View Full Version : Did anyone just feel the earthquake?

Scaredy Cat
23rd November 2004, 08:27
It scared the **** out of me! Luckily it wasnt to strong the cats and I huddled under the doorway. Its a good thing I'm working at home today.

I HATE earthquakes!

Did anyone else feel it and how far away were you when you did?

Paul in NZ
23rd November 2004, 08:31
Yeah. Sorry 'bout that, musta had too much fibre last night I spose...

Nope. Nothing here in welliewood

23rd November 2004, 09:10
nope nutin here

23rd November 2004, 09:15
Heck yeah, hope the beast is still standing on two wheels at home.... might go check...

Scaredy Cat
23rd November 2004, 09:24
My bike is ok. I was most worried about the structural integrity of our house as we are renovating and one of our walls is currently being worked on.

23rd November 2004, 09:30
I was riding at the time, so didn't feel it either. However I was just in Japan when the big one struck over there in Niigita. We were about 600km away having dinner about 8 storys up in a building! Certainly felt it up there. Quite freaky with the building swaying!

Drunken Monkey
23rd November 2004, 09:50
Saw something briefly on Sky News, I think it was centered just off the south of the South Island, measuring 7.6.

The dynamiting at the Mt Wellington quarry shakes the house around twice a day, but we don't feel Earthquakes up here in Aucks...

PS - Finally some details on http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3106134a10,00.html , only about an hour after it was on the Aussie news...

23rd November 2004, 09:55

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td>Universal Time: </td> <td> November 22 2004 at 20:26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> NZ Daylight Time: </td> <td> Tuesday, November 23 2004 at 9:26 am </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Latitude, Longitude: </td> <td> 46.57°S, 165.08°E </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Focal Depth: </td> <td> 33 km </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Richter Magnitude: </td> <td> 7.2 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 200 km north-west of Snares Islands
210 km west of Tuatapere
240 km south-west of Te Anau
250 km west of Invercargill
420 km west of Dunedin

Felt widely throughout the South Island.

23rd November 2004, 10:02
Civil defence officials in Southland are checking for signs of damage after a large earthquake this morning.

The quake, measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale, happened just before 9.30am.

It was centred 240 kilometres southwest of Te Anau, 33 kilometres below the earth's surface.

Southland Civil Defence says reports indicate the quake was felt strongly throughout the area, and items fell from shelves in Te Anau and Dipton.

23rd November 2004, 10:14

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td>Universal Time: </td> <td> November 22 2004 at 20:26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> NZ Daylight Time: </td> <td> Tuesday, November 23 2004 at 9:26 am </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Latitude, Longitude: </td> <td> 46.57°S, 165.08°E </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Focal Depth: </td> <td> 33 km </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Richter Magnitude: </td> <td> 7.2 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 200 km north-west of Snares Islands
210 km west of Tuatapere
240 km south-west of Te Anau
250 km west of Invercargill
420 km west of Dunedin

Felt widely throughout the South Island.

was trying get to that but their site kept timing out... looks like everyone has the same idea...
(i know the sys admin at http://www.gns.cri.nz .... gunna ring and complain! )


25th November 2004, 17:06
I felt it, sitting upstairs. we didn't feel it downstairs, i just thought it was the chemical works clean-up dropping something... they do that kinda thing

25th November 2004, 18:07
This quake has now been upgraded (to 7.3) making it the biggest in 73 years in this country.

Scaredy Cat
26th November 2004, 07:33
The weird thing is there has only been one aftershock. They were expecting "hundreds" over the next few weeks, but only one has turned up. Thank goodness, those things scare the snot out of me :D

26th November 2004, 18:39
those things scare the snot out of me :D

I dont mind them, i just try and go with the flow, if the house is falling down i do to ;)