View Full Version : Long Way Down dvd

8th January 2008, 15:10
Borders book and music have the long way down dvd for $19.99 normal retail is $32
I couldnt be bothered downloading it all, for those of you that say "why dont you just download it"

8th January 2008, 16:23
I got that in Aussie a few years ago (the triple disc special version). Was $A32.99, and that was a shade over $36 kiwi at the time.

Haven't sat down to watch it yet.... Will one day soon though, now the memory of the series is fading from the mind.

8th January 2008, 16:28
I got it for christmas. Just finished watching it last night.


8th January 2008, 16:34
Is that the one about the two motorcycle riding drama queens?

8th January 2008, 16:52
There's not as much moaning on this one as on their past efforts. I enjoyed it.

8th January 2008, 17:15
Cheers Al, will try to get one tomorrow!

8th January 2008, 19:50
I watched the entire series in the UK and it was mint. Made me want to go back to Africa and really have a proper look around.

Not too much bicthing but I really don't think that taking the Missus was such a good idea. Not that I have anything againts chicks etc but it was supposed to be a blokey mate trip.if you wnt to go with the Missus do a couple trip.

8th January 2008, 20:04
I enjoyed it too but they shouldn't be allowed to make DVD's like this - they just make ya wanna go out and have a go. Have nay got the donareo...

8th January 2008, 20:14
Save you pennies and the dollars will look after themselves, wanted to say pounds but that would just be cruel.

I am gonna save my ass off so that I can do a round Africa trip at some point, has to be done.

I enjoyed it too but they shouldn't be allowed to make DVD's like this - they just make ya wanna go out and have a go. Have nay got the donareo...

8th January 2008, 20:17
Yeah, would love to do something one day. A mate & I were actually looking at some South American tours on the net yesterday - still a long way off for me. Had toyed with the idea of doing something when I hit the big 4-0 but that's getting closer...

8th January 2008, 20:21
I want to do Kila for my 40th and was hoping that it coud be part of a trip round Africa, luckyily I have another 6 years to save. But getting over here is my next big mission.

S America would be awesome, have heard good things from frokm friends who have done such trips.

Yeah, would love to do something one day. A mate & I were actually looking at some South American tours on the net yesterday - still a long way off for me. Had toyed with the idea of doing something when I hit the big 4-0 but that's getting closer...

8th January 2008, 21:05
that was long way round! this is long way down.
the other one to watch out for is charlie doing the paris dakar.

I got that in Aussie a few years ago (the triple disc special version). Was $A32.99, and that was a shade over $36 kiwi at the time.

Haven't sat down to watch it yet.... Will one day soon though, now the memory of the series is fading from the mind.

8th January 2008, 21:52
Biggest laugh is they are in the middle of no where and they met some nutter who's doing the same trip solo on a push bike! And had pushbiked around the world. And again at the start they are camping in the Uk somewhere and meet a husband/wife team that had done the same trip with no back up vehicles, no support office, no camera crews etc.
The Race to Dakar is worth watching, bit of an eye opener how they treat the riders who don't finish and get picked up by the sweep vehicles!

9th January 2008, 00:44
Just finished watching Ep#5 on DVD. Will finish it tomorrow.

I found the first three episodes hard going. It wasn't until they had their big blue that things started to get better and made it more fun to watch.

9th January 2008, 08:56
Is from John O'Groats in Scotland to Capetown S Africa. You will love it it is mint!!!

Some of you guys are referring to "The Long Way 'Round" which is their first DVD series, and was on TV late 2006.
This is a completly new series called "The Long Way Down". Similar concept just different route. Off to buy it today.

9th January 2008, 08:59
Watched it a week or so back.
The first few eps seems rushed, with them trying to get to some boat on time.

The rest of the trip was good, except for the wife joining them.
Over all very good, but not as good as "Long Way Round".

9th January 2008, 11:54
Borders book and music have the long way down dvd for $19.99 normal retail is $32

I quite liked that $19.99 but I just looked at Borders' web site and they are asking $39.99 and I don't quite like that nearly as much.

All of which is sort of Academic as out here in the rural rump we don't have a Borders. I might visit The Warehouse to see what they are asking.

Then again I might ask Blockbuster to buy it :confused:

9th January 2008, 12:07
ill go buy one for you if you like and you can pay me for it and the postage via direct credit if you like and ill post it to you today as long as they have some over there, selling like hotcakes!!

I quite liked that $19.99 but I just looked at Borders' web site and they are asking $39.99 and I don't quite like that nearly as much.

All of which is sort of Academic as out here in the rural rump we don't have a Borders. I might visit The Warehouse to see what they are asking.

Then again I might ask Blockbuster to buy it :confused:

9th January 2008, 15:26
I enjoyed them both tho I felt the long way round was better.

Now this guy is a real legend.


Sold everything he owned to ride around the world solo and wrote a book about it as he went called "Two wheels through terror"

He did some very serious hard yards on a tight budget.

It's a long thread but is an awesome read.

9th January 2008, 23:51
Just finished the LWD dvd. I enjoyed it but still think long way round was better.

As has been said bringing Eve (?) was a mistake IMHO. The whole feel changed when she rocked up. Some of the riding was fairly advanced and how could someone who just passed their test cope with that? Good on her for getting up after dropping the bike so many times! When she left the feel of it changed again.

10th January 2008, 07:31
yeah your right, i enjoyed the LWR better. LWD felt rushed, the 1st 1/2 of the trip was like a race! too many deadlines.

Just finished the LWD dvd. I enjoyed it but still think long way round was better.

As has been said bringing Eve (?) was a mistake IMHO. The whole feel changed when she rocked up. Some of the riding was fairly advanced and how could someone who just passed their test cope with that? Good on her for getting up after dropping the bike so many times! When she left the feel of it changed again.

10th January 2008, 07:43
Cheers Crazybigal, I got my copy yesterday and watched the frist two parts last night. Much more entertaining than the crap on TV. :Punk:

10th January 2008, 16:55
I got LWD for x-mas from family in UK. LWR was better. More challenging. This time they almost seemed over prepared. Also they were far too rushed.

Ewan does nothing but bitch about the sand and gravel roads.

Over all it's worth a watch, and as you say, it's certainly better than the crap on TV.