View Full Version : True rider or girl's blouse in today's weather?

15th June 2008, 14:05
So who was out riding in the crappy weather today and who was being a girl’s blouse, ummm…like me?

Pissing down up this way, I was just wondering what to have for lunch and bugger me; get a call from Scracha – he’s doing the Coro Loop and has just arrived in Coromandel!

A quick stop-off for home-made soup and scones and then off in the rain again with a recommendation to call in at the Coromandel Smoking Company for some smoked fish for tea. This guy is a true biker – out in all conditions for the sheer love of riding :2thumbsup…. and giving lie to the common belief that Ducati riders are fair weather posers, hehe (or a misplaced belief in waterproof Ducati electrics).:whistle:

Good on you Steevie and catch you in better weather next time!

Photos taken a few minutes ago attached as proof that at least one biker was on the Coro Loop today!:rockon:

15th June 2008, 14:12
I'm supposed to be packing to move otherwise I'd be out riding.The weather her in Welly today is magnificent.

15th June 2008, 14:40
What crappy weather?? There's no snow!

15th June 2008, 14:53
i did 120k- from my place to matamata, then home via the back roads - buckland/karapiro. very nice thank you.

15th June 2008, 14:54
I'll admit to being a soft-cock today.
I have yet to devise a way of getting a sufficient amount of firewood to mums' place on the F-117, or for getting a waterblaster home on it.:rolleyes:
Does being up to 11pm last night working on the bike offset this?

15th June 2008, 15:05
is having a broken collarbone excuse enough? i hope so otherwise i would be out for a ride today:soon:

15th June 2008, 15:10
CB is off on a ride, it's 17 degrees, dry, sunny and a mild breeze.

So one would have to be a real girls blouse to think the weather was too bad for a ride down here..

15th June 2008, 15:29
Well the weather is somewhat betterer down here today... but as you can see i have a valid excuse for not being out

15th June 2008, 15:32
Well the weather is somewhat betterer down here today... but as you can see i have a valid excuse for not being out

Time to clean up the garage dude!:shit:

15th June 2008, 15:41
glorious weather here, went out for a ride, saw heaps of bikes

15th June 2008, 16:04
Its been a super day here in Christchurch. 17 deg and Sunny. Went for a drive with the wife and the dog seen heaps and heaps of bikes.

15th June 2008, 16:45
Balu and Ripper Roo92 were out n about this afternoon, but yours truly has a tewwible tewwible head cold with violent outbursts every now and again from my nose so thought the consequences of one of those while engaged in two wheeled transportation might not be so nice....... I pussied out and stayed home.

15th June 2008, 16:50
I rode home from The Stranger's place while hung over this morning.

Well 'ard, I am.

15th June 2008, 17:03
Bloody beaut day out my way ,had the kat out for a blat round the para's :first:

15th June 2008, 17:06
4 of us did the coro loop today in the absolute pissing rain, we're well 'ard.

Ulysses BMW group was out too, and the odd other biker. Not many though..

15th June 2008, 17:07
I did.. Was supposed to meet a mate at 9:30 up on East Coast rd, but he called and left a mssage saying too wet.. Anyway, I was already out i it so did an enjoyable 70k run north.. Always good to get a bit more experience in the wet..

15th June 2008, 17:52
S/son got his learners on fri so had to get out today....
Down 22 to Raglan...had a beer (well me anyway) an home again...
Bit of drizzle when we left and a little harder as we got back home but dry road in between....
Had a cool ride,he learn't heaps,not surprising his previous trip was 15k's ,we did 200 odd today...
Check out the pic...Proud boy lol

15th June 2008, 17:59
What a day in Wgtn!!:sunny::sunny::sunny:

Can't believe I went out in my winter gear. Doh.
Had to loose some layers. Awesome.

Went out at 8.30am back at 4,.30pm..still damn warm.

15th June 2008, 18:19
too keen, id rather wait for better days, or take the car.

15th June 2008, 18:23
Workin all day--then A mdu and kids turned up for a ride--so ride we did for an hour or two--fun was had by one and all :banana:

15th June 2008, 18:37
Blimey, fame at last. Just out the shower after arriving back 20 minutes ago (after leaving your place I decided to do the whole loop). Very few bikes out today....think I counted about 6 in all. Very few cars either for that matter...every town in the coro seemed to be like the Village of the Damned.

Knackered. The Duke is extremely dirty. I'm soaked through so a new jacket will be sought soon. Total wrong choice of "summer" gloves and gear today. "showers forming" my arse. More like "pishing down all afternoon".

Certainly got my wet weather riding confidence back in one day.....chucking it about on the way home and hustling car drivers. Fark that thing corners quicker than I can comprehend.

Cripes...I can now understand the posoeurs....chiropracter for moi. I need to get a bigger bike...looking at the photo's I make the 748r look like a Cagiva Mito.

Thanks for the soup too.

15th June 2008, 18:52
Totally Awesome Scracha:2thumbsup

Well having been there, done that as far as rain riding, I have nothing ta prove ta nobody. So if I if feel like a ride, I go on a ride and Bugger the rain.

Today I had other plans and caught-up with the Olds. Short trip on the bike. Light showers, not even much ta write home about . So just the Oil Skin Vest over the Leathers. Quite pleasant and enjoyable ride really.

Richard Mc F
15th June 2008, 18:55
Up t' Puhoi, drinks and mussel chowder for me 'n the mrs, turned back went through dairy flat, peak rd, old north rd, scenic drive and home to onehunga, took a 2001 900SSiE duck from work, surprisingly good 2 up machine, wet and dry, some geen slimey mossey bits but hey I ride like a nana

15th June 2008, 19:00
a quick flick to catch up with the old man wet road but not a drop on me this arvo any ways saw a couple of bikes coming through highway 16 some bloke giving his vrod a good workout lol

15th June 2008, 19:08
Well the weather is somewhat betterer down here today... but as you can see i have a valid excuse for not being out
'Sallright Bro. I wuz out representing for P-Town.

What a day in Wgtn!!:sunny::sunny::sunny:

Can't believe I went out in my winter gear. Doh.
Had to loose some layers. Awesome.

Went out at 8.30am back at 4,.30pm..still damn warm.

Shit MD. I only managed 3hrs but I made it intense with an act of extreme stupidity on the Rimutakas that nearly saw me wearing a red car. Or at least I think it was red. I did try and even it up though by dobbing in a diesel spilling horse truck. Wank stain put diesel on every right hand corner on the northern side of the hill. Hope he got pepper sprayed, battoned and water-boarded.

15th June 2008, 19:20
I've been riding since I was 16 - 43 now and all my riding is in fine weather now days (read no rain) unless caught out on a tour etc. I don't mind the cold and I'm out all winter provided its not raining.

What I get sick of is this 'real biker' shit. If being a real biker is suffering shit weather and complaining about it then fart fart fart to them all.

Frankly the whole 'biker' term can stay in American as far as I'm concerned - I consider my self a motorcyclist - for life - as it has been all my adult years.

15th June 2008, 19:20
Had great plans to get out there but the idea of getting the bike dirty after cleaning her yesterday cos of the rain yesterday didnt make me happy. So in the garage she stayed. I did at least go out and get wet,pig hunting. Think the pigs were smarter than me cos I didnt see any out there. Bugger

15th June 2008, 19:26
What a day in Wgtn!!:sunny::sunny::sunny:

Yup, was a cracka.

I did try and even it up though by dobbing in a diesel spilling horse truck.

Onya dude, I noticed the slicks, outside R handers, left of a good line but jeez it's way too common.

Lots of bike traffic over there, all looked very well behaved. Saw an RC8 on the way over... different.

15th June 2008, 19:28
Frankly the whole 'biker' term can stay in American as far as I'm concerned - I consider my self a motorcyclist - for life - as it has been all my adult years.

Yeah, each to their own as far as I'm concered. Bike was only form of transport in Scotland for years but being honest, had I a car when it was snowing and $hit I certainly would have driven it. Guess some would say that doesn't make me a real biker but as you say...fuggem!

Blackbird....the cheap alternative to 42 Below vodka is called STIL. Strangely the Stil website is all about 42 below. Maybe it's not meant to be sold in New Zealand...I dunno.


1 Free Man
15th June 2008, 21:07
Did tauranga to Rotovegas Via Pyes Pa road return. Wasn't exactly pissing down but wet enough. Bloody big diesel slick all the way up the Vegas side of the gorge. Made for some interesting "EVASIVE" riding. :gob: Still there when I came back on the down hill run. Don't think I will be rushing off to do that again in a hurry. should have stayed home and cleaned the bike.

15th June 2008, 21:14
Well the weather is somewhat betterer down here today... but as you can see i have a valid excuse for not being out
Ohhhh! One of those new-fangled hover bikes!
Thunderbirds had it right all those years ago.:woohoo:

Wiki Drifter
15th June 2008, 21:40
Did the c-loop counter-clockwise today. Thank jeebus I was wearing my 1 pc rain suit :crazy:

Did I catch any KBers?

16th June 2008, 01:13
Did the c-loop counter-clockwise today. Thank jeebus I was wearing my 1 pc rain suit :crazy:

Did I catch any KBers?

The Last one very much looks like Macstar :yes: doing the coro with nagash

Sad i was stuck at work :angry:

16th June 2008, 07:54
Shit MD. I only managed 3hrs but I made it intense with an act of extreme stupidity on the Rimutakas that nearly saw me wearing a red car. Or at least I think it was red. I did try and even it up though by dobbing in a diesel spilling horse truck. Wank stain put diesel on every right hand corner on the northern side of the hill. Hope he got pepper sprayed, battoned and water-boarded.

Yeah that spill was the talk up the hill for the arvo. Easy to see it and avoid though.
Sitting up the summit carpark and within 10 minutes of each other a car overtakes another car right at the curve around the summit carpark!
First idiot was heading North and both he and the opposing car he nearly head-on collided with, had to come to a complete STOP, ..bumper to bumper!

Then another dick going south overtakes on the bend, most of the curve on the wrong side, totally blind to head on traffic. We just couldn't believe our eyes. Absolute suicidal.

Still, back on topic. It was a brilliant warm day for June. We moved tables at the Flying Fish..because it was too hot in the sun!!

16th June 2008, 08:46
Did the c-loop counter-clockwise today. Thank jeebus I was wearing my 1 pc rain suit :crazy:

Did I catch any KBers?

Hey that's me! I wasn't wearing a rain suit... Saoked to the bone!

16th June 2008, 08:51
Yeah, each to their own as far as I'm concered. Bike was only form of transport in Scotland for years but being honest, had I a car when it was snowing and $hit I certainly would have driven it. Guess some would say that doesn't make me a real biker but as you say...fuggem!

Blackbird....the cheap alternative to 42 Below vodka is called STIL. Strangely the Stil website is all about 42 below. Maybe it's not meant to be sold in New Zealand...I dunno.


Right on Steevie:clap: A bike was my only form of transport when I was a student in the UK so I had to ride in snow and black ice a lot! Must admit these days I'm a fair weather rider by choice but it doesn't take long to dial back into wet mode.

Hey, thanks for the vodka recommendation. will ask Jennie to keep her eyes open as she's off to Melbourne next week.



16th June 2008, 09:12
See on the radar you guys are a tad wet up that ways again today !
Not spose to reach here till nightfall, so i might just clock up another few hours today seeing its absolutely stunning out there again !

16th June 2008, 09:48
Foggy early morning, cool but calm sunny day here now.:woohoo:

16th June 2008, 10:23
See on the radar you guys are a tad wet up that ways again today !
Not spose to reach here till nightfall, so i might just clock up another few hours today seeing its absolutely stunning out there again !

Hahaha - a tad wet is an understatement. I've just gone next door to feed the neighbour's cats and got soaked through in the first 10 metres! Enjoy your ride:2thumbsup

16th June 2008, 10:37
I've been riding since I was 16 - 43 now and all my riding is in fine weather now days (read no rain) unless caught out on a tour etc. I don't mind the cold and I'm out all winter provided its not raining.

What I get sick of is this 'real biker' shit. If being a real biker is suffering shit weather and complaining about it then fart fart fart to them all.

Frankly the whole 'biker' term can stay in American as far as I'm concerned - I consider my self a motorcyclist - for life - as it has been all my adult years.
Hmmm... I dunno.
I've been riding now since about '73, and I've ridden in all weathers (torrential rain, with the road several inches deep in water; snowing; hail; fog; etc etc) and in heat, cold, whatever.
It used to be that I rode because I really loved it, and had no choice anyway (no car), and at one stage I did have a car, but rode no matter what, just to prove something perhaps. Now I ride when I feel like it, and take the car if I feel like it.
So what?
Am I a real biker? A motorcyclist through-and-through?
I dunno.
I often feel like a fraud when I'm with other motorcyclists, but I dunno why. Maybe it's because I rarely ride just for fun?
I rode in the rain today, but maybe it didn't count, because I was warm'n'dry. :yawn:
A far cry from having to tip water out of my boots and gloves, and wring my jacket out, and having to dry the inside of my helmet. But much nicer.

16th June 2008, 12:15
The ride in to werk today was OK. If the weather dude is to be believed, the ride home may be more interesting.

All part of life's rich tapestry.

Fortunately, some years ago I discovered a trick process to waterproof my skin. So now it doesnt leak.

Just mix beeswax and turpentine in equal volumes, add about a cupfull of borax, and boil yourself in it for about an hour. No more leaks.

16th June 2008, 12:39
No more leaks.
Does that mean you can't drink beer anymore, if you can't take a leak?

16th June 2008, 12:46
surely taking a ducati out in the rain isnt the best idea?

thank god for the boys in yellow eh.

16th June 2008, 12:49
... mix beeswax and turpentine in equal volumes, add about a cupfull of borax, and boil yourself in it for about an hour.

Y'know, that explains quite a lot.

16th June 2008, 13:39
yea we did the loop yesterday. you should have seen macstars home made rain coat out of a plastic bag, it was ripped to shreds within minutes and then looked like a cape!

16th June 2008, 15:32
I rode down to Tauranga on Saturday and came back on Sunday. The ride down had a couple of showers but the ride back was raining pretty heavily most of the way, to the point where I struggled to see out of my visor. I got pretty wet but it's all good.

The ride was fairly uneventful besides having to test out my new front tyre due to a cage that was braking for a herd of cows that was crossing the road. The front tyre was more than up to the test though.

16th June 2008, 17:34
Well it is PISSING down here in Auckland right now. And I have to travel the 46km into town a bit later tonight. I just hope that somehow I can keep my bag dry, wearing it under my gay cordura jacket might be the only option. At least my gear has been 100% waterproof so far, tonight will be a good test!

Number One
16th June 2008, 21:05
Cool atmosphere this morning riding to work totally still, thick clouds up in Norf Welly Massif and fog all around - quite trippy :clap:

16th June 2008, 21:49
As I thought. Damp coming home. Very damp. All part of life's rich and joyful tapestry.

16th June 2008, 23:08
That was fecking scary riding to work today at 5pm; borrowed RZ250 with original tyres, and this complete n00b riding it who's used to nice, predictable 250 singles. Going around corner... nice, nice, nice... 5,000rpm --- BOOOM! Foot out, hang on...

Can see I'm going to have to investigate this concept of a `gearbox'.

17th June 2008, 17:21
I ride every day rain hail or snow , splashed home last night and met another true biker at the lights . Cars are for pussies

17th June 2008, 17:33
I ride every day rain hail or snow , splashed home last night and met another true biker at the lights . Cars are for pussies

meeooowww.I'll be the pussy in the dry,warm car feeling pity for you as you go by.
After riding all weathers for nigh on 40 years I don't feel I have to prove anything to anyone anymore and just ride when I want to.:2thumbsup

Number One
17th June 2008, 18:24
meeooowww.I'll be the pussy in the dry,warm car feeling pity for you as you go by.
After riding all weathers for nigh on 40 years I don't feel I have to prove anything to anyone anymore and just ride when I want to.:2thumbsup
Luxury all the way eh? Are you Glamorous like Fergie too :lol: I ride in the shit weather cos I don't want to pay to gas up, then sit in bumper to bumper traffic ALL just to pay through the nose to park the dam people wagon :laugh: and lets face it the highlight is that my hair doesn't get mussed up...meeeooowww indeed :chase:

17th June 2008, 18:25
i attempted to ride, got half was to work, battery died:doh:

17th June 2008, 19:22
Well, there have been some good bites, haven't there???:msn-wink:

Anybody who rides a bike is a motorcyclist, biker or call them what you will in my book and it's their choice whether they ride in bad weather or not. Not worth getting precious about.

40 + years ago, I rode to uni in snow and ice because it was the only transport I had. I'll ride in shit conditions on the 24 hour and Southern Cross endurance rides because I have no choice other than pull out which isn't really an option. Having said all that, I now choose to ride in nice weather unless caught out because that's what does it for me nowadays. I ride because I love it and really don't care what anyone else thinks.:niceone:

17th June 2008, 19:28
Cars are for pussies

Saucer of milk coming up for Table One.

I'm happy to be a pussy. Every now and then the lure of driving in a warm car, coffee in hand, talking with passengers is quite tempting....