View Full Version : Stacking cars

27th October 2007, 10:03
Can you believe this?

27th October 2007, 10:07
That's a bloody briliant idea. Stick 'em all in there, and blow it up. 400 less cars in the world to run us off the road!

27th October 2007, 10:21
Imagine the 5 'oclock rush to get out of the car park.

I bet it'd take about 2 hours to get all those cars down.

27th October 2007, 11:08

I left my wallet in the car.

I'll just go get it...

27th October 2007, 11:27
They do that in Japan and the US a little bit now. AFAIK the more modern ones don't use that system, they have more of a square arrangement with multiple lifts so it goes a bit faster.

I think some of them take only 30 seconds to get a car out.

EDIT: Here's some links about what I was talking about: http://www.roadtraffic-technology.com/projects/munich/ and http://www.narpac.org/METROPRK.HTM

27th October 2007, 13:43
Given some peoples driving 'skills' how long before disaster strikes?

27th October 2007, 14:13
"Sorry your credit card was owing on it's limit and your car has been shredded"

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :eek:

The Pastor
27th October 2007, 14:54
and they do dubble story garages for normal people too, quite cool actually.

What would be awesome is an entire house that at night, or when your out is lowerd into the ground so it looks like a vacant lot.

27th October 2007, 15:07
When I was in Japan, Hiroshima, they had a carosel type arrangement ... imagine a big underground ferris wheel with cars parked in it.

I was fascinated and plonked myself outside the facility for a bit of time and watched how people claimed their cars. You park it in, get a plastic credit type card which you feed back in, tells you how much to pay and then it rotates the mechanism around until you get your car. Bloody clever them Japanese!

27th October 2007, 17:26
Bloody hell, you wouldn't want to be one of those people that has difficulties reversing in a straight line...

27th October 2007, 21:06
Given some peoples driving 'skills' how long before disaster strikes?

Bloody hell, you wouldn't want to be one of those people that has difficulties reversing in a straight line...

Nah you guys have got the wrong picture. It's automated -- you park it in a little cubicle at ground level, get out, punch a button, and watch your car sail away without you.

As pzkpfw said, you wouldn't want to leave your wallet in the car :innocent:

29th October 2007, 22:01
Streuth you could lose your car in there!

30th October 2007, 06:18
What happens when there is a power blackout and you want to get home from work? :P

30th October 2007, 06:38
that looks like the VW factory in germany.

30th October 2007, 16:18
That is cool - wonder if they have free bike parking?

30th October 2007, 19:00
I can't see it saving anymore space than your typical parking complex. Why do they make them? Security? Cause they can and it looks cool?

30th October 2007, 20:28
No it does save a hell of a lot of space, allowing them to cram in much more cars. The up and down ramps take up a huge amount of space, as does the space required for drivers to back in and out and go in two directions at once.

That particular implementation doesn't look as efficient as some of the others (the rectangular ones especially), they save heaps of space. Precisely why they're using them in Japan.