View Full Version : More Maori telly

31st August 2007, 09:59

300 hours of Maori content for TV One and TV Two? Say 6 am to 1pm on both channels gives around 1000 hours a month.

So 15% of the population are getting 30% of the telly? I can see a Sky dish arriving here soon.

31st August 2007, 10:02
What happened to the maori tv station!

Most of the time nothings on there so flick all their programmes that way.

31st August 2007, 10:04
Turn the idiot box off and go live your own life... works for me

Seriously try this.... turn it off, and leave it off for a week. no exceptions... you will be blown away at how much time you "get back"

31st August 2007, 10:05
:Oi:TV1 is all I get :oi-grr:

Guess that just means more time working on and riding my bikes :devil2:

31st August 2007, 10:07
State-sponsored racism. Pandering to a minority.
Face it...'they' got their own fully-funded channel, but even that isn't enough.

31st August 2007, 10:23
Turn the idiot box off and go live your own life... works for me

Seriously try this.... turn it off, and leave it off for a week. no exceptions... you will be blown away at how much time you "get back"

Best yet !!!! there is only one box I like to look at all the time, plus the bonus is I get to play with it sometimes....:love:

31st August 2007, 11:02
What the hell? What about the other minorities? This is racism!

We also need 2 hours of Asian TV, 1 hour Cook Island shows and another hour of various Indian/Arabian shows.

Bigoted government.

31st August 2007, 11:16
Whit aboot the gaelic laddie? Might go doon well in the Mainland.

What the hell? What about the other minorities? This is racism!

We also need 2 hours of Asian TV, 1 hour Cook Island shows and another hour of various Indian/Arabian shows.

Bigoted government.

31st August 2007, 11:22
most of them won't be out of thier pits by 1pm anyways

31st August 2007, 11:32
Funnily enough, I watch Maori TV quite often. I'm not pro maori as such, but the program content is better than I expected it to be. They have good movies with fuck all ads, good documentaries and good Kiwi programs like Code and Meke my Waka. Meke my Waka is great, they are totally non PC which is very refreshing, showing you things like how to do a burnout in your car while climbing half out and standing on the ground! Frikken hilarious!!
Give it a try!

31st August 2007, 11:47

300 hours of Maori content for TV One and TV Two? Say 6 am to 1pm on both channels gives around 1000 hours a month.

So 15% of the population are getting 30% of the telly? I can see a Sky dish arriving here soon.

You should be used to that bro'. Back home in Scotland Gaelic speakers get about 10% of the programming on STV and BBC Scotland....and they barely represent 0.2% of the population.

31st August 2007, 12:03

300 hours of Maori content for TV One and TV Two? Say 6 am to 1pm on both channels gives around 1000 hours a month.

So 15% of the population are getting 30% of the telly? I can see a Sky dish arriving here soon.

So in reality, out of all TV available they probably get a lot less than 30%.

Poor old Asians represent about 6% of population and all they get is The Kumars........do they complain?

31st August 2007, 12:19
More social engineering at work. You should take a look at the ratings of the Maori channel. If it was privately funded, it would go under in a week. Just goes to show that most NZers (including maori) aren't interested.

I like Police 10-7 though. A real cultural experience.

31st August 2007, 12:22
More social engineering at work. You should take a look at the ratings of the Maori channel. If it was privately funded, it would go under in a week. Just goes to show that most NZers (including maori) aren't interested.

I like Police 10-7 though. A real cultural experience.

No interest..so why are we talking about this??:dodge:

31st August 2007, 12:25
Pandering to a minority.

Think they'll start a 30% airtime homo channel?... :killingme :dodge:

31st August 2007, 12:27
Poor old Asians represent about 6% of population and all they get is The Kumars........do they complain?

LMFAO!!!! .... The Kumars are asian??

31st August 2007, 12:32
LMFAO!!!! .... The Kumars are asian??

India is part of Asia.........didn't ya know

31st August 2007, 12:37
India is part of Asia.........didn't ya know

LOL... but indians are... indian... I dont think that 'The Kumars' is a great direct comparison to asian TV programs :confused:

31st August 2007, 12:40
LOL... but indians are... indian... I dont think that 'The Kumars' is a great direct comparison to asian TV programs :confused:

So what makes an Asian an Asian then?

Am I English or a European?

As to comparison, it was just a tongue in cheek point.

31st August 2007, 12:42
As to comparison, it was just a tongue in cheek point.

Yah... I got that lol :lol::Pokey:
Gave me a giggle anyhow :)

31st August 2007, 12:50
LMFAO!!!! .... The Kumars are asian??

It got me wondering when (and this is the level truth) my Dad called them the Kumaras... I hadn't seen the show at that point and I was wondering what the hell it was about when I finally laid eyes on it.

31st August 2007, 12:58
More social engineering at work. You should take a look at the ratings of the Maori channel. If it was privately funded, it would go under in a week. Just goes to show that most NZers (including maori) aren't interested.

I like Police 10-7 though. A real cultural experience.

On the button all round.

10-7 is a must-see in my books. It goes further than TV tho'; there is a truckload of Maori-related stuff jammed down our kids' throats on a daily basis at school. Neither of my daughters have the slightest interest in any of it and see the time as wasted. (In the modern world they'd probably be better off learning Cantonese than Maori.)

Back in my school days I picked up a slice of Latin and can relate a lot of it to modern English but Maori language and culture have no relevance in this family's life. I think Home Economics should be compulsory for both boys and girls; learn how to run a household budget, cook wholesome food and sew up your knickers. It wouldn't bother me to have the Maori lessons available, but to have them compulsory irritates me in much the same way money gathered from the masses being used to placate a minority irritates me.

But that's just New Zealand all over, isn't it?

31st August 2007, 13:09

10-7 is a must-see in my books. It goes further than TV tho'; there is a truckload of Maori-related stuff jammed down our kids' throats on a daily basis at school. Neither of my daughters have the slightest interest in any of it and see the time as wasted. (In the modern world they'd probably be better off learning Cantonese than Maori.)


Te Reo is an *official language* of this country. Gettit? Official, state sanctioned, and should probably be compulsory for the young'uns. Would you be bleating if your kids were forced to learn Romansch if you lived in Switzerland? Again, official minority language. A working knowledge of Tikanga is necessary to move forward in this country, te Reo is a part of that.

Besides, those of us who are not tangata whenua live here BECAUSE of the Treaty of Waitangi. We are all Tangata Tiriti - even if you don't like it, it is an inescapable fact.

I think many here know my opinions, and that I'm prepared to bck them up with cool-headed and reasoned argument.

*Sits back and waits for the bile to start flowing*

James Deuce
31st August 2007, 13:21
NZers are regarded as slightly retarded in the UN because linguistically they're rubbish. It doesn't matter what languages you teach kids so long as they are learning a second one. It makes picking up another language that little bit easier and so on.

The ability to analyse a language subconsciously and recognise the correct syntactical contexts for the components of another language is a brilliant skill to have. My Norwegian Sister-in-Law has a working knowledge of all the Scandinavian languages (and unusually a bit of Finnish and Sami) as well as German, French, Portuguese, and of course, English. Her written English is better than most Kbers.

Why is everyone so scared of Maori language and culture? I don't understand what it is that generates such a huge negative outpouring every time this "issue" pops up. It's a non-issue. The NZ Balance of Payments is an issue.

On another note, successful "commercial" TV station or not, Maori TV has some good stuff on when the "proper" stations are running some unbearable "Reality TV". The best TV channels in the world are the BBC ones. State Funded. Even ITV has to run Blitverts to compete successfully with the Beeb.

31st August 2007, 13:24
Besides, those of us who are not tangata whenua live here BECAUSE of the Treaty of Waitangi. We are all Tangata Tiriti - even if you don't like it, it is an inescapable fact[/QUOTE]

The treaty was only ever signed because Captain Cook ran out of bullets :2guns:

31st August 2007, 13:30
Why is everyone so scared of Maori language and culture?

It is because increasingly our choice as to whether we 'participate' is being removed by all facets of Maori(dom) being made compulsory.

Back in the DarkAges when I was at high school, we had to do 2 languages....English, and a choice of French, German, Latin. At least we could choose which second language we did. Which meant that we at least had a sense of personal control.

31st August 2007, 13:33
I watch a few Maori TV station progs and I reckon they are a hell of a lot more representative of this country and its people (of all races) than most of the crap on TV1 and TV2.

I don't think the Herald article says whether 300 hours is a weekly or monthly figure. Somehow I can't see them playing 1000 hours of Maori progs a month. More likely to be an annual figure.

31st August 2007, 13:38
A working knowledge of Tikanga is necessary to move forward in this country, te Reo is a part of that.

Yes, but only if you're on the gravy trail. For the rest of us, Engrish will do fine thank you.


31st August 2007, 13:39
WTF has a language's "official" status got to do with it being rammed down our throats. The UK has 5 official languages but I didn't see Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Welsh or Scots being drummed into kids at school or taking up 30% of TV content. Usual New Zealand PC bull$hit. Yes, some Maori TV is bloody good but that's not the point. About 15% of population are Maori, so give them 15% of TV. 5% are Chinese (Asia is a large continent you know) so give them 5% of TV. Yes, some of that coverage should be prime-time. Isn't it that simple?

How would we all feel if Spankme was dictated that 30% of kiwibiker posts were to be in Maori?

31st August 2007, 13:42
How would we all feel if Spankme was dictated that 30% of kiwibiker posts were to be in Maori?

There'd be a dirty dive for the 'other site'

31st August 2007, 13:42
[QUOTE=Phurrball;1186925]A working knowledge of Tikanga is necessary to move forward in this country


I don't see why.

31st August 2007, 13:46
Actually, I would have thought a working knowledge of the three R's would have been more use and there appears to be quite a number of kids leaving school with some pretty low standards in all three.

31st August 2007, 13:53
I agree with Jim and Phurrball, but, lets face it - most people don't like to think - they like to bitch and complain and moan and grizzle because it's not exactly the way they want it in their little proscribed world...........

31st August 2007, 14:10
I think they are trying to tighly hold onto a wet bar of soap.
Itll eventually fizzle out over time.

31st August 2007, 14:39
Isnt tangata whenua pre maori??

If not, what is the word??I know they have one .. wonder why a so called "indigenous race" would have a word for what they know was here before them...

31st August 2007, 14:43
They like to bitch and complain and moan and grizzle because it's not exactly the way they want it in their little proscribed world...........

Isn't that supposed to be how democracy works?

31st August 2007, 15:19
I think they are trying to tighly hold onto a wet bar of soap.
Itll eventually fizzle out over time.

Good call, I have things to do; like cook, clean, make beds and get things all lovey-dovey so that my family can enjoy the weekend in peace and harmony.

And I'm not joking.

31st August 2007, 15:41
I'm a big fan of Maori TV. They seem to understand the "charter" better than does the State Broadcaster.

I can't remember the last time I watched anything on One or 2, so I couldn't care less what other riveting content they choose to air. Maybe they could buff Martin Clunes, Robson Green or one of those other pommie actors up with a bit of brown nugget and the occasional "kia ora". That should do it nicely for them.

31st August 2007, 16:04
I can't remember the last time I watched anything on One or 2

Well there's going to be a great show on Channel One late next year you should watch. Rumour has it that the conclusion of the show will probably spell the end of the Maori Channel... or at least the funding for it.

31st August 2007, 16:37
I'm a big fan of Maori TV. They seem to understand the "charter" better than does the State Broadcaster.

I can't remember the last time I watched anything on One or 2, so I couldn't care less what other riveting content they choose to air. Maybe they could buff Martin Clunes, Robson Green or one of those other pommie actors up with a bit of brown nugget and the occasional "kia ora". That should do it nicely for them.

Well at least thats what TVNZ thought last funding round, have a brown face and then we meet the charter no matter what the show is.

I love the fact that our kids are getting taught both sides of the story re: new zealands history and culture. And i think that our kids will learn an understanding of each others backgrounds that will equip them much better to take this country forward in the future.

31st August 2007, 19:55
The real issue here is what is our government for????

I can't get past that it should be the welfare of the citizens and for me the compulsory items are law and order, defense, health, education, transport and the maintenance of freedom for the citizens (lots of stuff in this one such as speech, association, the right to conduct business et al).

Can someone please explain / justify why this government is spending friggin lots of money on this sort of stuff when we have things like the following?

Recently I was back home in Auckland, New Zealand and visited the cancer ward at Starship which is in dire need of expansion. Right now it's pretty crowded with a small room housing four patients and their parents. This can go on for weeks on end so there's not much privacy and dignity.

To make matters worse kids going through chemotherapy need a single room to avoid contamination and infection from others, making it more of a squeeze and forcing children to transfer to other wards.

Each year at Starship alone 100 new children are diagnosed with cancer. During their treatment, which can take over a year or longer, they can be admitted for treatment 10 to 20 times. We need to make this ward the best it can be, providing privacy, comfort and support so that each child has the best chance of beating cancer and making a full recovery.
From here http://www.starship.org.nz/index.php/pi_pageid/1531 This is a charity setup to get money for a childrens hospital FFS!@!

I'd be real interested in any explanation / justifications that put sufficent health care for our sick children ahead of social engineering.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg - we have lost the plot!

31st August 2007, 20:01

31st August 2007, 20:50
A working knowledge of Tikanga is necessary to move forward in this country ...


31st August 2007, 21:04
Te Reo is an *official language* of this country. Gettit? Official, state sanctioned, and should probably be compulsory for the young'uns. Would you be bleating if your kids were forced to learn Romansch if you lived in Switzerland? Again, official minority language. A working knowledge of Tikanga is necessary to move forward in this country, te Reo is a part of that.

Besides, those of us who are not tangata whenua live here BECAUSE of the Treaty of Waitangi. We are all Tangata Tiriti - even if you don't like it, it is an inescapable fact.

I think many here know my opinions, and that I'm prepared to bck them up with cool-headed and reasoned argument.

*Sits back and waits for the bile to start flowing* Actually i reckon a few more that understand Tika whatever it is working would be a great way for this country to move forward,me i am just sick of watching all the handouts to a group of people that have the same opportunities and starting point that i did.Dont bother with the racist crap i would say the same about any group of bludgers.

31st August 2007, 21:44
Just means I will be watching Sky a bit more often...
...Just another government scheme to force things on us that the majority of us dont need or want! Things are getting more socialistic and draconian to the majority by the day! seems if you are a minority you are given things to you on a platter!....and beurocrats in any level of government seem to despise the middle aged middle class white guy...
...Racism is rampant in New Zealand...The country is racist towards us Honkies!

If you are not black, or you are not gay or a dyke you dont seem to get a look in as far as the Govt is concerned!

31st August 2007, 22:09
India is part of Asia.........didn't ya know

Grahameeboy is from UK, where everybody from east of Suez is Asian, as in from the Asian continent.

Not a common usage of the term in NZ.

But then again, everybody from the UK is a Pom. :dodge:

31st August 2007, 22:28
Why is everyone so scared of Maori language and culture? I don't understand what it is that generates such a huge negative outpouring every time this "issue" pops up. It's a non-issue. The NZ Balance of Payments is an issue.

What he said...

Learning a second language from a young age is an excellent idea, and it is reasonable that it would be Maori in NZ. It doesn't stop you learning another more widespread language such as Spanish or Mandarin and most likely helps significantly.

The days of monolingual English-speaking Kiwis is fast coming to an end anyhow, the majority of people I work/interact with on a daily basis are multilingual, ranging from Welsh, Spanish, German and Greek, to Hindi, Mandarin and Korean speakers.

My schoolboy French doesn't really cut it anymore.

31st August 2007, 22:41
Iam not scared of Culture at all,just sick to death of paying for it.The culture thats costing this country so much reminds me of that spike milligan clip with the fat guy that just kept on eating.....just wish it would hurry up and explode.Personally i dont want to own the country i just want to enjoy what it has to offer.Be nice to think that when i pass away my nearest and dearest can plant me where she sees fit...

31st August 2007, 22:47
What he said...

Learning a second language from a young age is an excellent idea, and it is reasonable that it would be Maori in NZ. It doesn't stop you learning another more widespread language such as Spanish or Mandarin and most likely helps significantly.

The days of monolingual English-speaking Kiwis is fast coming to an end anyhow, the majority of people I work/interact with on a daily basis are multilingual, ranging from Welsh, Spanish, German and Greek, to Hindi, Mandarin and Korean speakers.

My schoolboy French doesn't really cut it anymore.

I learnt Malay - lot more Malays than Maori in the world.

And a lot less pretentious too.:yeah:

31st August 2007, 23:03
I learnt Malay - lot more Malays than Maori in the world.

Yes, but did you learn Malay in NZ or Malaysia?

By a numerical argument we should all be learning Mandarin...

31st August 2007, 23:13
Yes, but did you learn Malay in NZ or Malaysia?

By a numerical argument we should all be learning Mandarin...

I was living in Malaya at the time .... the Malays had no idea that Maori was a language - let alone New Zealand and Maori existed...

31st August 2007, 23:20
I was living in Malaya at the time .... the Malays had no idea that Maori was a language - let alone New Zealand and Maori existed...

Sorry, I don't see your point. You learnt Malay because you were living in Malaya, which is the same as learning Maori in NZ.

Whether Malays knew of Maori or vice versa is/was irrelevant.

Again, if numerical superiority is all that governs what language we should learn, then we should probably give up on English now!

31st August 2007, 23:24
Sorry, I don't see your point. You learnt Malay because you were living in Malaya, which is the same as learning Maori in NZ.

Whether Malays knew of Maori or vice versa is/was irrelevant.

True that last part.

But I would like to learn the language of a minority (Maori) race IF it was not rammed down my throat, it might be handy.

Malay was not a 'minority' language, hence I 'needed' to learn it and wanted to.

Salamat pagi.

31st August 2007, 23:33
Sorry, I don't see your point. You learnt Malay because you were living in Malaya, which is the same as learning Maori in NZ.

Whether Malays knew of Maori or vice versa is/was irrelevant. Thing is ive never honestly met anyone thats interested in learning Maori:argh:i can understand some of our population wanting to and good luck to them what i dont understand is the rest of it,WTF is wrong with being a New Zealander and being satisfied with the rights that go with it.This never ending woe is me/give us more/you owe us/ bullshit does nothing but make normally open minded folk pissed off.....maybe just maybe if a group of ethnic people went out and started a business which went on to fund a television channel devoted to there affairs then wahoo good on them i would say.Like i said well sick of the gimmee attitude.

31st August 2007, 23:39
Hmmm, 'Need to spread some reputation.'

You're too skinny it seems for the reputation to stick.

Mr Merde
1st September 2007, 02:01

Salamat pagi.

Salamat marlum

orung geela

(phonetic, I hope)

1st September 2007, 05:43
What he said...

Learning a second language from a young age is an excellent idea, and it is reasonable that it would be Maori in NZ. It doesn't stop you learning another more widespread language such as Spanish or Mandarin and most likely helps significantly.

My schoolboy French doesn't really cut it anymore.

My point was it's pretty much being rammed down our throats in the same way that certain religious groups try and force their morals on the rest of us. Sorry to bust your bubble but learning Maori is about as essential as me learning Gaelic or Latin. I think all kids should be taught a second language, I just don't think it should be compulsory Maori. By all means teach kiddies about both cultures/history & by all means have a fair representation on the goggle box.

1st September 2007, 05:44
Grahameeboy is from UK, where everybody from east of Suez is Asian, as in from the Asian continent.

What you meant is Grahameeboy is from the rest of planet earth, where everybody from east of Suez is Asian.

1st September 2007, 07:35
Grahameeboy is from UK, where everybody from east of Suez is Asian, as in from the Asian continent.

Not a common usage of the term in NZ.

But then again, everybody from the UK is a Pom. :dodge:

What is a POM?

We say Japanese, Chinese, Indian cause we know the difference whereas NZer's cannot be bothered to learn so they lump them into a Category.:shit::shutup:

1st September 2007, 08:15
Id like to thank the mainstream media for all the maori bashing that is in our country at present, it seems alot of our population take it as gospel and then carry on spreading it around.
Thank goodness we have Maori Television so at least its viewers will see that maori are an integral part of nz and that not all they do is negative.

Open your eyes - the media portrays what it wants you to think, maybe ask a little bit and get some actual truth about subjects, then youll have both sides of the story to make an educated opinion.

1st September 2007, 08:30
Id like to thank the mainstream media for all the maori bashing that is in our country at present, it seems alot of our population take it as gospel and then carry on spreading it around......

Open your eyes - the media portrays what it wants you to think, maybe ask a little bit and get some actual truth about subjects, then youll have both sides of the story to make an educated opinion.

I agree with your first point, but many with their eyes open will have different educated opinions to you.

My eyes semi-open, is that there are much higher priorities to spend my money on (to the extent that this doesn't even get on my priority list)

1st September 2007, 08:32
Id like to thank the mainstream media for all the maori bashing that is in our country at present, it seems alot of our population take it as gospel and then carry on spreading it around.
Thank goodness we have Maori Television so at least its viewers will see that maori are an integral part of nz and that not all they do is negative.

Open your eyes - the media portrays what it wants you to think, maybe ask a little bit and get some actual truth about subjects, then youll have both sides of the story to make an educated opinion.

Although the land rights stuff seems at times a bit ot...I agree 100% with you...........they should bash a few Pakiha I reckon..........they do have a regular habit of avoiding their own problems and diverting it elsewhere.

I think the Moari Culture is great and I guess coming from a country with a vast diverse culture that is why...........I was at the Tamaki Maori Village the other week, ended up being picked as the Chief....it was a moving experience.

1st September 2007, 08:38
...........I was at the Tamaki Maori Village the other week, ended up being picked as the Chief....it was a moving experience.

So you didnt end up in the pot?....:rockon:
Rumour/Legend has it that...the sounds of tui in the tress are played through speakers at the Tamaki Village....:yes:

1st September 2007, 08:39
So you didnt end up in the pot?....:rockon:
Rumour/Legend has it that...the sounds of tui in the tress are played through speakers at the Tamaki Village....:yes:

Nah, you can buy it in the gift shop and you can get Tui at the bar...

1st September 2007, 09:16
After reading this thread I had a quick switch to channel 19 last night . My my, paki paki was the programme . I watched for a while , all that polynesian talent was just too much !!!!!!! SING FOREST SING !! I can also see why the Govt has stats that say we as NZder's are all getting too fat....... Gaz.

1st September 2007, 09:34
After reading this thread I had a quick switch to channel 19 last night . My my, paki paki was the programme . I watched for a while , all that polynesian talent was just too much !!!!!!! SING FOREST SING !! I can also see why the Govt has stats that say we as NZ's are all getting too fat....... Gaz.

Have they changed the name?... didn't it used to be called 'Maorioki'?

1st September 2007, 09:34
.... reminds me of that spike milligan clip with the fat guy that just kept on eating....

Not this? www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlK62rjQWLk&mode=related&search=
Remarkable similarity to Chris Trotter...

1st September 2007, 10:09
Id like to thank the mainstream media for all the maori bashing that is in our country at present, it seems alot of our population take it as gospel and then carry on spreading it around.

That's bull bull. The "mainstream" media is owned by your Government. The rest are predominantly lefties who love thy maori. The term "Maori bashing" is an uneducated response to mostly fact. Bull, it is not gospel that Maori are predominantly represented in NZ's serious social problems. You're saying that the media shouldn't report any Maori crime which is nuts.

Saying that all Maori's are useless could coin the phrase "Maori bashing". Saying that Maori are over represented in violent and general crime, child abuse and draining our public health system is fact. Then there's all the tax payer funding for rubbing noses and piss ups, but that's not their fault. The blame is on the voters who elected this government in.

However, keeping this on topic, could someone please teach me the Maori words for: Responsibility and Accountability. Throw in Pride too. I'd like the real Maori words too please. Not the one's where taxpayer funds pay for 10 - 20 staff to translate and develop modern words.

1st September 2007, 10:23
That's bull bull. The "mainstream" media is owned by your Government. The rest are predominantly lefties who love thy maori. The term "Maori bashing" is an uneducated response to mostly fact. Bull, it is not gospel that Maori are predominantly represented in NZ's serious social problems. You're saying that the media shouldn't report any Maori crime which is nuts.

Saying that all Maori's are useless could coin the phrase "Maori bashing". Saying that Maori are over represented in violent and general crime, child abuse and draining our public health system is fact. Then there's all the tax payer funding for rubbing noses and piss ups, but that's not their fault. The blame is on the voters who elected this government in.

However, keeping this on topic, could someone please teach me the Maori words for: Responsibility and Accountability. Throw in Pride too. I'd like the real Maori words too please. Not the one's where taxpayer funds pay for 10 - 20 staff to translate and develop modern words.

Oh dear.............:bleh:

1st September 2007, 10:30

However, keeping this on topic, could someone please teach me the Maori words for: Responsibility and Accountability. Throw in Pride too. .

There is only one. An all-purpose word.
Something sadly lacking, or selectively utilised.

1st September 2007, 16:01
Although the land rights stuff seems at times a bit ot...I agree 100% with you...........they should bash a few Pakiha I reckon..........they do have a regular habit of avoiding their own problems and diverting it elsewhere.

No bashing but equal representation of both good and bad things by both cultures in our media would be a great start.

That's bull bull. The "mainstream" media is owned by your Government. The rest are predominantly lefties who love thy maori. The term "Maori bashing" is an uneducated response to mostly fact. Bull, it is not gospel that Maori are predominantly represented in NZ's serious social problems. You're saying that the media shouldn't report any Maori crime which is nuts.

Saying that all Maori's are useless could coin the phrase "Maori bashing". Saying that Maori are over represented in violent and general crime, child abuse and draining our public health system is fact. Then there's all the tax payer funding for rubbing noses and piss ups, but that's not their fault. The blame is on the voters who elected this government in.

However, keeping this on topic, could someone please teach me the Maori words for: Responsibility and Accountability. Throw in Pride too. I'd like the real Maori words too please. Not the one's where taxpayer funds pay for 10 - 20 staff to translate and develop modern words.

Yep, Mana is the key word here.

1st September 2007, 20:09
No bashing but equal representation of both good and bad things by both cultures in our media would be a great start.

Yep, Mana is the key word here.

Bashing, metaphorically speaking I meant but you are right.

Still a lot of prejudice in NZ...............

1st September 2007, 20:16
Still a lot of prejudice in NZ...............

Nah. Just don't like maoris or poms:dodge::eek5::chase: pt - of course

1st September 2007, 21:30
Nah. Just don't like maoris or poms:dodge::eek5::chase: pt - of course

......and Scottish cylists.........:rolleyes::eek:

1st September 2007, 21:45
......and Scottish cylists.........:rolleyes::eek:

Oi you...you'll be in big trouble

2nd September 2007, 07:08
Oi you...you'll be in big trouble

How BIG ?.......................

2nd September 2007, 08:38
......and Scottish cylists.........:rolleyes::eek:

That's fightin talk. :jerry:

2nd September 2007, 08:51
How BIG ?.......................

A taniwha might pop up in your back yard..............
........and it'll cost ya sixty g's to get rid of it.

2nd September 2007, 09:25
Have they changed the name?... didn't it used to be called 'Maorioki'?

Ha , maha guy ! could be ? I gave it a fair go, but for the life of me I can't see that they are able to sing any better than me ? The look on the faces showed absolute confidence ,almost on a par with a religous experience. Gaz.

2nd September 2007, 18:18
A taniwha might pop up in your back yard..............
........and it'll cost ya sixty g's to get rid of it.

Well if it keeps the grass down I will not complain