View Full Version : Mr John Britten

8th September 2007, 10:15
I've read the Tim Hanna book a few times now, seems a pretty up front read. From it, you'd think that John Britten was a bit of a prick, with little to no regard for people when it came to his bike, and that Tim Corocoan (sp?) needs a bullet.

Now I know that if you ask two different people about the same event(s) you'll likely as not get two (potentially vastly) different recollections.

So, in an effort to get some balance on the subject, just because it interests me, is there anyone out there who;
- Knows of other books that would be worth me reading (on the life and times of John Britten and his motorcycle)
- Was there at the time this all happened, and would like to venture an opinion

Would be happy to hear anecdotes of the kind that the Hanna book was filled with, some real entertaining stories in it I found :)

8th September 2007, 10:39
The "other" book pretty much agrees with the Hanna book but in much less detail.
It's a coffee table version - Read it and then go to the Hanna book for the details.

8th September 2007, 11:33
I've read the Hanna book, and one thing that struck me was the number of gentleman I've known with very similar personality traits to the ones it ascribes to Mr Britten.

A certain flavour of cuntishness and self-obsession seems to be a prerequisite for successful entrepreneurship.

8th September 2007, 11:44
Really enjoyed reading that book. Shows that nobody is perfect. It wasn't all roses the whole way through. Better reporting I think.

8th September 2007, 12:19
A certain flavour of cuntishness and self-obsession seems to be a prerequisite for successful entrepreneurship.

Perhaps that's the price you pay to be single-minded, focussed and a genius? Certainly other "great" men in history have been the same.

8th September 2007, 13:06
yeah john loved his bike, he was a great guy, his daughter izzy is just like him im still trying to get her to ride tho

Big Dave
8th September 2007, 16:17
A certain flavour of cuntishness and self-obsession seems to be a prerequisite for successful entrepreneurship.

I can name 5 examples that refute that without even thinking about it.

'Nice guys finish last' is bullshit.
Whats true is 'Emotionally intelligent people often win.'

ynot slow
8th September 2007, 18:25
Determination and success are two things we hate in this country,tall poppy syndrome.

So what if he was a prick,he might be a prick to one and a fine guy to another.I myself believe he was trying to get the bike into production fully before his tragic death.and he knew his timeframe and being the perfectionist he wanted it done properly.

Am proud to have touched the bike and viewed it up close.Was in Auckland for the america cup in 2000? when there was a display of NZitems,they were putting the bike on the stage and needed a hand with it,mate and I offered to help,what I remember was it's weight and nowhere to grab easily,and hoping we wouldn't drop it off the ramp which was a piece of 6x3 timber lol.

29th March 2008, 11:38
Have just read the book of Tim’s about John Britten.
At the end I just sat there flicking over the photos and feeling gutted ,disappointed , frustrated and confused.

There are so many things that could have been managed better like people and the projectbut never the less the out come was great as far as the bike.

I too would be keen to hear from any one that worked there on the project.