View Full Version : Helen and her fashion sense

8th September 2007, 21:11
How many noticed HC on TV at the APEC. That dress she was wearing yyyuuukkkkk. If she wants to win the next election she had better get herself a half decent wardrobe. That black and white monstrosity that she had on should have got her deported.


8th September 2007, 21:41
How many noticed HC on TV at the APEC. That dress she was wearing yyyuuukkkkk. If she wants to win the next election she had better get herself a half decent wardrobe. That black and white monstrosity that she had on should have got her deported.


If it would get her deported then she should keep wearing it!

8th September 2007, 21:42
Thought that you were referring to her new Drizabone jacket. An old sack over her head would look better still (but extremely cruel on the sack though).

8th September 2007, 21:47
Thought that you were referring to her new Drizabone jacket. An old sack over her head would look better still (but extremely cruel on the sack though).

No it was some black and white monstrosity some kiwi fashion guru probably designed for her. Bloody awful and Clarke dresses badly in the best of times.


ynot slow
8th September 2007, 21:48
How many noticed HC on TV at the APEC. That dress she was wearing yyyuuukkkkk. If she wants to win the next election she had better get herself a half decent wardrobe. That black and white monstrosity that she had on should have got her deported.


MEN DON'T WEAR DRESSES,sorry for swearing.

8th September 2007, 21:50
a full facial and some dental work would be good

8th September 2007, 21:54
her hubby's more feminine than her

8th September 2007, 21:59
Helen and Her Fashion Sense

Uncle Allan has a fashion sense... :scratch:

8th September 2007, 22:34
I thought it was a pant suit. Looked very masculine to me. But at least her make up is all good. I was wondering if she applies it herself or maybe she has a make up artist on the pay roll. She is becoming dowager looking of late with those droopy Muldoon jowels. If she doesn't get on with a lift soon her status as a Japanese sex symbol will be seriously in jeopardy.

The woman is like the Queen. What do we really know of her except that she likes to go bush. Shes really like a blank canvas we can paint whatever we want onto. I've no clue if shes a genuinely good sort or an axe murderer.
She can't possibly be as neutral as she presents.

8th September 2007, 22:46
Eeeerrr, hopefully this won't be much of a problem for long...unless she gets voted in again :brick::blink:

8th September 2007, 22:48
I thought it was a pant suit. Looked very masculine to me. But at least her make up is all good. I was wondering if she applies it herself or maybe she has a make up artist on the pay roll. She is becoming dowager looking of late with those droopy Muldoon jowels. If she doesn't get on with a lift soon her status as a Japanese sex symbol will be seriously in jeopardy.

The woman is like the Queen. What do we really know of her except that she likes to go bush. Shes really like a blank canvas we can paint whatever we want onto. I've no clue if shes a genuinely good sort or an axe murderer.
She can't possibly be as neutral as she presents.

All I saw was the jacket. Reminded me of the Black and White Minstral show some years back or Samy Davis Jnr in drag with too much face paint and without the bling.


8th September 2007, 22:51
Eeeerrr, hopefully this won't be much of a problem for long...unless she gets voted in again :brick::blink:

I don't write her off at the moment. She still comes out as the most preferred Prime Minister and she is always at her best on the hustings.


8th September 2007, 22:58
I don't write her off at the moment. She still comes out as the most preferred Prime Minister and she is always at her best on the hustings.


Scary isn't it? You got to give her the fact that she isn't stupid...Or is it simply for lack of a decent competitor?

8th September 2007, 23:01
Or is it simply for lack of a decent competitor?

you hit the nail...

9th September 2007, 14:48
a full facial and some dental work would be good
Speaking of which... who was that woman, that graced the labour billboards last election? It certainly wasn't Herr Heilen.

Eeeerrr, hopefully this won't be much of a problem for long...unless she gets voted in again :brick::blink:
Who would be stupid enough to vote for another "packet of chewing gum" promise. Oh yeah... south Auckland.

15th September 2007, 20:17
you would think someone at that level of government would have top of the range hair stylist,beautician, clothes designer etc etc - shes representing us NZ, fuck she gets paid enough wouldn't hurt her to cough up for some dental implants

15th September 2007, 20:23
She has a lot more important duties than to give a toss about
her fashion (i.e., like running the country) - do we judge what male prime ministers/presidents wear
or look like?.....besides it will be someone elses fashion sense not hers

15th September 2007, 20:27
What the fuck? Does anyone comment on how badly John Key dresses? Nah cos he's a guy and always wears the same suit.
Just because Helen is a woman she gets slammed for being "ugly" or "like a man" or whatever.

Get over your 1950's kiwi bloke prejudices and criticise her for her politics, not her dress sense or how she is unwomanly or masculine or whatever.

15th September 2007, 20:38
What the fuck? Does anyone comment on how badly John Key dresses? Nah cos he's a guy and always wears the same suit.
Just because Helen is a woman she gets slammed for being "ugly" or "like a man" or whatever.

Get over your 1950's kiwi bloke prejudices and criticise her for her politics, not her dress sense or how she is unwomanly or masculine or whatever.

You obvously don't know me. Give 'im the learn Oldrider.


15th September 2007, 20:48
If fashion sense was the decideing characteristic of a leader than Winston would be running the country. Fortunately not all the voters are that shallow.

15th September 2007, 20:57
well actually i think john keys looks bloody good for a bloke,and he does change his suits,always looking smart and handsome.
winston on the other hand is another kettle of fish, bad hair bad suits.

and i believe the thread is called(helen and her fashion sense)
thats why we bagging her.
if theres a thread on another politician we'll bag them to.

15th September 2007, 21:19
You obvously don't know me.
Eh? Do tell!

16th September 2007, 12:11
An old sack over her head would look better still (but extremely cruel on the sack though).

Good initial thought, however I would recommend a plastic bag...

16th September 2007, 12:25
a full facial and some dental work would be good

As in the 1950's film The Fly.
Stick her head under a hydraulic press.