View Full Version : Should bikes travel faster than cars...YES

2nd July 2008, 20:19
I travel about NZ on my bike, but I don't like travelling amongst traffic. To put it bluntly I don't feel safe travelling amongst a group of cars/ cagers
There are many reasons for this that most bikers would agree with me on, which I will not go into now.
I like to get out in front of these cagers " by passing them and getting clear of them" That means I have to sometimes travel over 100km/hr for short periods...(did I say that?) yes! and keep in front of them, and if I come upon another group of cars, vans, buses, trucks, I pass them too, all very safely for them and me...why? Because I can..like 0-100kmhr in about 3 seconds.
Now this is what I think pisses cagers off, like some of the other threads I have read on this site tonite, "cagers bagging bikers for being bikers." anyway to get back on track
This is also where the police must show a bit of tolerance towards bikers, for the simple reason that bikes will always pass cagers, and generally always travel a bit faster because most us feel safe to be as far away from cagers as possible, for the better of all on the road.

The financial problem comes (note I said financial and not safety problem) when a bikers overtakes a line of cagers, without realising it the bikes reach speeds well in excess of the legal road speed and very quickly... like with a couple of seconds, its generally done very safely though, but if Mr Plod is coming the other way..you've lost your licence.

Some police that have ridden bikes may realise this and may be lenient, like one officer I met, but others (narrow minded do gooders) will bust your balls

So in a nutshell, this biker mentality is what pisses some cagers off, and causes them to act irrationally.
Trust me there are lots of irrational cagers on the road, but hopefully some will read this and now be happy pricks when I pass them FAST

2nd July 2008, 20:27
My bike is slow, I can''t outrun a cage , I don't like cagers. I prefer what I don't like to be in front of me where I can observe and avoid, rather than have them behind me, where dodging them is harder.

Good point though, If i could be faster than cars then yeah I would overtake them to keep them behind me. You just have ot time it so you don't have to go 200 km/hr to pass like ten cars.

2nd July 2008, 20:28
But....but....but that means that you're jumping the queue...you must wait your turn like the cagers :rofl:

That's what pisses them off.

2nd July 2008, 20:29
Trust me there are lots of irrational cagers on the road, but hopefully some will read this and now be happy pricks when I pass them FAST

As this is a bike site, you prolly wont get many ignorant cagers reading here. But I agree with your sentiment

2nd July 2008, 20:48
Perhaps the arrogance of these car drivers is just a reflection of your own arrogance?

2nd July 2008, 21:07
Good thread starter. I'm about to pour some metaphorical accelerant on this fire...

There is a pyschological reaction to objects larger than ourselves - our brains have evolved slowly, and bigger things mean danger. For example, back in the caveperson days, if a hungry sabre toothed tiger turned up, it was bigger, and therefore dangerous.

In modern days, in their cages, that same instinct is true. Which is why people rarely pick fights with bigger people (unless they've got small penises and short mans syndrome). And it's also why it's very rare for cars to pull out on trucks and for the drivers to say "sorry mate, didn't see you".

When a bike sits in traffic, that bike blends into the scenery - it presents little danger (it's smaller, right?), and our brains have a way of ignoring things (this is why men can tune out their wives voices after marriage and after the sex dies down). So, from a biker's perspective, the most unsafe action you can take is to sit in with traffic.

Which is why I constantly overtake, even if there isn't an apparent need for it.

But, I don't advocate doing the overtake on the back wheel. Unless you have a video camera handy, you can send me the footage because I'm a very basic individual who hasn't developed past laughing at other caveperson's getting munched on by woolly mamoths and sabre tooth tigers.

2nd July 2008, 21:09
My bike is slow, I can''t outrun a cage , I don't like cagers. I prefer what I don't like to be in front of me where I can observe and avoid, rather than have them behind me, where dodging them is harder.

Good point though, If i could be faster than cars then yeah I would overtake them to keep them behind me. You just have ot time it so you don't have to go 200 km/hr to pass like ten cars.

Why ride a slow bike? Isn't that like fucking ugly obese women? (political correctness be damned!)

2nd July 2008, 21:19
Come on now, fat girls need love too

2nd July 2008, 21:25
I travel about NZ on my bike, but I don't like travelling amongst traffic. To put it bluntly I don't feel safe travelling amongst a group of cars/ cagers

If anyone really wants safe, they should probably stay at home in bed. Riding bikes ain't for the faint of heart and you know that. Grasp the challenge and the reality, ride like it's the life and death experience that it is and enjoy life to it's fullest. A flick of the wrist and you're gone. Breathe deep!
Safe is a false reality anyways, so live mate, live! Drink fully from the cup that life offers you, smell the roses, live every moment like it may be your last, live your dreams, never have regrets about what could have been! Never say die, fear is just our mind trying to hold us back. Wherever you go, there you are. Fully realize that you are the master of your own destiny and from then until there, ride, ride, ride...
Thanks for asking.

2nd July 2008, 21:28
Come on now, fat girls need love too

They sure do, everyone needs some lovin'. I'd suggest you start with the fat ones, and I'll continue comforting the hot ones.

2nd July 2008, 21:31
If anyone really wants safe, they should probably stay at home in bed.

Noooooooooo, nup, nope.

Bed is very unsafe. Did you know you're most likely to die in your sleep? Sleeping is DANGEROUS. Capital D. Plus, if you drink and sleep, you can wake up next to fat ugly women and wonder how the fuck you got there, and why your breath smells bad... (think about it).

Sleep is dangerous. Riding bikes is safer in comparison. Few riders die each year, but thousands pass peacefully in their sleep.

2nd July 2008, 21:39
Noooooooooo, nup, nope.

Bed is very unsafe. Did you know you're most likely to die in your sleep? Sleeping is DANGEROUS. Capital D. Plus, if you drink and sleep, you can wake up next to fat ugly women and wonder how the fuck you got there, and why your breath smells bad... (think about it).

Sleep is dangerous. Riding bikes is safer in comparison. Few riders die each year, but thousands pass peacefully in their sleep.

I stand corrected. Like I said (Did I say it?), safe is a myth.
Oh my god, it's all coming back to me... drinks, small talk, hand on knee, drive somewhere, her place, tearing clothes off, sweating, then it's all a blur, waking up, arm stuck, trying to get arm out without waking her, (was that her sister/room mate in bed as well?) out the window, long fall, cold ground, pants gone, left keys, NO, NO, stop, dream, please, stop!
Thats scary! :msn-wink:

2nd July 2008, 21:47
I stand corrected. Like I said (Did I say it?), safe is a myth.
Oh my god, it's all coming back to me... drinks, small talk, hand on knee, drive somewhere, her place, tearing clothes off, sweating, then it's all a blur, waking up, arm stuck, trying to get arm out without waking her, (was that her sister/room mate in bed as well?) out the window, long fall, cold ground, pants gone, left keys, NO, NO, stop, dream, please, stop!
Thats scary! :msn-wink:

I used to work in a bar where the bar staff were notoriously loose. One night, the bar manager (who was a tool) picked up a chick, she was slurring her speech, and she seemed a little dim, but he took her home and fucked her socks off as long as he could manage it. He was in the middle of recounting this story when she walks in the bar.

Thing is, she wasn't drunk, she was a little mentally inhibited, and the best part was that she kept sitting at the bar for the next six monts begging him to marry her. The bar manager ended up moving to Australia to escape her. The irony was, he was married to someone else, and that nights action cost him his reputation, and half his house. :lol:

2nd July 2008, 22:04
Having read half this thread, one note is made, and memories reminisced upon.

One day my balls will be busted by Mr. Plod, ("Licence officer? HA HA!" I say, "I don't actually have one!" Proceed with broom broom, etc etc.) while i'm speeding down EDIT identity EDIT street. Which, incidentally is very wide, steep and straight.
Even Mr. NoisyblowoffvalveGalant every morning can't outnoise me, let alone beat me down the road. (Pity he doesn't know who the teenager walking to work in his EDIT identity EDIT uniform is. So sad.)

The reason I clicked on reply, was to say that EVERYONE knows it's far too easy to overtake a cage.
The only thing that can be done easier, is giving into that temptation!
Of course, I value my life and only do it on streets I can see down, and know to be quiet. Not the carpark, during school start/finish times, blah blah.
Common sense.
BUT, as they say, most accidents happen within x-meters from the driveway!
Have I ranted long enough?
Why, yes.
Yes I have.
had to accomplish SOMETHING on my day off.
Night all, stay legal =)

My LAST NAME is my account name. HOW FOOLISH!
Come on you damn birth certificate!!!

2nd July 2008, 22:19
Why ride a slow bike? Isn't that like fucking ugly obese women? (political correctness be damned!)

Because riding around at 200km/hr isn't what makes motorcycling to some, that and I'm not licensed to ride over the gay 250 limit haha. I do agree, that speed does come in handy, I hate maxing out my little beast on the motorway just to keep in front of the death machines that try and kill me everyday.

3rd July 2008, 16:59
Why ride a slow bike? Isn't that like fucking ugly obese women? (political correctness be damned!)

I thought riding a scooter & fucking ugly girls had the same thing in common

They are both lots of fun untill your mates find out.

3rd July 2008, 18:02
Because riding around at 200km/hr isn't what makes motorcycling to some, that and I'm not licensed to ride over the gay 250 limit haha. I do agree, that speed does come in handy, I hate maxing out my little beast on the motorway just to keep in front of the death machines that try and kill me everyday.

Around 200kph? I pass through that speed regularly at Taupo or Pukekohe.

There's still another 100kph to go...

Thank the lord for GSXR's and Pop's Yoshimura.:headbang:

3rd July 2008, 21:31
Bed is very unsafe. Did you know you're most likely to die in your sleep? Sleeping is DANGEROUS. Capital D.
Avoid hospital's. The amount of people who die there is astounding. They should be banned.

3rd July 2008, 23:25
Avoid hospital's. The amount of people who die there is astounding. They should be banned.

And brakes. Vehicles should have brakes removed. How often have you heard "and I hit the brakes" just before the "accident". There is an astounding correlation between panic braking and crashing.

4th July 2008, 08:09
I used to work in a bar where the bar staff were notoriously loose. One night, the bar manager (who was a tool) picked up a chick, she was slurring her speech, and she seemed a little dim, but he took her home and fucked her socks off as long as he could manage it. He was in the middle of recounting this story when she walks in the bar.

Thing is, she wasn't drunk, she was a little mentally inhibited, and the best part was that she kept sitting at the bar for the next six monts begging him to marry her. The bar manager ended up moving to Australia to escape her. The irony was, he was married to someone else, and that nights action cost him his reputation, and half his house. :lol:

I foolishly boned a really hot, hard bodied marketing assistant at a company I was working at. She ended up leaving her husband and kids, thinking our lunchtime trysts were more than a great bit of fun. She wasn't even a good piece of ass. She literally would call me hundreds of times a day, at work, on the mobile and at home, at the ex wifes, at every conceiveable hour. She wrote me dozens of letters, professing her love for me, etc. I ended up quitting the job and moving. She was stalking me at my new house, and job.

She still attempted to follow me, by trying to get hired at my new place of work. She had changed her name, haircolour and was being interviewed when I happened to see her and told the HR people what the situation was. I had an extremely frank talk with her and let her know that her life was in danger. She still didn't understand, as she was so sure I loved her. She stopped, but it was a month or so of total hassle. :bash:
Psycho bitch incarnate! Lesson learned on that one.

4th July 2008, 09:05
The psycho ones are always the best lays aren't they?

4th July 2008, 09:13
The psycho ones are always the best lays aren't they?

Throwing caution to the wind, and cowering beneath my desk as I reply:

"But aren't all women nuts?"

4th July 2008, 09:45
Come on now, fat girls need love too

Some say they're the best, cos they will do anything due to being grateful...:dodge:

4th July 2008, 09:56
They sure do, everyone needs some lovin'. I'd suggest you start with the fat ones, and I'll continue comforting the hot ones.

whatever Fabio! :laugh:

4th July 2008, 10:09
Avoid hospital's. The amount of people who die there is astounding. They should be banned.

And avoid aging too!! Thats real bad people seem to be dying of it everyday. Maybe we should have a government study into it and tax people who age. then they could increase it whenever they liked without giving notice

4th July 2008, 10:21
Having read half this thread, one note is made, and memories reminisced upon.

One day my balls will be busted by Mr. Plod, ("Licence officer? HA HA!" I say, "I don't actually have one!" Proceed with broom broom, etc etc.) while i'm speeding down EDIT identity EDIT street. Which, incidentally is very wide, steep and straight.
Even Mr. NoisyblowoffvalveGalant every morning can't outnoise me, let alone beat me down the road. (Pity he doesn't know who the teenager walking to work in his EDIT identity EDIT uniform is. So sad.)

The reason I clicked on reply, was to say that EVERYONE knows it's far too easy to overtake a cage.
The only thing that can be done easier, is giving into that temptation!
Of course, I value my life and only do it on streets I can see down, and know to be quiet. Not the carpark, during school start/finish times, blah blah.
Common sense.
BUT, as they say, most accidents happen within x-meters from the driveway!
Have I ranted long enough?
Why, yes.
Yes I have.
had to accomplish SOMETHING on my day off.
Night all, stay legal =)

My LAST NAME is my account name. HOW FOOLISH!
Come on you damn birth certificate!!!

Are you drunk?????

4th July 2008, 10:23
Avoid hospital's. The amount of people who die there is astounding. They should be banned.

Live in a police cell.

The deaths vs number of occupants is really really low, you'll live lots longer....

4th July 2008, 10:43
Live in a police cell.

The deaths vs number of occupants is really really low, you'll live lots longer....

but all that sex would get abit tiresome after a while.

4th July 2008, 10:44
I travel about NZ on my bike, but I don't like travelling amongst traffic. To put it bluntly I don't feel safe travelling amongst a group of cars/ cagers
There are many reasons for this that most bikers would agree with me on, which I will not go into now.
I like to get out in front of these cagers " by passing them and getting clear of them" That means I have to sometimes travel over 100km/hr for short periods...(did I say that?) yes! and keep in front of them, and if I come upon another group of cars, vans, buses, trucks, I pass them too, all very safely for them and me...why? Because I can..like 0-100kmhr in about 3 seconds.
Now this is what I think pisses cagers off, like some of the other threads I have read on this site tonite, "cagers bagging bikers for being bikers." anyway to get back on track
This is also where the police must show a bit of tolerance towards bikers, for the simple reason that bikes will always pass cagers, and generally always travel a bit faster because most us feel safe to be as far away from cagers as possible, for the better of all on the road.

The financial problem comes (note I said financial and not safety problem) when a bikers overtakes a line of cagers, without realising it the bikes reach speeds well in excess of the legal road speed and very quickly... like with a couple of seconds, its generally done very safely though, but if Mr Plod is coming the other way..you've lost your licence.

Some police that have ridden bikes may realise this and may be lenient, like one officer I met, but others (narrow minded do gooders) will bust your balls

So in a nutshell, this biker mentality is what pisses some cagers off, and causes them to act irrationally.
Trust me there are lots of irrational cagers on the road, but hopefully some will read this and now be happy pricks when I pass them FAST

But you ride an SV. Since when were they FAST?!?

4th July 2008, 11:01
And avoid aging too!! Thats real bad people seem to be dying of it everyday. Maybe we should have a government study into it and tax people who age. then they could increase it whenever they liked without giving notice

The health insurance companies have already adopted this model

Dave Lobster
4th July 2008, 20:37
like with a couple of seconds, its generally done very safely though, but if Mr Plod is coming the other way..you've lost your licence.

Only if he can catch you.. What's his catch up time if you're doing 250km/h in the opposite direction? Two minutes away, hide up for a while and smoke a few fags..

but all that sex would get abit tiresome after a while.

Whether you want it or not.. :yes:

4th July 2008, 21:02
But you ride an SV. Since when were they FAST?!?

Mate you think a TL1000 is faster, anyway, a SV is fast enough to get in a lot of trouble, real fast.

4th July 2008, 21:05
Why ride a slow bike? Isn't that like fucking ugly obese women? (political correctness be damned!)

MadBikeBoy...Ha ha, Im still laughing you have a way with words lad.

4th July 2008, 22:20
whatever Fabio! :laugh:

If Fabio = the ANTI-STUD, then I am that man. If Fabio is good at picking up women, then you've mislabelled me. I mean how can I compete with the spiffy uniforms, the big muscles, and the really big red.... ... .... Truck.

4th July 2008, 22:29
Only if he can catch you.. What's his catch up time if you're doing 250km/h in the opposite direction? Two minutes away, hide up for a while and smoke a few fags..

Whether you want it or not.. :yes:

The dilemma isn't the speed of a commodore, or even fuckhead Ginga cop in a mufti - it's the fact that radio's are really, REALLY fast, and helicopters have infra-red sensors and big fuck off spot lights.

Hey, speaking of GINGA - I had dinner at SPQR in Ponsonby tonight with a table of really great women. I thought I saw Ginga Cop in there. Or it might have been an uptight Ginga drag queen who had haemaroids - not sure. She/he was really ugly with an unpleasant disposition and a liking for screwing boys in leathers, hence the possible confusion.

I wish I could bling myself for such satirical brilliance. In all likelihood, Ginga was tucked up safely at home with his boyfriend.