View Full Version : Parking over driveways?

17th August 2007, 22:07
coming up my street the other afternoon, i spotted a blinking blue light. come up alongside my driveway, and theres a van pulled up in front of my neighbours house. parked right over my driveway, is a plain clothes cop car.
there was room enough behind the van for the cop car, plus another half a car.

i stopped in the middle of the road, indicator going. after a few minutes, they decided i DID want to be home, and moved up. once i was in my gate, they reversed back, again blocking the drive.
i was always of the impression that it is illegal to park over a driveway, specially where there was heaps of room to park behind the van.

needless to say, i gave both cops a filthy look as i checked the box. sure, pull people over and issue tickets [the van looked like it deserved it] but do ya have to park over driveways to do it?

the car and its drivers seems to be new, as mum saw it in action not long after. cant recall the letters, but the numbers were 333. as it left my driveway, they pulled a u-turn, and i do not recall seeing an indicator.

is it worth mentioning to any of the number of cops that come into work each day? really got me steamed to have to wait for a cop car to decide to move. had i seen where they were parked in time, i would have gone up my neighbours drive and ridden along the footpath.

17th August 2007, 23:03
oh the traumas we have to endure......

get over yaself woman.. either that or commit Jihad!

ynot slow
18th August 2007, 14:20
Had the same thing happen a few years ago,we used to live about 200mts from our local cossy club,thurs night is club draw and piss up for the guys,came home to find the booze bus parked outside our front gate (literally),seems they thought to catch the drunks,only thing was they set it up about 7.30 pm and draw was over at 6.00pm or so,($2000 was draw and not struck that night, most piss off straight away).not many even drove to club,let alone drunk and drove home.

Asked them politely to shift so we could get our car out to get takeaways,sarcastic out of town cop asked had we been drinking,I said yep,joys of club up the street and walking,wife hopped into the car to get tea and the pricks asked for her to speak into analyser as she drove onto street,no probs wasn't drinking anyway,she picked up tea and as she came to turn into the driveway had to have another test,wtf she asked,didn't you see the last result she said,still had to say name and address,for address she said your fucken on it.

18th August 2007, 15:06
On the ATNR where heaps of people got done, the cops sped away with wheelspins etc when they finished ticketing us after we stopped in dairy flat.

Nothing you can do about it probably.