View Full Version : Charity head-art day! (and headshave for the brave) donations to macktheknife and hXc

14th August 2007, 13:01
well the CCC is keen (colapops canvas club), i will bravely (read stupidly) put myself forward for this. curiousAJ and 007XX have come forward to be budding artists.

any Kbers with a baldy head (or want to shave their head) want to come forward and join the "CCC" for charity?

also needed are "artists" who are willing to draw on someones shiney head!

charity donations (IMO) should go to macktheknife (you know where the thread is) and to hXc for his overseas education trip!

and maybe a prize can be found for the winning "art".

well what say you guys and girls?

the parameters set out by colapop (the head of the CCC)

The parameters will be very simple.

Part I

a) The inductees to the CCC will submit to having their heads shaved - to the skin.
b) This will be done with an electric shaver similar to that which a hairdresser uses.
c) The heads will then be given a lathering of appropriate shaving gel or cream and be shaved clean.
d) The inductee's head will cleaned gently cleaned of any excess shaving foam and lightly patted dry.

Part II

e) The CCC (Colapop Canvas Club) will endeavour to decorate (in good taste) the inductee's bald pate.
f) Indelible marker is preffered though not a prerequisite - that shall be reserved for gold members only.
g) The inductee/s will then be photographed for posterity (and KB).

This can be done by way of auction or donation. All willing participants need to PM me so that this fundraiser can occur!

I envisage 4 or 5 centres of artistic endeavour - Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington and Christchurch. If there is great enough call then more centres can be added.

I will not be drawn upon to provide tissues for the unwilling participants...

14th August 2007, 13:06
Someone buy this http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=55115 and everyone wins

14th August 2007, 13:09
now that is a shameless plug if i ever saw one lol

14th August 2007, 13:18
What sort of drawing equipment is being used? Chalk? Pencils? Crayons? Indelible markers? Edible markers? I yaint volunteering my pate as a canvas if I have to wear a hat for 3 or 4 munce afterwards.

14th August 2007, 13:24
erm, i think the CCC will agree that it shall be with permanent marker pens, colapop do you concur?

14th August 2007, 13:25
when and where? mum flat refuses to shave my head for me... this would be the perfect chance!!

14th August 2007, 13:32
when and where? mum flat refuses to shave my head for me... this would be the perfect chance!!

well i think it would have to be a coordinated country wide thing.

we just need to generate some more interest and see who will travel to their nearest headart/shave centre.

im sure that colapop can sort something out in wellington, the hawkes bay crew are fairly easy to sort i think!? there are plenty of people in auckland who can sort something out!

photographic evidence is of the upmost importance too!

im thinking of maybe this weekend or next?!

14th August 2007, 13:34
now that is a shameless plug if i ever saw one lol

Not really - did you read the last post in that thread??

14th August 2007, 13:34
id be a goer for wellington, but not this weekend. working both days and no way out. *stupid bloody boss firing and not hiring!* weekend after i could be in... should be able to get at least one of the days off.

14th August 2007, 13:37
Not really - did you read the last post in that thread??

i did, summit to do with 250 bucks for mack!

anyway back on topic, you going to have your head shaved and drawn on? some of the proceeds will be going to hXc too.......

14th August 2007, 13:41
hmmm... mum just saw the thread and had a near fit, lol. reckons my boss would be pissed. i figure so long as i dont come home with fuck shaved into it, whats the problem? LOL.

ill ask my site manager tonight and see what he says. otherwise i may have to offer a pair of legs to shave. dunno about being drawn on? lol.

14th August 2007, 13:43
i did, summit to do with 250 bucks for mack!

anyway back on topic, you going to have your head shaved and drawn on? some of the proceeds will be going to hXc too.......

Id slap a Tena for MSTRS to get a baldy and another Tena for the rest of the face to come clean:yes:

14th August 2007, 13:44
the drawing will be art! no sweary or offensive stuff i think! unless otherwise agreed by all parties!

and yes, that could be another option for those men not brave enough to have their head shaved, leg, chest and back waxing! or for the really brave back, sack and crack waxing!?

14th August 2007, 13:44
Id slap a Tena for MSTRS to get a baldy and another Tena for the rest of the face to come clean:yes:

And i got the video camera

14th August 2007, 13:46
Id slap a Tena for MSTRS to get a baldy and another Tena for the rest of the face to come clean:yes:

nice one dog!

i think i will up that to 20 apeice!

all in a good cause!

14th August 2007, 13:47
the drawing will be art! no sweary or offensive stuff i think! unless otherwise agreed by all parties!

and yes, that could be another option for those men not brave enough to have their head shaved, leg, chest and back waxing! or for the really brave back, sack and crack waxing!?

that sounds good! *evil laugh* photos of finished art has to be supplied though, so everyone could see!

i think if shaved heads are going to be painted, then face paints would be best. something quick drying that wont rub off [for those of us who have to ride home again] so it wont muck up the helmet.

14th August 2007, 13:50
that sounds good! *evil laugh* photos of finished art has to be supplied though, so everyone could see!

i think if shaved heads are going to be painted, then face paints would be best. something quick drying that wont rub off [for those of us who have to ride home again] so it wont muck up the helmet.

damn right on the photo evidence! or video evidence!

d00d, permanent marker wont come off in yer helmet!

14th August 2007, 13:51
Sounds like an awesome idea guys. Thanks too.

14th August 2007, 13:53
The parameters will be very simple.

Part I

a) The inductees to the CCC will submit to having their heads shaved - to the skin.
b) This will be done with an electric shaver similar to that which a hairdresser uses.
c) The heads will then be given a lathering of appropriate shaving gel or cream and be shaved clean.
d) The inductee's head will cleaned gently cleaned of any excess shaving foam and lightly patted dry.

Part II

e) The CCC (Colapop Canvas Club) will endeavour to decorate (in good taste) the inductee's bald pate.
f) Indelible marker is preffered though not a prerequisite - that shall be reserved for gold members only.
g) The inductee/s will then be photographed for posterity (and KB).

This can be done by way of auction or donation. All willing participants need to PM me so that this fundraiser can occur!

I envisage 4 or 5 centres of artistic endeavour - Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington and Christchurch. If there is great enough call then more centres can be added.

I will not be drawn upon to provide tissues for the unwilling participants...

14th August 2007, 13:56
what he said^^^

14th August 2007, 13:57
pm sent. gotta double check with vic that head shaved is ok [i can wear my beanie!] but if its not, ill come down to welly and play camera-girl

i may need someone to meet me somewhere, otherwise ill get lost!!

14th August 2007, 14:57
Id slap a Tena for MSTRS to get a baldy and another Tena for the rest of the face to come clean:yes:

You'll need to offer more than twenty, mate! I gotta live with what's under all that facial hair..I've never seen it naked ...and I ain't going to for a paltry twenty!!!

14th August 2007, 15:07
You'll need to offer more than twenty, mate! I gotta live with what's under all that facial hair..I've never seen it naked ...and I ain't going to for a paltry twenty!!!

And another 20 for Tart to get a baldy:yes:

14th August 2007, 15:11
Not even close Robertydog, not even close!
Tell you what, make it 10 times the amount (from you!) and I will seriously consider it....

14th August 2007, 15:19
Not even close Robertydog, not even close!
Tell you what, make it 10 times the amount (from you!) and I will seriously consider it....

Was that consider it or do it?

14th August 2007, 15:22
Was that consider it or do it?

You put in 200 and if others will make it up to a round $500, I will do it!

14th August 2007, 15:30
Where do the donations go to?

14th August 2007, 15:31
Oh yes, fantastic idea...I am a little concerned at the lack of participation from the Auckland crowd so far though...I do good artwork, I promise...:yes:

Female nudes a specialty!:innocent:

14th August 2007, 15:31
PM Canarlee or Col
Half each to Macktheknife and hXc

14th August 2007, 15:32
Where do the donations go to?

ManDownUnder has an account running since last week for such a purpose. See the Home page for details.

14th August 2007, 17:02
ManDownUnder has an account running since last week for such a purpose. See the Home page for details.

as yungatart said, half for mack and half for hXc!

14th August 2007, 17:03
You put in 200 and if others will make it up to a round $500, I will do it!

well that amount shall be rounded up no problem! i will make up the shortfall!

14th August 2007, 17:11
well that amount shall be rounded up no problem! i will make up the shortfall!

I will charge up the video camera.

14th August 2007, 17:12
You Tube, here we come

14th August 2007, 17:15
You Tube, here we come

i like your way of thinking dog!

14th August 2007, 17:17
You not bad yourself

14th August 2007, 17:19
aww shucks mate, i see there is no response from the tart yet though???

14th August 2007, 17:19
And another 20 for Tart to get a baldy:yes:

A baldy what?

14th August 2007, 17:21
Oh yes, fantastic idea...I am a little concerned at the lack of participation from the Auckland crowd so far though...I do good artwork, I promise...:yes:

Female nudes a specialty!:innocent:

i think the auckland crowd aint macho enough, too busy drinking their lattes..........

14th August 2007, 18:16
I'd put my hand... errr... head up for this...

But I couldn't allow indelible materials, somehow I think management at work would appreciate the sentiment, but not the delivery of the 'art'

So poster paint maybe?

14th August 2007, 18:34
i think the auckland crowd aint macho enough, too busy drinking their lattes..........

Reheheheeeeeealy?....Im North of said area and dont consider myself 'one of them'....but as a CCC day one inductee and now Prez, i feel my rise to the top of this very small ladder (Whiteboard Marker in hand) came at not cost or danger to me, or those around me. Things do return to normal quickley and the slight pain of Brilo pad scrubbing aint as bad as it seems....:innocent:

14th August 2007, 18:36
I'm up for this but need to know a date as I'm buggering off on holiday.
Also, I'm confused about how you are getting money for this. Nobody is going to pay good money to watch me have my noggin fleeced, do I have to pay for it myself or do you guys scalp me and sell off the tanned and decorated skull cap to the highest[You'ld have to be!] bidder?:sunny:

14th August 2007, 18:40
mate, you get your head shaved for you as laid out in the parameters! which is sponsered! then you get your head drawn on which is also sponsered!

read the parameters laid out by colapop that i pasted into the original post on this thread!

as for the date? this weekend or next, prolly next weekend so we can organise meet places and times!

14th August 2007, 19:03
Get yourself a bit of paper or a note book. Get people to sponsor you. "Will you sponsor me to shave my head for a good cause? *Explain said cause*" Go back and collect monies sponsored for at a later date (with pics if need be)

14th August 2007, 19:16
you mean "to shave my head and have it tastefully drawn on for a good cause"

i mean if ya gunna have it scalped, erm i mean shaved then it may as well be drawn on at the same time!

14th August 2007, 20:18
hey who blinged me calling me a "fucken headcase"? thanks, i think lol

if anyone blings me, good or bad can you sign it please!

14th August 2007, 20:18
So the timing is good, just need to convince some suckers ,er punters to front up with some dough. Please PM me when you set the date. Ta

14th August 2007, 20:21
So the timing is good, just need to convince some suckers ,er punters to front up with some dough. Please PM me when you set the date. Ta

am going to try and get it sorted for 26th or 27th of this month!

14th August 2007, 20:24
Doesn't your bling automatically show who it is from?
Dates are good dude! I'm a little slow but I'm worth waiting for!:mellow:

14th August 2007, 20:26
Doesn't your bling automatically show who it is from?
Dates are good dude! I'm a little slow but I'm worth waiting for!:mellow:

normally i can see who blings me, but i erm, err, got two infractions for the same thing to get outta the way before i can see who blings me at the mo!

14th August 2007, 20:33
am going to try and get it sorted for 26th or 27th of this month!

im free weekend after next on saturday, but i may be able to swap a few things and swing the sunday if need be.

ill razz up the boys at work to sponser me... im sure my boss and favourite co worker would be up for it! btw, i checked, and im good to go bald at work, would just have to wear a beanie.

14th August 2007, 21:19
w00t. you know I'm keen.. I was one of the founding members of the "drawing on head enthusiasts of KB" ^_^

14th August 2007, 21:25
ahh yes but i think you are not yet a full member of the small but powerfull CCC yet?

you gunna shave your head AJ? i mean from what i can see its fairly short allready?!

14th August 2007, 21:40
nah, I havn't had the initiation yet... heh..

well, the hair is actually quite a bit longer now (past chin) so I don't think I'm going to shave my head, I'd like to keep something covering what I have under there! ... I'd be keen to shave OTHER people's heads and draw on them though! (I shave enough animals for surgery.. lol)

14th August 2007, 22:15
(I shave enough animals for surgery.. lol)

Thats like finding out your doctor is actually a vet :sick:

14th August 2007, 22:32
rofl... close enough.. but hair shaving is the same either way :p

15th August 2007, 15:24
26th and 27th are Sun and Mon. Did you mean 25 and 26? The sat is good for me but see how you go. Please post up as soon as you can confirm dates and time, place etc. Cheers!

15th August 2007, 15:57
I'm a little slow but I'm worth waiting for!:mellow:

Bet you say that to all the girls...:lol:

15th August 2007, 16:01
hey who blinged me calling me a "fucken headcase"? thanks, i think lol

if anyone blings me, good or bad can you sign it please!

'twas me - and cheers... all meant in the best possible way.

15th August 2007, 16:05
'twas me - and cheers... all meant in the best possible way.

One Brazillian coming up!....:shutup:

15th August 2007, 16:06
One Brazillian coming up!....:shutup:

You'll be the skilled ripper then??:sick::lol:

15th August 2007, 16:09
You'll be the skilled ripper then??:sick::lol:

Yes...im up for that job....Ned will however need someone to hold his hand cos im pretty rough....i dont fuck around...:shit:

15th August 2007, 16:14
Yes...im up for that job....Ned will however need someone to hold his hand cos im pretty rough....i dont fuck around...:shit:

Yeah, I'll hold his hand...as I lead him in to the slaughter!!! :killingme

15th August 2007, 18:35
'twas me - and cheers... all meant in the best possible way.
It was me, Smee!!

15th August 2007, 20:58
26th and 27th are Sun and Mon. Did you mean 25 and 26? The sat is good for me but see how you go. Please post up as soon as you can confirm dates and time, place etc. Cheers!

aye 25 th and 26th!

place and time is to be arranged at your nearest place! see colapops postings for that!

15th August 2007, 21:27

You got to be careful tho......cos I LOVE my hair!

16th August 2007, 08:28
Since the students at the school where I work have a "code" regarding acceptable hairstyles I thought I'd better run this past the principal.
Funnily enough, when I broached the subject, his first response was "what has he (hXc) done?"
Anyway he agreed to let me do it as long as I wear a hat until my hair grows back. He also dug deep in his wallet and sponsored me too!!!!
Stirts and The Stranger are currently working on Mstrs to get him to remove his beard.....
watch this space!

16th August 2007, 09:30
Since the students at the school where I work have a "code" regarding acceptable hairstyles I thought I'd better run this past the principal.
Funnily enough, when I broached the subject, his first response was "what has he (hXc) done?"
Anyway he agreed to let me do it as long as I wear a hat until my hair grows back. He also dug deep in his wallet and sponsored me too!!!!
Stirts and The Stranger are currently working on Mstrs to get him to remove his beard.....
watch this space!

Not the beard! leave the poor man some dignity.

16th August 2007, 09:36
Not the beard! leave the poor man some dignity.
Either the beard or EVERYTHING else!

16th August 2007, 09:39
Since the students at the school where I work have a "code" regarding acceptable hairstyles I thought I'd better run this past the principal.
Funnily enough, when I broached the subject, his first response was "what has he (hXc) done?"
Anyway he agreed to let me do it as long as I wear a hat until my hair grows back. He also dug deep in his wallet and sponsored me too!!!!
Stirts and The Stranger are currently working on Mstrs to get him to remove his beard.....
watch this space!

How very cool!!!

Personally, I've already started to practice drawing on flesh in anticipation...:devil2: Mwahhahaha...

16th August 2007, 09:39
Please - i'm very visual - all this talk is making me squeemish. My Indian name is now "Sits with crossed legs"

16th August 2007, 09:51
Please - i'm very visual - all this talk is making me squeemish. My Indian name is now "Sits with crossed legs"

But...Dear...It IS for a good cause!:yes:

I promise I won't hurt you...much! :innocent:

16th August 2007, 09:58
But...Dear...It IS for a good cause!:yes:

I promise I won't hurt you...much! :innocent:

"Much" is relative and you've done childbirth so... no - no changing of the Indian name. Actually thinking about it - maybe yes

"Runs with haste!"

16th August 2007, 10:11

You got to be careful tho......cos I LOVE my hair!

I will.... ;):shutup:

16th August 2007, 10:20
I will.... ;):shutup:

Ooooh you rapscallion you

16th August 2007, 10:24
Ooooh you rapscallion you

hehehe... theres always one in the bunch hey!! :p

16th August 2007, 10:27
well its good to see there is more interest in this!

way to go yungatart!

so we need to organize a place to do all this! and a time! how about after our saturday rideout? say 4 pm?

16th August 2007, 10:30
so come on the rest of you (welly, auckland etc) what are your arrangements?

i mean if the tart is going to have her head shaved and drawn on for this then im sure some of you fellas at least can be brave enough to step forward!!!

i allready have a shaved head but i am allready asking people for sposership to draw on my bonce, not to mention the goattee being cut off!

16th August 2007, 11:57
so come on the rest of you (welly, auckland etc) what are your arrangements?

i mean if the tart is going to have her head shaved and drawn on for this then im sure some of you fellas at least can be brave enough to step forward!!!

i allready have a shaved head but i am allready asking people for sposership to draw on my bonce, not to mention the goattee being cut off!

Where is the Akl crew meeting up to do this?

And blue or purple paint is my choice of shaved hair colour. Just slap it on with a brush no need for details.

16th August 2007, 12:02
Now, there may or may not be a desire for this.... BUT... I may be persuaded to have my head properly shaved AND artistic endeavour applied...

Of course there would be bidding required... I am not adverse to syndicate bidding...

I realise that some may consider me to be a 'target' ...

16th August 2007, 12:05
col, you a target?

nah surely not.......

16th August 2007, 15:53
Not the beard! leave the poor man some dignity.

What dignity! This is Mstrs we are talking about, right?
I thought you two had met..I must have been mistaken....

16th August 2007, 18:35
What dignity! This is Mstrs we are talking about, right?
I thought you two had met..I must have been mistaken....

you are right, my bad.

But if there is no hair at all we won't recognise him, then how can we tell who to give shit to?

Come to that he may not recognise himself

17th August 2007, 08:01
you are right, my bad.

But if there is no hair at all we won't recognise him, then how can we tell who to give shit to?

Come to that he may not recognise himself

Did it ever occur to you that maybe I might not recognise him either!
In twenty years I have never seen him without facial hair! It could bring a whole new dimension to our relationship - almost like having an affair...mind you, it could make me want to run away too!!!

17th August 2007, 23:18
Now, there may or may not be a desire for this.... BUT... I may be persuaded to have my head properly shaved AND artistic endeavour applied...

Of course there would be bidding required... I am not adverse to syndicate bidding...

I realise that some may consider me to be a 'target' ...

Dam we could have shaved eachother! :shutup:But that's ok, Ill get the pics of my process! And everyone elses too! My camera will be ready....

17th August 2007, 23:20
well it seems that us in hawkes bay are the only ones to have actually organised anything!

whats up with the rest of the country? bleedin latte drinkers aye

18th August 2007, 14:51
well it seems that us in hawkes bay are the only ones to have actually organised anything!

whats up with the rest of the country? bleedin latte drinkers aye

yeh... im waitin for col to sort somethin out, so i know if i need to arrange time off. i might head to hb instead!

18th August 2007, 14:55
yeh... im waitin for col to sort somethin out, so i know if i need to arrange time off. i might head to hb instead!

im sure col will oblige lol, but if you do decide to head up here to sunny hawkes bay you will be most welcome!:yes:

20th August 2007, 00:29
:yes:Im going to miss my hair ...........

I think this means I might have to buy a one piece pink leathers just so people know Im still a woman underneath ahahahaha. Maybe even have pink bitz written down the side of the bike..

This is a possible plan.

Boob Johnson
20th August 2007, 00:30
:yes:Im going to miss my hair ...........

I think this means I might have to buy a one piece pink leathers just so people know Im still a woman underneath ahahahaha. Maybe even have pink bitz written down the side of the bike..

This is a possible plan.Rofl!!! THIS I want to see :Punk:

20th August 2007, 00:34
Rofl!!! THIS I want to see :Punk:

When the hair is shaved the leathers will be decided after that. I need a one piece anyway for racing at the drags (I like to think Im more streemline and can go faster for some reason) will decide on what Im going get made up leather wise.

hmm...cat woman leathers? pink?

20th August 2007, 00:37
get yourself up to auckland then!

the rest of the aucklanders seem to be a bunch of softies!!!

and the welly/palmy lot are keeping quiet too???

20th August 2007, 00:49
get yourself up to auckland then!

the rest of the aucklanders seem to be a bunch of softies!!!

and the welly/palmy lot are keeping quiet too???

HAHAHA yea well I dont think I can convince Qkchk to shave her head....:shutup:

20th August 2007, 00:56
HAHAHA yea well I dont think I can convince Qkchk to shave her head....:shutup:

worth a try innit?

20th August 2007, 01:13
worth a try innit?

I want to live!:yes:

20th August 2007, 01:17
I want to live!:yes:

how did james dean put it? ahh yes......."live fast, die young and leave a beautifull corpse"

go on, give it a go! all for 2 good causes!!!

23rd August 2007, 22:21
how did james dean put it? ahh yes......."live fast, die young and leave a beautifull corpse"

go on, give it a go! all for 2 good causes!!!

corpses aren't beautiful for long!!

24th August 2007, 20:38
corpses aren't beautiful for long!!

they generally stay beautiful for the time required!

im still in, but this time ill aim for the hb one. im now busy tomorrow, and will have to check the roster for next week, but if im clear, ill be in. :headbang:

can whoever shaves me draw this: :sunny:?

25th August 2007, 09:37
they generally stay beautiful for the time required!

im still in, but this time ill aim for the hb one. im now busy tomorrow, and will have to check the roster for next week, but if im clear, ill be in. :headbang:

can whoever shaves me draw this: :sunny:?

HB one is today!!!

25th August 2007, 19:05
bah, figured as much! lol. shoulda taken il4 up on his offer, lmfao.

otherwise... next time for sure! i will check the roster tomorrow, and may be able to come up next week, if it still counts.

was riding with the local triumph club today... bloody good day. way too windy... used up a whole tank when it should have only taken half.

team cudby
25th August 2007, 22:56
Well Yungatart really went ahead and did it. For the love of her son and a fellow KB mate, Tart had her head shaved to a number 4...So all you guys that said they would donate...Pay Up!!!!

Photos to come.....

team cudby
25th August 2007, 22:58
bah, figured as much! lol. shoulda taken il4 up on his offer, lmfao.

otherwise... next time for sure! i will check the roster tomorrow, and may be able to come up next week, if it still counts.

was riding with the local triumph club today... bloody good day. way too windy... used up a whole tank when it should have only taken half.

It still counts...See ya next week

25th August 2007, 23:15
Well, hung by the tongue!
I said I would do it and as I am a man (woman) of my words, the deed is done! I haven't had this little hair since I was a baby, and I don't remember those days ( it was far too long ago)...
All I can say is that I know it was all for a good cause, actually two good causes,,,and that knowing Zac as I do and Macktheknife, too, these guys are worth it, to the last bit of hair...
You two owe me big time.... Zac, I'd best be getting fantastic presents from Belgium, and not just chocolate either!!!
Piccies tomorrow, when Mstrs gets home and can upload them!

26th August 2007, 03:21

You got to be careful tho......cos I LOVE my hair!

ill shave your head babe only if you shave mine... yeah ill go skin for a good cause i dont have to look at it, and im sure LilSel will polish it for me!:2thumbsup

26th August 2007, 08:25
It still counts...See ya next week

sweeeet! checked the roster, and im free friday and saturday once again, so yay!! might try and swing sunday morning off as well.... start at 2pm as opposed to 9am.

had to go in this morning cos the operations manager is a wanker, and the guy thats got my 7am shift didnt have a key OR alarm code... hes been with us a month now. screw getting up 2 hours early every sunday for 15 mins of work. so hes got my key and my code.

ill go down to a #4, same as yunga, and someone can draw on my tits instead. :spanking:

26th August 2007, 13:21
ill go down to a #4, same as yunga, and someone can draw on my tits instead.

*checks YT isn't looking* Yep, I'll do it!!
Here's the photos as promised

26th August 2007, 14:41
*checks YT isn't looking* Yep, I'll do it!!
Here's the phgotos as promised

damn, that looks hot!! im definately getting that!!

26th August 2007, 14:48
OH NO!!!!



26th August 2007, 14:52
OH NO!!!!



so when you getting your bonce done then???

26th August 2007, 14:58
OH NO!!!!



A few wines lessens the pain:mellow:

26th August 2007, 15:20
so when you getting your bonce done then???

wtf is a "bonce"???

26th August 2007, 15:22
a bonce is a noggin, a scone..in other words..a head!

26th August 2007, 15:23
wtf is a "bonce"???

its another word for head.

so are you coming this way to have your head shaved then? you got any sponsorship?

26th August 2007, 15:26
its another word for head.

so are you coming this way to have your head shaved then? you got any sponsorship?

ahhh, ok.

ill work on it this week... got one of the co workers [the limpy guy] signed up a few weeks back. ill try the old codger this week. lol. hows the sponser thingy work? i tell how much for how much hair or what? [like $1/inch or whatever]

26th August 2007, 15:39
depends on how much they want to see a naked bonce as to how much they give you. the closer the shave the more they pay or say you need a minimum amount (in total not just from a single person) before it gets shaved.

just my ideas, thats how yungatart did it. (although i think robertydog might be in trouble next time he is seen:shutup:)

26th August 2007, 15:51
depends on how much they want to see a naked bonce as to how much they give you. the closer the shave the more they pay or say you need a minimum amount (in total not just from a single person) before it gets shaved.

just my ideas, thats how yungatart did it. (although i think robertydog might be in trouble next time he is seen:shutup:)

kk...ill rustle up the co workers this week. tell em i need a min of $50 or $60, somethin like that.

how much would you pay to see me shaved, canarlee? :whistle:

26th August 2007, 16:23
i would be looking at getting more than 50 or 60 bucks, look more towards over 100 bucks!

and i have allready contributed a large amount to this!!! (modesty keeps me from revealing how much but if any of the HB crew wants to say how much i put in they are welcome)

26th August 2007, 16:27
i would be looking at getting more than 50 or 60 bucks, look more towards over 100 bucks!

and i have allready contributed a large amount to this!!! (modesty keeps me from revealing how much but if any of the HB crew wants to say how much i put in they are welcome)

alrighty... ill see what i can do. ill make sure i have some money left over to chip in as well.

26th August 2007, 16:33
i would be looking at getting more than 50 or 60 bucks, look more towards over 100 bucks!

and i have allready contributed a large amount to this!!! (modesty keeps me from revealing how much but if any of the HB crew wants to say how much i put in they are welcome)

Since when were you modest? Suffice to say, a Busa goes slightly faster. SH - don't sell your self short.

26th August 2007, 16:48
depends on how much they want to see a naked bonce as to how much they give you. the closer the shave the more they pay or say you need a minimum amount (in total not just from a single person) before it gets shaved.

just my ideas, thats how yungatart did it. (although i think robertydog might be in trouble next time he is seen:shutup:)

Yep it was a fine effort, but not the baldy. No worries i will still make a contibution to the fund. Cheers

26th August 2007, 17:14
*checks YT isn't looking* Yep, I'll do it!!
Here's the phgotos as promisedIf she dyes it orange/yellow...she really could be Annie Lennox. *Family joke...haha!*

27th August 2007, 19:45
well, one days work and im looking at $45 so far. i did have one guy tell me hed only sponser if my pubes got shaved [hes a friend, and been after me for about a year now, but hes married and not my type]

ive got $10 in my pocket, and the rest i know will be paid up. gonna keep on working it tomorrow. in case my friend comes in, is there anyone willing to head south in order to get another sponser??

27th August 2007, 20:07
It doesn't look all that short!!

I question her commitment....

shaven is shaven - see below...


27th August 2007, 20:17
It doesn't look all that short!!

I question her commitment....

shaven is shaven - see below...


thats a mans head!

27th August 2007, 20:42
Yep, that's why you floated to the top of the gene pool!!

28th August 2007, 08:59
Yep, that's why you floated to the top of the gene pool!!

Nah mate, the other ones were simply confused and going round and round, or just swimming the other way...:laugh:

*just kidding Lee...you're a good sort!*

Nice shiny patch there, Col...Don't really think a woman would really go for the Sinnead O'Connor though...

28th August 2007, 13:11
Nice shiny patch there, Col...Don't really think a woman would really go for the Sinnead O'Connor though...

are you sure?:lol:

28th August 2007, 14:03
are you sure?:lol:

:yes::yes::yes::yes:...I am lol...:done:

28th August 2007, 15:45
are you sure?:lol:

Listen to your bitch...:laugh:

:yes::yes::yes::yes:...I am lol...:done:

I certainly didn't mean women can't pull it off, but the greater majority would prefer not to go for such a bold look (pun intended, sorry not a very good one...:bleh:).

28th August 2007, 15:47
:yes::yes::yes::yes:...I am lol...:done:

but she is hot and oh that voice mmmm :love::not:

28th August 2007, 16:54
Listen to your bitch...:laugh:

:2thumbsup Exactly!!

but she is hot and oh that voice mmmm :love::not:

yah no sinead for you honey... :girlfight::Pokey:

28th August 2007, 17:07
but she is hot and oh that voice mmmm :love::not:

:2thumbsup Exactly!!

yah no sinead for you honey... :girlfight::Pokey:


Now, now girls, play nicely...otherwise the boys are going to be bringing out the the fighting ring and the raspberry jelly soon...:girlfight::2thumbsup

28th August 2007, 17:16

Now, now girls, play nicely...otherwise the boys are going to be bringing out the the fighting ring and the raspberry jelly soon...:girlfight::2thumbsup

i would fight you first though, and you would be the one in the tight white tee for all the boys :drool:

mmm jelly wrestling :woohoo::woohoo:

29th August 2007, 08:39
i would fight you first though, and you would be the one in the tight white tee for all the boys :drool:

mmm jelly wrestling :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm not a fighter, I'm a ....

Ok, sorry, did that come out loud? :innocent::dodge:

(shutup MDU!...:laugh:)

Anyway, as you were...:devil2:

29th August 2007, 09:11
mmm jelly wrestling :woohoo::woohoo:

you bash me all the time!! :2guns: Im not sure how much more my eyebrows can take!

29th August 2007, 12:29
you bash me all the time!! :2guns: Im not sure how much more my eyebrows can take!

we can shave them for charity too! no one will notice :killingme:killingme

29th August 2007, 12:30
we can shave them for charity too! no one will notice :killingme:killingme

last time I lost half n eyebrow it was very obvious....
*feels eyebrow*.. it has only just grown back!! :crazy:

29th August 2007, 14:00
*checks YT isn't looking* Yep, I'll do it!!
Here's the photos as promised

OMG.....YT looks farken GREAT, what a brave lass!

Ahem.......I see no pictures of you shaved? Offer stands beard AND mostache

29th August 2007, 14:55
OMG.....YT looks farken GREAT, what a brave lass!

Ahem.......I see no pictures of you shaved? Offer stands beard AND mostache

You will be lucky!!!! he is rather attached it to...You have to offer HEAPS!!!!

29th August 2007, 15:53
OMG.....YT looks farken GREAT, what a brave lass!

Ahem.......I see no pictures of you shaved? Offer stands beard AND mostache

Umm, Mstrs is really attached to his facial hair....but I did hear him say that for a decent amount of dosh he will shave his head and his beard...but the moustache stays!
So folks...keep that money rolling in..and we will see what happens this weekend.

1st September 2007, 20:58
Well, Sunhuntin has stepped up to the mark...
...just waiting for clippers to finish the job!!

1st September 2007, 21:13
Shave it proper!!

1st September 2007, 21:19
you bringing the clippers? She'll go to #2

1st September 2007, 21:19
Shave it proper!! I'll bring the cliipers and she'll go to #0

After some text badgering - I have been challenged to a back sack and crack...

Yeah ok sure... BUTT who will do the deed? How will you all know? Even I have limits and I WILL NOT BE POSTING PICS OF MY PRIVATES ON KB (or anywhere for that matter)

1st September 2007, 21:21
SH says she'll do it - take and post the pics. No problem!!

1st September 2007, 21:22
YT says that if all else fails...she's a nurse and she aint frightened to sort you

1st September 2007, 21:23
With a DIY home kit no doubt?? :Playnice:

1st September 2007, 21:24
With a DIY home kit no doubt?? :Playnice:

Yep. The candles are just heating up....

1st September 2007, 21:25
There will never be Colapop salami pics on KB or anywhere

1st September 2007, 21:37
The clippers arrived...and were put to use.

1st September 2007, 21:39
There will never be Colapop salami pics on KB or anywhere

We've seen your arse....what"s the difference?

1st September 2007, 21:41
I have no donations... Lets see... what's a good price..? It'll be more than $1000 for any waxing... $5000 for pics... and $10,000 for salami - by the person of my choosing! Bona fide females will be considered to do the job only! (Medically proven if necessary)

No you haven't!!

1st September 2007, 22:03
With a DIY home kit no doubt?? :Playnice:

No Mr sillypop I will courier this down for you!

1st September 2007, 22:26
A few wines lessens the pain:mellow:

Good onya Janet.....the women up this way (bar one aye kitty) would never do that, they all a big bunch of girls....:sweatdrop...doesn't seem to be a space for the CCC stamp of approval....:dodge:

2nd September 2007, 09:43
Yeah, women from the 'naki are tough, don'tcha know!

2nd September 2007, 10:04
thanks mstrs and yunga. love being almost bald, and its for two damn good causes!! come on the rest of ya... get behind these members why dontcha!

2nd September 2007, 14:53
I have no donations... Lets see... what's a good price..? It'll be more than $1000 for any waxing... $5000 for pics... and $10,000 for salami - by the person of my choosing! Bona fide females will be considered to do the job only! (Medically proven if necessary)

No you haven't!!
Oh boy ...:2thumbsup Wait till V gets back from cold kiwi and sees this:spanking:As for a good price?????PRICELESS

2nd September 2007, 22:20
I will do it - but the price must be right.

3rd September 2007, 08:26
I will do it - but the price must be right.

Man, I would pay to se this...but it kinda defeats the purpose, if I have to pay!

3rd September 2007, 08:45
Just a heads up...
Sunhuntin managed to get sponsorship of $105 for her haircut....then she came all the way from Wanganui to Napier to deliver the money and get the deed done. A brave, generous and selfless thing to do.
I think she deserves some more recognition for that...

3rd September 2007, 11:51
Man, I would pay to see this...but it kinda defeats the purpose, if I have to pay!
Ummm.... isn't that the idea...?

3rd September 2007, 11:54
In a word..No! If hXc is (1 of)the recipient(s) of our fundraising efforts, and we are fundraising cos I don't have that kind of money lying around, then it does defeat the purpose....what we need is for others to pay, silly!

3rd September 2007, 12:02
Oh yeah... I knew that!!

3rd September 2007, 16:34
Good onya Janet.....the women up this way (bar one aye kitty) would never do that, they all a big bunch of girls....:sweatdrop...doesn't seem to be a space for the CCC stamp of approval....:dodge:

i will shave mine as long as i get to keep my pretty green mohawk strip down the middle.... i have no worries cutting off my hair we arent all pussy's
and last time i saw kitty she still had all her hair the only thing she has lost is her cellphone again!

3rd September 2007, 16:44
Umm, Mstrs is really attached to his facial hair....but I did hear him say that for a decent amount of dosh he will shave his head and his beard...but the moustache stays!
So folks...keep that money rolling in..and we will see what happens this weekend.

Ah, well, he thought he escaped the mighty razor......however, Stirts has coughed up to see his hairless chin...he's a little nervous, but I am sure that if a bit more was pledged we could persuade him to part company with his long-beloved beard...couldn't we??

3rd September 2007, 16:44
couple of things. the monies that have been made so far, how much has been made so far? when is the money going to be divided up between the two parties (macktheknife and hXc)?

that includes money made here in HB and in other parts of the country! the idea was for all the money to be put in one pot and then split between the 2 "charities" NOT what is made here stays here!!!

how much has been made in auckland? how much has been made in hawkes bay? how much has been raised in the rest of the country?


3rd September 2007, 16:46
The monies collected so far, by us, have already been split and funds deposited in respective accounts.

3rd September 2007, 16:49
and how much would that be?

some of us put a fair bit in and would like to know how much has been raised in total. as im sure others would.

3rd September 2007, 17:13
Just a heads up...
Sunhuntin managed to get sponsorship of $105 for her haircut....then she came all the way from Wanganui to Napier to deliver the money and get the deed done. A brave, generous and selfless thing to do.
I think she deserves some more recognition for that...

must spread rep around...

honestly... i loved every second of it, and would do it again in a heartbeat. i wont be up this week as im working friday and have plans on saturday, but i will be back.
ive got $10 of the money still owed, hoping to collect the rest over the next week or so. if i cant get back up with it, ill deposit it.

and to jenny and co: bike going in on wednesday, lol. :jerry:

3rd September 2007, 17:25
Thats cool! When your total is in, we will send half on to Mack

3rd September 2007, 18:23
Oh boy ...:2thumbsup Wait till V gets back from cold kiwi and sees this:spanking:As for a good price?????PRICELESS

You bet! :woohoo::innocent:

I will do it - but the price must be right.

A professional would have to do it, of course...:done:

And I'm already checking out the best airfares to Wellie! :laugh: :devil2:

3rd September 2007, 19:10
Just what kind of professional were you thinking? A mental health professional???

3rd September 2007, 20:20
Just what kind of professional were you thinking? A mental health professional???

No, just a proctologist...:devil2: In depth doens't have to be mental...:innocent: