View Full Version : Books and other things for sale

5th August 2007, 14:13
In an effort to raise some coin for my Outward Bound course i am selling up all the stuff I have that I no longer need or want...

Bart Simpson's Guide to Life - $5
The 7 habits of highly effective teens (with extra workbook and journal) $25 *wish i'd read this when i was a teen*
Nine steps to success - Teens can make it happen - $10
Look inside cross sections - planes - $5
Datsun 160b, 180b workshop manual - $10
Jeni Pearce - eat to compete - $15
Millen (biography) - $5
The unplanned career (guide and workbook) - $5
Headstart, how to succeed in tertiary studies - $5 *should have read this one too*
Championship Laser Racing - $5
The Laser Book - $5
High Performance Racing (sailing) - $5
Multihull Seamanship - $5

Fast Fours "hottest minis" enthusiast issue $5 (magazine)
The Mini experience - $5 (magazine) both in good condition complete with posters still attached

T-shirts with my avatar screen printed on them, did a run of them a while back for $25, got a few left... $10 a shirt

PM me for more details if you are interested in anything. They will go up on trademe soon if not sold here. I also have some Performance Bike, Superbike, and FastBikes magazines that will be posted up soon.