View Full Version : Bloody trucks

10th July 2007, 13:42
Earlier today, a truck came up my street and dumped diesel the whole length of the road. Due to the number of cars that park on the road, it's impossible to stay clear of it as the rain earlier has spread it across the whole width of the road.
As I live at the top of a hill and the only way out of the estate is down, it's going to make it interesting to say the least.

10th July 2007, 13:47
I say BAN ALL TRUCKS and make them break large loads into very small bits, and make them carry it on motorcycles.

But seriously. How do ya get rid of that much diesel? I guess squirting detergent on it would just make it slipperier.

10th July 2007, 13:51
Good luck with that. Can you report it as a traffic /polution/ health/ fire hazard and get it cleaned up?

Going home after work last night I saw quite a bit of diesel on the main road near home (three gas stations in the vicinity). After dinner I had to go to a meeting and was a bit worried about the diesel being there and not being able to see it.

Going out tonight too. Hmmmm

10th July 2007, 13:54
Report it to the police. Emphasise that it is a danger to motorcyclists etc and you would like it cleaned up.

Dave Lobster
10th July 2007, 13:55
Isn't it illegal to dump fuel on the road?

Make the f*ckers clean it up with their tongues.

10th July 2007, 13:56
Better still ring the council actionline and report it.

10th July 2007, 14:05
Better still ring the council actionline and report it.

That will at least get some action going, police have no power to do anything on this one, other than warn motorists of the danger, and a radio station would do that better.

10th July 2007, 14:10
And while you're waiting for them to mop it up, ride your bike down the footpath to avoid it :innocent:

10th July 2007, 14:24
Or you could impress your neighbours by heading down there and smokin up your back wheel some.

10th July 2007, 20:05
Its all to common for truck drivers to forget to put the caps on when they fill up, seen it happen lots of times. A better system has to be made that stops trucks from leavng the caps off, or make tanks that dont spill it if the caps left off.

10th July 2007, 20:07
OMG they tried to kill Kenny!!

10th July 2007, 20:19
Its all to common for truck drivers to forget to put the caps on when they fill up, seen it happen lots of times. A better system has to be made that stops trucks from leavng the caps off, or make tanks that dont spill it if the caps left off.

some truckies are just plain thick! we get a few diesel vehicles at work... mainly light trucks, but we get the occasional big sucker as well. at least once a shift a diesel user will over fill and flood the forecourt. most trucks have their caps held onto the tank by a short chain... but that only means it wont get left behind!

most we can do is break out the hose, and hold up 3 pumps for a few hours. makes it treacherous for anybody else to walk on... diesel sticks to shoes, and can make you slip days later if its wet. i nearly skated down a local hill one day... walking downhill, in the wet with my work shoes on.

id get the fire service out if its that big... cops wont be able to do much, and council likely wont give a rats.

Disco Dan
10th July 2007, 20:29
all the way along don buck road... don buck hill and the round about at the bottom - covered in oil/diesel -