View Full Version : Teens crash stolen car. haha.

14th September 2007, 07:30
I couldn't help but laugh out loud when i saw footage this morning of the guys who crashed the stolen car after doing a runner from the cops and trying to pass on the grass median strip. They were looking pretty messed up.


Does this make me a bad person? Wishing they'd made a better job of it?

Felt sorry for the innocent women who got shown being removed from her car though.

14th September 2007, 07:39
Nope not a bad person .. just one who is revelling in others stupidity!

The Pastor
14th September 2007, 09:11
love the last bit how they suggest it was the cops fault for the accident.

Mr. Peanut
14th September 2007, 09:17
Police said the white car, which reached speeds of up to 120km/h... :shit:

14th September 2007, 09:31
The only sad part is they didn't die.

14th September 2007, 11:24
The second sad part is that some innocent person has had their car stolen by these retards.

Where is Darwin when you need him.

14th September 2007, 11:27
There was one on telly this morning that ended crashed in a car yard in Hamilton. I laugh, I am a bad person.:devil2:

14th September 2007, 11:41
I still feel sorry for the poor sod whose car was stolen in the first place. I'd prefer it if they had stopped then been run over by a bus or something.

14th September 2007, 11:48
Only a dumbarse would steal a car if they can't drive - I have no sympathy for the little turds. 16 year old tried to carjack another car? If a child tried to carjack me I'd leave them in small pieces at the side of the road.

14th September 2007, 14:07
I support the 20mm cannon on all patrol cars in this instance. Woulda saved the cops morning tea break. Poor buggers

14th September 2007, 14:34
I hope the police dog bit him in the ass.

15th September 2007, 13:00
Only a dumbarse would steal a car if they can't drive - I have no sympathy for the little turds. 16 year old tried to carjack another car? If a child tried to carjack me I'd leave them in small pieces at the side of the road.

You seen the size of some 16 year olds lately? And in South Aucks? 6'4, 120kg and built like a built thing... he might have turned you into his new "play thing"

15th September 2007, 15:03
The only sad part is they didn't die.

so wishing death on someone is ok as long as its not steve fossett:2guns:

15th September 2007, 15:26
so wishing death on someone is ok as long as its not steve fossett:2guns:

Steve Fosset is/was a remarkable man. These guys are deadbeats.

15th September 2007, 17:00
Steve Fosset is/was a remarkable man. These guys are deadbeats.

steve fossett is trying for the world hide n seek record now:Pokey:

15th September 2007, 17:07
Oh great youth court. I bet the little fuckers get a slap on the wrist and get told "bad boy"

It's a fucking joke. these little pricks could have seriously screwed someone over (moreso)

and where's the parents at? How the fuck do you get you rampaging child to think that it's all good to go do that shit.

Too bad they'll be back out there in a week doing the same stupid fucking shit