View Full Version : Squiggles Is a KB Legend. TY TY TY.....

12th February 2008, 13:48
In reference to this thread I just want to shout that Squiggles is a KB legend.


Squiggles on the previous Saturday volunteered to help me change an oil filter to save me money and also help me learn about my bike including maintenance checks etc. Squiggles (Steve) didn’t just do the oil change he pulled off the fairings to show me the major parts of my bike, pointed out hoses, how to check em and what parts of my bike are actually silver not black (I swear I thought they were black! Not just dirty) 4 hours Steve spent answering all my dumb questions and when I tried to give him 100 bucks he said no. I then offered to buy a bottle of alcohol and the guy said ok....Malibu rum for my girl. Even then Steve wouldn’t think of himself. Steve also had a lady pick up a laptop he spent 5 hours fixing for her and charged a nominal fee. He is one of the KB biker good guys and from our conversation I can tell he helps and enjoys helping others for nothing.

Steve you are a legend and the world needs more of you.
Thank you soooooo much and I just wanted to make this public as Im sure others would like to tell you just how much you are appreciated.

12th February 2008, 13:50
Yeah baby - THAT is what KB is all about!

Awesome awesome awesome...

12th February 2008, 14:06
If we had more steven thinking humans on earth, earth just might not be so bad..........

12th February 2008, 14:14
If we had more steven thinking humans on earth, earth just might not be so bad..........
Maybe there are and you've just not met them yet :shit:

Good onya Steve :2thumbsup go the mighty TL :laugh:

12th February 2008, 17:35
Maybe there are and you've just not met them yet :shit:

Good onya Steve :2thumbsup go the mighty TL :laugh:

Perhaps but its things like what he did for a total stranger that restores my faith in humans. Unfortunately lately all I see is thugs running the streets and negative crap so it was refreshing :)

We are always quick to jump on an ass and have 5 pages of comments about how stupid a person is or go on about killings and murders and look at this, a positive post and it gets two posts. Sign of the times I guess just boring to others if its not bloody or gory or putting someone down.

12th February 2008, 17:39
Yep steve's da man!! well he's always been friendly everytime i've met him

Good onya steven:yes:

12th February 2008, 17:53
Maybe there are and you've just not met them yet :shit:

Good onya Steve :2thumbsup go the mighty TL :laugh:

Neither have I.

Suspect I still owe you a few beers Patch.....

12th February 2008, 18:02
Nah, he's just a 'tard.

You know I lub ya ;)

Edit: Oh and I reckon ya should take a picture of every bike that has had work or any shape or form done on it in your gargre Stephen; heck within a week you'd have a wall nearly covered! :P

12th February 2008, 18:38
Awesome man....

12th February 2008, 19:31
+1 Hardout he is the man, helps me with everything haha! Awesome guy to ride with on the newbie rides too!

12th February 2008, 21:53
So when do I get to attend a Spannering night at chez Squiggles then? :msn-wink:

On ya matey patatey, thats the ol'kiwi atta'boy! Hillary would be proud! :yes:

12th February 2008, 22:23
Hey Steve! Can you have a look at my FXR too? lol

13th February 2008, 07:54
Alright, so last night I ran outta petrol on the m'way thinking I would just hit reserve ya know so :blank: who cares! But, turns out I don't seem to have any reserve, nope, well that's great. So call my gf to come with petrol and guess who turns up with her with jumper leads and a high-vis vest? Yep, Squiggles! Oh and then the cops too. By the way, I was sitting on side of m'way with indicator in for safety and ONE person pulled over to check I was ok in over an hour, and he'd seen me on other side and got off and turned around for me!!!

Anyway... By then the battery was almost flat, couldn't bump start on the gravel, so off we went to Squiggles and stole the Dilworth trailor, ramp, and tie downs... Back to the bike which we loaded up, tied down, and on our way to all have an icecream on the way home 2 hours after I'd run out, about ten past MIDNIGHT!!!! Squiggles chucked my battery on charge and I bade him farewell... 'till in about half an hour when I go grab my bike for the ride heading north from Uni :woohoo:

Cheers Stephen you are the man!

13th February 2008, 11:38
Alright, so last night I ran outta petrol on the m'way thinking I would just hit reserve ya know so :blank: who cares! But, turns out I don't seem to have any reserve, nope, well that's great. So call my gf to come with petrol and guess who turns up with her with jumper leads and a high-vis vest? Yep, Squiggles! Oh and then the cops too. By the way, I was sitting on side of m'way with indicator in for safety and ONE person pulled over to check I was ok in over an hour, and he'd seen me on other side and got off and turned around for me!!!

Anyway... By then the battery was almost flat, couldn't bump start on the gravel, so off we went to Squiggles and stole the Dilworth trailor, ramp, and tie downs... Back to the bike which we loaded up, tied down, and on our way to all have an icecream on the way home 2 hours after I'd run out, about ten past MIDNIGHT!!!! Squiggles chucked my battery on charge and I bade him farewell... 'till in about half an hour when I go grab my bike for the ride heading north from Uni :woohoo:

Cheers Stephen you are the man!

SEE! I mean wtf........
Thats just the bike side of things he also does stuff for the local school/computers etc.......

Last night i went to geoffs place to get my pannier rack weilded and he did it straight from getting home for work as he knew I needed it by Thursday. PS his garage rocks he has EVERYTHING!!!! Another great guy. perhap we should have a thread of thanks

13th February 2008, 15:53
Stephen is awesome, has saved my noob as on many an equation. Have penciled his place on the map as a safety zone lol One day I will be mechanically minded enough to help him fix bikes....maybe even his tl if it ever breaks down, the chances of which = 0%. haha good on ya steve, I owe ya a beer mate.

13th February 2008, 18:39
...maybe even his tl if it ever breaks down, the chances of which = 0%.

Hahahaha please tell me you are joking? :P