View Full Version : Chanceyy's 5 day adventure/misadventure

25th June 2008, 21:56
Which really should be called Chanceyy’s love affair (yup its another Novel sorry guys)

Well its true I am totally & utterly in love with my new bike :love: it :love: it

I have had this bike nearly a month but only had one decent ride on it to the cold duck the day after it arrived & then home again.. Since them due to family stuff have only had one wee ride to palmy & back home again a week later … sooooooooooo

Well now the gut buster was a good wee strop for us to become intimate, but with the rosters at work giving me the Thursday off as well ohh too tempting to do a quick flick to Te Aroha to see the olds.. Therefore 5 days of biking bliss ahhhhhhhhh perfect..

After words of encouragement from the “other mother” (oscarnz) and words of wisdom from “Sensei” Sugilite regarding riding at this time of yr we were off

Day 1, Levin to Te Aroha (via Palmerston North & Vinegar Hill)

Perfect day arose to fog & lots of it.. How ever no rush & was not planning to leave early, so off to the horses to get them sorted for the morning and back home to pack the new pack rack packs & secure them to the bike.. Ohh yeah that darn biker bear was getting underfoot at every turn, he is such a bike whore & no way he was missing out.

So leaving a bit after 10am quick stop into work for photo shoot (regarding fundraising ride) it was off to Palmy to see Robert regarding dropping some cheese cutter petition forms.. & See “sensei” Paul regarding info on the bike & checking tire pressure.. Gave them a boost since she is loaded up.. Then it was trying out a fantastic bit of kit.. Chillout top.. He said it would do the bizzo & this is absolutely the bee’s knees.. Will look at investing in the leggings & socks now :rockon:

Then off to gas up & Vinegar hill was calling, the bike absolutely purrs along, love the torque when passing, she is just sooooooo responsive, dips into corners with minimal effort, pipe just simply sounds awesome & not annoying when we are in cruise mode. Mindful of Sugi’s words regarding damp patches where the sun does not shine we took the corners pretty conservatively & boy oh boy does the road ride different in the other direction.. I have only ever ridden this road from Hunterville to Cheltenham :lol: must get to riding it the other way more.

By the time we reached SH 1 we were getting in the groove & this bike is just a mile eater. Stopped at Taihape for lunch before heading to Waiouru where yes there was a noticeable drop in temperature but with good kit that meant I was still snugly, quickly & efficiently dealt to “the Sisters” & had a quick stop beside the lake for the pic opportunities. Gassed up at Wairakei & dunno if it’s the rise in petrol but really noticed the lack of vehicles on the road & from Wairakei quickly passed a van & truck & did not have another vehicle to pass for approximately the next 20 odd ks.. Big ups to the biker who coming the opposite way indicated scrub off some speed.. Met Mr :Police: about 10 ks up the road but I was doing a respectable 110ks by then.

Passed 8 trucks & about the same number of cars up the big passing lane.. :love: that torque .. :yes: & a bit more traffic that was efficiently dealt with in short order, was going to stop at either Putaruru or Tirau but nahhhhhhhhhhh was enjoying myself to much.. So rode through to Matamata & called into the supermarket for dinner (but also needed to clean the visor & my eyes. Came up behind a truck & stuff knows what it was carrying but it filled my helmet up in short order, dust in the eyes was not good :nono:

Now the Te Aroha direct road is a magic bit of road & just on dusk opened up the girl & tested a bit of that speed..:whistle: well best we do not reveal on here what that speed was :innocent:

Arrived at mum & dads tucked the bike in for the nite & to be honest I could just keep on riding. Not sore, not tired riding this bike takes minimal effort it counter steers so effortlessly, just fantastic knowing this bike does it for me, the affair is in its early days but I have a feeling its going to end up by being a long relationship.

25th June 2008, 22:00
Friday dawned clear & after dealing to the olds lawns & doing odd jobs loaded the bike & headed to Tokoroa, with building traffic on the road decided that the western route was looking pretty good, so after gassing up & chatting to a couple from Sydney (a biker of course) headed to the western access & a wee bit of drizzle. Soon left the rain behind & seriously once I left Tokoroa only got to pass one vehicle until just out of Turangi, some of the corners were really wet & that nice green lichen color so took them quietly as well. Still a respectable speed was maintained :whistle:

Arrived at the cabins & signed in, with a quick phone call to a worried mother telling her I made it in one piece & all good unpacked & decided a quick trip into town for supplies were in order .. hmmm I think that was a mistake :mad:

Overshot a corner & since I was on a sweeping corner with a car up the rear decided the safest place to turn around was at the next corner, only problem was unbeknown to me road works had been done right on the corner & as I went to do the turn the front end washed out & down we went, the preggers lady who was behind me got a hell of a fright but stopped jumped out & assisted me in getting the bike upright .. No damage to me (apart from pride) & bike got off rather lightly (but expensively). Due to failing light I did not check it out to much but decided to head back in the morning to check it out (and take pics :yes: ) hmm no sign posts & quite thick gravel that went right across the lane .. Not a good look.

However I must say big massive ups to the district council, I called their roading manager who was keen to see the pics & a report of what happened & upshot is they are paying for all the damage sustained so bike will be back to pristine condition (happy news through yesterday).

25th June 2008, 22:01
Sat was pretty much spent waiting for the rest of the crew to turn up & still feeling flat about the bike I shot up to the lookout & yup this bike is so much fun …

Sunday was the big ride & knowing I was probably the least experienced rider of the group but all geared up to ride the beast again. As biking turns out it was a fairly short ride which in the grand scheme of things prob was not a bad thing (busa pete who was TEC had a flat tire half way through the Taupo/Napier ride) I decided that I would stay with the petes & ride back to Turangi once it was fixed (after several hours) to ensure they got back ok .. Since the others had an extremely fast paced ride this is where the good decision came in, & we hit rain on the way back to Taupo but the others had rain & really poor visability and dark as the ace of spades to ride home in .. I was back at the cabins, nice & dry & waiting to head to the hot pools :wari:

Monday was the ride home & with the weather forecast absolutely looking like crap was not looking forward to riding through the Desert Rd, awesome company with Sels1 & Gareth51, treated the sisters cautiously & prob found the spot discount lost his bike on the weekend (read the unforgettable weekend thread) a nice track of “ pretty colors” coming down the hill, managed to ride on the inside so missed any catastrophe then hit the groove & we managed a pretty good pace. Fortunately the Desert Road was dry for the entire ride but from Waiouru the rain hit & it got pretty torrential from Taihape to Hunterville. The bike felt fantastic in the wet, really stuck to the road & absolutely no slippery moments. To be honest I actually really enjoyed riding in the rain

Stopped briefly in Hunterville but decided to push on to Bulls for brunch, apparently I missed two of the welcoming committee at the Vinegar hill turn off (must have been by minutes too) after passing Mr :Police: seen a yellow bike & Sels & I threw out a warning .. But as soon as I passed it thought I know that bike & sure enough U Turn & 86GSXR joined the crew .. Pulled up along side a passing lane to make sure he had the right bike (he had not seen it yet) so did the cuppa sign pointing ahead to Bulls.

Spent an enjoyable hour shooting the Breeze but damn it the other three were Triumph riders, however the suzi was not embarrassed at all. Said good bye to Sels & Gareth (awesome to be riding with you guys & thanks for looking after me :hug: )
And 86 & I headed back up the road to Tackle the Halcombe road back to palmy & after turning down 86’s kind offer to ride the Daytona off we headed just was totally in the flow with my bike & absolutely having a blast riding it :clap: :yes:

So thoughts totally gutted at having the drop but totally thrilled with the professionalism & dealing with the council massive ups to them :niceone:, crap happens, nice to see responsibility taken. I love riding this bike & can not wait to get on her every time I ride her it totally brings a massive grin to my face. I love the handling & the fact I can ride all day & not be tired or sore. It’s been a good decision and yes it looks like I will be forever a bandit rider ..

25th June 2008, 22:10
Sounds like a fun trip (apart from the last bit)... no need for the washing powder was there...no stains...any where ???

25th June 2008, 22:19
Sounds like a fun trip (apart from the last bit)... no need for the washing powder was there...no stains...any where ???

hmm :nono: no stains anywhere ... funny when I Hit the deck it was in first gear as i was doing a U turn into the corner & bang was on the ground instant, lucky the bike just went down rather than slide so damage was indicator broke approx 3 inch crack on fairing, & two small scrapes, bent rear brake pedal, scrape on engine casing & rear vision mirror, no damage to me apart from being sore the next day but the mineral hot pools sorted it out .. :yes:

25th June 2008, 22:27
Just asking...

The pools are better... shared with a "friend". I spent a few years in Turangi in the mid 80's. CHOICE roads round there. 'Round the mountain was always MY favourite saturday arvo ride.

25th June 2008, 23:32
Wow, great ride report! Makes me so jealous and a hankering to get out on the bike! :yes:

Poos and wees about the mishap, but least the council came to the party! :oi-grr:

Ah well, lets hope your ride is back to pristine in short order and out again to test it! :ride:

Mrs Busa Pete
26th June 2008, 08:04
Great wright up there girl mind you it took a while didn't it.

26th June 2008, 08:42
Nice bit of reading there Sandra !
On ya !

26th June 2008, 10:38
Just asking...

The pools are better... shared with a "friend". I spent a few years in Turangi in the mid 80's. CHOICE roads round there. 'Round the mountain was always MY favourite saturday arvo ride.

of course always better with a friend .. but nice to just chill out on my own as well .. :blip:

Great wright up there girl mind you it took a while didn't it.

yeah was waiting to see wot the upshot was regarding the drop & so left it til it was sorted .. hence the late post

26th June 2008, 11:46
Bummed about the wee lie down girl but glad to hear she's being fixed.

I was with you the whole way through your story because I get the same feeling of just riding and not stopping. Others fall by the wayside and complain of being tired but that just doesn't seeem to happen to me because its all an adventure and each new challenge sharpens you up.

Damn, I wish that I'd come for the ride too ... but sometimes just being on your own and choosing your route as you go along, stopping when you feel like it and zoning out to everything but the road and the scenery has special impact doesn't it :)

26th June 2008, 20:01
Great ride report there!

Fantastic news the council has come to the party as well :yes:

ynot slow
26th June 2008, 20:18
Double envious of your trip,and the bike,am really keen to suss out the one locally to see if it fits(both budget and me).Just need bloody house to sell(although have been told an XR6/8 should be bought next,maybe both?).

26th June 2008, 20:20
It’s been a good decision and yes it looks like I will be forever a bandit rider ..

Not with your handle! Great write-up, shame about the little oops but fantastic about the outcome.


26th June 2008, 22:28
Awesome write up honey. Totally know where you are coming from, I felt the same when I did my east coast ride, but wasnt as lucky as you.

Here's to many more great adventures and hopefully some of them together

26th June 2008, 22:52
Bummed about the wee lie down girl but glad to hear she's being fixed.

I was with you the whole way through your story because I get the same feeling of just riding and not stopping. Others fall by the wayside and complain of being tired but that just doesn't seeem to happen to me because its all an adventure and each new challenge sharpens you up.

Damn, I wish that I'd come for the ride too ... but sometimes just being on your own and choosing your route as you go along, stopping when you feel like it and zoning out to everything but the road and the scenery has special impact doesn't it :)

At times when your in the zone it would be so amazing to have someone along enjoying it as you are, however this ride was special as it was our first real long distance ride together & being fully loaded it was awesome to be under no pressure to ride or stop or do what every ... and just get used to the way she handles .. unlike Betsy who was a total slapper this bike is much more like a lady .....

Not with your handle! Great write-up, shame about the little oops but fantastic about the outcome.


yes well you can always change your name to concoursrider now .. :laugh: & :yes: completely stoked with the outcome

Awesome write up honey. Totally know where you are coming from, I felt the same when I did my east coast ride, but wasnt as lucky as you.

Here's to many more great adventures and hopefully some of them together

absolutely chick I do have a wee plan for next summer :yes: a lot more adventures .. we just need to get you a bandit now :Pokey:

26th June 2008, 23:02
Great write up, your bike's a sweetie alright and will soon be as good as new :yes: Riding in the rain is fun isn't it. Amazing how the focus changes eh :niceone:

27th June 2008, 17:37
yes well you can always change your name to concoursrider now .. :laugh: & :yes: completely stoked with the outcome

Probably have to stick with it given my blog name and all. Never know, I may end up with another one one day...

absolutely chick I do have a wee plan for next summer :yes: a lot more adventures .. we just need to get you a bandit now :Pokey:

May I direct you to: http://www.silver-bullet.co.nz/RUSTYNUTS/ (evil laugh)?

27th June 2008, 19:35
it was awesome to be under no pressure to ride or stop or do what every ... and just get used to the way she handles .. unlike Betsy who was a total slapper this bike is much more like a lady .....

I know the feeling....but I do enjoy the odd slapper now and then...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

27th June 2008, 21:25
Nice wright up. Glad you like that bike so much.

27th June 2008, 21:26
May I direct you to: http://www.silver-bullet.co.nz/RUSTYNUTS/ (evil laugh)?

hmm had it mentioned to me bout the grand challenge now rusty nuts ..do I detect a theme here :lol:

I know the feeling....but I do enjoy the odd slapper now and then...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

well I am sure you do ... :whistle:

27th June 2008, 22:03
Thanks for the excellent write up. Sorry to see you dropped it! Makes me want to have a look at one of those big Suzi's. Cheers. :clap:

28th June 2008, 00:19
well I am sure you do ... :whistle:

Story of my life.....:( :( :(

30th June 2008, 09:52
Good going Sandra hunny!! Glad the new girl is treating you good and the long distance riding is a breeze in comfort and style hey!! Glad also that the damage was minimal and no damage to you, and that the council is stepping up, good on them!!
Yahh, looking forward to the next ride report!:niceone:

30th June 2008, 14:10
Emailed the Quotes to the council this morning (after the plastic welder checked the bike on sat) payout will be tomorrow ..

Well I can not praise the professionalism of the Taupo District Council enough .. they have been absolutely a pleasure to deal with. And BB will be back to her sexy stunning self shortly :yes:

It sure helped photographing it all though :)

30th June 2008, 19:51
Well I can not praise the professionalism of the Taupo District Council enough .. they have been absolutely a pleasure to deal with. And BB will be back to her sexy stunning self shortly :yes:

It sure helped photographing it all though :)

Pretty impressive allright - if only insurance companies were that quick!

Something to remember for everyone - my old man had a similar mishap when someone had dug out a blocked drain onto the road and he sailed on into the wreckage. He did ring the council after he limped home and got himself patched up. Then he drove back to check it out and someone had cleaned the mess up - no evidence. Take ya camera with ya everytime eh?

30th June 2008, 21:44
Pretty impressive allright - if only insurance companies were that quick!

Something to remember for everyone - my old man had a similar mishap when someone had dug out a blocked drain onto the road and he sailed on into the wreckage. He did ring the council after he limped home and got himself patched up. Then he drove back to check it out and someone had cleaned the mess up - no evidence. Take ya camera with ya everytime eh?

well I went back the next day .. thought I must have been in lala land to miss any signposts .. just so happened I had the camera with me & decided to take pics .. then took a few more when the quicks checked it out .. so yes I got the evidence before I called the council for sure :clap:

1st July 2008, 07:19
Sounds like you had a fabulous time and good on ya for not letting your wee off dampen your enthusiasm!
The way you talk about your bike is exactly how I feel about mine LOL. HA! if you think you love your bike now just wait til you've put some more miles on it and the love affair continues to grow! Its great when you find "the one".

Good on the council for coming to the party. I was involved in an incident last year out the back of Waiuku(Auckland) where there was unmarked (and unavoidable ) roadworks . 4 of us went down and I happened to have my camera so took heaps of pics at the time. Went back the next day and talked to the witnesses who lived in the house on the corner, took some more photos. Got a call from the people the following day to say a grader had been out and swept the road completely clear...too late suckers! I had ALL the evidence I needed. Franklin Council paid out for ALL the damage...

6th July 2008, 20:42
Loved the write up!
Can't believe a Council will pay for damages, is there something you should tell us coz most would just larf & walk away.

6th July 2008, 20:47
Loved the write up!
Can't believe a Council will pay for damages, is there something you should tell us coz most would just larf & walk away.

hmm pics sure helped as they have a responsibility to warn of hazards ..upshot of my wee off, they sure had been laying new pipes but sub-contracted out to reseal the road, however traffic management was not discussed .. it will be in future.

Guess as been alluded to before with Buellbabe pics are proof for sure

cold comfort
7th July 2008, 23:34
Greta to read your report and that you are loving her as much (or more i guess) than I. Yeah, she likes a wee lie down in dodgy gravel from my experience too!. Bloody astounding the council are coming to the party. Good camera skills there. Hope to ride with you one day if/when i get a bike.

8th July 2008, 02:26
Fwoar, that sounded like fun. You have to love those big bandits, you can tour them, wheelie them and ride them (if you so wish) like a complete bogun and all with ease. And of course there is that characteristic power delivery that can ba all so alluring.
Nice write up Sandra, thanks.

8th July 2008, 10:12
Greta to read your report and that you are loving her as much (or more i guess) than I. Yeah, she likes a wee lie down in dodgy gravel from my experience too!. Bloody astounding the council are coming to the party. Good camera skills there. Hope to ride with you one day if/when i get a bike.

Absolutely Mark, she is a hell of a lot of fun absolutely love her to bits .. hmm mental note to self watch the gravel .. :innocent:

will definatelylook forward to riding with you when ya get your new wheels .. be a tour of the south island next yr for sure .. and dunedin is on the to do list, after all i have to follow jack around on the yellow wasp for a bit .. :whistle:

Number One
8th July 2008, 11:13
Hey Sandra - awesome write up. I am green with envy for the lovely long blat, something I need to pull finger and do on the SV, timing has been a little off though. Bike looks good all loaded up. Super dooper too to hear of the response from the council...very good! :headbang:

8th July 2008, 19:33
Hey Sandra - awesome write up. I am green with envy for the lovely long blat, something I need to pull finger and do on the SV, timing has been a little off though. Bike looks good all loaded up. Super dooper too to hear of the response from the council...very good! :headbang:

well now chicky I have a wee plan I do ... next summer a weekend away with girlies .. ( & prob them male ones will tag along) but a nice ride away .. camping & general high jinx could be in order

Number One
8th July 2008, 19:35
Now THAT sounds like a plan...though I ain't much for sleeping on the ground and then having to ride...arthritic hips wouldn't cope love...gawd I'm a nana!

8th July 2008, 19:40
Now THAT sounds like a plan...though I ain't much for sleeping on the ground and then having to ride...arthritic hips wouldn't cope love...gawd I'm a nana!

hmmmmm thinking cabins & camping grounds ... just the ideal destination to plot .. but somewhere where it does not take all day to get to but to have a damn decent ride (I dunna like stopping these days)

Number One
8th July 2008, 19:41
So long as I can fit in some Margueritas I'm keen!!!!

8th July 2008, 19:45
So long as I can fit in some Margueritas I'm keen!!!!

ohh but of course honey .. :clap: .. thats the other point to the weekend away huh ....

figure if we can get somewhere within 2-3 hours on a fri nite .. plan a ride on sat .. do the usual talking/drinking on sat nite & get home on sunday :rockon: summer

8th July 2008, 19:54
hmmmmm thinking cabins & camping grounds ... just the ideal destination to plot .. but somewhere where it does not take all day to get to but to have a damn decent ride (I dunna like stopping these days)

Try the Pongaroa pub ... been that way ????

8th July 2008, 20:04
Try the Pongaroa pub ... been that way ????

yup been out that way several times .. hmm has possiblities, can make quite a nice loop from there for the other ride .. but being summer nites thinking more along lines of swimming holes available too ..

anyhow once winter is over might be a few rides to check out possibilities too :clap::devil2:

8th July 2008, 21:09
It sure helped photographing it all though :)

Do you have a pic of the engine casing chanceyy?

8th July 2008, 21:14
Do you have a pic of the engine casing chanceyy?

Not a close up but it can be arranged .. has a few scratches on it

8th July 2008, 21:22
Not a close up but it can be arranged .. has a few scratches on it

Is it clean alloy or powder coated black. A close-up pic would help!

Is the Council paying to replace it or repair?

8th July 2008, 21:24
Is it clean alloy or powder coated black. A close-up pic would help!

Is the Council paying to replace it or repair?

clean alloy & its being replaced bike is at Oscarnz at present will see if she can get a pic of it

8th July 2008, 21:31
clean alloy & its being replaced bike is at Oscarnz at present will see if she can get a pic of it

Don't throw it away! It may be an easy fix depending on the depth of the scratches and whether it's clear coated. Could be good to have a spare!

8th July 2008, 21:51
Don't throw it away! It may be an easy fix depending on the depth of the scratches and whether it's clear coated. Could be good to have a spare!

yup I will be keeping all the parts :D

8th July 2008, 22:06
Great write-up.

But but but, there's never anyone with the bike on those pictures! Did you really go along or did the bandit have a trip on her own? You never know with them damn bikes... :whistle:

8th July 2008, 22:27
Great write-up.

But but but, there's never anyone with the bike on those pictures! Did you really go along or did the bandit have a trip on her own? You never know with them damn bikes... :whistle:

hmm thats cause I was riding alone so Biker bear was not gonna take them pics .. anyhow you have meet me .. nuffing to see :laugh:

all I can confirm is that the bike did not get to taupo on her own :devil2:

9th July 2008, 07:14
RE: girly weekend away next summer...

did someone say general hi-jinx???

and Margaritas????

I am sooooooooooooooooo there!

9th July 2008, 10:10
RE: girly weekend away next summer...

did someone say general hi-jinx???

and Margaritas????

I am sooooooooooooooooo there!

awesome chick be great to see you there too ...

I have a general plan at the moment :whistle: :devil2:

Number One
9th July 2008, 10:17
re: Girly weekend away next summer...

Did someone say general hi-jinx???

And margaritas????

I am sooooooooooooooooo there!


9th July 2008, 12:59
hell yeah!
I can you and I are gonna get on REAL well!

Hey Chanceyy! Just don't do it the wkend of the March Hare please... cos I am heading south again... (glutton for punishment)

Number One
9th July 2008, 13:04
OR Labour weekend....hubbies birfday and it might not be a good look to say bye honey I'm off for a girls weekend enjoy your birthday and look after the boy hmmmkay!

9th July 2008, 15:01
hell yeah!
I can you and I are gonna get on REAL well!

Hey Chanceyy! Just don't do it the wkend of the March Hare please... cos I am heading south again... (glutton for punishment)

OR Labour weekend....hubbies birfday and it might not be a good look to say bye honey I'm off for a girls weekend enjoy your birthday and look after the boy hmmmkay!

It will not be either of those weekends .. I will prob be heading to march hare again as well girl .. dunna think I gonna let ya have all the fun huh ..

now are you looking at flying down or riding down ???????

& Sheree your safe it will be next march/april .. will not be easter weekend either ...

9th July 2008, 15:12
clean alloy & its being replaced bike is at Oscarnz at present will see if she can get a pic of it

Sweet as I can take a photo or Ferris can come round and have a look either way.

9th July 2008, 23:01
Sweet as I can take a photo or Ferris can come round and have a look either way.

I could take a look this weekend. I really just need to know how deep the scratches are and if it's clear coated.

10th July 2008, 10:35
I could take a look this weekend. I really just need to know how deep the scratches are and if it's clear coated.

it would have to be sat ... call in & see pauly to organise a time, I will be heading up aft lunch to help get fairing off so it can be repaired

10th July 2008, 12:14
it would have to be sat ... call in & see pauly to organise a time, I will be heading up aft lunch to help get fairing off so it can be repaired

No problem!