View Full Version : What's your poison?

15th July 2007, 00:17
I've had a couple of weeks where there's been little time to quaff vast kwon-titties of alcohol. Therefore I've had a clear head (a rarity, I know) and a chance to consider just what it is that turns my crystal-clear vision of life into a blurry, alcohol-fuzzed, myopic, abstract smudge.

I like drinking bourbon, lots of it, when I have the time. Lately, that's been hard to find but I wonder; when you have the time/inclination, what is that you drink?

15th July 2007, 00:20
I adore Jack Daniels, or if beers are the order of the day... I do drink Speights but..

15th July 2007, 00:21
Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort, usually with coke, unless I'm in a really foul mood.

15th July 2007, 00:31
Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort, usually with coke, unless I'm in a really foul mood.

....and then what?

15th July 2007, 00:37
INTERESTING. suject..its not wot u drink ..but how much u drink..i drink like a fish,on;y beer,,why is it women dont like it.so how much does everyone drink??

15th July 2007, 00:48
INTERESTING. suject..its not wot u drink ..but how much u drink..i drink like a fish,on;y beer,,why is it women dont like it.so how much does everyone drink??

Ok, when I'm not TOO busy I'll down about two magnums of Jim Beam a week, more or less. they're 1.75l each, so that's an average of 3.5l of Jim every seven days and I hardly get drunk.

When my kids are here, or I'm riding lots, it's less. When I'm stuck in front of the monitor it's more, but you have an average.

A while back I stopped drinking beer and lost 7kgs.

My lady doesn't care how much I drink, neither do my kids. I never abuse them so it's all good, I'm a happy drunk and settle in before I start; meaning.....no DIC so there's a role thing there. Party hard, but party safe.

15th July 2007, 00:50
....and then what?

And then I drink it neat, no coke.

15th July 2007, 00:56
James B does me nicely :drinkup: had plenty of arguments with a bottle of Jimmy :shutup:

Though as a preference Jim Beam Green Label (BEAM"S CHOICE) is :Punk: When you can find the stuff :msn-wink:

15th July 2007, 00:57
And then I drink it neat, no coke.

......and your head goes West?

15th July 2007, 00:57
Speights Old Dark if we're talking beer. Black Mac if O/D isn't available.
Any bourbon as long as it ain't Jim Beam or any of the other cheapie drained-out-of-old-car-battery shit. None of the RTDs
Picked up a litre of Gentleman Jack, and two of 101 proof Wild Turkey in duty free the other day. currently sampling one of the turkeys. It's as good as I remembered it was, but I may need to check on that. A number of times.

15th July 2007, 00:58
Scotch. On the rocks.

15th July 2007, 00:58
James B does me nicely :drinkup: had plenty of arguments with a bottle of Jimmy :shutup:

Though as a preference Jim Beam Green Label (BEAM"S CHOICE) is :Punk: When you can find the stuff :msn-wink:

My fave has to be JB black, we always bring some in after a trip to the Winternationals in Oz.

Brian d marge
15th July 2007, 00:59
bourbon . its vile stuff ... you can buy single malt Scottish/Irish wiskey for 40 bucks here ,,,

is there nothing finer than dirt cheap quality alcohol ( drinking Merlot at the mo ,,,)


15th July 2007, 02:36
Whiskey, gingerale, lemon. Ice. Glass, tall.

Fat Tony
15th July 2007, 07:01
Sambuca... Cheers all :)

15th July 2007, 07:22
V......I don't need alcohol and when out I drink Coke so my stomach will rot instead........

15th July 2007, 08:32
Hrdly ever drink, 3 beers at the most in an evening for me, doesnt matter what they are. Just no Ranfurly Rhineck or any others that cost $1 a can. Real booze, like 42 below, Johny Walker Green label (got a Black Label awaiting sampling when I feel like it) and Jamesons irish whisky. One time I found a still sealed bottle of Glenfiddich Special Reserve on the beach at my mums. That went down well.

15th July 2007, 09:08
Bourbon - Jim Beam
Gin - I think it's all pretty similar but I drink 'Greenalls' for preference simply because it was distilled in the home town of my ancestors
Rum - 'Mount Gay' or 'Appleton Estate'
Beer - Monteiths Original
Wine - 'Main Divide' reisling, 'Te Whare Ra' gewurtzraminer

15th July 2007, 11:13
See Drums reply.

I will also do a nice Cab Merl from time to time.

15th July 2007, 11:26
Lindauer for me. But due to allergies I can only drink vodka. So it is vodka, lime, soda water and sugar syrup. It is rather horrible actually. So these days I tend to drink Lindy and just hurt for a week after, but I figure Lindy is worth it.
My job entails checking Lion Nathan stock in liquor stores, there are quite a few that I would like to try (and I always smile when I see Macleay Duff in the stores!)

15th July 2007, 11:42
what is that you drink?

Anything sweet and sticky - Baileys is a top fave!

Lamb's Navy Rum and coke always goes down well too tho - as does Cognac and coke (definitely still the sweet thing tho!).

But of course, nothing at the mo until January....*sigh*

15th July 2007, 11:57
Mmmmm...Jamieson's (aka: Mother's milk) with half apple juice, and half lemonade...It's called a Jamieson cider.
Discovered it at The Big Boys Toys last year. They were giving away shot size samples, and I got almost trollied just standing there, gobbling sample after sample:woohoo::2thumbsup:drinknsin

Can't drink as much as I used to, but in the good ol'days of me youth...straight shots of Pepper vodka was abit of fun!:innocent:

15th July 2007, 13:04
Yep, Jamiesons is definitly good, like my spirits neat or with a little ice though.

Mental Trousers
15th July 2007, 13:21
42 Below or $15-20 bottles of Sav Blanc if I want to have a good night.
Beers if I'm just having a few quiet ones.

15th July 2007, 13:23
Barrel #51 at the moment. Stronger stuff when I can afford it, which is rare.

15th July 2007, 14:23
Whiskey, gingerale, lemon. Ice. Glass, tall.

Noooooooooooo!! Gahh! Thud.

15th July 2007, 14:41
Gasp! Gasp! Spasm. Thud.

15th July 2007, 15:03
Beer (if I'm paying): Sassy Red, Brewjolais (when it's available) or Budva
Beer (if work's paying): Duval, Chimay, Hoegaarden
Beer (If I just want to get pissed): Tui, DB, not speights.

15th July 2007, 15:17
Spirit of choice = Balentines scotch
Wine of choice = Penfolds bin 28 Kalimna shiraz
Beer of choice = Corona
Liquer of choice= Drambuie

15th July 2007, 15:18
Noooooooooooo!! Gahh! Thud.

Civilisation is a gradual process, old bean. Be grateful for small mercies.

tri boy
15th July 2007, 15:54
Dark spirit: Most Bourbons,(Favourite....Makers Mark)
Clear: Stoli Vodka with soda water over rocks.:love:
Makes me strong and cleverererer......:drinknsin

15th July 2007, 16:10

15th July 2007, 16:38
G&T, so long as it's Bombay Sapphire and Schweppes. About two parts tonic to one part gin. Plenty of ice. Lemon optional, but have been known to chuck it in if someone's left hacked-up fruit lying around.

Wine gives me a headache these days and too much beer makes me queasy. Can't get properly drunk on beer, anyway.

I shan't mention Scotch whisky. Appreciation of the water of life should not be sullied by association with mere boozing.

15th July 2007, 16:41
Fighting Cock. :yes:

15th July 2007, 16:59
Fighting Cock. :yes:

What the hell is " fighting cock " ?

Other than something I do after consuming too much rum.

15th July 2007, 16:59
Good old woodstock,cheap as chips at $22 for 12 440s......havent had a beer for ages.

15th July 2007, 17:12
Grey Goose vodka and tonic. 1 part vodka to 1 part tonic. Four ice cubes. A goodly squirt of lime juice and a dash of bitters.

Or any one of twenty different English beers, served at the pre-requisite 12 degrees or thereabouts. Theakston's Best, Adnam's Best, Black Sheep Ale, Marston's Old Speckled Hen or Shepherd Neame's Spitfire, by preference.

15th July 2007, 17:28
What the hell is " fighting cock " ?
My poison.
If I cant get Fighting Cock, any other Bourbon will do.
Don't do whine or beer.
I used to quite enjoy Galiano until I heard what Grahameboy gets up with a long liquor bottle....:sick: Now I have the mental image etched into my brain forever.:sick:

15th July 2007, 17:42
Beer= most
Wine= most
Bourbon= most
Scotch= single malts preferred, Glenmorangie, Glenlivet, the Wallace, Laphraoig, and many others.
I also like to sample other liquers from different regions like Van Der Hum (RSA), very tasty.

15th July 2007, 17:43
My poison

Beer, in particular order - Heineken, Tui, Waikato:drinkup:

Spirits - Bourbun, mixed with L&P.:drinkup: and I wouldnt say no to a scotch or a golden rum

Also quite enjoy a Jagermeister, or Black Sambuca:drinkup:.

And on the other hand if your buying Ill have what ever your having:beer:

15th July 2007, 17:48
I also like to sample other liquers from different regions like Van Der Cum (RSA), very tasty.Are you related to Grahameboy

15th July 2007, 18:11
Are you related to Grahameboy

No.... why?

15th July 2007, 18:22
Beer - never

Bourbon - any and with coke. Hold the ice.
Whisky - prefer single malt, a nice Islay such as Bowmore or Argbeg will be fine, the 17yo Bowmore is just great.

15th July 2007, 18:26
double brown, a few needles and some smak. yea!

15th July 2007, 18:54
Good old woodstock,cheap as chips at $22 for 12 440s......havent had a beer for ages.

How many headaches have you had tho?

15th July 2007, 19:04
How many headaches have you had tho? Part of the deal mate.

15th July 2007, 19:37
How many headaches have you had tho?
Headaches with Woodstock? Never knew that could happen...

15th July 2007, 22:14
BZP's a poison right?!

15th July 2007, 23:17
Bourbon in particular but most things in general. Just scored 2l of Makers Mark, THE best bourbon I have tasted.:yes:

15th July 2007, 23:42
(preferably with Stolly vodka)
Bloody Mary, vodka cranberry

Straight spirits:
Cognac: Courvoisier or preferably Remi Martin
Whisky: Balantines, Glenmorangie

Monteiths Celtic

Scrumpy style cider

St Estephe
Pouilly Fuisse

Mmmmmmmmm. Roll on next weekend....

16th July 2007, 02:15
Noooooooooooo!! Gahh! Thud.

I concur old bean - the world is full of uncivilised savages when it comes to the consumption of fine beverages..:yes:

But me? - anything that clouds my vision, improves my dancing skills, causes women to appear as paragons of beauty, makes my ankles weak and slurs my speech!!:rockon:

Laphroaigh is not a bad drop

Bundaberg Rum

Tequila (especailly the stuff with jalapenos in it - tops for cold weather)

Lashings of cheap Woodstock at rallies is the norm - as per 98tls mentioned.

16th July 2007, 06:58
just on the subjeat of drinking..iam at thr air port..trying to get to BKK..cops nobbled me yesterday and chucked me in the enaky just got out....have to wait 12 hrs for next flight....wont be drinking thia time....pack of basturds

The Pastor
16th July 2007, 13:39
captain morgans rum ftw.

mixed with priate beer ftfw (for the flavoursome win)

16th July 2007, 13:48
just on the subjeat of drinking..iam at thr air port..trying to get to BKK..cops nobbled me yesterday and chucked me in the enaky just got out....have to wait 12 hrs for next flight....wont be drinking thia time....pack of basturds

Are you sure it wasn't the Grammar Police?

16th July 2007, 13:56
I quite like the "fru-fru" drinks as my US mates call them.

Khalua and milk, Kahlua and schnappes ("slippery nipple" or "cock sucking cowboy" depending where you are in the world)... or beer if I'm in the mood to just drink.

A good white or red wine is hard to turn down too at the right time.

tri boy
16th July 2007, 14:42
double brown, a few needles and some smak. yea!

That will truly f**k you up.:shit:
Whats the recovery time?:scratch:

16th July 2007, 16:00
Beer - Nethergate, Spitfire, Sam Smiths when I'm up North. Sassy Red / Speights Pale Ales down here. Staropramen if I wanna get pissed and start a fight.

Wine - Syrah for preference, but if it's dry I'll probably drink it.

Spirits - Whisky (the big L or Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish), Armagnac if I've been drinking wine.

Is it beer o'clock yet?

16th July 2007, 19:23
That will truly f**k you up.:shit:
Whats the recovery time?:scratch:

well it all depends on weather you survive or not . cos quite frankly, the double brown will kill you.

16th July 2007, 19:35
St Estephe
Pouilly Fuisse

'Pouilly Fuisse'? That sounds like the noise my bum makes after a good curry... :sick:

16th July 2007, 19:55
When I get the time its Beer, beer and more beer. Sometimes I like a drop of Sambucka too. Wine is OK but spirits like whiskey, rum and the likes make me feel ill. Maybe it was a mis-spent youth?

16th July 2007, 20:21
ewww, Black Sambuca..... can't bear to drink it after a mate of mine power chucked over our flat toilet room, not the toilet, the entire room, black spew is not nice, especially when the spewee buggers off without saying he's redecorated your toilet and leaves you to find the mess later. We all went toilet at the neighbours for 2 days until a flatty came home one avo and needed a crap and the neighbours weren't home!! hehe, sucker! Anyway, Black Sambuca is yuk!:shutup:

16th July 2007, 20:25
'Pouilly Fuisse'? That sounds like the noise my bum makes after a good curry... :sick:

Actually - no shit, this winery makes another wine called a Pouilly Fume......

Mr. Peanut
16th July 2007, 20:39
Anything, preferably cold... I used to drink Guinness just to gross people out.

16th July 2007, 21:37
^Guiness is alright if you have one but I prefer Killkenny. Lot easier to drink but friggin expensive at $18 a 4 pack

16th July 2007, 22:33
One of the best beers I've ever tasted is Spitfire. It's imported so not alway available.

NZ beer gota be Hogs Head Dark. Hereford Bitter at the Dux is a nice drop too.

Top shelf. Always was a Gin freak but the wife likes the single malts so I tipple on them on occasion. Prefer the peaty malts.


16th July 2007, 22:54
Grey Goose vodka and tonic. 1 part vodka to 1 part tonic. Four ice cubes. A goodly squirt of lime juice and a dash of bitters.

Or any one of twenty different English beers, served at the pre-requisite 12 degrees or thereabouts. Theakston's Best, Adnam's Best, Black Sheep Ale, Marston's Old Speckled Hen or Shepherd Neame's Spitfire, by preference.

I got given red rep from ZRXer for this post, with the comment "what a ponce".

And this coming from a bloke who apparently likes drinking Drambuie and Corona :killingme

16th July 2007, 22:57
Appletons rum


16th July 2007, 23:32
One of the best beers I've ever tasted is Spitfire. It's imported so not alway available.

NZ beer gota be Hogs Head Dark. Hereford Bitter at the Dux is a nice drop too.

Top shelf. Always was a Gin freak but the wife likes the single malts so I tipple on them on occasion. Prefer the peaty malts.


Bishops Finger?

16th July 2007, 23:33
Headaches with Woodstock? Never knew that could happen...

You're kidding me, right?

16th July 2007, 23:36
That will truly f**k you up.:shit:
Whats the recovery time?:scratch:

Been there done that. Depends of the quality of the smack, usually a day or so, double brown doesn't really play too much of a part....

16th July 2007, 23:37
I'm glad I did this, funeeeee.

17th July 2007, 00:05
VP C14 Plus race gas

Wild Turkey or Old Grand Dad when i can find it

Budweiser on a hot day

17th July 2007, 03:48
I like a Single Malt Scotch. Nothing under 12 years old either! My favourate is a cheapie by White & Mackay known as "The Dalmore" 12 yr old. The serious stuff I drink when I can find it are:

1: The Balvenie 15 yr old "Single Barrel". (53% alc/vol)

2: The Lagavullin 16 yr old Islay. (lotsa peat)

3: The Macallan 18 yr old "vintage". (smooth and aged in sherry casks)

4: The Balvenie 12 yr old "Double Wood". (6 years in sherry casks, 6 years in new oak)

NOTE: Glenfiddich is made from the unwanted "leftovers" of the Balvenie range.

17th July 2007, 07:36
rum and bourbon these days, tho bourban gets me more drunk.

quite liking heaven hill bourbon, only ~$31 for a litre and it's pretty tasty, as for rum I usually drink Mt Gay for around ~$42 a litre

17th July 2007, 07:42
rum and bourbon these days, tho bourban gets me more drunk.

quite liking heaven hill bourbon, only ~$31 for a litre and it's pretty tasty, as for rum I usually drink Mt Gay for around ~$42 a litre

Punctuations ok. Just need to work on using capitals.

Me, I prefer a good bourbon....

17th July 2007, 08:57
NOTE: Glenfiddich is made from the unwanted "leftovers" of the Balvenie range.

Completely untrue. But I respect your preferred choices of malt. Add a Springbank and a selection of Glenmorangies and you are on the way to reasonable collection. Make sure your defences are secure to deter the ginger-ailers -- the scourge of the Serious Whisky Drinking Aficionado.

17th July 2007, 09:01
Make sure your defences are secure to deter the ginger-ailers -- the scourge of the Serious Whisky Drinking Aficionado.

That's why SWDA's always keep a bottle of Bells stashed at the back of the cupboard.....

17th July 2007, 09:04
That's why SWDA's always keep a bottle of Bells stashed at the back of the cupboard...

I keep a bottle of Johnnie Red on hand to patrol the ginger-ailing zone around my collection. Clearly SWDA's think alike.

17th July 2007, 10:31
... ginger-ailers -- the scourge of the Serious Whisky Drinking Aficionado.

I mixed ginger ale with Bowmore last night.

On ice.

I must get around to asking how it tasted...


17th July 2007, 10:36
I keep a bottle of Johnnie Red on hand to patrol the ginger-ailing zone around my collection. Clearly SWDA's think alike.

This SWADO simply does not stock ginger ale.

17th July 2007, 10:45
I mixed ginger ale with Bowmore last night.

On ice.

I must get around to asking how it tasted...

One hopes that an outcome of this unforgivable vandalism was unimaginable pleasure. Please buy a bottle of Johnnie Red to mitigate future disasters, even if you have to empty it into a Bowmore bottle to complete the illusion. I'm sure the recipient will be none the wiser.

17th July 2007, 11:35
Are you sure it wasn't the Grammar Police?

just bad luck.i hadent drank that much.just the cops had it in for me.piss me off..nevermind iam here.even it it did take me 3 days.heading for chang mai to-day....bike report coming up...cant wait

17th July 2007, 11:40
just bad luck.i hadent drank that much.just the cops had it in for me.piss me off..

Some people must have a certain 'aura' about them that makes the cops 'have it in for me'.

Never had that problem.

Note to self: Do NOT get one of those 'auras' - EVER.

17th July 2007, 11:48
just arrived here..there are bikes everywhere..but just looking there is no respect for safety laws..peple are riding bikes in shorts.no helmets. and the the girls are sitting side sadle.havet seen an accident yet..but iam sure i will ..its going to messy..why dont these people put some gear on..at least a helmet.going to be an interesting trip.and here is me .geared up with a full set of leathers.to hot

17th July 2007, 11:53
But me? - anything that clouds my vision, improves my dancing skills, causes women to appear as paragons of beauty, makes my ankles weak and slurs my speech!!:rockon:

Sums it up really!

I'm suprised there are so many fussy fuckers here....I've never heard so many qualifications when it comes to how we choose to distort reality.

Just as any sex is good sex, any beer is good beer. My head is hopeless for hangovers so the thump-alert normally kicks in before the beer goggles get too firmly strapped on.

I like a rum of occasion and I've found the Jamaican's to be a bit smoother than the degreaser made over the Tasman...but if degreaser is all that's offer then I'll happily clean myself up.

Has anyone tried the legendary Absinthe? I've heard/read a lot about it over the years and it seems to be freely available now. I'm mildly curious but my Scottish genes are baulking at the price......

17th July 2007, 11:56

In order of preference:
Margaritas... mmmm Tequila!
Gin...any brand...
Jack Daniels
Johnny Walker
Wine- generally $15-$25 bottles... and lots of them, partial to white in summere and red in winter
Fav cocktail- baileys and midori aka a Quick fuck

17th July 2007, 12:21
Spirits - Bourbon & Rum, particularly Wild Turkey and Inner Circle

Beer - lager. Preferably Monteith's Golden, Heineken, Corona or, as of last week, Steinlager Pure. If I'm feeling flush I'll buy some Nastro Azzuro (Peroni) :love:

17th July 2007, 12:24
Makers Mark ... nuff said .. LOL

17th July 2007, 12:25
The Doctor told me I am not allowed alcohol..... not listening lalalalala!

17th July 2007, 12:32
just bad luck.i hadent drank that much.just the cops had it in for me.piss me off..nevermind iam here.even it it did take me 3 days.heading for chang mai to-day....bike report coming up...cant wait

It should have been the Grammar Police.

17th July 2007, 12:50
Has anyone tried the legendary Absinthe? I've heard/read a lot about it over the years and it seems to be freely available now. I'm mildly curious but my Scottish genes are baulking at the price......

Had a mate from France bring over a bottle of it a few years back.:drinknsin Really enjoyed it but it's something you take your time on, otherwise in the morning :brick::brick::brick:

17th July 2007, 12:53
Bikers beware: Absinthe makes the fart grow Honda.

17th July 2007, 12:54
Malty beers like Leffe Brun; red wine, preferably a good Shiraz; Jack Daniels straight-up; and Bushmills Irish whiskey....in that order.

17th July 2007, 18:27
Bikers beware: Absinthe makes the fart grow Honda.

My nephew works for a major grog company and threw me a bottle of that firewater a while back. Two slugs and my 17y/o was off her trolley....funny-as. I find it hard to keep down though; I've never puked on the stuff but my bod tells me it isn't good for me.

17th July 2007, 20:22
I'm suprised there are so many fussy fuckers here....I've never heard so many qualifications when it comes to how we choose to distort reality.

Just as any sex is good sex, any beer is good beer.

Wash your mouth out with Export Gold, it's all it's good for, although you may want to add soap to improve the flavour.

As one of the back labels of Sassy Red says: Quantity is a destination, quality is a journey.

17th July 2007, 22:05
<img src="http://www.dbbreweries.co.nz/assets/brands/brand_double.gif">



17th July 2007, 22:57
ewwwww double brown!!!!

however... Ranfurly in a can STILL tastes like brown... but in a glass.. not that bad... weirdly...