View Full Version : Too Much Thinking.....

Paul in NZ
3rd March 2008, 12:29
I've been thinking lately - a long ride by yourself nearly always results in too much thinking but - more than that the Triumph rally made me realise that I'm just plain old and sad now. Hardly anyone rode their old Meriden bikes any distance, even fewer people knew just whats involved in doing that and I found myself, in short sitting with the old codgers talking about hard rides on hard bikes in the days when PVC was a modern wonder. Worse (for me) is that we had people there raving about their 'Bonnies' with no fuckin idea what a Bonneville was, where it came from and why it was built. (this is commentary btw I'm not miffed in the slightest by this)

On the way home I stopped at a gas station for coffee and fuel and there were some young fellas there on new bikes. I was travel stained and muddy from some gravel roads, luggage aboard and obviously travelling. I was not even fucking alive for them. No eye contact no hi how ya doin' goin' far etc so I just sat down and sucked down my caffine while the 'knowledgable one told the dumb one my bike must be a big single cos it only had one carb and wern't those old things odd looking - A glare from me and he didn't fancy his chances any more than that.... I mean I was right bloody there but as far as they were concerned - invisible.... How odd (I mean I'm hardly intimidating)

In short - I now find myself so far removed from the realities of mainstream motorcycling than I doubt I could find my way back even with a map and a guide and despite that, I'm as happy as a pig in shit.

KB on the otherhand has continued to grow in a different direction and is very much a reflection of the modern world.

And there is the crux of the matter - I know I had retired from the game a while back and was only really hanging around in the commentary box for the free coffee and bickkies but I think its time to retire from the game altogether and go sit in the pub with the other old jokers. Its warm there and the rose tinted specs are free with every jug of Tui.

Over and out.....

3rd March 2008, 12:31

Giz a go on yer bike, bro?

3rd March 2008, 12:34
You must be living in the wrong place - conversations start up evreywhere I've stopped (gas station, pub, whatever) and another motorcyclist hauls in, brand of bike doesn't matter - the natter starts up free and easy, the camaraderie (sp) of riding and all that.

And the rallies are even better, old friends everwhere and new ones to meet abound.

3rd March 2008, 12:36
:Oi:Shit mate, save the that thinking stuff for special occasions. You know, like when you need to choose between a superbike, GP or Isle of Man DVD. I promise to talk to you next time I see you. Be warned though, I don't have a clue about Trinumphs.:2thumbsup

3rd March 2008, 12:39
'Oi, you, get back 'ere.

That's the trouble with you younger folk, no staying power.

The realities of modern motorcycling is centred precisely around where I is, and I ain't no modern reflection of anything. You've got a duty y'know, all that knowledge wasn't imparted to you just for y'own benefit, you are but the guardian of it, it has to be ahanded down. Otherwise, there'll come a time when no-one will even know what E3134 means.

And if y' drank proper beer, as in Speights, instead of that rotgut stuff, y'wouldn't have these silly notions.

Back on duty now, and we'll say more of this .

3rd March 2008, 12:49
'Oi, you, get back 'ere.

That's the trouble with you younger folk, no staying power.

The realities of modern motorcycling is centred precisely around where I is, and I ain't no modern reflection of anything. You've got a duty y'know, all that knowledge wasn't imparted to you just for y'own benefit, you are but the guardian of it, it has to be ahanded down. Otherwise, there'll come a time when no-one will even know what E3134 means.

For whatever it's worth, I agree with Ixion.

I know bugger all about bikes (well, there is a discovery <_<), but I do love talking to people who truly know about them. And yes, I do really listen and try to learn along the way.
Hubby is the same, however being an engineer, he knows and understands what is being talked about...

If the "older generation" of bikers with knowledge decide to give up on the newer one, then I really think we will be missing out on so much.

May I suggest talking to those who actually do want to listen perhaps, rather than those few with an obvious lack of span of attention and shitty attitudes?

We are out there, so please don't go...(please see picture below)

tri boy
3rd March 2008, 12:50
Paul, if guys like you dissapear into the dark corners of m/cycling, it would be a very sad moment indeed.
Screw what capt knob cheese, and his kerosene cowboy side kicks think.
If they can't regonise a seasoned rider when they see one, and have the respect for guys like you by acknowledging you and guy/gals like you, then they are wet behind the ears "wanna be gunna's". Not worth even wasting your time thinking about.

Kanny was gobsmacked by your bike, and those that were close by.
You guys are the very people who youth need to tap into to keep the real spirit of riding/living bikes alive.
Maybe you guys could organise a trial get together for those that want to admire your bikes and hear about the way it was. I wouldn't be able to keep karen away from such an event.(or myself).

Don't fade into the distance mate.

3rd March 2008, 12:52
You must have looked far too intimiodating.

I hate to say it but I really like riding a newer bike. I can remember starting off with points, drum brakes, etc (and always having to carry a selection of sparkplugs and spanner on my old two strokes).

This new fangled EFI, dual front discs, monoshock rear suspension, might catch on.

I fondly remember the good old days, but thinking of having to kick start my old four stroke single brings me back to reality.

James Deuce
3rd March 2008, 12:55

Here I am looking at saving up for a Moto Guzzi V7 because it's the coolest of new group of old-school replicas so I can be like my mate Paul-in-NZ and he's going to stop talking to us modern types.

All your story goes to show is that you can meet cocks anywhere.

Bloody typical male menopause rubbish.

3rd March 2008, 13:03
Being a TRIUMPH man from wayback I can totally relate to you and your bike.
Not many years have passed since I used to do ave.20,000 k a year on my old T140 as it was my only transport.Commuting.touring,rallying and partying and always with a good toolkit along for the ride.The old bugger only had to be trailered home only once after blowing 2nd gear!I bet I could still rebuild the clutch in the dark though.(as in the side of the road at night).Still I love the new Ts as well.Just treat the wannabes how they treat you cause there is still heaps of real people on bikes.
PS Saw your bike on the Toy Run and dribbled.Cheers mate.

3rd March 2008, 13:08
I hate young people!!!

3rd March 2008, 13:10
You should feel for people who ride GN's Paul. Not only are you ignored but sometimes you feel like people are laughing at you. <_<

3rd March 2008, 13:14
Otherwise, there'll come a time when no-one will even know what E3134 means.

2 per bike, with 4 matching followers:yes: And what's more, I still have my 3TA and multiple model Truimph 650 manuals in pristine condition. I'll bring them up to coro for you to have a look at Paul. Much better than Playboy in terms of getting a hard-on.

Less of this old and sad business Paul. I'm a sight older than you and still manage to span old and new machinery:nono:

3rd March 2008, 13:16
come live in the manawatu

we talk to anyone and everyone and we even have old people....you'll fit right in

met a chap at the taihape bp a couple months back with a '73 zooki GT750 3-cyl 2-stroke....now THERE'S an interesting machine....

James Deuce
3rd March 2008, 13:18
met a chap at the taihape bp a couple months back with a '73 zooki GT750 3-cyl 2-stroke....now THERE'S an interesting machine....
New-fangled water cooled rubbish

3rd March 2008, 13:20
....... in the days when PVC was a modern wonder....

Aaaah yes, the seventies!!!
I still have my PVC jump suit with the spaceman shoulder pads.
I was king of the disco I was!!!

3rd March 2008, 13:31
Well what can I say? I don't know much at all about the technicalities of motorsickles but I love a beer (just the one ...) and a yarn. Let the young blokes do their own thing if they want to, you come sit with us hot young chicks down in Tauranga. We even have real men (and I'm sure wimmin!) down this way who can talk to you about engines and wheels and all that complicated stuff.

And contrary to popular opinion (we're often known as God's waiting room) while we have 31 rest and convalescent homes, 28 retirement villages, and 11 elderley care services providers we also have incredible beaches, great motorsickling, 19 restaurants, 39 bars/brasseries, and .... ok this statistical analysis didn't go the way I thought it was gonna - we got more rest homes and retirement villages than bars .......... shuttin up now :blink:

F5 Dave
3rd March 2008, 13:52
New-fangled water cooled rubbish

Not bad, not bad at all.

S'funny motorcycling always draws a wide audience. Just today I saw a couple of cockheads riding their snoozukis around the hutt with virtually no gear, one had no gloves. Jerkly swapping lanes. Then one pulls a wheelie right across the lights at a busy intersection & by a bus stop. Didn't look largely in control & despite the danger to themselves or a wayward pedestrian (Caarrrry on my wayward pedestrian. . hmm maybe there's a song in there) the image they portray is cockhead. But the sort that is likely to make the public hate us & law enforcement crack down.

So I see no bond with them. Chances are they won't be riding in 3 years time. Fortunately I later bumped into another chap who I do relate to & had a laugh about riding in the weekend (despite the fact he owns a Harley, ok & a few other bikes). It reminded me that in any sport there are titheads & goodkunts & also a bunch in between. Possibly a few in transition.
KB reflects this but you can't ban those who won't be riding in a few years. Sadly.

3rd March 2008, 13:56
Shit Paul you must be joking!
You can still deal to the new fandagled crew. Anyone that can comfortably fang their trummpy down Dalefeild road and still kick arses is still up with the play.
And... and ... and... The FZR project was another achievement that I know many of the whippersnapper brigade would not be able to achieve. I know its not a modern bike but a huge step from your usual stuff.
I know what you mean about feeling like the world is leaving you on the outer. Hell I find it hard to get people to ride if it LOOKS like rain let alone if it is raining. WTF?
It is a changing place and even at my tender age of 43 I get told from time to time Im too old to ride a sports bike. Once again WTF?
Hey as long as Im enjoying the journey Im happy on the road and sometimes I find that Im riding by myself because others dont want the same experiences. If people want to trailer the bikes to rallies, so be it, but for me its the getting there and getting back that is a big part of it.

Ah fuck it..... save me a seat in the corner with the old codgers will ya?

F5 Dave
3rd March 2008, 13:59
.... save me a seat in the corner with the old codgers will ya?
Me too, but as long as we don't have to drink Tui.

3rd March 2008, 14:09
Shit Paul you must be joking!
You can still deal to the new fandagled crew.

Ah fuck it..... save me a seat in the corner with the old codgers will ya?

It'll have to be a fucking big corner cause us old fucks are still out and about in numbers.:2thumbsup
Saw a young dick head in Porirua tother day riding new 250 something wearing good helmet and jacket but on his feet Fijian safety shoes(jandals)WTF

3rd March 2008, 14:14
I hate young people!!!

You *is* a young people.

3rd March 2008, 14:15
You *is* a young people.

You're a very nice man.

3rd March 2008, 14:20
met a chap at the taihape bp a couple months back with a '73 zooki GT750 3-cyl 2-stroke....now THERE'S an interesting machine....

Wasn't me. But "interesting" is a good word . I think of quite a few others.

New-fangled water cooled rubbish

'Twill never come to anything. Scott couldn't make it work n' they tried for years. Same as this mania for having suspension at the back . What's the *point* of it, I'd like to know. Just more things to go wrong.

3rd March 2008, 14:26
Save me a seat in the corner with the old codgers will ya?

Sod that for a joke. You've just got further to go to get to the loo when you need it.

Besides who wants to be stuck in a corner with a bunch of old farts. Actually who wants to be stuck in a corner.

3rd March 2008, 14:41
Hardly anyone rode their old Meriden bikes any distance, even fewer people knew just whats involved in doing that and I found myself, in short sitting with the old codgers talking about hard rides on hard bikes in the days when PVC was a modern wonder.

Must be hard riding long distances on a bike that was built before countersteering was invented.

Your rapidly becoming an elitist motorcycling eccentric there Paul.

Those Hinckley owners are something else they might as well be riding Jappas.

3rd March 2008, 15:06
mate:nono: I met a guy at whangamomona, wangamomod, the forgotten highway place a while back, 5' 2, 60 something, big grin on his leathery sun beaten face. I was people watching as I do cause no Fugger ever talks to me for fear of being eaten or sommat and I noticed amongst 50 odd bikers this little fella stood alone as if he didn't exist. i said hi,cause it's the right thing to do and we got chattin.
This geezer that had gone all but unnoticed took me on a whistle stop tour of his bike and his life and it was spellbinding.Too long a tale for here but let me tell ya,this geezer knew everything there is to know about the shrimping business, more man and more biker than most of us gathered there that day.
If I hadn't of spoken to him he would still have ridden off into the hills with a big grin on his face because he didn't give a toss about the right bike to ride,gear to wear, he just rode because he wanted to and talked to those that wanted to listen.

Stick at it youngster,it wont always fall on deaf ears.

signed MB older than you. :niceone:

James Deuce
3rd March 2008, 15:09
Must be hard riding long distances on a bike that was built before countersteering was invented.

Or upside down forks.

Which I don't believe in anyway.

F5 Dave
3rd March 2008, 15:11
What you don't believe they exist?

Your RC30 had upside down forks. . . Well, after you'd finished with it it did:Pokey:

3rd March 2008, 15:13
Paul, you are just hanging out with the wrong crowd. Those jerks wouldn't know style or quality if it jumped up and bit them in the face!
I remember the first time I saw your gorgeous bike, and how I wanted to stand around and drool, but, it just ain't that easy when you are on crutches..
We are having a party...details on here somewhere..come up, bring that bike of yours, we'll have a yarn or two, a beer or three, and see if we can't change your mind!

Bring Vicki too!

James Deuce
3rd March 2008, 15:29
What you don't believe they exist?

Your RC30 had upside down forks. . . Well, after you'd finished with it it did:Pokey:

Shhh. It had an inverted oil filter too.

3rd March 2008, 15:41
If I hadn't of spoken to him he would still have ridden off into the hills with a big grin on his face because he didn't give a toss about the right bike to ride,gear to wear, he just rode because he wanted to and talked to those that wanted to listen.

Stick at it youngster,it wont always fall on deaf ears.

signed MB older than you. :niceone: :first::apint:Says it all really.Nice.

3rd March 2008, 15:44
Must be hard riding long distances on a bike that was built before countersteering was invented.

Or upside down forks.

Which I don't believe in anyway.

Or fuel injection, ecu, fly by wire, power commander units & downloadable fuel maps!

3rd March 2008, 15:45
On the way home I stopped at a gas station for coffee and fuel and there were some young fellas there on new bikes. I was travel stained and muddy from some gravel roads, luggage aboard and obviously travelling. I was not even fucking alive for them. No eye contact no hi how ya doin' goin' far etc so I just sat down and sucked down my caffine while the 'knowledgable one told the dumb one my bike must be a big single cos it only had one carb and wern't those old things odd looking - A glare from me and he didn't fancy his chances any more than that.... I mean I was right bloody there but as far as they were concerned - invisible.... How odd (I mean I'm hardly intimidating)

Sounds to me like a resounding scream for edumacation that! You must have been in a foul mood after the rally I suppose... You giving them the glare instead of the learn was not their fault.

Anyway, HTFU - tempus fugit and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. People often complain about how they miss the good old days - truth be told, they were the bad old days in almost every regard.

There was a time where the motorcycle wasn't even invented - fuck this new-fangled change thing :shifty:

Or upside down forks.

Which I don't believe in anyway.

You better believe it Jim. I have seen the signs with my own eyes and what a wonder they were. skidMessiah is right - the time of the USDs are upon us.

3rd March 2008, 15:52
Here I am looking at saving up for a Moto Guzzi V7 because it's the coolest of new group of old-school replicas so I can be like my mate Paul-in-NZ and he's going to stop talking to us modern types...
I would have pegged you as a Thruxton man.

I could go one of them in yellow and black...mmm, retro racing.

James Deuce
3rd March 2008, 15:53
I would have pegged you as a Thruxton man.

I could go one of them in yellow and black...mmm, retro racing.

Too uncomfortable. The basic Hinckley Bonnie is a better bike.

The Guzzi would be more fun too.

3rd March 2008, 15:55
S.... the time of the USDs are upon us.
USD is my second cousin twice removed on my mother's side.
That family are a bit pretentious and spell their names in capitals.
There're also UPS, LOL, USB, PS1, PS2 and baby PS3.

3rd March 2008, 15:57
USD is my second cousin twice removed on my mother's side.
That family are a bit pretentious and spell their names in capitals.
There're also UPS, LOL, USB, PS1, PS2 and baby PS3.

You related to STFU and GTFO as well?


3rd March 2008, 16:12
come live in the manawatu

we talk to anyone and everyone and we even have old people....you'll fit right in

met a chap at the taihape bp a couple months back with a '73 zooki GT750 3-cyl 2-stroke....now THERE'S an interesting machine....There's a chap in Feilding who owns a couple and an expat South African over Napier way who has had his from new about the same condition as La Trog.

Paul pop over our way on occasion. We're all a bit odd, especially Gary but you know that ;), to tell the truth. But like bikes of all kinds.

You can blame the marketing boys about the lack of "real" Bonniville knowlege. Each new one sold should have a 40 page book that goes with them for the owners edification of what they could be riding ;). Lots of pictures obviously and a DVD.

3rd March 2008, 16:32
Or upside down forks.

Which I don't believe in anyway.

I had upside down forks one day.The trouble was the rubber was pointing at the sky.:doh:

Big Dave
3rd March 2008, 16:39
Easy - don't think about it.

3rd March 2008, 17:41
I'm a sad old fart too....I seldom ride with others,just potter around by myself.I appear out of nowhere in some small town covered in dust from 100km of backroads,and get some chips from the takeaway....everyone ignores me,not just those on bikes.The guys on bikes are not interested in me or my bike,we don't look cool or interesting in any way....sokay by me.

I feel even sadder at some classic meeting when I walk up to some guy at least 10 years younger than me,and earning 4 times the income - ''I used to have one of those.....''

Sad alright.

3rd March 2008, 17:44
Is 'cause yo is bleck.

(EDIT: They're just bemused trying to figure out where y'wheels have gone to. Y' will ride round on them sucky-blowy hover things, y'got to expect people will think you're a bit odd.)

3rd March 2008, 17:58
For crying out loud Paul, what the hell is up with this thread?
You love ya' bike right?
You love ya' mates that you have met through biking right?
Dont let the 'Poor me' bullshit get under your skin, it will grab hold.
You have to impress anyone but yourself mate, and if get the warm and fuzzies after being out on ya bike then fuck em'! Thats the one thing that counts most dude.
I ride with old fullas and have to tell them that their nose is running, and have to stop more often than not (wee weez) and neither party complains. Ok so im stretching the truth, but ya not what i mean?
You have way more knowledge about motorcycles than those twats at the coffee stop, fuck em ' i say. Stop ya thinking and keep ridin'....:cool:

3rd March 2008, 18:46
'Oi, you, get back 'ere.

That's the trouble with you younger folk, no staying power.

The realities of modern motorcycling is centred precisely around where I is, and I ain't no modern reflection of anything. You've got a duty y'know, all that knowledge wasn't imparted to you just for y'own benefit, you are but the guardian of it, it has to be ahanded down. Otherwise, there'll come a time when no-one will even know what E3134 means.

And if y' drank proper beer, as in Speights, instead of that rotgut stuff, y'wouldn't have these silly notions.

Back on duty now, and we'll say more of this .

I had E3134 cams and remember crossed pushrods...........go Ixion. perhaps I know from Ixion MCC in Wgtn

3rd March 2008, 18:48
New-fangled water cooled rubbish

Never understood the need for big, shiny plates on the side of the front wheel either. Twin leading shoe is where it's at....

3rd March 2008, 18:53
Too uncomfortable. The basic Hinckley Bonnie is a better bike.

The Guzzi would be more fun too.

Ah.........but a Duntstall...........swoon

3rd March 2008, 18:57
I'd have to say that seeing a bike like your Triumph or Guzzi on the road and being used brings much more of a smile to my face than seeing anything built in the last 20 years

Now if I could only prise the A10 out of Dads hands

3rd March 2008, 19:16
eventually were goint to catch you up ,and all be saying them thing

Great wee post there mate


3rd March 2008, 19:30
Crikey Paul and you're not even as old as me and I generally find people rather chatty. Where the heck were you at the time - Otara or somewhere else they don't speak English?

Why don't you post a thread suggesting a ride for the over 50's sometime and see how many of us turn up and then we can cruise for a day stopping places and wake up the locals to talk to.

As for your bike remember that crazy guy that took such a liking to it in Cuba Mall that time over a year ago - we couldn't stop him talking - and he wasn't as old as us.

I started riding in 1968 but must have been a modern youth because I missed totally the British era jumping straight onto plastic. My Bro' is older than me and he was a plastic man too except he did buy a Bultaco and a Benelli and then in 1992 a 1970 Triumph. Me I've never owned anything but Jappas.

Still haven't had a fuel injected bike but two of them in our garage do have USD forks.

Big Dave
3rd March 2008, 19:37
I the yin fo yo yang motu. Everyone talks to me.

I was minding my own business in the queue at Subway Mt Wellington a few days ago and the bloke behind me said.
'Man I enjoyed that article on the Burt Munro.'

Coming back from Aus last time - covered in north queensland dust - thinking 'hello - maf might be interesting' and the MAF guy says 'Big Dave - where you been riding? - I ride a .... through you go'.

I walk up to the customs counter in my KR shirt and the customs guy says 'Big Dave where you been riding - had a good time?'.

I get pulled over by a Bike Cop - 'No, don't need your Licence - I know who you are.'

Great fun it is.

I'll still ride with you mate. :niceone: You, me and the ego.

3rd March 2008, 19:50
Still haven't had a fuel injected bike but two of them in our garage do have USD forks.

Meh. You yuoff always think things are new.

My first bike had USA forks


3rd March 2008, 19:52
Old bikers never die, They just turn into grumpy bastards.

Seriously, why would you give a shit if some strokers didn't take any notice of you?

And your bike will always be worth something at the scrap dealer, I'll swap you 20 bottle caps for it, Old School bottle caps, None of this plastic crap the kids today groove to.

3rd March 2008, 19:52
Man, it's only when you're between them and the escape route.

They take a look at you, and reckon that chivalry demands they keep you talking until their women folk and kids have fled to a place of safety. :devil2:

Paul in NZ
3rd March 2008, 19:56
Hey - whoa..... I obviously wrote that all wrong, in a hurry and with the black dog hanging over me... I'm not giving up bikes ffs and specifically - not mine.. I think I wrote my original post all wrong....

This isn't about having a pretty bike - don't get me wrong I LOVE that bike and I'm seriously proud of it but frankly it's been prettier at times over the years and it's less pretty now than it was a week back. Time will go on and it will get shabby again and then I'll rebuild it again and it will be pretty again if I'm not wearing out the Moto Guzzi...

Its not about respect either - I don't ask for it as of right because I have an old motorcycle ffs. Last weekend some of my mates on older bikes did the Molesworth / Rainbow trip - that I respect.... Theres a ton of folks on modern bikes I'm in utter awe of!

Its about change and it's about how the things I liked and respected are getting rarer and how I don't understand why I don't care about changing to suit the times. Like I said - commentary not bitterness.

I'm not a biker, I never have been - I sold my crap black leather jacket 10 years ago and have never owned a skull ring or felt the need to get a tatoo. I'm just a silly old man that works in an office, loves his wife and loves his old bikes (in that order). To that end - perhaps I'm thinking that I have no business expressing my opinions here when I have a decreasing interest and increasing distaste in the goings on of modern biking?

This aint like me - I must be getting a cold...

James Deuce
3rd March 2008, 20:00
Yes. That's it. A cold.

3rd March 2008, 20:04
Yeah cripes Jim we can't have someone here talking grumpier than you and spoiling your reputation, but then you are but young.

Paul just tell us when and we'll ride with you.

3rd March 2008, 20:07
Its about change and it's about how the things I liked and respected are getting rarer and how I don't understand why I don't care about changing to suit the times. Like I said - commentary not bitterness.

. To that end - perhaps I'm thinking that I have no business expressing my opinions here when I have a decreasing interest and increasing distaste in the goings on of modern biking?

As much businesss as anyone else in this world. Not much of a crack if everyone agrees with each other, y'need a bit of disagreement to get things lively and spirited.

Me, I don't approve of change. Unless I institute it, of course. Change to suit the times? Bah, humbug. I never change. One of the eternal verities . Born grumpy, and I'll die grumpy.

But the buggers will keep changing things, regardless.

They seal the roads, change the rules, stick suspension on the backs of bikes. Turn my back for a few years, and next time I look round there's change all over the place. Always for the worst of course. Never approve of it. But, I can't stop 'em. Just have to make the best of things. Societies change too. For the worse, of course. Attitudes, behaviour, turn y' back for a moment and when y'look back it's all changed. But we grumpy old gits can't change it, so we just have to make the best of it. Leave 'em in no doubt what a cockup they're making of it of course .

Ah, I remember the good old days. Wouldn't have 'em back at any price. They were shit.

Doesn't mean that you young ones aren't stuffing it all up mind. And y' need to buy me a beer , to wet m'throat so I can tell you all the things you're doing wrong. Make it a Speights.

3rd March 2008, 20:24
If you ride British I'm sure you'll agree
There's more to these sickles then most people see
Electrics by Lucas The Prince of the Dark
And spots of oil to show where they park
Carbies by Amal you already know
How fast out of tune these bastards can go
But if it's a beeza,ajay or trump
The sound of that motor can make your heart thump
A bonnie or goldie or even a manx
To the Gods of Motorcycling
We offer our thanks
So if someone steps up to you and says "What do you ride?"
Just simpley say "British" and say it with pride.


3rd March 2008, 20:30
If you ride British I'm sure you'll agree
There's more to these sickles then most people see
Electrics by Lucas The Prince of the Dark
And spots of oil to show where they park
Carbies by Amal you already know
How fast out of tune these bastards can go
But if it's a beeza,ajay or trump
The sound of that motor can make your heart thump
A bonnie or goldie or even a manx
To the Gods of Motorcycling
We offer our thanks
So if someone steps up to you and says "What do you ride?"
Just simpley say "British" and say it with pride.



As someone said: If it is not British it belongs on a bonfire!


3rd March 2008, 20:52
Don't think too much, mate. It's bad for you!

I ride a mid 70s airhaed BMW as well as my Kwak. I put close on 100K miles on it. The trick is not to care what others think of you. I don't give a fuck what people think or say when I'm out on the Beemer. Ride your own ride.

You might go for a ride next weekend and people will be all over you and your bike.

3rd March 2008, 21:52
For crying out loud Paul, what the hell is up with this thread?
You love ya' bike right?
You love ya' mates that you have met through biking right?
Dont let the 'Poor me' bullshit get under your skin, it will grab hold.
You have to impress anyone but yourself mate, and if get the warm and fuzzies after being out on ya bike then fuck em'! That's the one thing that counts most dude.
I ride with old fullas and have to tell them that their nose is running, and have to stop more often than not (wee weez) and neither party complains. Ok so im stretching the truth, but ya not what i mean?
You have way more knowledge about motorcycles than those twats at the coffee stop, fuck em ' i say. Stop ya thinking and keep ridin'....:cool:

Ha ha, I had to stop for one of them wee weez today, cause I'm old and me bladder is the size of a peanut. I let rip and looked down to admire me todger only to find I'd pissed all over me dangling head phones.:lol:

So if your one of them peeps that think old peeps smell of wee. now you know why, It's coming from their ears man. :banana:

3rd March 2008, 23:11
USD is my second cousin twice removed on my mother's side.
That family are a bit pretentious and spell their names in capitals.
There're also UPS, LOL, USB, PS1, PS2 and baby PS3.

Whooo-hoo - we could be related, after all I have an FXDXT and an F100 not to mentiona 105E!!!

4th March 2008, 08:26
One of the most interesting threads I've read in a wee whiles ... s'all good, ride your bike, love your wimmen, feed the kids and let the rest of the world go to hell in a handbasket!

As you were gennleman, as you were ...

4th March 2008, 08:46
Paul I'm sorry dude I think you have it backwards mate.
Put shoe on the other foot for a bit.
I was at a servo with a bunch of my mates on our kawasukondas.
All of us in our cudura and race replica power ranger gear.
This big bikie type guy pulls in on an old bike--a single I think.
He must have been a bikie cos he was filthy dirty and wearing black leather
It was a bikie type bike.
Pretty intimidating.
Hate to admit it but we diddn't wanna make eye contact in case -well who knows what a bikie might do if ya annoy him
I told my mate in a loudish voice --(see if the bikie would talk to us) Hey it looks like a single.
The bikie type gave us one of those "dont fuck with me or I'll fuck you up real bad" looks so we ignored him.

4th March 2008, 08:52
I started riding in ....

Actually, it doesn't matter when or what 'you' started on. For all us crusties, the bikes we had then are now either 'revered classics' or 'omigodtheywerecrap'.
I've owned Puch, Triumph, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki and I have to say that the Jappas always did me proud and the 'character-building' jobbies were probably the root cause of the frosting...that, and an early model wife!!
To me, I don't care what you ride...it has two wheels, doesn't it?

4th March 2008, 09:29
Ha ha, I had to stop for one of them wee weez today, cause I'm old and me bladder is the size of a peanut. I let rip and looked down to admire me todger only to find I'd pissed all over me dangling head phones.:lol:

So if your one of them peeps that think old peeps smell of wee. now you know why, It's coming from their ears man. :banana:

So you don't listen to shit music then? :lol::lol::lol:

4th March 2008, 11:02
As much businesss as anyone else in this world. ....Ah, I remember the good old days. Wouldn't have 'em back at any price. They were shit.

Doesn't mean that you young ones aren't stuffing it all up mind. And y' need to buy me a beer , to wet m'throat so I can tell you all the things you're doing wrong. Make it a Speights.

I agree...(apart from the Speights!)

As you were Paul...carry on.

4th March 2008, 11:30
& downloadable fuel maps!
This is a device that allows someone to find a location to purchase petrol, isn't it?:scratch:

4th March 2008, 12:21
Paul I'm sorry dude I think you have it backwards mate.
Put shoe on the other foot for a bit.
I was at a servo with a bunch of my mates on our kawasukondas.
All of us in our cudura and race replica power ranger gear.
This big bikie type guy pulls in on an old bike--a single I think.
He must have been a bikie cos he was filthy dirty and wearing black leather
It was a bikie type bike.
Pretty intimidating.
Hate to admit it but we diddn't wanna make eye contact in case -well who knows what a bikie might do if ya annoy him
I told my mate in a loudish voice --(see if the bikie would talk to us) Hey it looks like a single.
The bikie type gave us one of those "dont fuck with me or I'll fuck you up real bad" looks so we ignored him.

HAve you actually met Paul?

4th March 2008, 12:33
Yes. That's it. A cold.
You forgot to add, "Burn him!"

4th March 2008, 12:35
HAve you actually met Paul?
Er yea-a few times
I was lucky enough to stay at his place with baby bikie a few years back.
keep in mind it aint reality its PERCEIVED reality.

4th March 2008, 12:37
How some now when older it's: Too much thinking.

When younger our fathers use to say to us: "Do you EVER actually THINK about what you've just said/done/about to do"???:blink:

4th March 2008, 13:27
See but your bike is a big single -- the two pistons go up and down at the same time :laugh:

I don't strike up conversations with people like you, because normally you yell at me for having a 4 valve Japper with CDI ignition and 12V lights.

4th March 2008, 13:57
See but your bike is a big single -- the two pistons go up and down at the same time :laugh:

I don't strike up conversations with people like you, because normally you yell at me for having a 4 valve Japper with CDI ignition and 12V lights.

Nah, it's cos you is spotty. And haven't learned not to dribble on fine English iron....:chase::lol:

Okey Dokey
4th March 2008, 14:24
Gosh, you must be feeling chirpier after all these pages of encouraging thoughts! It sounds like it was their loss that day in the cafe, not getting to meet you. Don't despair, in an ever changing world there are still lots of good people around. See you on the road sometime!

4th March 2008, 14:24
Don't go Paul, we need relics.

James Deuce
13th March 2008, 18:11
I see you guys DID manage to chase him off.

Nice work.

Three cheers for the Intardnet.

13th March 2008, 19:14
I went to Paeroa on scoot, went with the Mt Eden MC shop guys (loads of newish jap crotch rockets) - this guy turns up, looked a bit rough, on a shit hot late 70's, early eighties oil boiler. A few people looked at him like he wasn't cool enough - got talking to him, he turned out to be a frigging good guy to yarn to. And unlike more than a few of the well heeled lot, he could actually ride in a straight line and through the bendy bits...

I don't have parents, but my informally adopted Dad type is a rank looking old fella with a shaggy beard with a SoCal accent. People look at him like he's a bit odd - but he's actually a qualified no shit rocket scientist who used to work on cool shit like ICBM's and the space programme. Point is, don't judge a book etc... The rough old buggers are the ones with the best stories. Plus, anyone who lived through the 60's and 70's got laid and took more drugs than all us young people combined.

Rant over.:zzzz:

13th March 2008, 19:33
I see you guys DID manage to chase him off.

Nice work.

Three cheers for the Intardnet.

He's in Coro where all the eccentric old buggers go:cool: