View Full Version : Bikers ride for mission - South Island 27 Feb - 1 March 2008

19th February 2008, 16:36
Just spotted this story in my local West Auckland 'Western Leader' newspaper.

These riders are heading down to the south island on 27 Feb to 1 March 2008. So keep and eye out for them and give them a wave.


Bikers ride for mission
By MATTHEW GRAY - Western Leader | Tuesday, 19 February 2008

HOT WHEELS: Helene and Dean Conway are headed south on a mammoth ride.
(Picture of the riders are in the link.)

Christian biker Helene Conway is hitting the road with her husband Dean and 15 others to raise money for the Missionary Venture organisation.

The 43-year-old Glendene resident hopes the 3500km South Island tour will help net $17,000.

Proceeds will be spent on motorbikes for rural pastors in developing countries and a Christian radio station on the Marshall Islands.

Helene got her motorbike licence three years ago after two decades riding pillion with Dean.

"I think if you’re going to keep your marriage sweet it’s important to do things together," she says.

"But this isn’t something I’d ever expected to do with my life. In fact the thought of riding a bike always scared the heck out of me."

Helene learned with her daughters Leesha, 21, and Amber, 18.

Leesha also has her licence but Amber is more interested in cars.

Helene’s dad kept a sharp eye on their activities.

"He is very concerned for his daughter and granddaughters," Helene says.

"He rode a bike to work as a young man until he crashed and broke his leg, so he’s not a big fan of them.

"I have to keep reassuring him."

Helene was also among the first four members of the Christian Motorcyclists Association’s New Zealand branch that formed in 2005.

The group has eight full members and another two signing up.

All of them will be riding in the fundraiser between February 27 and March 1.

Donations to their cause are welcome.

I think Dean is a KB member...

5th March 2008, 17:40
That's right Crashe.

We had a great time (sore butts though) & raised just under $7000.:2thumbsup

Holy Roller
6th March 2008, 14:45
I'm glad that you guys had such a great time. Any amount of money raised goes a long way in helping out in developing countries. The motorcycle is certainly the vehicle of choice for getting around in these countries.