View Full Version : Dear Wari

10th October 2004, 15:47
For long I have watched your posts.

Your first, in fact, still abides in the hallowed halls of SpankMe's server.


Yet, upon re-reading it, I am stricken by a profound sense of discombobulation at the stylistic changes wrought in the intervening moons upon the prose that falls from your fingers.

In essence,

What I guess I'm saying, is,

All things considered,

And no offense meant, in any sense of the word, but,

Can I have what *you're* having?

10th October 2004, 15:53
Getting Wari AND GoatFood in the same room? :wacko:

10th October 2004, 15:56
Getting Wari AND GoatFood in the same room? :wacko:

Does anybody ELSE think Mr Food is actually Bad Motu taking the pith?

10th October 2004, 16:02
For long I have watched your posts.

Your first, in fact, still abides in the hallowed halls of SpankMe's server.


Yet, upon re-reading it, I am stricken by a profound sense of discombobulation at the stylistic changes wrought in the intervening moons upon the prose that falls from your fingers.

In essence,

What I guess I'm saying, is,

All things considered,

And no offense meant, in any sense of the word, but,

Can I have what *you're* having?


*huddles into the corner and rocks* No no no, no no no no

10th October 2004, 16:02
Wouldnt put it past him :shifty:

10th October 2004, 20:26
Can I have what *you're* having?

I don't think it's very good for Wari by the look of it! :eek:

[edited so GoatFood - whoever he may be - doesn't think we're poking fun at him ;) ]

10th October 2004, 20:37
We FINALLY get a look at ol GoatFood. Say, thats a nice lookin animal you have there, NOT :D

10th October 2004, 20:41

that startled creature there is a sheep..?

10th October 2004, 20:46
that startled creature there is a sheep..?
I tend to think that people who enjoy, er, goatlove, arn't all THAT fussy haha :laugh:

10th October 2004, 21:16
I tend to think that people who enjoy, er, goatlove, arn't all THAT fussy haha :laugh:
wouldnt it depend on wether* thier goat was ugly or not ? :banana:


n : male sheep especially a castrated one :thud:

10th October 2004, 21:32
You're sounding dangerously knowlegable, there, Mr. Badlieutenant..

10th October 2004, 21:41
You're sounding dangerously knowlegable, there, Mr. Badlieutenant..
eeer umm I googled it honest. "search: goat+pron+dating"
I like the MR bit. :cool:

BTW wouldnt the happy bride on the bike get a burnt leg on the exhaust ?

10th October 2004, 21:44
I think she has other worries... :mellow:

10th October 2004, 21:50
one of them been that her hubby is a lazy toothless bastard who needs help getting pushed down hill by his 2 servants that are worth less than she is. Or could it be the mob gathering in the background ? in thier one goat town ........ :shake:

10th October 2004, 21:55
Perhaps they are making an escape; the village 'mob' do not understand their *special* love.... the love that dare not speak its name..
I'm feeling quite emotional now..

10th October 2004, 22:09
mills and boon ? or a goat monthly letter to the editor with picture attached.
ever heard of a band called g love and special sauce ?
make a great album cover :D
sound track to go with thier special love would have to be "last kiss" pearl jam.
(once copyright issues are sorted)
Sorry :Offtopic:

11th October 2004, 01:05
Getting Wari AND GoatFood in the same room? :wacko:

Now that would be what I would call ENTERTAINMENT - would beat watching a busload of drunk rugby players pissing on an electric fence anyday!!! just as long as we never had to read anything they wrote :doobey:

11th October 2004, 06:36
My question JR is... so Wari is in Waitakere... where in Waitakere... because I am very very afraid its infectious!!! ;)

11th October 2004, 07:41
Waitakere is part of Westyland - wari fits right in...normal is abnormal here.

11th October 2004, 07:44
Waitakere is part of Westyland - wari fits right in...normal is abnormal here.

Im starting to understand that slowly.... :killingme

11th October 2004, 07:56
Iam not Wari. That is not a picture of me and it is not a goat itis a sheep and it is ugly one to. this is not kind or freindly to make fun of peple like this.
If you must knwo it is not unusual in my country and others to to carry animals using whatever your transprotation is but sheep and goats donot like it much. they kick and struggle so they arent carired like this picture very much.

11th October 2004, 08:01
Sorry, Goat Food;

I don't think people realised that you are writing in a second language, which must be very difficult... I did wonder if you were from abroad (so am I!). Where are you from, originally?

11th October 2004, 08:02
blah blah blah annoying computer, don't mind me...


11th October 2004, 08:09
Woher kommst du ? Mr Goatfood

F/F :wacko:

11th October 2004, 08:19
Woher kommst du ? Mr Goatfood

F/F :wacko:
gut durchgebraten F/F

11th October 2004, 15:30
Guten tag mein Herr

11th October 2004, 15:41
Yeah, Mate... whack them prawns on the barbie and chuck me another VB....

(everone else was showing their homeland)

11th October 2004, 16:32
Iam not Wari. That is not a picture of me and it is not a goat itis a sheep and it is ugly one to. this is not kind or freindly to make fun of peple like this.
If you must knwo it is not unusual in my country and others to to carry animals using whatever your transprotation is but sheep and goats donot like it much. they kick and struggle so they arent carired like this picture very much.
sorry goatfood, I have poor judgement when it comes to goats or sheep, and Im pretty sure Ive never insinuated that a struggling animal is a good thing, with or without gumboots.

(I still think the "special love" scenario is the best fit for the pic)

Posh Tourer :P
11th October 2004, 17:20
Does anybody ELSE think Mr Food is actually Bad Motu taking the pith?

I take it you are fully aware of what pith is?

11th October 2004, 17:36
Iam not Wari. That is not a picture of me and it is not a goat itis a sheep and it is ugly one to. this is not kind or freindly to make fun of peple like this.
If you must knwo it is not unusual in my country and others to to carry animals using whatever your transprotation is but sheep and goats donot like it much. they kick and struggle so they arent carired like this picture very much.

That gave me a much needed bellowing laugh :D Now, I still suspect you are taking the piss, and if you are, you are the PISS MASTER :first:

Or, in the small chance you are being genuine, then let me explain myself :niceone: We, well I better say I am not so much laughing at you, it's the general scenario which is funny. Also, coming from South Africa, I have seen much more unusual methods of transporting animals :blah:

Either way, your wonderfully worded, humourous posts will always be welcome here :)

PS: I agree, that is one UGLY sheep! Not one you would want to take home to mum...

11th October 2004, 18:00
I take it you are fully aware of what pith is?

Pith? Not sure, but I always suspected it was linked to Omelet's point about enterprises of great piss and movements turning awry. Like when someone bangs open a toilet stall door behind you and you go for the latch.

11th October 2004, 20:09
BAaaaaaaa ...

I MEan


IMEan ...

WAsaaaaaaap ... :spudwave:

Hi folkes ... I JUst gottin ... :sunny:

TEll ya what ...

I Havent done this inna while ... :moon:

Ghost Lemur
11th October 2004, 20:47
BAaaaaaaa ...

I MEan


IMEan ...

WAsaaaaaaap ... :spudwave:

Hi folkes ... I JUst gottin ... :sunny:

TEll ya what ...

I Havent done this inna while ... :moon:

I gotta say I much prefer you this way. In that link you were, umm whats the word?.... NORMAL

And to be honest it scared me. :eek:

11th October 2004, 20:54
I gotta say I much prefer you this way. In that link you were, umm whats the word?.... NORMAL

And to be honest it scared me. :eek:

THIis the true mee ... :yeah:

NOrmal was justa faze ...

TRying to conforme can only leadtoa breakdowne in ones owne ipseity ... :spudwave:

BE Yourself people ... :sunny:

and eatyour greenes at teatime .. :yeah:

12th October 2004, 10:03
I take it you are fully aware of what pith is?

Yeah, it's the stuff they make helmets out of for white men in Africa and India to wear......... :doobey:

Posh Tourer :P
12th October 2004, 17:02
pith ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pth)
Botany. The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.

Zoology. The soft inner substance of a feather or hair.

The essential or central part; the heart or essence. See Synonyms at substance.

Strength; vigor; mettle.

Significance; importance.

Archaic. Spinal cord or bone marrow.

tr.v. pithed, pith·ing, piths

To remove the pith from (a plant stem).

To sever or destroy the spinal cord of, usually by inserting a needle into the vertebral canal.

To kill (cattle) by cutting the spinal cord.

I kinda like that second to last one :D