View Full Version : Is Internet debate ridiculous and irrelevant?

27th October 2007, 11:34
I reckon not.

Yes, some people will always use the internet to just play or to abuse without any legitimate rational discussion but, importantly IMO, the internet allows people to say things they might feel unable to say in public because of censorship, the threat of violence or intimidation and a host of other reasons.

the debates do get quite testy at times but here are a lot of honest posts here that many would not offer in public. Just having these ideas aired and debated is valuable. It opens the eyes of the ignorant and challenges bigots.

Disagree or agree, internet chat is valuable.

27th October 2007, 11:37

100% of people so far agree with me.

27th October 2007, 11:51
Useful. Free and frank conversation can only be a good thing. It can change some peoples' attitudes.
And prat confirmation is a good thing.

James Deuce
27th October 2007, 12:31
Internet debate is usually made up of opinions. Opinions have no value.

27th October 2007, 12:39

100% of people so far agree with me.

bugger! i knew it wouldn't last!

27th October 2007, 12:49
Internet debate is usually made up of opinions. Opinions have no value.

Oi you. Mine does.

27th October 2007, 12:54
Oi you. Mine does.

mines the most valuable one i know! :girlfight:

27th October 2007, 13:00
Why not... nothing wrong with expressing opinions - being different from each other makes debate interesting. It would be as boring as a dry turd sandwich if we were all the same...

... and at least we can have a laugh at ourselves and eachother in good humour as we go.

27th October 2007, 13:04
I think it can be usefull, but often isn't. KB is a classic example, where somebody gets thier back up at the opinion of another, and the contraversial voice gets pd'd and infracted. just look at that stupid depression thread, those of us who dont suffer from the imbalance, but very well might be right in what we say have our posts deleted within seconds. That is not debate, it's whinging.

27th October 2007, 13:04
At least you aren't so one-eyed these days!

27th October 2007, 13:08

I like kittens.

27th October 2007, 13:09
At least you aren't so one-eyed these days!

Please direct me with a link to any post of mine that is one eyed. I resent the implication. MODS!!! Where's a mod when ya need one. I FEEL MY POINT MIGHT HAVE BEEN MISSED, I DEMAND ACTION!!! I couldn't possibly try to reword anything to make it clear what I'm trying to impress, that would be too much like a real conversation, or debate.

27th October 2007, 13:09
At least you aren't so one-eyed these days!

that's me in the Gobi desert on a chinese tv series set.

as a chinese speaking 'big nose' i was asked to play 4 parts in the series

the chinese AK was the real thing but the soldiers weren't far away either and they wouldn't let me have ANY bullets

The Pastor
27th October 2007, 14:47
Internet debate is getting pwnt from the goverment.


One, two three, k3v is going to get doverd.

27th October 2007, 15:09
I think there needs to be a "sometimes it's valuable and useful" option. I'm not too keen on lumping all internet debate into a valuable and useful category after reading some of the bollocks in PD. On the other hand not all of it is PD, so yeah...I'm in the middle.

Most of the time it's banter that you can have from any pub after work or around the watercooler.

27th October 2007, 15:21
Internet debate?? - It's a frikk'n toy, as much real use as one of those table-tennis bats with a ball attached on a length of elastic hanging of it.

Entertainment - as I've said before, - on the level of stirring up a puddle to see which tadpole moves the most....

27th October 2007, 16:49
For those that think internet debate is serious just try and remember what you read two posts back. As SD has said it's entertainment. Hell I only came on 'cause the daughter HOGS:scooter:the telly.:bash::whocares:


27th October 2007, 19:27
Is internet debate ridiculous and irrelevant

...that's the most preposterous and extraneous statement I've heard for a long time...:2thumbsup;)

27th October 2007, 19:40
Any debate is valuable, unless you're a cop, in which case you'll get nothing but lies.

(Wait for it.....)

27th October 2007, 20:19
People on both sides of a internerd debate are much more likely to put forward and stick to an extreme view. In real life there would be more give and take, or people would walk away. Or do a trevor mallard.

27th October 2007, 20:24
People on both sides of a internerd debate are much more likely to put forward and stick to an extreme view. In real life there would be more give and take, or people would walk away. Or do a trevor mallard.

....and go out for a duck?

28th October 2007, 03:52
Any debate is valuable, unless you're a cop, in which case you'll get nothing but lies.

(Wait for it.....)

peasea is really nice.

28th October 2007, 05:10
For those that think it is pointless and irrelevant I wonder if any debate would be worthwhile. Why is this form of discussion any different to discussing something on the phone, or in the pub or in a meeting? What makes the internet an inapproriate place to learn and interact?
How is a web forum different to going along to say a council meeting or school parents meeting and discussing scenarios with a varied bunch of people you don't know? Sure there's lots of stupid stuff but it's the same crap that gets whispered behind a cupped hand in every meeting or during the coffee break.
That people are infettered by social conventions and can say what they like on the 'net with out fear of reprisal makes it quite a helpful medium. They are also more likely to actually express themselves without the fear of speaking in front of a crowd.
I'm not big on judging people but I've found a reasonably accurate assessment of people can be made when they are drunk because they lose many of their inhibitions and often you'll get a peek at their core personality. Much the same goes for the 'net I reckon, as people act and speak out with virtual impunity. That old line about so and so being "quite different in real life" when you actually meet them? It's a crock, they are thinking exactly the same as they did when they were on here, they just hide it better.
Like all things you get out what you put in. If you are respectful and prepared to read as much as you write then chances are you'll get some benefit from it.

28th October 2007, 09:36
That old line about so and so being "quite different in real life" when you actually meet them? It's a crock, they are thinking exactly the same as they did when they were on here, they just hide it better.

Perspicacious, bling sent

28th October 2007, 10:27
...that's the most preposterous and extraneous statement I've heard for a long time...:2thumbsup;)

it's not a statement, it's a question

28th October 2007, 10:29
Any debate is valuable, unless you're a cop, in which case you'll get nothing but lies.

(Wait for it.....)

...........and give only Cop group think as officially sanctioned by your union

28th October 2007, 11:01
it's not a statement, it's a question


28th October 2007, 12:36

menarche :girlfight:

28th October 2007, 14:15
An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition...

James Deuce
28th October 2007, 15:26
No it isn't.

28th October 2007, 16:15
An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition...

there are many definitions for an argument; that's one of them

28th October 2007, 16:21
my pet project; yes, the fallacy thing

Logical errors are, I think, of greater practical importance than many people believe; they enable their perpetrators to hold the comfortable opinion on every subject in turn.</b> Source: Bertrand Russell, <cite>A History of Western Philosophy</cite> (Book-of-the-Month Club, 1995), p. 93.

28th October 2007, 16:22
and this one too:

There's a mighty big difference between good, sound reasons and reasons that sound good.</b> Source: Burton Hillis, cited in Laurence J. Peter, <cite>Peter's Quotations: Ideas for Our Time</cite> (1977), p. 425.

James Deuce
28th October 2007, 16:24
there are many definitions for an argument; that's one of them

Alert, alert!

Sense of humour failure. Possible Male Human lacking MPFC gene detected! Warning Wil Robinson!

28th October 2007, 16:28
Alert, alert!

Sense of humour failure. Possible Male Human lacking MPFC gene detected! Warning Wil Robinson!

alert alert

deaf dumb and blind man walking

unable to spot wit and sarcasm even when driven onto his skull with a sharp tongue

28th October 2007, 16:33
I'm multi-talented: I can type and piss you off at the same time

James Deuce
28th October 2007, 16:35
alert alert

deaf dumb and blind man walking

unable to spot wit and sarcasm even when driven onto his skull with a sharp tongue
Yes I can!

28th October 2007, 16:42
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do.

James Deuce
28th October 2007, 18:12
No they're not.

28th October 2007, 18:13
Yes they are.

29th October 2007, 00:57
I would argue differently....

29th October 2007, 08:49
I would argue differently...

No you wouldn't.

James Deuce
29th October 2007, 08:50
You're just contradicting people.

29th October 2007, 08:55
Gah! The Wellingtonians have struck the thread..... :blank:

29th October 2007, 08:56
You're just contradicting people.

No I'm not.

29th October 2007, 09:00
No I'm not.

Your opinion is irrelevant; you ride a Yamaha.

29th October 2007, 09:07
you ride a Yamaha.

Yes he does.

29th October 2007, 09:11
Gah! The Wellingtonians have struck the thread..... :blank:

But of course, Contradiction Capital.

Checks watch...

29th October 2007, 09:17
Your opinion is irrelevant; you ride a Yamaha.

Hardly a valid conclusion, the ride doesn't necessarily confer any special perceptual disabilities to the rider. Yamaha rider’s opinions are due the same careful consideration as any other, the results of which often indicate that indeed their opinion is relevant.

Simply invariably wrong.

29th October 2007, 10:23
I refer to exhibit A below.

29th October 2007, 11:14
I'm not retarded, I'm a very special boy:done:

29th October 2007, 13:52
I refer to exhibit A below.

Since I can't see who had the "guts" to red rep this post without leaving their name in the message...

The message: (And I dunno if I'm allowed to post this here - but it's not a PM per say...)

"Try picking on someone who can both defend themselves adequately, and doesn't suffers from a condition that isn't utterly out of their control."

To that I can only say that I'd love to go pick on someone who could defend themselves - but that's rather hard when I'm left without a return address. As for the second part - suffering from a condition that isn't utterly out of their control - I'd be hard pressed since you obviously have to be suffering from stupid and that's most likely not something you have actively chosen.

Stupid? Why?
Because you don't understand that the joke is on YOU who takes the internet debate serious enough to get offended.
Because you are arrogant enough to ASSUME that you know what my intentions and opinions are.
Because you imply from the contents of one post that I'm one who have no repect, sympathy or tolerance for anyone who's worse off than myself.

I could go on, but then again... I'm told I shouldn't go on picking on retards.


James Deuce
29th October 2007, 13:57
You can't see my name because you're not a senior member. It has nothing to do with guts. In 4 posts time, assuming you've been here the requisite time you'll be able to see who has given you rep of any kind.

I red repped (for the 2nd time in 4 years) because I'm sick of people thinking it is OK to use images of Down Syndrome people to mock.

I have a Down Syndrome son and I make NO apology to people who use that image. Mental Trousers STILL has it as his profile pic, despite a polite request to remove it.

I'd call you on that to your face. It's cheap and cowardly. Those kids go to the special Olympics to do their best, their very best. All you can do is sit back and lord your perfect genetics over them.

It's not their fault and you have no right to ridicule on that basis.

I'm seriously "Trevor Mallard" about this issue and I will not stand for it.

I've given up complaining to moderators about people who use those images, because most of them support their use, because they thinks it's funny.

29th October 2007, 14:12
You can't see my name because you're not a senior member. It has nothing to do with guts.

I red repped because I'm sick of people thinking it is OK to use images of Down Syndrome people to mock people.

I have a Down Syndrome son and I make NO apology to people who use that image. Mental Trousers STILL has it as his profile pic, despite a polite request to remove it.

I'd call you on that to your face. It's cheap and cowardly. Those kids go to the special Olympics to do their best, their very best. All you can do is sit back and lord your perfect genetics over them.

It's not their fault and you have no right to ridicule on that basis.

A PM would surfice... Also, since you should know that I'm not a senior member you could have put your name on the line there when you're accusing me of such things.

I extend my sympathy to both your son and your family. Because, I know it's not easy. I have a cousin who could've been more fortunate - not Down's Syndrome mind you but he's never going to function as an independent adult, and he's unfortunate enough (and I mean it seriously) that you can't tell by looking at him so he's been subjected to more open ridicule than anyone with Down's will ever be. All that being said, I've always found people suffering from Down's to be warmer, happier and more cheerful than most people with "perfect" genetics.

Still I stand by that the joke is not on the running kid - which is why I find the image ok. I understand and appreciate you having a different opinion since you have it so close. And just to be clear - I never asked for an apology!
Truth be told though - there are many much harsher and insensitive things going around the net and I'm sure you can laugh and/or be fascinated by some of them yourself.
In the end it's noone's fault really. If you wanna blame someone take up religion!