View Full Version : Question for employers or lawyers

9th September 2007, 22:52
Need a bit of advice here on compassionate grounds but I can't give the full details in a public thread. PM only.

Is there any way a professional employee whose private sector position is continuing can seek redundancy? Anyone heard of it ever happening? Would a large employer go for it, or what would it take to get them to go for it?

9th September 2007, 23:04
?? you meaning Voluntary Termination with payment in lieu ? there's plenty of options

9th September 2007, 23:07
I worked for a big electricity company and I got sick. Instead of them waiting around and keeping my job till I got better they just said "here have six weeks wages in return for resigning."
So I did and had a nice holiday.

10th September 2007, 09:20
It's only a real redundancy if the position is being deleted or if it is changing to such an extent that the person currently filling it is no longer suitable for the role. If the person's own circumstances have changed and the job has not changed then it's not really a redundancy situation so I don't think the employer could be forced to look at it like that.

Having said that though, some employers are happy to be a bit 'creative' in situations where things aren't too good for the employee.

If you want to PM me the outline of what's going on I'd be happy to give whatever advice I can. I know there are a couple of other people on KB who do the same job as me so hopefully between us we can steer you in the right direction.

10th September 2007, 10:01
Oakie that was my understanding too - however how does one explain Brendan Pongia's "redundancy" from TVNZ? Someone else is still presenting the weather....

10th September 2007, 10:27
Oakie that was my understanding too - however how does one explain Brendan Pongia's "redundancy" from TVNZ? Someone else is still presenting the weather....
The role can be contracted out, or, what happens in our work place, the title of the role changes along with a subtle work description.

10th September 2007, 10:30
Oakie that was my understanding too - however how does one explain Brendan Pongia's "redundancy" from TVNZ? Someone else is still presenting the weather....

That's just an example of them being 'creative' perhaps. Change the job description a little bit and "oops, sorry Brendan but we're changing the weather presentation job description. Feel free to re-apply .....". That's essentially how they got rid of Christine Rankin from the WINZ. Just restructure the job enough. Saves all that messy 'performance management' stuff.

10th September 2007, 10:38
If any employer has got money for redundancy payouts, snatch it and run because they are tryly DORKS for having money to waste in this fashion.
Shows a major lack of foresight, planning and skills analysis on their behalf.
The employer is not qualified to be such.