View Full Version : Democracy by force

28th October 2007, 19:04
I'm posting here because i'm not allowed to post in PD ... LOL


Ok .. here we go ... i'm watching some show on TV 1 and it's all about the raids ... this dude is on some crusade to make out like the crown is the bad guy. while at the same time, taking the crowns money.

This just boggles the mind ..... how can you state with a straight face that armed insurrection is ok?? .. this is New Zealand for crying out loud.

Look ... i understand that Maori got a raw deal ... but fuck ... that was 100 years ago ... get the fuck over it... everyone gets a raw deal ... welcome to the world .. jesus ...

I know i'm ranting .. but fuck ... &^$&^#*^&* fuck!!!! ... LOL

Tama Iti isn't a bad dude... (tui ad) .. but the stock media footage of him shows him firing a shotgun into the New Zealand flag ... and if i'm not mistaken that's a crime ...

Maori for years have cried foul about things that happened 100 years ago .. but not once do any of them mention the work that has been done by the crown to keep the language alive, not once does anyone mention the fact that the treaty is a worthless piece of paper, but the crown goes above and beyond to make Maori the focal point of everything in this country.

Jesus ..... it makes me wild ... And i'm part Maori for fucks sake...

I'll tell you what ... from what i saw tonight, if there is ever an armed insurrection in this country, i know what side side i'm on .. and i'm a damn good shot.

New Zealand is a fantastic country, but it's bullshit like i've watched tonight that makes your standard kiwi turn around and tell Maori to just fuck off.

Go on you fuckers ... take up arms and fight the power .. i dare you ... stop talking shit and pick up your rifle ... you wont hear the shot that hits you between the eyes ....

And don't you DARE call me racist!

Paul in NZ
28th October 2007, 19:53
Weird aint it....

A maori criminal with a gun is an 'activist' or a 'freedom' fighter.....

Anyone else is a terrorist or a racist or worse.... Terrible the way those cops frightened those imaginary kids on that bus too eh.. ? tsk tsk! I love they way these guys are playing the 'victim' card.. Its going to be an interesting court case..

Phil W
28th October 2007, 20:34
Yes absolutely right on most points
Maori do get a bad deal and have done so for over 100 years. Maori die earlier, mostly from preventable or treatable illness, breast cancer, TB etc. Maori are also over represented in terms of mental health problems. I find it interesting that, international research links all of the above to socio economic problems. That is to say as a population those with less economic clout have more health problems.
It is an offense to shoot/desecrate the flag, but over the last 25 years both Pakeha and Maori have been discharged without conviction for doing so.
The government do fund part of Kohanga Reo and partly fund some academic courses but I think you'l find that it was one hell of a fight to set up the Kohanga Reo movement (which was not supported by government) and funding for any tertiary course not deemed "work related" is still hard won.
And now we must agree to disagree.
Is it not more truthful to say the tourist idustry makes Maori the centre of everything. NZ constantly markets itself using Maori images around the world and the sporting industry loves the Haka eh?
The Treaty is worthless only in the minds of those who think it is. The Maori version is recognized by many international courts and tribunals. But on some level I think you have a point. The Declaration of Independance which came before the Treaty and was accepted by the crown was never repealed so in fact supersedes the Treaty.
Think it might be useful to wait and see the evidence before we start talking of shooting people eh? Anyone else think facts are useful?

28th October 2007, 20:47
Think it might be useful to wait and see the evidence before we start talking of shooting people eh? Anyone else think facts are useful?

Good stuff Phil W, facts are the best armament anyone can use in this situation. Im still awaiting someone to be charged under the terrorism act which is the supposed reason for the police raids to start with.

Police must be stoked though - for once the maori bashing outweighs the police bashing.

Until we recieve the facts how can we really pass judgement, a bit like the road fatality threads - until the facts are made clear "Dont Speculate!"

Problem i find is that the media shows very thought provoking information for a good story and leaves out some contextual evidence along the way.

Oh well such is life here in NZ, im still proud to be a NZ Maori.

Ill keep both ears pricked up to try and decipher the facts from media coverage of these events - Tui advert

28th October 2007, 20:51
I bet the folk who think home made napalm is harmless "activism" are the same ones who took away our best fireworks.

28th October 2007, 20:58
This is New Zealand FFS. Who or what on earth are a bunch of armed loonies going to "overthrow"? If they "take over" Parliament, the public service will just ignore them. If they take over the armed farces, a combination of Warbirds and a People's Militia will soon sort that nonsense out. If they take over the Police, who'd notice? A bunch of armed taggers loose in the Ureweras sounds like a good excuse to me to leave well enough alone.

Paul in NZ
28th October 2007, 20:59
More than anything else - I find it just sooo sad... the advances made in the last 20 years have been fabulous stuff but now, argh... needless...