View Full Version : What bike is this?

7th October 2007, 15:39
If ya can take your eyes off the girlie for long enough, I wouldn't mind knowing what bike she's on.

7th October 2007, 15:51
It's a Honda.

Zuki Bandit
7th October 2007, 15:53
It's a..,it's a...ummmmm. What bike?

7th October 2007, 15:54

7th October 2007, 15:56
hell its a darn small piece of bike but it almost reminds me of an old late 60s Jawa

7th October 2007, 15:56
It's a..,it's a...ummmmm. What bike?

so you only saw the arse too???? selective vision?

7th October 2007, 16:03
65/6 Honda Dream 450

7th October 2007, 16:03
There's a bike in the picture?

7th October 2007, 16:07
Funny it looks like a CB72 or CB77 but with the CV carbs of the CB450.

Gotta do some research.

You see the CB450 looked like on this site http://www.vintagebike.co.uk/Bike%20Directories/Honda%20Bikes/pages/Honda-CB450-66.htm with different tank and side covers to Spank's pic but those CV carbs.

The CB77 looked like this http://www.mcnews.com.au/Features/2003/Honda_CB77_Superhawk/Page1.htm which looks like the right tank and sidecovers but wrong carbs - but then the CB77 was right side chain drive.

So I'm not sure - I don't remember any of the 450s with that style tank and sidecover.

7th October 2007, 16:15
It's a..,it's a...ummmmm. What bike?

theres a bike??? :stupid:

Deviant Esq
7th October 2007, 16:17
65/6 Honda Dream 450
Bling to that man. Well spotted.
1966 Dream 150:
<img src=http://www.makres.com/images/66_dream_150.jpg>

7th October 2007, 16:18
Funny it looks like a CB72 or CB77 but with the CV carbs of the CB450.

Gotta do some research.

Hmmm, time to zoom in for a closer look I think. All in the name of research of course.:sherlock:

7th October 2007, 16:21
Second bike I ever rode, in my whole life! Belonged to one of our neighbours in a little town called Otemetata.

Some useless info for you all.

It was in slightly worse condition than any pictured here tho.

7th October 2007, 16:28
So far no-one has found the right answer or a picture to back it up because I've shown you the 1965/1966 CB450 and that isn't it, the tank and sidecover are wrong.

Keep looking dudes.

7th October 2007, 16:31
bugger... A mate had a Honda 305 Dream 1964 or 5 I think, brand new.. full fairing the lot.. quite a nice runner actually..I put up a lot of miles on that thing... forgot what they looked like Nekid..

7th October 2007, 16:36
i bet that love heart is the edible part of her undies:bleh:

7th October 2007, 16:37
Well at least I've found the girlies name.

Yukie Kawamura

7th October 2007, 16:41
Bling to that man. Well spotted.
1966 Dream 150:
<img src=http://www.makres.com/images/66_dream_150.jpg>

Doesn't look like that bike at all though.

7th October 2007, 16:47
Well, it's definitely not a CB72/77 because of the tilted forward cylinder head and sort of downdraught carbs (and as mentioned, the RHS chain) and the C72/77's had a single carb only almost enclosed with a shroud, so an early 450 is my guess.

7th October 2007, 16:49
hmmm,...more research tells me it ISN'T a CB450.....

7th October 2007, 17:01
Well at least I've found the girlies name.

Yukie Kawamura

real name is avanti , local bike everybody has had a ride on her:devil2::eek:

7th October 2007, 17:03
hmmm,...more research tells me it ISN'T a CB450.....

That's what I've been telling you, it looks like the 450s carbs but not the rest of it which looks so CB77. I wonder if it was an early protoype 450 or something like that with CB77 tank and sidecovers.

7th October 2007, 17:09
Yea right, you guys are all just bull shitting so you can keep researching that lovely pic.

7th October 2007, 17:18
There's a bike??? Lol, I'm so witty and straight

7th October 2007, 19:30
what bike?

7th October 2007, 20:09
I give up on this one , BUT , if you look at the carb its got a cute wee chrome lever on the side and that has to be a clue.

Is it by chance an early Kawasaki??

8th October 2007, 12:25
As I keep saying it looks like the tank of a CB77 with the carbs of a CB450 and now I've looked through the complete history of Honda here http://www.motorera.com/honda/index.htm and I'm none the wiser.

How the rest of you doing?

SpankMe you got any more photos of your babe draped over this bike so we can get a better look - at the bike?

8th October 2007, 12:28
I've been searching and haven't managed to find anything.

8th October 2007, 12:30
Honda Dream (450 not the pic of the 150 which has diff carb setup) or even possibly a Yamaha YB1

8th October 2007, 12:55
Here's a 450 page http://home.comcast.net/%7Erdarke/450use.htm showing it really does look like that engine and carbs but the tank and sidecover are all CB77.

Who else built 4 strokes of that era - certainly not Yamaha and it doesn't look like a W1 Kawasaki?

8th October 2007, 12:57
1967 Honda Superhawk 305, I think
Here is a minter...

8th October 2007, 13:01
1967 Honda Superhawk 305
Here is a minter...

Yeah well that is the CB77 and you'll see what I'm saying, tank and sidecover look right, engine, carb and frame don't nor does right side chain drive - Spank's pic is left side drive with upright engine like the CB450 with vacuum carbs.

8th October 2007, 13:06
Yeah well that is the CB77 and you'll see what I'm saying, tank and sidecover look right, engine, carb and frame don't nor does right side chain drive - Spank's pic is left side drive with upright engine like the CB450 with vacuum carbs.

Ahh, bugger. I forgot about that bit.

8th October 2007, 15:56
Well, that is indeed a mystery .

Let us review what we know or may deduce.

Firstly, that is indeed a CV carb. So, if it is Jappa (reasonable assumption) that rules out two strokes, since AFAIK the only two stroke ever with CV carbs was the GT750. Which it definately ain't.

The motor looks four stroke, too. It's got a wire spoked rear wheel. It appears to be a twin (or else the carb is on a very odd angle.). It's not a big motor (unless the photo is distorted or something). The carb bowl to crankcase distance is nowhere near enough for the CB450, or Yamaha 650, both of which were tall engines. It's definately not the Kawasaki W1. And the chain is "medium" bike size. Not a bike bike chain.

The chrome tank and those slanty little knee pads say "early jappa". Suzuki, Yamaha and Honda all had tanks like that. But, in that era , only Honda made small four strokes (indeed, any fourstrokes except the Yamaha 650 and W1)

Hondas for the most part dropped the chrome tank look in 1969-70 , when the CB750 came out. But I think a few models continued it a bit longer.

It must be after 1965, because the CB450 was the first Honda ever with CV carbs.

It's defiantely not any of the Dreams, because they all had pressed steel frames, and this has a tube frame. It's not a CB72/77 because the chain is on the wrong side. It's not any CB450 I've ever seen, motor's not tall enough, carbs are not right, engine isn't right.

So , we deduce a medium (125 to 250cc maybe) sized Honda twin, late 60s or early 70s. With a chrome tank. But, damned if I can find one.

Best guess I can come up with is a variant of the CD/CB/CL 160 series. There were a shit laod of different versions of that model , for different markets. Or maybe the later 175 model. Was there ever a special market CB250 CB350 with a chrome tank?

Or else I've gone conpletely the wrong path

8th October 2007, 16:04
I love the sign.........Please do not touch. A Salesperson will be happy to assist you. :2thumbsup

8th October 2007, 16:41
I've been searching and haven't managed to find anything.

:love: MAN I LOVE HER>>>>>

8th October 2007, 17:03
How about an early one of these guys- http://www.honda350k.com/CB350.html
Ok the tank rubber is a different shape but may have been replaced and fitted incorrectly. There are a few similarities like the CV carb type and the horizonal finning on the head and clutch cable layout.

Oh and the side cover retainer looks the same.

Remember the bike has been foreshorten by the angle the photograph was taken at.

8th October 2007, 17:06
The carb bowl to crankcase distance is nowhere near enough for the CB450.

It's not any CB450 I've ever seen, motor's not tall enough, carbs are not right, engine isn't right.

So , we deduce a medium (125 to 250cc maybe) sized Honda twin, late 60s or early 70s. With a chrome tank. But, damned if I can find one.

I don't agree, if you look at the pics in the links I've posted you can see it does look like the right carb to to rest of motor spacing for the 450 and that casing shroud where the chain runs to the front sprocket is so CB450.

The tank however, kneepads and all, is so CB77 as you will also see in the pics posted so WTF, back to my earlier comment - a CB450 prototype maybe, but then its been well used and allowed to rust.

8th October 2007, 17:09
How about an early one of these guys- http://www.honda350k.com/CB350.html

Yeah could be an early version with CB77 tank coz its got the CV carbs.

350s were as per this link http://www.motorera.com/honda/h0350/sport350/sport350.htm and as per Bonez pic and weren't sold with the old chrome tank with pads the shape of those on the CB77 (305).

8th October 2007, 17:19
Yeah could be an early version with CB77 tank coz its got the CV carbs.

350s were as per this link http://www.motorera.com/honda/h0350/sport350/sport350.htm and as per Bonez pic and weren't sold with the old chrome tank with pads the shape of those on the CB77 (305).Bigger tank may have been fitted for longer range maybe.

Those old 350s were in many ways better than the CB360s they were replaced with.
Closer pic of the lhs here- http://www.honda350k.com/cbk1_8.jpg and

8th October 2007, 17:33
OK the sidecover looks a better match too, I was thinking that was CB77 because of the match to the tank, but then it had to have a different fastening because CB77 had the black knob.

So Spank, I think me and Bonez are going to agree it is a CB350 with a CB77 tank and I'll give away any idea that it was a CB450.

8th October 2007, 17:38
I don't agree, if you look at the pics in the links I've posted you can see it does look like the right carb to to rest of motor spacing for the 450 and that casing shroud where the chain runs to the front sprocket is so CB450.

The tank however, kneepads and all, is so CB77 as you will also see in the pics posted so WTF, back to my earlier comment - a CB450 prototype maybe, but then its been well used and allowed to rust.

The carb is not right. The CB450 (early ones anyway) were a piston type CV (like an SU) . If you look at this close up of a CB450 engine you can see the big dashpot cover at the top of the carb . The mystery bike has "normal" diaphragm type carbs with the flat covers. And the other carb details are different.

The engine looks CB350. And so do the side covers. But that tank is definately chrome, you can see the reflection in it. And I don't know of any CB350 CB250 version that had a chrome tank.

Could be a CB350 with an older tank. but once we start assuming that it's a bitsa, then anything is possible.

8th October 2007, 17:42
A few more from the set, but they don't help any. I'll keep searching.

*edit: high res versions uploaded

8th October 2007, 17:51
Nope. Not a CB350. If you look at the picture of the CB350, and the mystery picture, the CB350 has a retaining screw for the sprocket cover just behind where the clutch cable enters. And the top rear of the sprocket cover terminates just under the lowest point of the side cover. The mystery bike has no screw (but you can clearly see where it would be if it was there, you can see all the top of the sprocket cover from the clutch cable entry point rearward). And the sprocket cover stops well short of the side cover (ie it doesn't extend enough rearward) .

8th October 2007, 17:52
OK the sidecover looks a better match too, I was thinking that was CB77 because of the match to the tank, but then it had to have a different fastening because CB77 had the black knob.

So Spank, I think me and Bonez are going to agree it is a CB350 with a CB77 tank and I'll give away any idea that it was a CB450.Yip deffinately a 350. As pointed out the tank is chromed and appears to have a rubber/plastic seam cover between the side and centre section.

Ixion you have to take into account the closeness/angle the photo has been taken. It cuts out a fare bit.

8th October 2007, 18:04
Nope. Not a CB350. If you look at the picture of the CB350, and the mystery picture, the CB350 has a retaining screw for the sprocket cover just behind where the clutch cable enters. And the top rear of the sprocket cover terminates just under the lowest point of the side cover. The mystery bike has no screw (but you can clearly see where it would be if it was there, you can see all the top of the sprocket cover from the clutch cable entry point rearward). And the sprocket cover stops well short of the side cover (ie it doesn't extend enough rearward) .

Save Spank's first pic and enlarge it in Windows viewer and you'll see the screw is there on the sprocket cover directly under the carb and I think the angle is deceiving making it look like the cover finishes short of the sidecover. Yep so CB350 motor it is, but definitely CB77 tank or was there an early 350 we don't know about?

8th October 2007, 18:16
Clutch cable assys been replaced at some stage as the originals of that era had grey outers.

You can make out the valve adjustment access cap between the points lead and ht lead too.

8th October 2007, 19:07
Yes, I think you are right, the screw is there, it appears to be in the wrong place but I think that is foreshortening or some other cinematic oddity.

CB350 with a CB77 tank though leaves me unsatisified, the "it's a bitsa" always seems a cop out.

But I doubt it would be a prototype , factories don't let their prototypes rust away like that, they either look after them or scrap them.

8th October 2007, 19:20
Yeah well problem is I don't think there ever was a 450 or 350 with that tank and kneepad profile which is exactly CB77 (or CB72 for that matter) but then the only thing odd is where is the fuel tap?

See first pic is CB77 and second pic is clip from Spank's pic - sure looks like the same tank and knee pad. Angles are slightly different giving a different impression. Maybe they really did make a CB350 with that profile tank and kneepad.

8th October 2007, 19:31
Yeah well problem is I don't think there ever was a 450 or 350 with that tank and kneepad profile which is exactly CB77 (or CB72 for that matter) but then the only thing odd is where is the fuel tap?On the other side - http://www.honda350k.com/cbk1_4.jpg

8th October 2007, 20:56
Still haven't found more of the bike, but I've found some nice ones of her arse & tits thou if that helps?

8th October 2007, 20:59
Do you want us to identify the year and type of the old Honda trail bike in the background now?

8th October 2007, 21:12
Do you want us to identify the year and type of the old Honda trail bike in the background now?

Shit didn't even notice it. Must be a gay test. All I was looking at was her arse.

It's from the same photo set/location.

8th October 2007, 21:26
Mystery solved? I reckon what we have here is a Japanese domestic market only '68 CB250, apparently this model was never released to the rest of the world

8th October 2007, 21:39
Found another pic with the bike in it.


Prefer her with straight hair thou.

8th October 2007, 21:52
Mystery solved? I reckon what we have here is a Japanese domestic market only '68 CB250, apparently this model was never released to the rest of the world

Yep. That's it. Well done. Give that man an orang-utan.

8th October 2007, 21:55
Yep. That's it. Well done. Give that man an orang-utan.

In the words of Elvis, "Thankyou, thankyou very much" :niceone:

8th October 2007, 21:55
Does anyone notice that the rest of us diligently searched and posted the results of our searches : carbs, tanks, road tests, engine shots. Whilst Mr Spankme diligently searches and posts te results of his searches : tits, arses, bikini shots. I think perhaps he must have been using different search terms.

8th October 2007, 22:45
I think Merv's "altered" pic which had "screw" might have had the arrow going in the wrong direction......... :devil2:

8th October 2007, 23:45
Definitely looks like that domestic CB250.

'Cept the rear indicators are wrong :devil2:

9th October 2007, 00:08
Amazed at the knowledge and diligence of you lot, well done!

And the 'sticking to the topic' - way better than most other KB threads!

9th October 2007, 05:00
In the words of Elvis, "Thankyou, thankyou very much" :niceone:Good find Dave. 160 km/h though?

9th October 2007, 09:01
EuroDave how did you find that? Did I not look far enough down the Google finds because all I kept getting were basically the US Honda histories which matched what we were used to here.

So it has the later type CB250 engine (similar to the CB350 we got here) and it has the CB72/77 style tank with those kneepads. Priceless.

Yeah the girl was nice too and Spank now you have the bike sorted what you going to do, try and buy one?

Paul in NZ
9th October 2007, 09:26
Well done... I had a quick think myself and at one stage was thinking it was a CB77 with CV carbs fitted as one US site claimed it was a common mod to get around the difficult cold starting / running of the std unit but I figured they fitted the sidecover too well to be an afterthought...

Certainly, the bike is well past it's prime in japanese terms...

9th October 2007, 09:58
don't know what bike it is but i want to know why we want to know?

9th October 2007, 10:31
EuroDave how did you find that? Did I not look far enough down the Google finds because all I kept getting were basically the US Honda histories which matched what we were used to here.

My brother has a stash of CB/C72 & 77 bikes & bits & both he & I are conversant with pre 70's Hondas, SEE...... Google doesnt know everything!!!

9th October 2007, 10:37
My brother has a stash of CB/C72 & 77 bikes & bits & both he & I are conversant with pre 70's Hondas, SEE...... Google doesnt know everything!!!

Yeah you did well.

9th October 2007, 11:07
Yeah well problem is I don't think there ever was a 450 or 350 with that tank and kneepad profile which is exactly CB77 (or CB72 for that matter) but then the only thing odd is where is the fuel tap?

See first pic is CB77 and second pic is clip from Spank's pic - sure looks like the same tank and knee pad. Angles are slightly different giving a different impression. Maybe they really did make a CB350 with that profile tank and kneepad.

there is a big difference between the carbs on the air box pipe and your pic has the carb tilted forward

9th October 2007, 11:57
there is a big difference between the carbs on the air box pipe and your pic has the carb tilted forward

Yeah that was why it couldn't be a CB77, but in the end it was a CB250 with a CB77 style tank as Eurodave was able to enlighten us.

9th October 2007, 14:28
Found another pic with the bike in it.


Sweetheart Bread, "Its batter whipped"

I mean, really!

mmmmm whipping my batter as we speak.

9th October 2007, 15:11
Yeah that was why it couldn't be a CB77, but in the end it was a CB250 with a CB77 style tank as Eurodave was able to enlighten us.

CB77 style instruments in the headlight , too. A "use up outstanding contract committments" special methinks.

9th October 2007, 15:21
CB77 style instruments in the headlight , too. A "use up outstanding contract committments" special methinks.

Yeah well no wonder I was thinking protoype which I guess is what a Jap market job is before the rest of the world gets it. Sounds like a parts bin special - should've been a Suzuki then.

9th October 2007, 16:27
any coincidence that the sign next to her ass says 'rod alley'... maybe she likes it that way?

9th October 2007, 16:33
Shit didn't even notice it. Must be a gay test. All I was looking at was her arse.

It's from the same photo set/location.

Does someone need to tell you the make, year and model of that car she is in too? Perhaps Scummy knows - he's a 4-wheel guy.

Anyway Spank you still haven't told us why you really needed to know about the bike.

9th October 2007, 16:34
any coincidence that the sign next to her ass says 'rod alley'... maybe she likes it that way?

Yep stick your rod through the heart like Cupid's arrow.

9th October 2007, 17:42
Who broke my heart?
You did, you did.
Bow to the target,
Blame Cupid, Cupid.
You think you're smart?
Stupid, stupid.

9th October 2007, 17:55
I've found you some classic old bike pics that I've linked on this thread http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=58585

9th October 2007, 18:11
Who broke my heart?
You did, you did.
Bow to the target,
Blame Cupid, Cupid.
You think you're smart?
Stupid, stupid.

You really do know your ABC's dont you!....

9th October 2007, 21:59
Well at least I've found the girlies name.

Yukie Kawamura

what about her phone number

10th October 2007, 17:08
Does someone need to tell you the make, year and model of that car she is in too? Perhaps Scummy knows - he's a 4-wheel guy.

Anyway Spank you still haven't told us why you really needed to know about the bike.

1949 Ford 'Single Spinner' Woody????.

10th October 2007, 17:21
More pics that might help.


10th October 2007, 20:26
shit a brick you all got my respect that was some shifty investigation.... Well Done !!! As for you Spank me I'm checking everything you've posted thats some mean shit you go going on :bleh:

11th October 2007, 14:37
1949 Ford 'Single Spinner' Woody????.

Ive always found the 1951 Twin Spinner more aesthetically pleasing somehow.... ;-) something about that bilateral symmetry

11th October 2007, 17:43
The CB77 looked like this http://www.mcnews.com.au/Features/2003/Honda_CB77_Superhawk/Page1.htm which looks like the right tank and sidecovers but wrong carbs - but then the CB77 was right side chain drive.

Check out the link then the engine in my avatar. Laverda unashamedly copied this motor and made it for years after the Honda ceased production.

john hillyer
6th December 2009, 16:46
My brother has a stash of CB/C72 & 77 bikes & bits & both he & I are conversant with pre 70's Hondas, SEE...... Google doesnt know everything!!!

Can you help me with parts for c72 305 dream. 0800 37 67 97 business hours thanks. John Hillyer

6th December 2009, 17:36
theres a bike??? :stupid:

*shrugs* Dunno???
Guess I'd better go back and stare at the pic for a bit longer, maybe then I'll spot it. :yes:

6th December 2009, 21:53
Time to share with the class...


29th December 2009, 14:33
Found another pic with her on the bike. She's in a different costume, so must be more out there of this set. The search goes on....