View Full Version : Lunar eclipse (28 August)

27th August 2007, 15:10
Tomorrow night there is a full lunar eclipse.This is the first one visible in NZ since 2000. They are very rare because they can only occur when the sun, earth and moon are lined up, and there is a full moon.

It starts at around 8pm but it wont be completely visible untill around 9.

You don't need a telescope to see it, but they say that if you have binoculars then you can see the coppery colour a lot better.

AND there is a blue moon this month! Because there are two full moons this month :)

So all you lovely star gazers, make sure you are out tomorrow night checking out the lunar eclipse, if you miss it you will have to wait untill 2010


27th August 2007, 15:12
Thanks but ... bugger - crap weather forecast (for Akl anyway)

27th August 2007, 15:13

This article is better. I saw it this morning but in the old form ;)

27th August 2007, 15:14
Thanks but ... bugger - crap weather forecast (for Akl anyway)

Oh no! Are you serious?! Damn!

27th August 2007, 15:20
Oh no! Are you serious?! Damn!

Yup - clouds etc forecast all week!

27th August 2007, 15:30
Bugger..I love to see moons...:love::innocent:

27th August 2007, 15:55
There will be streaming video on the NASA web site, according to the NASA web site.

27th August 2007, 15:57
Im looking forward to seeing the moon turn to blood... (hear the wolves howling in the background??)

Hope Chch has a cloudless night, the news down here said 21h50 would be the best time to pop outside and have a looksie!

27th August 2007, 17:30
Apparently it only goes a bit copper coloured, rather than a full-on gothic blood red. Should still be way cool though.

27th August 2007, 17:50
Tomorrow night there is a full lunar eclipse. They are very rare because they can only occur when the sun, earth and moon are lined up, and there is a full moon.
I guess we will not be seeing Heilen Klerke on telly for a few days... or at least until she has a full body-wax to remove the (more than usual) full body hair. The claws will need to be clipped after she has been dragged back inside after howling at the moon for ages.:shit:

AND there is a blue moon this month! Because there are two full moons this month

27th August 2007, 17:54
I guess we will not be seeing Heilen Klerke on telly for a few days... or at least until she has a full body-wax to remove the (more than usual) full body hair. The claws will need to be clipped after she has been dragged back inside after howling at the moon for ages.

Hey, don't be mean to my mum!

27th August 2007, 19:20
Apparently it only goes a bit copper coloured, rather than a full-on gothic blood red. Should still be way cool though.

It'll go any colour you like with the right chemical assistance.......:yes:

28th August 2007, 18:15
sorry not pink floyd... but tonight there is supposed to be a total eclipse of the moon... around 830ish taking one hour for the earths shadow to pass the moon
give or take....

would love to see some pics if any one can get any as up here in dorkland it is overcast/pissing down with rain and we wont see a thing sadly

28th August 2007, 18:19
I'll see what I can do. Its only scattered cloud down here with large clear areas of sky.

28th August 2007, 18:53
Typical. After days of clear skys its cloudy here.

Isn't the moon supposed to turn red? Isn't that a sign of the second coming? We-heeee, I'd better go to bed early if it is, I can only usually manage one;)

28th August 2007, 18:57
I'll see what I can do. Its only scattered cloud down here with large clear areas of sky.

oh what i wouldnt give to be back in alex i miss those crisp winter nights
cheers for the offer itd be good to see what you come up with!

28th August 2007, 18:59
I will be in cook strait...here's hoping aye

28th August 2007, 19:13
pretty clear here now .. great view from my bedroom window :D ..

28th August 2007, 20:37
just having a bit of a play with me camera nice and clear at the mo,

28th August 2007, 20:42
just having a bit of a play with me camera nice and clear at the mo,

wow kind of zoom have you got on that baby? and all such things thats a good pic!

28th August 2007, 20:49
Getting a good veiw in Hawkes Bay. No cloud at all.

28th August 2007, 20:53
Its a cheapie of the Canon range of Digital SLR's, 350D with Canon zoom lens EF 75-300mm
trouble is I don't really know how to use it,

28th August 2007, 21:08
looking good from the cook strait despite the southerly and sea spray

28th August 2007, 21:14
getting excellent view here too .. bout half over at present :D

28th August 2007, 21:18
wow its amazing the skies have cleared and we are looking at it through the scope its cool


28th August 2007, 21:20
Turn around bright eyes....

It's not RED!!

28th August 2007, 21:27
BS i'm in dorkland and i can see it!!!

28th August 2007, 21:50
Looking good here in Blenheim, real crisp clear sky, almost all red now. Bout 10 when its supposed to be fully covered. Will try and take some pics. ;-)

28th August 2007, 21:58
Damn clouds have come back...

28th August 2007, 22:00
yah. clouds now cover it, but it was clear as pie half an hour ago!

28th August 2007, 22:05
Cant see anythings, I want pics

28th August 2007, 22:06
That`s some out of it shit , crystal clear southside.:rolleyes:

28th August 2007, 22:17
Looks pretty cool from here!:blink::eek5:

28th August 2007, 22:17
moon as it was

28th August 2007, 22:25
Well had cloud and seaspray but got some pics

looks good in orange from this angle

pic 3 two moons :lol:

28th August 2007, 22:26
, crystal clear southside.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

I spoke too soon ,cloudy as hell now.:crybaby:

28th August 2007, 22:27
omfg it's red now!! TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

shit yeah, i wish my cam would be able to take pics of it!! DAMN!!

28th August 2007, 22:27

28th August 2007, 22:29
sorry not pink floyd... but tonight there is supposed to be a total eclipse of the moon... around 830ish taking one hour for the earths shadow to pass the moon
give or take....

would love to see some pics if any one can get any as up here in dorkland it is overcast/pissing down with rain and we wont see a thing sadly

The clouds cleared over the North Shore for a while and I got busy with my Nikon. Hope you like it, not sure what the brown thing is but I think it's Neil Armstrong's.

28th August 2007, 22:30
It's pretty clear now in Auckland, and it is looking red! Angry man in the moon? -->:mad:

For those of you who can't see it directly, there's streaming video available on:

28th August 2007, 22:54
this is about the best I could do with cruddy optics and without my tripod :no:

28th August 2007, 22:56
That's awesome! It looks like, like the....moon and stuff...

28th August 2007, 23:02
:rofl: not much stuff in there except the moon

28th August 2007, 23:16
:rofl: not much stuff in there except the moon

There's a Moro, which is four fifths of a moron

28th August 2007, 23:23
Damn. I was happy with the photos I got till I saw the ones in this thread. Can't even tell it's the moon in my photos.

I did however manage to get a fairly decent shot of Mt Manganui.

29th August 2007, 10:52
Damn. I was happy with the photos I got till I saw the ones in this thread. Can't even tell it's the moon in my photos.

I did however manage to get a fairly decent shot of Mt Manganui.What's that in the sky?

29th August 2007, 12:07
Didn't it look awesome!

My sister and I were stressing out because just before it was a full eclipse it started to POUR down with rain!!

But we got a great view of it for ages. Was such a great night :) Was so red and the whole sky was clear. We saw heaps of shooting stars. Truely a magical night

29th August 2007, 12:25
they are really good pictures im gutted i couldnt get clear enough skies so i could set up a time lapse vid of it maybe next time it comes around i may do it.... ill be in my mid 50s lol plenty of time to save for a good camera!

The Pastor
29th August 2007, 13:02
it was lame.

29th August 2007, 14:00
What's that in the sky?
Probably an airplane, airport is just to the right of the shot. Moon was above my left shoulder.

29th August 2007, 15:27
Probably an airplane, airport is just to the right of the shot. Moon was above my left shoulder.

Was it, was it really, or was it something else:eek5:


29th August 2007, 15:55
The clouds cleared over the North Shore for a while and I got busy with my Nikon. Hope you like it, not sure what the brown thing is but I think it's Neil Armstrong's.

Hell, that thing again...It's been haunting me since that "other" moon thread.:lol:

30th August 2007, 12:04
Hell, that thing again...It's been haunting me since that "other" moon thread.:lol:

Oh hell, yes... that thread. Now why did you have to go and remind me?:o

30th August 2007, 12:13
Oh hell, yes... that thread. Now why did you have to go and remind me?:o

You love it, you know you do...don't deny it! :devil2: :laugh:

I miss it too...:crybaby:

30th August 2007, 12:20
It certainly was a helluva lot of fun, huh?

The eclipse was a bit of a disappointment because it was kinda cloudy in Canterbury. Still, some great pics posted by other KBs - thanks!