as so many of you are just bloody awesome people.:yes:
Most have made me laugh, some I have cried for sharing in their stories of tough times, and some I just enjoy talking to about all sorts of things.
I have tried to "give back" as much as possible, be it by advice (if requested) or encouragements...or just being there for someone who needs it.

And hell, yeah, I'd like to give more and make sure I preserve what I get from this site.

Litle does it matter to me what anyone looks like, lives like... I've got a pretty sick sense of humour and like to push the envelope but so far, everyone has been pretty accepting, so THANK YOU all!

I just really love this place...Long Live KB:love: :love:

27th June 2007, 11:31
MSTRS asked to hear about nice things KBers have done.

I am coming back to New Plymouth mid August after over 16 years away, the last three years being in Aus.

My marriage of eight years is ending, my kidney transplant of 12 years is ending, I have to go back to a place I couldn't wait to leave because I am now too sick to earn a full time wage and support myself, so at the age of 36 my family are having to help me to survive. This is not good for one's equilibrium!

But it took just one post on KB to get a truely fantastic offer of help from a certain someone in shipping - which has saved me over $1k in getting the bike and gear back home. Plus said someone has made the whole process so much easier.

And I've been slowly but surely getting in contact with the local KBers via PM, so when I get back to NP I'll have people to visit and ride out with.

Also getting lots of help and inside info on how to survive the Cold Kiwi, including the offer of a tent being supplied for me.

Which already is making a potential nightmare much more bearable, and might even be fun!

If I didn't have access to this ready made support network, the next few months would be pretty bleak indeed.

If you've ever had to call on the support of others here, sometimes people you haven't even met, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. :yes:

27th June 2007, 14:08
And heres me thinking you are talking about MAHA:yes: :dodge:

My Baldness is way past being a spot....:yes:

Haha MAHA... No, I like MAHA's nipple!!

No need to squeeze so tight tho'...juice will not come out....:sick:

27th June 2007, 14:12
You could liken it to a business. You have a CEO, a board, workers and customers. Yup the CEO and board are steering the show but frustrated customers do tend to talk with their feet. Managers need to realise that without the customers they will have nothing to manage. Market forces will depict.

I too have met and continue to socialise with some awesome people here and enjoy my time online, however I have noticed/felt a lot of tension online of which I plant squarely on the recent online leadership changes. I'm almost scared to post now as I may be criticised for my spelling and Grammar and feel that the current leadership is being a bit over zealous with some of the moderation issues. The offline (meat space) is just fine, it's the online bit (the meeting point) that seems to be changing.

27th June 2007, 14:13
My Baldness is way past being a spot....:yes:

I've got a spot of hair you can have.

27th June 2007, 19:23
Well, I'm not biased either way.

I do think that being on here is supposed to be for fun. But the fun may have been taken out for those that have had to start 'working' here.

Like most things, when the emphasis of the activity changes from fun, to something more responsible, it becomes less appealing... So, where I can totally disregard anything anyone says, the mods actually have to action them, in one form or another.

So, like a duck on a pond, everything on the surface seems peaceful and quiet but underneath, it's all activity and chaos...

Thanks to all the mods for their effort.

Me, I'll just carry on in ignorant bliss, help if/where I can on some occasions and stir on others...

27th June 2007, 20:40
I think everyone should try and make it to the Rapa Rumble in March that me and Colapop are organising....... Plugging plugging Notification of date and place will be up shortly... and we can all meet over a beer or two... people can meet face to face, no internet for the whole weekend! Whoot (thats a word right) !?!?!

But yea I agree McJim... shame this thread has disintergrated, but a great idea to start it anyway MSTRS :yes:

27th June 2007, 21:07
good idea lissa .. if it was anything like the Turangi weekend which was fab .. great to put faces to names & an awesome time was had by one & all

getting the thread back on topic .. I always like to tell ppl that bikers are another breed of person all together .. I have met some real genuine fantastic ppl who have become great freinds .. On & off bikes/website etc ..

ppl have willingly given up there time to help me get a bike on the road, passed on their advice & wisdom while i have been out riding, Helped move house, given advise on gear etc

the comardarie & friendships on the rides is great .. all ppl of all ages, & walks of life getting together & the common bond of bikes binding everyone together ..

blardy fantastic .. :yes:

28th June 2007, 06:45
I do think this is a powerful medium we use daily, and one that does have the petty inconsequential facade, but deeper down, where it matters, are strong friendships, and motorbikes, 2 of lifes "must haves".

Good on you people.

28th June 2007, 07:08
I think everyone should try and make it to the Rapa Rumble in March that me and Colapop are organising....... :yes:

I'll be there!! with bells on too if requested . . .

I agree that people should make the effort to meet each other. Perhaps that will cut down a lot of the petty squabbling.

Like others have said before, you don't have to look at the site if you really can't stomach the moderation that goes on. Vote with your feet. Or fingers, as the case maybe . . . :innocent:

I'm just really looking forward to meeting people and putting faces to names.