View Full Version : Withdrawal worries

24th February 2008, 21:07
I'm heading up to Hamilton for 6 days on Wednesday and am concerned about withdrawal symptoms I might face.......:crybaby:

Anyone have any experience with this????

I work for a motorhome company (this is probably why I have no worries about flying the big yellow "L" on the back of the Zonga... I get shit from everyone on the road no matter which of my vehicles I drive, the Zonga, my slow Isuzu 4x4, or a work campervan :dodge:)

What symptoms can I expect to suffer from?? And what the fark can I do when stuck hundreds of k's from my beloved (...) Zonga?? My day is not complete unless I have gone for at least a quick blat around the block!... Ok, a couple of blocks.

AARRGGHH!!! Days like this make me wish I worked for a motorcycle shop... or didn't have to work at all would be better I guess! :2guns:

24th February 2008, 21:44
Take the throttle rubber off your bike and when you snuggle into bed, suck that instead of your thumb :innocent:

24th February 2008, 23:08
Smoke 1 packet camel cigarrettes every half hour. Drink 1 bottle Jim Beam Black straight every hour. do this every day. Then stop. Then you'll have withdrawal symptoms.....

It's not like it's gunna kill ya...:)


Wiki Drifter
25th February 2008, 00:19
bro, HTFU :devil2:

25th February 2008, 13:04
Ha! I am surprised by the reaction, or should I say lack thereof from KB'ers on this one. I had expected everyman & his dog to go the way of Wiki Drifter and post some form of HTFU! Even if it is a complete rubbish thread with no future except painful verbal assaults!! :jerry:

25th February 2008, 13:09
token HTFU for ya

26th February 2008, 00:35
Best way to avoid withdrawal worries - place your fingers round the base of your dick and hold the condom in place as you disengage. Oh sorry , you were referring to something else?

26th February 2008, 02:46
6 days?

i lost my license in september 2007 and do not get it back until 2009

and your complaining about 6 days of withdrawel. :mellow:

26th February 2008, 02:47
Best way to avoid withdrawal worries - place your fingers round the base of your dick and hold the condom in place as you disengage. Oh sorry , you were referring to something else?

Well now we know why you're on the internet at 1:35am.:buggerd: