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Big Dog
1st October 2004, 15:10
Hey guys I need to get a figure on some one to build me a new computer the top of the range,The system needs to be ideal for gamming, Im also after a new screan size 21 inch 19in smalest. :blah: :not:

1st October 2004, 15:11
Hey BD, I work for Infinity Solutions... a "computer company", if you would like me to price up a PC, send me a PM. :niceone:

1st October 2004, 15:22
BD, I have a few connections as well, let me know if you have any particular specification requirements and I can see what I can come up with.


1st October 2004, 15:48
dito the above. simply PM me :D

1st October 2004, 15:55
.....He's not replying. .... Perhaps he needed the computer help more than he knew..?? :shit:

1st October 2004, 15:56
.....He's not replying. .... Perhaps he needed the computer help more than he knew..?? :shit:

He's hanging.... :laugh: onto his answer that is!! (sorry IT humour is never that good!)

1st October 2004, 16:09
He's hanging.... :laugh: onto his answer that is!! (sorry IT humour is never that good!)It's probably that silly duck avatar 'slowing' him down! :wacko:

Hear that Duckman??

1st October 2004, 16:15
Hey guys I need to get a figure on some one to build me a new computer the top of the range,The system needs to be ideal for gamming, Im also after a new screan size 21 inch 19in smalest. :blah: :not:

That post doesn't read even the slightest bit like BD's usual style.

My guess, someone's filched his logon password or summat.

1st October 2004, 16:21
It's probably that silly duck avatar 'slowing' him down! :wacko:

Hear that Duckman??
silly ... SILLY !!!! Don't make me come over there and .... and ... oh crap, threats over the internet are just lame..

How goes it Zed ?? :niceone:

1st October 2004, 16:34
silly ... SILLY !!!! Don't make me come over there and .... and ... oh crap, threats over the internet are just lame..

How goes it Zed ?? :niceone:
Hehe - I was being serious! :whistle:

I'm good...will be even better if the weather stays fine for tomorrows ride. Might see you there? :sunny: Been a while since you been out with the KB'rs.

1st October 2004, 16:35

lol... ok now Im getting silly too!!! :eek:

1st October 2004, 17:15
Hehe - I was being serious! :whistle:

I'm good...will be even better if the weather stays fine for tomorrows ride. Might see you there? :sunny: Been a while since you been out with the KB'rs.
Yea too long ... wedding plans e.t.c. you know how it is .. :yes:

1st October 2004, 17:29
For "top of the line" gaming PCs, go to Alienware (http://www.alienware.com/). They make the best gaming PCs (http://www.alienware.com/Product_Pages/desktop_gaming.aspx) money can buy.

1st October 2004, 18:40
Just got one myself 2 days ago.
P4 3GHz with 1GB memory and ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB graphics card.
The others are crappy DVD, crappy CDwriter, crappy keyboard, crappy mouse, crappy 15inch screen, but it runs very well for only $1700

Run Sims2 with maximum details on 1024x768 with flawless animation of DVD quality.


Big Dog
5th October 2004, 13:42
That post doesn't read even the slightest bit like BD's usual style.

My guess, someone's filched his logon password or summat.
That someone be training wheels, my pillion.
I asked her to type it in while she was using her mums laptop cos I did not have one, has no-one noticed my sudden abscence? Fear not though intrepid readers, or shake in thier boots those who hate my replies any way, I built an pc out of two broken ones on the weekend, now i just need some time.......
Full story My brother is terminally ill, life expectancy is 2-4 years (4 years would be a world record).
He wants a computer primarily for games and surfing.
He wants something that is likely to be able to handle any game that comes out in the next 4 years, or be easily upgradeable to handle that.

He has 2k to spend, but cannot afford to be ripped off as he is unlikey to have that much money again. This price needs to include at least a 19" monitor.

The main reason for the upgrade is a burnt out screen and some issues with modern games.

Only limitations on spec are the maximum external dimensions of the screen 40cm Deep by 55cm high width no problem approx 90 cm available.

Will need latest windows installed.
Would prefer DVD writer.
Does not neeed office.
Need :first: not :third: .

Taking tenders at Bigdogonamotabike@hotmail.com

5th October 2004, 13:54
A colleague at work just bought an ATI Radeon 9600MX graphics card (the one Marmoot mentioned) for < $300, gets pretty solid frame rates in Enemy Territory (that's the Quake 3 engine) over the poor wee stock GeForce 4 in my desktop box. In fact, he's smoking me now with his mad circle-strafing skills at 1280x1024 when I used to just toy with him.

But I really don't see any way that you could buy a PC for a sensible amount of money that would continue to run the latest games for four (!!!) years. One year, two if you're lucky, but after three it won't be running the latest and greatest no more unless you spend closer to 10K now than 2K.

5th October 2004, 13:59
But I really don't see any way that you could buy a PC for a sensible amount of money that would continue to run the latest games for four (!!!) years. One year, two if you're lucky, but after three it won't be running the latest and greatest no more unless you spend closer to 10K now than 2K.
Too true. Just looked at the Alienware site and while the computers are pretty cool, I reckon $USD6,210 is a wee bit out of my price range...

5th October 2004, 14:12
Yup - I just checked out some pricing options with our sales guys and your buy price is a little short. :calm:

You can buy a PC 2.8ghrtz, CD RW, 512 mem, 40 gig HD e.t.c for about $1,500. But then to get a 19inch monitor with set you back $900 and you'll need at least four times more memory than standard if you want to run "high spec" games.....

If you can get $3,000 together I'm sure something can built... Let me know I'd be happy to arrange for a personal buy to get you the "staff" price.


5th October 2004, 14:20
Yup - I just checked out some pricing options with our sales guys and your buy price is a little short. :calm:

You can buy a PC 2.8ghrtz, CD RW, 512 mem, 40 gig HD e.t.c for about $1,500. But then to get a 19inch monitor with set you back $900 and you'll need at least four times more memory than standard if you want to run "high spec" games.....

If you can get $3,000 together I'm sure something can built... Let me know I'd be happy to arrange for a personal buy to get you the "staff" price.


hmmmmm your machine sounds a little over priced for those specs.

The othing thing i would look at is a 17' TFT instead of a 19' crt on desk space you can pick up a 17" tft for around $550 19" crt are about $300 or so

easy should be able to get a good gaming system for under $1000 (not including screen) i have build them for friends for that price

5th October 2004, 14:22
easy should be able to get a good gaming system for under $1000 (not including screen) i have build them for friends for that price

Well, I'm sure Big Dog would appreciate it if you quoted specs on the box you could build for that price then. Not much help to him if we sit around opining about what it *should* cost without naming suppliers and component brands.

5th October 2004, 14:24
has no-one noticed my sudden abscence?

Acksherly, I did. Was just pondering it on the ride in this morning, for some reason. Figured you must be busy or summat. There you go, eh?

5th October 2004, 14:28
hmmmmm your machine sounds a little over priced for those specs.

The othing thing i would look at is a 17' TFT instead of a 19' crt on desk space you can pick up a 17" tft for around $550 19" crt are about $300 or so

easy should be able to get a good gaming system for under $1000 (not including screen) i have build them for friends for that price

Sweeeet, Cajun if you've done this before then you would have a better idea of how to get the specs BD needs for the right price. - I'm an iSeries engineer so the PC stuff is quite an unknown to me and I hate to rely on sales guys for a "good" deal. :)

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 14:37
But I really don't see any way that you could buy a PC for a sensible amount of money that would continue to run the latest games for four (!!!) years. One year, two if you're lucky, but after three it won't be running the latest and greatest no more unless you spend closer to 10K now than 2K.
I suppose a little elaboration may help then.
Quake is out of the question as his motor skills are a little limited, to be honest I don't play games so I dunno.
The games he goes on about a lot are age of empires, sims, etc where it is mostly strategy followed by a dvd clip.

Until He said I thought no one played on pc's any more except the on line quake etc (hides under desk awating the avalche of thrown bric a brac). Now it seems there are games like the "fast and the furious" (tried it seems kind of lame, I played a similar game but with crappier graphics that I got from mcd's for $2.)

I prefer to play mine on the thirty two inch with surround sound. Well almost, I'm hoping to by the surround for xmas.

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 14:38
Too true. Just looked at the Alienware site and while the computers are pretty cool, I reckon $USD6,210 is a wee bit out of my price range...
Not to mention I could not understand most of the jibberish it spat at me when I clicked on the gaming link :mellow:

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 14:47
Acksherly, I did. Was just pondering it on the ride in this morning, for some reason. Figured you must be busy or summat. There you go, eh?
Than a one armed paperhanger!
Visits to north shore hospital included,
My Brother 3months,
My Pillion 4 nights,
Me one night. (value for money on my taxes this year! And before you ask none were accident related, just unlucky)

I went to Oz for company conference and no pc = no net.
Add to that the hassle of training a new 2IC!

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 14:48
Cut off the circulation to your hands for ten mins or so and then try to play some games, then you will have an idea for the types he likes to play.

Sorry should have mentioned that earlier.

5th October 2004, 14:54
Than a one armed paperhanger!

Well, in case you missed it in t'other thread, 'The Mill' bottle store chain (there's one in Newmarket) are doing a promotion and selling Laphroaig 10-year-old for $50 or so a bottle at the moment.

Ain't no better cure.

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 14:54
Well, I'm sure Big Dog would appreciate it if you quoted specs on the box you could build for that price then. Not much help to him if we sit around opining about what it *should* cost without naming suppliers and component brands.
Not neccesary on this forum as this is all discussion, but could people please forward a tender / quote to Bigdogonamotabike@hotmail.com if they feel they have some thing worth while to offer.

I don't know S%$& about PC gaming, so discussion is good as is "avoid x brand" etc. When I have a few quotes together I will take them to him (he is in hospital and has no net access at present) and he will choose. Any and all advice is much appreciated, except the but my cock is bigger than yours type.

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 14:57
Well, in case you missed it in t'other thread, 'The Mill' bottle store chain (there's one in Newmarket) are doing a promotion and selling Laphroaig 10-year-old for $50 or so a bottle at the moment.

Ain't no better cure.
:drools uncontrollably: so I need to walk down to your place what night?

5th October 2004, 15:05
:drools uncontrollably: so I need to walk down to your place what night?

Hmmm, I'll buy some end of t'week if I get paid what I think I'll get paid by the people who owe me some money.

Otherwise I'll be sitting in the dark, eating baked beans on stale bread.

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 15:08
Acksherly, I did. Was just pondering it on the ride in this morning, for some reason. Figured you must be busy or summat. There you go, eh?
Was off riding for a month for that matter.
Middle ear infection.
Balance issues and M/bikes just don't mix.
That was weird it was like having drunk a whole 40oz in an hour.

Big Dog
5th October 2004, 15:10
Hmmm, I'll buy some end of t'week if I get paid what I think I'll get paid by the people who owe me some money.

Otherwise I'll be sitting in the dark, eating baked beans on stale bread.

I hear that brother, let hear an amen!

At least you will still have your sense of humour. :headbang: :stoogie:

5th October 2004, 15:11
Well, I'm sure Big Dog would appreciate it if you quoted specs on the box you could build for that price then. Not much help to him if we sit around opining about what it *should* cost without naming suppliers and component brands.

eg system package http://www.qmb.co.nz/pk.aspx?102
this is one of the suppliers i deal with parts i get parts cheaper than there website says, that is a
AMD 3000+, 512 ddr400 for that price as 17' crt but thats easy changed. I will get a few computer price specs worked up soonish,
But i am sure there is someone better suited around auckland area that will do this, i mean i build machines for friends, and just charge them a setup fee which is building,install os etc etc, normal of about $50, and make them buy me something while ordering stuff, eg more ram for me or some simlar i am not in to make a profit or anything.

If there arn't anyone up there in orcland who will help ya out for a good price i am happy to do it Big Dog, if ya want.

5th October 2004, 15:12
Sweeeet, Cajun if you've done this before then you would have a better idea of how to get the specs BD needs for the right price. - I'm an iSeries engineer so the PC stuff is quite an unknown to me and I hate to rely on sales guys for a "good" deal. :)

hahaha i am a bit of jack of all trade, system admin oracle admin, the admins i am is half a page long at least

5th October 2004, 15:18
Well, of course, as you'd expect I can get 'staff-price' level PC parts from about three different sources, with the usual caveat that there may be a week or two's delay on some things, yada yada. And I can source (ahem) installations (AHEM) of most software packages. At very little cost. (ahem.) And I can plug together and set up a box and all that.

But I'm not really up with the play on what's good and what's not. And I have negative levels of spare time, inasmuch as my total outstanding chores and obligations have grown continuously over the last couple of years with no sign of letup.

So I'm probably not the best guy for the job. But I might be able to contribute in some small way, so keep me in t'loop...

5th October 2004, 15:20
Well, of course, as you'd expect I can get 'staff-price' level PC parts from about three different sources, with the usual caveat that there may be a week or two's delay on some things, yada yada. And I can source (ahem) installations (AHEM) of most software packages. At very little cost. (ahem.) And I can plug together and set up a box and all that.

But I'm not really up with the play on what's good and what's not. And I have negative levels of spare time, inasmuch as my total outstanding chores and obligations have grown continuously over the last couple of years with no sign of letup.

So I'm probably not the best guy for the job. But I might be able to contribute in some small way, so keep me in t'loop...

hehehe i never get that part is delayed, i tell them i want they get it for me, dc:< also helps if you make sure you order stuff that is in stock.

5th October 2004, 15:22
The best thing is if you have a chinaman as a friend.
I'm a chinaman but I cant speak chinatalk, so i'm a bit useless.
But if you have one that can talk the talk, he can find a good bargain for premium performance!
Stay away from ANY brand if you wanna save.
Especially the ones offered at Warehouse.

5th October 2004, 15:30
The best thing is if you have a chinaman as a friend.
I'm a chinaman but I cant speak chinatalk, so i'm a bit useless.
But if you have one that can talk the talk, he can find a good bargain for premium performance!
Stay away from ANY brand if you wanna save.
Especially the ones offered at Warehouse.

The dell machines at the warehouse are okay for the average joe blogs who wants a machine to email and play mine sweeper. But not gaming

Any brand machine you pay alot for the brand name, and there warranty, but all computer parts have a 1 year warranty on them.