View Full Version : Next 250cc three day tour ...

1st April 2008, 16:51
Hey falks just a redirection to the thread for the next 250cc tour coz last time many people said they didnt see the link in meetings and event section.


This is just a redirection thread. Discussion is in the main thread.


3rd April 2008, 16:23

5th April 2008, 20:05

6th April 2008, 22:45

Come on guys, this will be an awesome trip!
Check out this (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=61110&highlight=East+Cape) thread, apparently it's like Coromandel on steriods! :rockon:

7th April 2008, 08:33
be just a little cautious on this east cape trip. DO IT by all means, but be aware it is much further than it looks. L-Platers will likely find themselves quite trashed, and a little overwhelmed if riding beyond their means.

Scenic pootlers will love it on account of its' endless um, scenery and hum-along roads.

Hardasses and hotheads will love it on account of lack of teh fuzz, and endless endless endless 65-75km corner signage.. just one hardcore corner after the next - for hours and hours and hours, oh oh oh...

So you won't want learners trying to keep up on this ride - it's too long to do that. I did it, and in a way I regret it.


7th April 2008, 10:20
be just a little cautious on this east cape trip. DO IT by all means, but be aware it is much further than it looks. L-Platers will likely find themselves quite trashed, and a little overwhelmed if riding beyond their means.

Scenic pootlers will love it on account of its' endless um, scenery and hum-along roads.

Hardasses and hotheads will love it on account of lack of teh fuzz, and endless endless endless 65-75km corner signage.. just one hardcore corner after the next - for hours and hours and hours, oh oh oh...

So you won't want learners trying to keep up on this ride - it's too long to do that. I did it, and in a way I regret it.


So leaners shouldn't go on long trips.....Bah feck that.....What a load of fooken rubbish..... When I first got my bike, within the first 3 weeks had done a 1000km trip in the one day....No problems.....Other "LEARNERS" that I know, quite often do 800km+ trips, with no problems. With a well planned ride, there should be no problems. Plenty of breaks, plenty of liquids, and food....

Some of the best road experience is gained on long trips, because you can find a comfort zone for yourself, and really get into the groove of riding..

I'm sure the riders going will look out for each other.....As is the case in most instances of a well organised group ride.....

my fooken 2c worth as I consistently do long trips on a 250 with no problems

ps. Love to join the ride, however working on these dates......Next time...:)

7th April 2008, 11:41
Calling all GN riders!!!
If you think you're up for the trip sign up; You wont be the only one of us there!

7th April 2008, 17:51
So you won't want learners trying to keep up on this ride - it's too long to do that. I did it, and in a way I regret it.


That's a fair opinion mate,

On the Cape Reinga three day tour we had one or more people on the last day just wanting to do SH1 straight home cause they were so knackered, obviously we didn't let 'em but it was all good.

This ride I expect to be even more intense seeing as we're doing the Coro loop before hand and afterwards, the coro loop is by no means an easy ride either and I do expect people to be really just pootling along on the last day.

I reckon a learner will be alright, cause we bitch about not wanting to have as many stops and what not, but we're not gonna take off with out you and we're too nice to say in the Middle of the Gisbourne loop, you're too slow. Bugger off.

You'll never know till you know aye.

24th April 2008, 17:17
Ok falks. we are meeting at BP autobahn at 7:30 and will leave at 8:00

If any one you wanna do the coro loop with us and then return to auckland, you are more than wellcome. There is going to be a group af about 5 or 6 people who are just doing that so everyone is invited to send us off. for more invo click on my signature :)