View Full Version : Spark plug dies in under a minute nc35

20th June 2008, 07:22
I have an nc35 400 1994

Why is my spark plug shitting itself within a minute of riding.
The coils seem to be fine as I tried some others and it still happened
I have two engines and it happened in both of them the same but I used the same electrical system.

Any one else had the same problem?

edit. The plug dies completely(no spark at all) but then comes back to life sometimes with no consistency.

20th June 2008, 21:56
Give more info into "shitting itself" Could possibly be the cdi.

20th June 2008, 23:04
Well in a drunkish state trying to get the bike out i dropped it and then it ran real good for a bit. But the one plug dyded again.

When doing a spark test, ie pulling out plug and resting it on the rocker cover and turing the bike over, it will either not spark or spark but look like a thunder storm. It seems as if there is the main spark and then some other sparks off that. Could be nothing to do with the prob but funny to watch.

Disco Dan
20th June 2008, 23:09
Hit it with a hammer.

Bit of tape round it mate and shove it back in ;)

20th June 2008, 23:11
Hit it with a hammer.

Bit of tape round it mate and shove it back in ;)

Dropping it was soo much easier. But then the reality of having to pick it up set in.

23rd June 2008, 07:30

My amazement to find a loose negative cable to the frame. Just its looseness caused this to happen to the one plug.

I still dont get it tho the same happened on the other bike.....

edit. Replaced new spark plugs and rode the bike to taupo and back no worries no power loss.