View Full Version : Dom at Rnd 6 AMA Superbikes

4th July 2007, 05:39
Hey all

Well since the last round of the AMA Superbike Championship at the start of June, life has been pretty hard. Seeing my reliable transport die a slow painful death in Wisconsin, I was left stranded with my mate in the pit of society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This place made Invercargill feel like heaven and smell abit better too. But after 2 weeks of studying Rambo, Rocky and Bruce Lee trilogy's, times were a changing and off we left for the nice dry air of Utah.

Well it ended up that I was back on the old Suzuki for the Utah round of the AMA Superbike championship at Miller Motorsport Park. Life over here is like a T.V. show and the way this team is rolling keeps the trend intact for the minute. So the team had took a split and each owner decided to go their separate ways. Suck thing is they decided this two days before the truck left for the track and the side of the team that I ended up with got the two unprepared bikes with the split. So, luckily the woodshed had took good care of the bike and all was go.

Friday ended up o.k. I was struggling abit getting use to the battletank again which was quite a wee way off the animal Honda which had been carrying me around the track of late. By Saturday morning, I had ended up 23rd on the grid bringing along some little niggles with me into the race. Saturdays race went o.k. as I picked off a couple of people and worked my way into 15th by the end of the race. My issues from earlier in the weekend were still an issue with a rear end that wanted to chatter on the tip in until the apex causing some interesting moments.

Sunday brought more nice weather like the day before and the day before that. Nice and dry with temperatures in the mid 90's (33C) and a light breeze. Sunday morning in warmup, I came back out of the pits after trying some stuff and down I went like a drunk sailor on the Titanic. In the end I had turned in alittle tight and clipped my footpeg on the curd causing the front to unload. After getting out dust cloud and watching my bike untimely fall to bits in front of me, I realised that maybe I'm just not a June kind of guy. Well, it ended up that my mate who I had been hanging out with for the last two weeks had his Suzuki hanging around so after alittle arm twisting and what not, he said "Yeah, why not. Whats the worst you can do". So for the race on Sunday, I rock up to the grid on my mates semi stock bike which now in turn made mine look like an animal. Oh, how the times were changing. I took it easy off the start and slowly settled into the race passing a few here and there over the 21 laps. On the 2nd to last lap, I had worked my way up to 17th and with 16th right in front, I tipped it into a 2nd gear left hander. Around came the rear, caught and after a short career in space travel, I landed on my nice padded ass sliding off into my new home, the sandpit.

Well, crashing seems to be becoming a bit of a hobby of mine lately and hopefully that hobby soon comes to an end. I even crashed the other day going for a walk. So with abit of a break racing until the Moto GP round at Laguna Seca later this month, abit of time out sounds good, and with the hot weather out here in San Diego, anything other than hanging out in the pool sounds out of the question.

Well better scoot.

4th July 2007, 08:32
Shit Dom,if you didnt have bad luck,you would have no luck at all!!
Keep your chin up & go better at Leguna

4th July 2007, 12:40
ha, i bet you at posting your own post!

you racing at laguna?

4th July 2007, 16:22
ha, i bet you at posting your own post!

you racing at laguna?

for sure oldman

4th July 2007, 16:25
Crasherfromwayback will be at Laguna waiving the Kiwi flag to support you Dom!


4th July 2007, 16:35
Hey Dom, How was the mates face when you rolled back into the pits on the back of the truck......?
Bad luck with your close up track testing, but as you know - falling off it seems to happen in small clusters sometimes. Still gotta be pleased with where you are running (considering the machinery) at that level though ?
Was the friends bike still chattering the rear into the corners ? , I had a slipper clutch playing up on me once that exhibited that trait.
Cheers & Go hard
Glen Williams :rockon:

4th July 2007, 18:09
Sorry to hear about the crashes, good luck for Laguna:yes:

4th July 2007, 18:47
Hey Dom, How was the mates face when you rolled back into the pits on the back of the truck......?

Yeah thats what I want to know! Good writeup, shame the story wasn't more cheerful and positive, but that time will come I'm sure

4th July 2007, 19:06
Hey at least you over there doing it....nice one mate

Say g'day to Rossi for me at Laguna :D

5th July 2007, 00:42
awesome stuff Dom!!! I wish we got TV coverage over here to see the racin!!!

5th July 2007, 07:02
hey... you must have watch me from my younger days ... all that crashing..

hope things turn out better soon!!!

i would ditch the suzuki's though.... shit too late , you already did...:Punk:

phone up Mr Buell... tell him "AJ said that you (mr buell) had a bike for you.....:innocent:"

5th July 2007, 07:12
hey... you must have watch me from my younger days ... all that crashing..

hope things turn out better soon!!!

i would ditch the suzuki's though.... shit too late , you already did...:Punk:

phone up Mr Buell... tell him "AJ said that you (mr buell) had a bike for you.....:innocent:"

nah mate too much power there in the Buell... :dodge:

On ya Dom, keep up with the posts, and forget this crashing shit, it aint a good look... :Punk:

5th July 2007, 07:19
Great report and thanks a lot for keeping us all in the loop with your highs and lows. Good luck. I am sure you will get another break with an established team.

5th July 2007, 07:32
Good effort man, Laguna Seca looks like such an awesome track.
You should brand yourself as a national team, the government might give you $44 million then