View Full Version : Clearing your mind?

4th September 2007, 18:58
I'm known round these parts as being pretty flippant and off-hand about most things. A joker if you will. That's great - thanks for the accolade... but in every life a little rain must fall...
I've been stressed (for reasons that I won't go into here) and have had trouble sleeping. I wake up at some ungodly hour (2, 3 in the morning) and can't go back to sleep, or if I do sleep it's just dozing for 20 minutes at a time. I have stuff that seems to go round and round in my head.

My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

The Lone Rider
4th September 2007, 19:01
Try jogging or push biking for 20 minutes then hard weight lifting for 40 minutes. It works in a psychological and pysiological ways.

4th September 2007, 19:08
Talk to someone you absolutely trust and they may be able to offer some advice of trying to sort things out that you may not have thought of in your stressed state

4th September 2007, 19:09
Sex, more Sex and lots of it. That'll clear your head...

4th September 2007, 19:12
or just pay a shrink and talk to them?

dont laugh, shrinks aint just for nutters........

4th September 2007, 19:13
Read a novel for at least 20 minutes.

Go for a ride on your bike.

Do a Sudoku puzzle.

4th September 2007, 19:14
Pen and paper beside the bed....when shit pops in your head, write it down, then it's not just swimming round....works for some

4th September 2007, 19:16
I've had the exact same issue recently.

My only way through it was to work out a plan of attack for the situation, figure out the likely outcomes, and think about the good aspects of the big picture. Get everything clear and pinned down in my mind.

I then told myself that I had much to be thankful for, and could and should rest easy. The rest of my life started when the sun rose, and I had what it took to make it kick arse.

Yeah, I know, sounds like a corny self-help tape, but I had to do it, and it worked. Took just under a week, and then I was sleeping just fine.

Usual comments about diet and exercise apply, too.

4th September 2007, 19:23
I found going to a psych really helped. Pass your shit on to someone else!! And the adage of a trouble shared is a trouble halved is true as long as it's someone completely trustworthy.

Plus getting really, really physically tired through exercise, and forcing myself to go to bed an hour later than normal.

It's a real bugger, though, when you've been doing it for a few nights and discover you've got yourself in to the habit of it.

Good luck, I hope it comes right for you soon and you get some lovely :yawn:

4th September 2007, 19:27
Agree with exercise and writing stuff down. It is surprising just how it focuses your mind when you put ideas, thoughts in writing.

Apart from that, there are relaxation and self hypnosis therapies. Here is a link http://www.bcx.net/hypnosis/script.htm You can use this technique for relaxation without doing the positive suggestion part if you don't want to.

Takes 2 or 3 tries but it works.

4th September 2007, 19:33
Deep breathe and visualisation of a calm and safe happy place.

Im serious, it works man

4th September 2007, 19:35
My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

Exercise during the day, then at night you need to relax, nothing streinuious or stressful, read a book, blob in from of the box, have soak in a bath, use bath salts...

Then say 1/2 hour to an hour before bed, turn off the box, switch off the puter, make your lunch for work tomorrow, get your work clothes ready make cup of milo with hot milk then trundle off to bed with your book and cuppa and read for a while.

Don't let things stress you out just let them slide, avoid watching the news... :doh: avoid stress threads on Kiwibiker :shit: avoid travelling on clogged motorways... ;)

either that or do the opposite so your brain overloads and implodes.... :shifty:

tri boy
4th September 2007, 19:37
jrandom +1
Think your way out of the situation.

The Lone Rider
4th September 2007, 19:38
Exercise has been proven to increase hormones in the body that deal with feeling well and also is essential to sleep as your mind might be tired but your body needs to be as well.

4th September 2007, 19:42
Sex, more Sex and lots of it. That'll clear your head...

I would have to agree with that....after a good bout of bedroom wrestling with the missus I always sleep well....

4th September 2007, 19:42
Pen and paper beside the bed....when shit pops in your head, write it down, then it's not just swimming round....works for some

I agree. This will help you reflect on what you're losing sleep over and approach it when you're a bit calmer.

If you're desperate for sleep, read a heavy textbook and it'll send you to sleep!

4th September 2007, 19:43
Think your way out of the situation.
Thinking the way out of the problem doesn't work for me, it just adds to all the stuff going around and around in my head keeping me awake.
I have to do something to stop the thinking, to interrupt the chain of thoughts so I go for a walk and concentrate on not thinking, just walking.
Or I just read a book, if the thoughts /worries are not too overpowering.
Being a buddhist vego nutbag, I also meditate, and I have found that's best for me for stopping endless cycling of thoughts. But people will look at you funny if you tell them you meditate.
Good luck!

4th September 2007, 19:45
If you're desperate for sleep, read a heavy textbook and it'll send you to sleep!

Good call....employment relations text book is REALLY good for that! I can send it to you Colapop....worked wonders for me.

4th September 2007, 19:46
I wake up at some ungodly hour (2, 3 in the morning) and can't go back to sleep, or if I do sleep it's just dozing for 20 minutes at a time.
I do exactly this when stressed.

Get up. Get completely up, get dressed, fuck off somewhere else in the house and do something - in my case usually netsurfing. Usually it takes at least an hour but afterwards you'll be completely knackered and will drop off like a log. Getting up in the (real) morning can be an issue though.


Zuki Bandit
4th September 2007, 19:47
Mate, your sleep pattern sounds very similar to mine. I wake up around 3.30 or so a then lie there in a state that I can only describe as not awake but quite asleep. I now this is caused by stress and I cant seem to shut these thoughts off. One thing that sometimes helps is to read a book. I have also tried writing down the things that are stressing me out and then writing possible solutions. I guess it settles the mind a little.
Now this sounds relly weird but the most effective way that helps me relax and get some shut eye is to imagine looking down at myself sleeping. I picture myself in the perfect sleep snoring my arse off.
But I really sympathise with you Cola, it can get really draining.

Good luck mate!

4th September 2007, 19:52
the writing thing is a good idea. try this approach:

15 mins before bed get a clean pad and start writing. just write whatever shit pops into your head dont worry if it makes sense or what. The point of the exercise is to get the random thoughts out of your head onto the paper. your mind seems to know it's been 'dealt' with and stops thinking about it. throw the paper in the bin when your done. i'm sure with a name like colapop you dont want the cleaner reading your inner thoughts bahahaha.

works a treat.

4th September 2007, 19:58
Now this sounds relly weird but the most effective way that helps me relax and get some shut eye is to imagine looking down at myself sleeping. I picture myself in the perfect sleep snoring my arse off.

Oooh, I like that! That sounds very appealing, I'm going to try that one next time I have the midnight horrors . . . imagining myself :sleep: of course, not you :devil2:

4th September 2007, 20:02
I've been stressed .. I have stuff that seems to go round and round in my head.

I was in the same situation about 7 years ago...had so much going on, marriage beark up/lost the family home/lost my contracting business/eye sight was fading (cataracts) owed a bit money here and there. One day while at work...i found myself in in a very scary place...for some reason, i didnt know what to do (work wise) and had been floor laying for 20 years at that stage...but my mind was telling me...this aint what you do, couldn't deal with that emotion at all...wont go into what happened next but what i ended up doing was writting down everything that attending too, and one stiuation at a time i went about and got it sorted, still paying (to this day) for one of those things but it will go away, i know that for sure....one thing at a time Col....:niceone:

Zuki Bandit
4th September 2007, 20:09
Now janno, it will not work unless you think of me! lol

4th September 2007, 20:22
I usually try one of two techniques to bring about sleep:

1. Exercise until I feel like puking, or
2. Drink until I feel like puking

I am more alert in the morning after option one, however both negatively effect my mobility.

4th September 2007, 20:23
You probably know what is causing the stress. It is likely to be the job - am I right? If what is causing you to wake up is a situation you don't like and can't control getting out is one answer. The best thing I did was get out of management in Telecom and go contracting. All the stress of trying to meet unreasonable demands, back stabbing, politics and power play gone. Now I control where and when I work and the stress has gone; even though I don't have guaranteed work from day to day.

And, I am now back on a bike and don't give a shit what others think about that.

4th September 2007, 20:29
I'm known round these parts as being pretty flippant and off-hand about most things. A joker if you will. That's great - thanks for the accolade... but in every life a little rain must fall...
I've been stressed (for reasons that I won't go into here) and have had trouble sleeping. I wake up at some ungodly hour (2, 3 in the morning) and can't go back to sleep, or if I do sleep it's just dozing for 20 minutes at a time. I have stuff that seems to go round and round in my head.

My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

I like loud music, not deafening, just loud enough to hear it all. Good headphones aren't that expensive these days and I get a great release from listening to my fave tunes when I'm down. If that's at 2.00am, use the headphones. I guess it would depend on what kind of music you're into but I find a heap of Supertramp to be soothing (try the title track from 'Even in the quietest moments'), Satriani's 'Rubina's blue sky happiness', 'Cryin' and some Led Zep like 'Goin to California', 'That's the way' and other acoustic stuff.

You can play it in the dark, on your own, reflect and either sup a bourbon or a cup of tea. It really doesn't matter; what matters is having that time to yourself to let the weight grow wings.

All the best dude.

4th September 2007, 20:30
I usually try one of two techniques to bring about sleep:

1. Exercise until I feel like puking, or
2. Drink until I feel like puking

I am more alert in the morning after option one, however both negatively effect my mobility.

The thought of option 1) makes me feel like puking, so option 2) is where it's at.

4th September 2007, 20:45
Been there.

Reading myself to sleep worked. At 2am just picking the book up and reading myself to sleep again. I agree with the idea too of getting up and doing something else can work but it's a 2 hour thing for me and that doesn't leave much of the night remaining.

The reading thing breaks the roundy-roundy thought process - which as you know, goes nowhere. The mind gets diverted by the story. It works for me, it may work for you.

You want to know the truth though? The only thing that really works completely is elapsed time. Whilst the issues are happening, every day adds to the vicious cycle. After it stops happening every day, then time is the healer. Maybe it helps to read the experiences of the others in this thread to see that as shitty as it is, there is eventually resolution and it gets better.

4th September 2007, 20:49
The thought of option 1) makes me feel like puking, so option 2) is where it's at.

Even though this is a serious thread - I really do hope that you're joking.

4th September 2007, 20:52
Mate - you used to be a bodybuilder right? Or are you still in the sport?

Just hit the weights hard - get back into your program - basically get something else to focus on.

Apart from the weights - if you don't have any reservations around the subject - there is meditation.

Sometimes (friggin always the way things are at the moment) I pacify myself thinking of the big picture and saying mate just get on with it, life is a bitch anyway, as the cliche goes hope for the best but expect the worst, so if it happens then it's not a large surprise.

Now that below is just my opinion, you have more life experience and I'm 99.9999% sure more intelligence than me, so please take what you wish and ignore the rest.

Why are you stressed? (Not asking you for details just asking you questions to ask yourself) Why exactly?

What has caused that stress?

Is it a factor within your control?

Yes - what is the one thing you can do now physically about it? Do it.

No - ok, what is the one thing you can do now physically to influence whoever is in control. Do it.

If it is about a person, sometimes there isn't much we can do to control others.

If it is about a situation and not something you can avoid is it worth worrying about instead of just saying "F'ck it, what ever happens, happens."

What caused the situation? Does this help create a solution?

No? Go back and see what caused - whatever caused the situation...

Matey, all this may sound like a load of theory... and certain things don't go away.

As you learnt from your time in the gym bud, work hard consistently and you gain growth. Same with life.....

I don't know if you need someway to get to sleep or someway to get rid of what is causing you to lose sleep.

Don't take any pills unless your best mate/partner/mother and doctor think you need to mate.

Chin up soldier.

4th September 2007, 20:58
Deep breathe and visualisation of a calm and safe happy place.

Im serious, it works man

this has helped me more times that i like to admit.. even to myself!!!

concentrat on your breathing.... you know the type... both in AND out... feel what each breath does, where it goes... think how it helps you ....

4th September 2007, 21:34
When I was going through major stressful STUFF i couldnt get my mind to switch off. Tried everything from a hot bath, reading, to talking to people about my problems. The only thing that worked was time, and enjoying the little things in life... still doing what you are passionate about - for me riding (is why I hate that my bike is out of action atm). Spend time doing stuff you enjoy.

Lots of great advice though Col from everyone else.

The worse thing is probably going on the internet all night, I cant go to sleep after being on KB sometimes, so a few minutes reading or watching a little mindless tv before bed might help?


4th September 2007, 21:40
Col - sounds to me like that decision you thought you needed to make is still wanting to be made mate.

Give me a call if you want to chat. You know my number.


4th September 2007, 21:44
knock yourself out. works for me...

4th September 2007, 21:45
Mate -
Don't take any pills unless your best mate/partner/mother and doctor think you need to mate.


then tell all ya mates and we'll be around to take some too....:sunny::done:

4th September 2007, 21:55
Even though this is a serious thread - I really do hope that you're joking.

I take the piss all the time, ask any copper.
My genuine offerings were in a previous post.

I've been depressed, it's not easy, but a few gags, a few drinks with some mates and some music got me through. Then, when I got back on my feet I repeated the scenario with supercharged gusto! It really does work.

Mates are probably the best thing. Thinking things through and looking at what you have, not what you don't have. I don't have much but it's mine and life is good. A cuppa watching the sun come up (or go down) costs bugger all and works wonders.

Whether it's the day to come or the day done. It's what YOU make it.

4th September 2007, 21:55
No caffeine past midday (Tough I know).

Try and address the cause of the stress. Avoiding a problem? Don't. Commiting to the process of fixing the problem is scary but the relief makes it worth it.

Like deciding to quit your job, great when you make the decision isn't it? It causes lots of small hassles, but fixes the big one.

I'm happy to make some time to talk to you big guy.

4th September 2007, 22:00
Guilt always keep you a wake at night
When I can’t sleep there’s normally something I need to do get back to having a clean conscious. Put something right with someone, or sort out an unpleasant situation I’m avoiding.

Do you smoke – I’m not talking illicit drugs or anything, but when I use to smoke I found ‘catnip’ from the garden mixed in the tobacco helped with getting to sleep, I think you can make a tea out of it too.

4th September 2007, 22:02
If its floating around in your head and keeping you awake..then there's too much of it in there in the first place.
Find someone you trust or a pen and paper and 'fess up.
Keep doing it until you go 'soft' and if warranted...the words turn to tears...

Hopefully you'll know what to do after that...

4th September 2007, 22:09
Good greif. Did any of the posters on page one actually read that this happens at 2-3am? Go for a pushbike ride at that hour?:eek:
Perky nipples through the lycra, for sure.

4th September 2007, 22:33
Good call....employment relations text book is REALLY good for that! I can send it to you Colapop....worked wonders for me.

I thought having coffee with me put you to sleep? :whistle:

4th September 2007, 22:36
I'm known round these parts as being pretty flippant and off-hand about most things. A joker if you will. That's great - thanks for the accolade... but in every life a little rain must fall...
I've been stressed (for reasons that I won't go into here) and have had trouble sleeping. I wake up at some ungodly hour (2, 3 in the morning) and can't go back to sleep, or if I do sleep it's just dozing for 20 minutes at a time. I have stuff that seems to go round and round in my head.

My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

I understand that mate.... big time. I prefer to avoid any kind of drugs (except coffee). Can recommend a few things with a bit more info to work out the 'why' factor. PM if ya like mate.

4th September 2007, 22:40
When I was going through major stressful STUFF i couldnt get my mind to switch off. Tried everything from a hot bath, reading, to talking to people about my problems. The only thing that worked was time, and enjoying the little things in life... still doing what you are passionate about - for me riding (is why I hate that my bike is out of action atm). Spend time doing stuff you enjoy.

Lots of great advice though Col from everyone else.

The worse thing is probably going on the internet all night, I cant go to sleep after being on KB sometimes, so a few minutes reading or watching a little mindless tv before bed might help?


Very wise comments Mel. One of the worst things anyone can do is wind themselves up with thinking about things like KB arguments, scary movies, or something that stimulates thought too much.

There are a lot of ways to relax and get better sleep, everything from a new pillow or bed to doing good exercise during the day or changing diet.

Sex works really well for some. But some of us just keep going all night like the energizer bunny.... (well I HAD to say it!)

Big Dave
5th September 2007, 00:01
Resolve the issue that's stressing you.

5th September 2007, 00:06
Resolve the issue that's stressing you.

easier said than done in a lot of situations.

5th September 2007, 01:23
The only thing that worked was time, and enjoying the little things in life... still doing what you are passionate about - for me riding (is why I hate that my bike is out of action atm). Spend time doing stuff you enjoy.

Good post M.

5th September 2007, 06:52
I'm a hypocrite because I don't, but you had the key word in your post - "exercise".

Apparently our bodies are masochistic and reward you're mental side for absolutely thrashing your physical side.

5th September 2007, 10:34
Go to bed...don't put any emphasis on the need to sleep and just expect that its going to take a while. You're not going to sleep any quicker thinking about getting to sleep quickly.

Counting sheep backwards works for me...honestly (no sheep jokes please).

5th September 2007, 11:03
Resolve the issue that's stressing you.

Can be a Catch-22....

Col, if you can change whatever is stressing you, then do so.
Make a list of the pros and cons of whatever is causing you grief, and the same for the responses you can make. Chances are, one side of both lists will have more entries. There's your answer.

5th September 2007, 12:53
Thank-you for all the reply's (and the PM's.) I can say without any reservation that I have made some very good friends through KB and your support is humbling. I'll be attacking the most pressing issue (of sleep) with excercise. I have been away from the gym for far too long (due to injury that has well since passed) and have been 'meaning to' get back into it.

I realise also that I need to communicate with someone who can help me with getting other areas of my life in order too. I have been directed to someone and will be investigating this in due course.

I am reminded of a quote that I tell others and that I need to take heed of myself -

No man is so good as to be free from all evil, nor so bad as to be worth nothing.

5th September 2007, 18:39
Good one C,

I feel like superman after a serious session at the gym. All the planning of one's lifestyle around meals and what to work on, what sort of exercise to do, etc is a welcome distraction for me.

Good luck with the other things mentioned too, if there were easy fixes they wouldn't be hard problems yaa....if it don't kill ya...ok I'll shut up now.

Go hard fella.

6th September 2007, 08:16
Read, the more heavy going the book, the better.
Listen to music, something relaxing like Enigma, Deep Forest etc.
Sort out the shit in your life that is causing you grief.
Take up yoga.
Good luck!

6th September 2007, 15:20
1. Read,
2. Listen to music
3. Take up yoga.

Good luck!

Come on woman... he said he wants to relax not turn fag.:Pokey:

6th September 2007, 15:40
Chur bro, you need to harden up! :lol: Now thats being flippant! My younger bro was always like you described it, still is. I think what you need is a big feed of chicken wings and some sugary carbonated beverage delivered by a mad chinaman on a little ol'Hornet down Wellyways! :msn-wink:

8th September 2007, 08:53
Thank-you for all the reply's (and the PM's.) I can say without any reservation that I have made some very good friends through KB and your support is humbling.

Bunch of soft bastards, thought we were bikers?
You need to get pissed and get into a good ol fashioned fight down at the local. Get it all out ya system. Grow some earwax and and scratch ya nuts more often.

9th September 2007, 16:07
One dreams of having nuts to scratch...

9th September 2007, 19:41
One dreams of having nuts to scratch...

sorry hitcher - I had no idea
Nasty accident or medical reasons?

9th September 2007, 22:32
Rogue chipmunks. Let's just leave it at that...

10th September 2007, 06:43
My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

I get raging insomnia some nights. I go out for a walk (gawd I miss having a dog), clean the house, work, phone friends and family in UK. Do not sit staring at telly or sit surfing the interweb.

Mrs Busa Pete
10th September 2007, 09:23
I'm known round these parts as being pretty flippant and off-hand about most things. A joker if you will. That's great - thanks for the accolade... but in every life a little rain must fall...
I've been stressed (for reasons that I won't go into here) and have had trouble sleeping. I wake up at some ungodly hour (2, 3 in the morning) and can't go back to sleep, or if I do sleep it's just dozing for 20 minutes at a time. I have stuff that seems to go round and round in my head.

My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

The only why is to deal with what is waking you up. ie bad marrage work on what is causing the problem if you can't move on it is not going to get any better, Mortgage sell the house and get something cheaper. There is an answer to every problem you just have to want to face it and deal with it.

Sorry colo don't mean to sound mean but that is life.:love::hug:

10th September 2007, 12:54
Yep that's why I wanted to deal with it without drugs. Things have improved - I've dealt with two big things that were causing the most grief. And I'm back getting some decent excercise at the gym. I didn't realise how much I missed the weights!! Already had a few hard sessions...

10th September 2007, 13:13
Yep that's why I wanted to deal with it without drugs. Things have improved - I've dealt with two big things that were causing the most grief. And I'm back getting some decent excercise at the gym. I didn't realise how much I missed the weights!! Already had a few hard sessions...

I used alternative medicines ..so Tranquil Sleep and Restful night .. they worked for a little bit ... good to see things improving .. but these are an option . .some pharmacys and alternative therapists have them. That doesn't mean that you don't have to work through all the other shit causing the problem though.

10th September 2007, 13:39
I used alternative medicines ..so Tranquil Sleep and Restful night .. they worked for a little bit ... good to see things improving .. but these are an option . .some pharmacys and alternative therapists have them. That doesn't mean that you don't have to work through all the other shit causing the problem though.

Bitch from Hell ???
That thumbnail of yours would give me a few sleepless nights :devil2:

13th September 2007, 01:32
For clearing my mind I tend to think over unanswerable questions. I change my perspective from the day to day crap to a position somewhere in the middle of the universe looking down at Earth.

It's sometimes good to think that none of this life thing really matters. I mean shit, who's going to care in a few millenia?

This also goes well with a beer on a balcony under the stars.

13th September 2007, 07:18
My question is this: What do you do to clear your mind? I need to clear my head so I can get some sleep. No, I do not want to take drugs. If I can't clear my mind by myself it's a pointless exercise.

Ctrl-Alt-Del stop all crashed thoughts and musings failing that..,

format c:\

13th September 2007, 08:08
NO!! I will not format C! Colapop will continue...