View Full Version : Another fucked-up high

2nd April 2008, 14:48
party pill's out hummm wonder why, i'm ok about that just :crybaby:

But The Latest crazy

have a crap == put it in a plastic bottle
then piss in it
put a ballon to the neck of the bottle

hang on and wait til the shit and piss release their gases

remove ballon that has filled due to the gases and inhale

aren't joking this is now ahappening in good old Nz

yea fucking sick and sad :(

2nd April 2008, 14:50
You have got to be joking. That must be an April Fools joke you've just heard about.

EDIT: Thank god, it's a hoax from 2007, read about it here (http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/jenkem.asp)

2nd April 2008, 14:52
You have got to be joking. That must be an April Fools joke you've just heard about.

It was on TV it must be real!

Jenkem or Butt hash (haha!) they called it. I wonder how you'd go about cutting that stuff to make it go further? :pinch:

2nd April 2008, 14:54
party pill's out hummm wonder why, i'm ok about that just :crybaby:

But The Latest crazy

have a crap == put it in a plastic bottle
then piss in it
put a ballon to the neck of the bottle

hang on and wait til the shit and piss release their gases

remove ballon that has filled due to the gases and inhale

aren't joking this is now ahappening in good old Nz

yea fucking sick and sad :(

isnt that just called "P"?

2nd April 2008, 14:55
From Wikipedia

In the book Children of AIDS: Africa's Orphan Crisis by Emma Guest, the making of Jenkem is described, "fermented human sewage, scraped from pipes and stored in plastic bags for a week or so, until it gives off numbing, intoxicating fumes."[4] The process is similarly described in the 1995 IPS report, "Human excreta is scooped up from the edges of the sewer ponds in old cans and containers which are covered with a polyethylene bag and left to stew or ferment for a week."[5]. In the BBC 1999 article the process is described as, "...the dark brown sludge, gathering up fistfuls and stuffing it into small plastic bottles. They tap the bottles on the ground, taking care to leave enough room for methane to form at the top."[1]

The general concerns related to "huffing" and hallucinogenic drugs apply to Jenkem usage. The possibility of fecal-oral contamination due to lacking hygienic conditions during Jenkem manufacturing, which could lead to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal infections, must also be considered. Dr. Fumito Ichinose, an anesthesia specialist in Boston who conducted a study on the effects of hydrogen sulfide gas, or "sewer gas," on mice, informs Salon.com that "the inhalation of gases like those produced from Jenkem could result in hypoxia, a lack of oxygen flow to the body that could be alternately euphoric and physically dangerous."[2] It has been noted that Jenkem usage will leave a taste of sewage in the mouth lasting for several days.[6]

The effects of Jenkem inhalation last for around an hour and consist of auditory and visual hallucinations.[1] In 1995, a fifth-grader in Lusaka said of Jenkem to a reporter from IPS, an independent wire service, "Old man, this is more potent than cannabis."[5] In a BBC report four years later, 16-year-old Luke Mpande stated his preference for jenkem over other inhalants, "With glue, I just hear voices in my head. But with Jenkem, I see visions. I see my mother who is dead and I forget about the problems in my life."[1]

Neither the pharmacology - the composition and active components of the jenkem gas - nor is its pharmacodynamics (how the chemical acts on the body) has been described in a scientific journal. None of the usual authorities on psychoactive drugs have involved themselves in the investigation of this drug. This includes MAPS and Lycaeum Synaesthesia. Erowid, an organization providing access to information about psychoactive plants and chemicals and has covered the subject briefly in their questions section and concluded that it is a hoax.[7] Erowid's website states that the "jenkem stories that have been circulating in the U.S. media are almost certainly the strange result of a hoax." The organization states that "We have seen no credible evidence that anyone in the United States, Canada, or Europe inhales sewage gas from bottled human or animal waste (which would primarily be methane) in order to get psychoactive effects."[8]

2nd April 2008, 14:55
Sooo . . . how are they gonna ban the "ingredients" this time?

Can just imagine the cops busting some young punk for this - "Put a cork in it, Sonny"

2nd April 2008, 14:56
I really hope it's an Aprol Fools Joke.:puke:However I remember the craze of snorting salt,slamming tequila and getting lemon squeezed in you eye.There's nowt as queer as folk.
BTW don't worry about your BZP hit.By the time you finish your stockpile the next generation will be tested and trued.
The fucking things are no good to me.They keep me awake for hours.:slap:

2nd April 2008, 14:56
No, it's a hoax. THANK THE LORD!


2nd April 2008, 14:57
I want to see the sick fuckers putting the crap into a plastic bottle LOLOL!!!!!

Do you sit on top of it and stuff it in with your fingers?
Each a lot of fibre and hope your aim is good?
Crap in a funnel and push it through with a stick???

Sweet Jesus - that's sad. What's the gas? Methane? Ammonia? A mixture?

2nd April 2008, 14:58
You have got to be joking. That must be an April Fools joke you've just heard about.

nope no joke , :weep:

2nd April 2008, 15:02
Wikipedia also has an in-depth article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkem).

Of course, now that the hoax has been disseminated to the extent that it has, someone's bound to actually try it.


2nd April 2008, 15:07
LMFAO... youtube (http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGn1_kA33P) is your friend...!

2nd April 2008, 15:19
How do you get a turd into a plastic bottle?

2nd April 2008, 15:26
Well, AFAIK methane doesn't get you high - it just smells bad!

More luck getting woozy on carbondioxide - start practicing hyperventilation or put a bloody bag over your head. (Don't do it while you're by yourself, you could fuck it up and die...)

2nd April 2008, 16:08
Apparently kids are eating super hot curries the night before because it makes the shit "more potent" and has the nice side effect of making it easier to get the shit into the bottle.

2nd April 2008, 16:09
yea fucking sick and sad

But you told us about it anyway. Thanks, mate.

2nd April 2008, 16:59
You fell for it..dear god

Big Dan
2nd April 2008, 17:46
This IS a April fools joke i saw it on 3 news but it does happen in the states

2nd April 2008, 18:23
How do you get a turd into a plastic bottle?

This is an age old old trick. Put turd food in the bottom of the bottle and then hide around the corner. When the turd goes into the bottle to eat the turd food, rush over and screw the lid on. You should have enough time to do this as turds can't move very fast.

The trapping of turds is a time honoured passtime and has given derivation to the word we use in English to describe someone with brown skin who arrives in a country illegally and is detained. That word is of course... 'inturd'. (Don't tell Hitcher ... he will disagree)

2nd April 2008, 20:03
Remember kids: safe natural drugs only.


The ginger ones fuck you up REAL good.


2nd April 2008, 21:41
This is an age old old trick. Put turd food in the bottom of the bottle and then hide around the corner. When the turd goes into the bottle to eat the turd food, rush over and screw the lid on. You should have enough time to do this as turds can't move very fast.

The trapping of turds is a time honoured passtime and has given derivation to the word we use in English to describe someone with brown skin who arrives in a country illegally and is detained. That word is of course... 'inturd'. (Don't tell Hitcher ... he will disagree)

When they get the green light and get released do they become an 'enturd'?

3rd April 2008, 00:02
When I was a kid I used to sniff grinded black paper. Was able to sneeze for hours at a time. Used to think sneezing was fun.
my point is that people try crzy stuff for no aparent reason sometimes. Some of them take it to the extreme - hense your sick example.

anyhow , i'mm off to bed ....o wait I see a jar with grinded black peper... *sniff* *sniff*


3rd April 2008, 07:50
I dunno, I reckon there may be some truth in this. My dog once did a fart so bad it made me go dizzy!!
:( :eek5: :yes: :yes: :rofl:

3rd April 2008, 08:24
Wot a crock of shit - some people will believe ANYTHING!! Sheesh!
