View Full Version : Funny Pic from Tehran, Iran

22nd October 2004, 20:28
A weird and backward place in Tehran absolute chaos on the road but within the chaos are a bunch of bikers, and they are the maddest.
I caught this guy on camera just in time (didnt even use the veiw finder) so its a bit blurry but you will get the idea.
he is transporting mats or something, his crutch is pressed right up on the steering head of the bike and he wasnt going slow he was going for it weaving in and out of traffic silly prick but worth a laugh .

22nd October 2004, 20:30
I whacked a couple of other pics as well, showing a bunch of bikers hanging out as well as some showing the military side of it. which is everywhere:ar15:

22nd October 2004, 20:34
Witnessed simliar sorts of things in Egypt in '96. There were unfinished buildings. Completely habitable, but unfinished because if the building was finished, it would be subject to some sort of tax. :confused2

22nd October 2004, 21:04
good to see he's wearing a helmet. pity about his nuts if he has to stop quickly though

22nd October 2004, 21:09
Pic 2 was taken of you Auck guys outside the Autobahn, right?

Thanks for the pics Quasi, very interesting.

22nd October 2004, 21:15
good to see he's wearing a helmet. pity about his nuts if he has to stop quickly though
stop???... what about having to turn or park????? :puke: