View Full Version : It could be worse (I guess)

17th July 2007, 18:56
Got my bike out on monday to ride to work, starter is a bit iffy so I'm not surprised that it fails to start. Luckily I live at the top of a long road with a quite a serious slope, so I roll it out the driveway and try to bumpstart it (as I seem to have to do at least once a week). Get to the bottom of the hill and the bike still isn't going. Start the walk up the hill, pushing my bike. The rain is torrential, but its too hot to keep my gear on, so I lose the jacket and helmet. Two hours later I make it home, freezing cold, soaked to the bone and exhausted.

Today the bike still isnt going so I catch a lift in the wifes cage. Three quarters of the way to work the car dies. I have to get out and push about 200 metres (uphill) to get to a spot where we can safely pull over, I then have to walk to work and call roadside assistance.

Cage has been fixed today, so I can get to work, but the bike still isnt going. I want to take it in to Red Baron on saturday, which probably means I will have to hire a trailer. So I guess that means I can add $20 dollars trailer hire to my expenses this week of $300 to fix the cage, $1300 bond for my new flat, $300 for the movers, $350 for the vets, and whatever it costs to fix the bike. A little too much money for someone who earns as little as I do.



17th July 2007, 22:00
aaaaaawwwwwww :hug: Yes, it could be worse. But have a hug anyway.

17th July 2007, 22:08
Could be worse, at least you still have the car. and bike My bro bought a nice Merc for not a lot of dough but he doesnt have much anyway so was stoked with it. Week later the repo man comes around and takes it back. Turns out the previous owner still owed money on it. Result? We siphoned it dry and watched the arsehole push it away down the driveway and walk to the gas station. Moral of the story? At least we got a laugh out of it. Hate repo guys :angry:

17th July 2007, 22:09
Shizen! :shit: Have you checked the charge on the battery? Fuses all okay?Any loose wires apparant that sort of thing? Bugger to hear about the probs you've been experiencing ... hopefully someone here can help you out before you spend a whack load of dosh!

17th July 2007, 22:13
Hey man, don't stress, where do you live? I consider myself now, if not an expert, at least very familiar with coaxing stubborn single cylinder 250s to start ;) If you live close enough by I'd be happy to drop by on Saturday or some other time and check the plug, charging system, whether or not the carburettor is doing its job, etc.

I bet if you just go out and buy a new sparking plug the thing will crack into life as soon as you bump into the saddle.