View Full Version : Poisoned by chewing gum

17th July 2007, 18:32
Just watched on the news that woman complaining that the Aspartame in sugar free gum almost killed her.

I know this isnt a new issue, it came out a couple of months ago but apparently shes stepping up her campaign to have it banned.

Come on, she was eating 4-8 packets of gum per day. The food safety council says you wont have a problem unless you drink 14 cans of sugar free drink per day, every day, for decades.

Anything is bad for you/can kill you if you take too much of it. Even water will kill you if you drink gallons of it.:sick:

17th July 2007, 18:38
well my though is stupid tart should stop eating so much chewing gum, and she shouldn't be eating it anyway, chew and then spit

she must of had some sorta nevious/mental disorder to chew that much alone.

Deviant Esq
17th July 2007, 18:40
Yep, saw that, thought she was a silly bint trying to make people listen to her little plight. I mean seriously, 8 packets of gum a day? It was probably her alone in the country who consumed that much of the stuff.

17th July 2007, 18:41
well my though is stupid tart should stop eating so much chewing gum, and she shouldn't be eating it anyway, chew and then spit

she must of had some sorta nevious/mental disorder to chew that much alone.

yeah i agree, or really bad breath hahaha

17th July 2007, 18:41
Too right. Aspartame is way less toxic than, oh, I dunno, ethanol.

For that matter, sugar itself does plenty of harm. Rotted teeth, obesity and type II diabetes, anyone?

All things in moderation, and if there's one truth that remains constant through the ages, it's that the majority of people are idiots.

17th July 2007, 18:42
well my though is stupid tart should stop eating so much chewing gum
she must of had some sorta nevious/mental disorder to chew that much alone.

That's beside the point. What is of interest is that all the doctors have agreed it was Aspartamine that poisoned her, and yet it's supposed to be "harmless".

Massive food companies say "harmless".
Doctors who looked at the case say "poison".

Sure you have to eat a lot of it to poison you, and maybe she was very sensitive or allergic to it, whatever, but we should know about the dangers. I didn't know. I would never eat that much anyway, but hey it's good to know.

17th July 2007, 18:44
I think she was poisoned by stupid. Now she's trying to poison us.

17th July 2007, 18:48
That's beside the point. What is of interest is that all the doctors have agreed it was Aspartamine that poisoned her, and yet it's supposed to be "harmless".

Massive food companies say "harmless".
Doctors who looked at the case say "poison".

Sure you have to eat a lot of it to poison you, and maybe she was very sensitive or allergic to it, whatever, but we should know about the dangers. I didn't know. I would never eat that much anyway, but hey it's good to know.

They say its harmless because they don;t expect people to eat that much gum... its even on the packs that too much consumption would have a laxative effect....can't be good for her bowels

17th July 2007, 18:53
The doctors can get fucked too. The pc cunts are just trying to cover their wet nappy, limp wristed, daddy-put-me-through-uni severely man humped arses. Probably. :mellow:

Another example of shit news taking up too much air time. But funny none the less. I think the biafran slut should stick to blowing cock but find another way of clearing her breath.

17th July 2007, 18:54
They say its harmless because they don;t expect people to eat that much gum...
Ach, I dunno. I guess I just distrust ANYTHING food companies say. When it comes to additives they are just like tobacco companies. "oh no, it's fine, enjoy, here, have another."

17th July 2007, 19:22
Aspartame is banned in Japan because of health concerns, and possibly some other countries, I can't quite remember.

In Japan all of their "diet" or no-sugar products are sweetened by stevia, a natural herb with no side effects. Which is darned good stuff, I might add. Tastes just fine and you can cook with it.

Sounds like the chewing gum lady has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder of the mouth.

What a shame it's to do with chewing . . . I'm sure some kind male could help her out if it was compulsive sucking.

17th July 2007, 19:35
Sounds like the chewing gum lady has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder of the mouth.

What a shame it's to do with chewing . . . I'm sure some kind male could help her out if it was compulsive sucking.

Chewings good....and I could sweeten it with Brentia (steves busy) :shifty:

Grumpy Gnomb
17th July 2007, 20:08
Gosh - im eating so many packets of gum and its making me sick. Who can I blame as its not my fault- Get a life

17th July 2007, 21:54
Aspartame!? She should get dihydrogen monoxide banned too! It's really dangerous... (http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html)

17th July 2007, 22:00
I know that chick! She goes to the gym I do. We call her abs.. she's a bit nutty... trains everyday and is about 40kgs... sure she's not fat but man who'd wanna cuddle up to that at night?? If you haven't seen her she's very slight. Good abs but not much else (at least not above the shoulders!!)

17th July 2007, 22:26
Yeah, you can tell she's a gym nut....or just a nut. Bound to be enjoying the exposure, and endless exercise of her entitlement

17th July 2007, 22:28
Aspartame is banned in Japan because of health concerns, and possibly some other countries, I can't quite remember.

In Japan all of their "diet" or no-sugar products are sweetened by stevia, a natural herb with no side effects. Which is darned good stuff, I might add. Tastes just fine and you can cook with it.

Good point janno. I wonder why they carry on using aspartame when there is such a great alternative. Maybe it's because you can grow stevia in your own garden so nobody's making any money out of it!

I didn't see the programme referred to (so I don't know aout this woman and her strangely obsessive chewing!) but I choose to avoid aspartame. Nasty stuff.

17th July 2007, 22:44
Aspartame!? She should get dihydrogen monoxide banned too! It's really dangerous... (http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html)
Shit dude! That stuff is fucking dangerous! I had no idea! Even tho it is mostly distributed to the public in it's watered down form, I can't believe I got suckered in to consuming so much at school and home etc. I hope it doesn't start a flood of law suits against parents and teachers/doctors etc! If ever there was a substance to be banned this is it! The purveyors should have their assets frozen immediately. I hate to rain on your parade but this serious, I didn't come down in the last shower so don't let your judgement be clouded, hail MacD for bringing this to our attention!

18th July 2007, 13:51
Another great example of "not my fault" at work. If she was eating 8 big mac's a day, would she be blaming McD's for making her fat?

She would? Oh, never mind, carry on.:wacko:

18th July 2007, 14:22
Come on, she was eating 4-8 packets of gum per day. The food safety council says you wont have a problem unless you drink 14 cans of sugar free drink per day, every day, for decades.

Everything in moderation... if you eat just carrots for a month you skin goes orange and you get sick

18th July 2007, 14:25
Everything in moderation... if you eat just carrots for a month you skin goes orange and you get sick

Yup. Just because it's natural doesn't mean you can take huge quantities. Too much garlic causes liver failure, and after all, hemlock is natural . . .

18th July 2007, 14:28
Phenylalanine = bad

18th July 2007, 15:28
Aritificial sweeteners and "diet" anything are the biggest con job out. Look at how many people eat all sorts of shit, then 'make it OK' by being careful to drink a can of Diet Chemicola. There must be summat addictive about aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, judging by how fast Coke Zero in the vending machine at work runs out...

I just stick to things I KNOW are addictive, like coffee, and chocolate, and beer, and sex... :innocent:

18th July 2007, 19:31
I know that chick! She goes to the gym I do. We call her abs.. she's a bit nutty... trains everyday and is about 40kgs... sure she's not fat but man who'd wanna cuddle up to that at night?? If you haven't seen her she's very slight. Good abs but not much else (at least not above the shoulders!!)

her name is abby and yea what the tv didnt show was how under weight she is. she trains like you wouldnt believe and doesnt eat a whole lot, not the healthiest lifestyle. i had to laugh when i saw this on tv and they would only show her neck up. shes a nice enough girl but unfortunately she seems to have 'issues'

19th July 2007, 19:44
Obsessive, attention-seeking, reactionary, brain-dead women will be the death of me. I have a list. Maybe I should change careers.

Street Gerbil
19th July 2007, 20:32
She's lucky she hasn't suffered the fate of another lady overindulging on chewing gum

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1AJ2Oh96CIE"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1AJ2Oh96CIE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

19th July 2007, 21:21
Aritificial sweeteners and "diet" anything are the biggest con job out. Look at how many people eat all sorts of shit, then 'make it OK' by being careful to drink a can of Diet Chemicola. There must be summat addictive about aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, judging by how fast Coke Zero in the vending machine at work runs out...

I just stick to things I KNOW are addictive, like coffee, and chocolate, and beer, and sex... :innocent:

coke zero tastes like shit! i bought a bottle when it first came out. drank half, and then put the bottle in my bag while i walked to a video shop. by the time i came out, it was flat! waste of money.

col... 40kgs? id give anything to be that light! [and have tried and failed... but i am in 16 jeans!! woohoo! and thats with no exercise, which is worrying....]

19th July 2007, 21:43
40kgs? id give anything to be that light!

Oooh, I bet you wouldn't. I got down to 46kg when I first got sick many years ago, and as I'm supposed to be at least 20kg more, I just looked like an auschwitz victim.

That cured me of fixating on any ideal number. Your curves and your smile are far more of an attraction to a potential mate than a set of hip bones, ribs and vertebrae with skin stretched over walking down the street.

Real men like curves, or so I've been told more than once :D

19th July 2007, 21:54
Real men like curves, or so I've been told more than once


19th July 2007, 21:57
That cured me of fixating on any ideal number. Your curves and your smile are far more of an attraction to a potential mate than a set of hip bones, ribs and vertebrae with skin stretched over walking down the street.

Real men like curves, or so I've been told more than once :D
