View Full Version : Be in to win one of five advanced motorcyclist courses

Safe biking
4th March 2008, 09:59
Auckland City Council wants to keep motorcyclists safe.
Be in to win one of five advanced motorcyclist courses or one of five $50 vouchers to spend at Mt Eden Motorcycles.

Have a look at our practical safety tips at
and enter our online competition.

The training course includes a theory evening, one day on the track and a membership to the Auckland Motorcycle Club for the rest of the financial year. Auckland City Council wants motorcyclists to feel safe when out on the road, join us in spreading the word on motorcycle safety!

4th March 2008, 10:01
hmmmmm 'not a rider'
still at least you dont ride a GN...

4th March 2008, 10:05
Hmm.. bugger..

I hardly even fit in with half the Terms and Conditions. Ah well, good oppourtunity for others still.

4th March 2008, 10:07
11. Scooters and small motorbikes can use council green bus lanes

Huh? what about mid/big bikes?

4th March 2008, 10:08
11 Scooters and small motorbikes can use council green bus lanes

I think someone in the council needs to read the rules. Separation of bikes into "Big" and "Small" categories does not exist. "Motorcycles" can use the bus lanes...

4th March 2008, 10:11
11. Scooters and small motorbikes can use council green bus lanes

Huh? what about mid/big bikes?
It's to keep big cruisers and tourers off the bus lanes, so commuters don't try and hail them to hitch a ride.
Either that, or they don't want leaky bikes adding to the road spooge the buses leave on the road surface...

4th March 2008, 10:12
Alto falts aside anythign that trys to improve motorcycle satey is worth a good look.

4th March 2008, 10:13
What a nice gesture!
Wonder how much five places cost, maybe $1000 total? How generous.

However, somehow I get the feeling that this is a good idea by a single team, and that the Auckland City Council is actually fairly anti-motorcycle.
How much you really care is shown in the list of tips, number 11, as has been pointed out by a couple of people above. Nobody in the council cared enough to check the list to see if it was factual. That's embarrassing.
More than embarrassing; it shows you don't really care, you're just going though the motions.

Here's a question for you: What is the council doing to make Auckland safer for motorcyclists, beyond offering five training courses and burying a list of hints for safer driving in a deep sub-directory of the council website that - let's face it - almost nobody will read.

4th March 2008, 10:15
What a nice gesture!
Wonder how much five places cost, maybe $1000 total?

However, somehow I get the feeling that this is a good idea by a single team, and that the Auckland City Council is actually fairly anti-motorcycle.

Here's a question for you: What is the council doing to make Auckland safer for motorcyclists, beyond offering five training courses and burying a list of hints for safer driving in a deep sub-directory of the council website that - let's face it - almost nobody will read.

Roam wasnt built in a day....

Str8 Jacket
4th March 2008, 10:17
Roam wasnt built in a day....

The internet access or the City?

4th March 2008, 10:19
How 'bout a big Huzzah! for the council?!

4th March 2008, 10:23
Roam wasnt built in a day....

Sure, they're trying. Good on them.
I'm just saying they're not trying very hard.

4th March 2008, 10:30
Well I applaud any initiative to improve the standard of motorcycling and the safety of motorcyclists. (But then - you all knew I would. :msn-wink:)

And to those of you who just want to pick fault in what has been written in that link, perhaps you should seriously question your own agendas.

4th March 2008, 10:47
4. If you ride faster or slower that the flow of traffic you become a hazard

Unless you are a learner on the open road, forced to go 70k, it would seem. Then you are safer ???

4th March 2008, 12:16
Roam wasnt built in a day....

True, and neither was Rome.

4th March 2008, 12:25
However, somehow I get the feeling that this is a good idea by a single team, and that the Auckland City Council is actually fairly anti-motorcycle.

If you think that's bad, some time ago the Auckland Regional Council, who are supposed to be pro- decreasing traffic congestion, kicked all staff bikers out of the underground parking building (where they slotted their bikes into nooks and crannies). Motorcyclists were forced to leave their bikes out the back of the building at the mercy of weather and thieves. They claimed this was a landlord decision, but they didn't push very hard to change it. Way to encourage less cars on the road folks! :angry:

4th March 2008, 12:30
Who else reckons that it'd be a better idea to provide a course of some sort to newbie bikers?

Competition terms and conditions

1. Participants must have a full motorcycle licence. This course is only suited for experienced motorcyclists.

4th March 2008, 12:46

Here's a question for you: What is the council doing to make Auckland safer for motorcyclists, beyond offering five training courses and burying a list of hints for safer driving in a deep sub-directory of the council website that - let's face it - almost nobody will read.

BRONZ will ask them!

And, make suggestions.

So, what COULD Auckland City Council do to make the city's roads safer for bikes.

Post 'em up and BRONZ will hit them up.

Big Dave
4th March 2008, 13:12
What about giving us somewhere to park them?

4th March 2008, 14:20
Who else reckons that it'd be a better idea to provide a course of some sort to newbie bikers?

Agreed! I'm on my restricted and I feel very ripped off. Why don't they offer a prize any motorcyclist can claim. :( Surely the newer bikers could benefit more from a course than the advanced riders. Oh well.

4th March 2008, 14:47
still at least you dont ride a GN...

:spanking: There is nothing wrong with GNs.....

Was keen to have a look at the link, but when i read 'open to "experienced riders"' I kinda thought drat, 18 months of 'experience' probably isn't enough. :(

4th March 2008, 16:01
:spanking: There is nothing wrong with GNs.....

Was keen to have a look at the link, but when i read 'open to "experienced riders"' I kinda thought drat, 18 months of 'experience' probably isn't enough. :(

I think that you will be OK after 18 months to go on the Course.

I say well done to the Auckland City Council for doing something anything to try and make roads safer. I have never seen another council giving away advanced rider courses.

Who cares if there are a few errors. If you have been out on the road and not just sitting on your keyboard typing about biking you will have seen a few errors on bikes.

4th March 2008, 16:51
I think they have made that whole thing so when they get a question related to motorbikes in the elections, they can say: " you see we have a proactive attitude towards saving bikers, o and by the way we are not trying to save money by installing heps of fucking wire rope barriers"

Dumb fuckers , every day when I go trough the Northern Moronway to Uni (which has just had a 5 km installed just now) I hope whoever made the decision for cheesecutters dies a terrible and painfull death, and hopefully slow. :angry2::angry2::angry2:


EDIT: P.S. .... i'm in bad mood today so there yo go !

4th March 2008, 16:58
hopefully a KBer takes this course and reports back on it's TRUE relevance...
Is it for motorcyclists-by motorcyclists? or is it Gubmint trying to teach you not to be a nuisance to the REAL road users ie: cages?..... time will tell

4th March 2008, 18:55
Auckland City Council negative about motorcycles?

Well they let motorcycles use their bus lanes long before it was mandated by the Government (which Transit still ignores by defining its motorway bus lanes as emergency stopping zones).

Also free motorcycle parking is available in many Auckland City carpark buildings. I see Wellington City Council is going to charge for this.

Anyhow I presume none of the naysayers are going to sign up for the competition so more opportunity for me to win! ;)

4th March 2008, 19:17
Anyhow I presume none of the naysayers are going to sign up for the competition so more opportunity for me to win! ;)

Haha, that's rubbish.

They'll bitch about it and then sign up without telling anyone..

A free advanced training session is a free advaned training session. Who's gonna pass that up over someting as pathetic as an opinion?

Big Dave
4th March 2008, 22:25
Also free motorcycle parking is available in many Auckland City carpark buildings.

Still needs more.

And yeah, council should also be commended for doing anything good for motorcyclists. A precedent to build on.

Crisis management
5th March 2008, 09:46
Humph, seems more road bike than adventure biking to me, I somehow suspect they aren't quite expecting a muddy DR650 with knobblies on.
Mind you, no one expects the spanish inquisition either.....maybe I should enter? :innocent:

Good on them for doing something, at least it is an opening to start some dialogue with, go get 'im Ix.

5th March 2008, 15:56
hopefully a KBer takes this course and reports back on it's TRUE relevance...
Is it for motorcyclists-by motorcyclists? or is it Gubmint trying to teach you not to be a nuisance to the REAL road users ie: cages?..... time will tell

I have talked to a friend at ACC and they didn't know about it but after they did some digging it is Run by some very knowledgeable motorcyclists and includes going to a track so not you typical ride round cones training.