View Full Version : Bumming a ride to Palmy way?

28th February 2008, 20:47
Well, two options for me to sort out getting my ride for the CCC (the madcap lark in Adventure Ho! thread :wacko:)

I can throw readies at 'Ere Noo Zeelund and fly the unfriendly skies down to pick it up from Palmy way...

Or I can cast my lot and see if'n any kindly soul can let me ride bitch down that ways (paying for my fair share in fuel and the unlikely sight of a red camoed up ninja holding on fer dear life! :innocent:)

looking to get it done in March sometime! :yes:

After all, two wheels better!

28th February 2008, 20:50
I gotta go to Taranaki to get mine, we could make a day trip (albeit a long one) of it. You can't go dressed as a Ninja Turtle though.

28th February 2008, 20:51
Then I will wear my Spartacus outfit then! Oorah! :devil2: So how does this work then? :scratch: We both ride a bike in turn? :lol:

28th February 2008, 20:54
I shall be taking the car and Trailer down. Will put mine in the Trailer, you can ride yours back, or chuck it in the Trailer, plenty of room for two, although only one set of tie downs.

Sure we could borrow a second set though.

28th February 2008, 20:56
I got plenty of tie downs ... sounds like a plan! Road Trip hoooo!!!

We can also take turns to ride the bikes if we want as well with the cage as a backstop blocker! :lol:

28th February 2008, 20:59
Exactly. I'm currently planning around 15th or 16th of March. Got to get a towbar installed first. :blink:

28th February 2008, 21:13
Hey! :wacko: You been reading me mind! I was planning that weekend to fly down if'n I couldn't arrange alternatives!

Kismet Hardy, kismet..

Big Dave
29th February 2008, 00:48
For one with such a gift..sigh...'bumming' a ride....what is it the hero parade.
You may hitch, you may thumb, quit with the bumming.

Secondly man does not take man distance on a motorcycle. Confident in the sexuality yada yada - it ain't kosher. Sausage creatures are one per unit lest it carry a chair.

Emergency, mechanical failure and the inebriated excused.

This is the code. Follow it and prosper in the seeking of female company my young popadom.

29th February 2008, 03:26
Oh yeah and watch out for those using the word Felch...

Big Dave
29th February 2008, 09:22
:slap: how did I miss that.

29th February 2008, 10:14
Well, as I live and learn, another amendment needs to be added to my "biker's code" codex (sticks tongue out to left, wets pencil and writes in scrawled letters ... "thou shalt not ask for a lift and refer to it as "bumming" nor shall it be over a long distance in the company of another man, if one is a male himself, to refer to such activities as "thumbing" or "hitch" to be precise, to ask for a lift not on one's own method of transportation conveyance, which is not more than two wheels in number..."


'sides got it sorted horted, road trip with pirate madness! I shall be able to use my Jolly Roger flag o'pirating doomy doom! Arrrr!

Shiver me timbers and giv' 'em a taste of broadside me hearties! Arrrr!

29th February 2008, 17:36
Do you have a female Wookie costume?

2nd March 2008, 15:21
Do you have a female Wookie costume?

Hmmm ... interesting ... but no! :pinch:

Ah well, due to a full calendar booked out this month by family commitments, I'll be picking up the bike from Palmy by flying down! W00t!

Darn, such a shame to ride a meandering ride up from Palmy to Auckies on my A100! :scooter:

Cheers Hubba Gubba for the ride, but I guess I have to be a pirate some other time arrr! :blink: