View Full Version : HFT Up!

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 21:15

13th August 2008, 21:17
Harden Fuck The?

EDIT: Helps if I wait for the link to load.

EDIT 2: It looks like a Pancake on wheels.

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 21:18
Harden Fuck The?

EDIT: Helps if I wait for the link to load.


'Human Friendly Transmission.'

13th August 2008, 21:28
H F T = hatefull fuckin thing!
opps sorry didnt mean to swear..... really!

13th August 2008, 21:34
:laugh:Sweet,you lot could ride from cafe to cafe never spilling a drop from the "anniversary edition" latte holder.

13th August 2008, 21:42
Nowhere to put the saddlebags or other touring stuff:argh:
Floorboards a la scooter?
Automatic transmission?
Honda's answer to the bergman perhaps?
Will be interesting to see the retail price on it.

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 21:59
Swapping for the Goldwing tomorrow.

13th August 2008, 22:09
Swapping for the Goldwing tomorrow.

Judt drop the goldie round here when you have finished :niceone:

13th August 2008, 22:14
Swapping for the Goldwing tomorrow. Old as fuck but still worthy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nrMQ3QwyPoSame ole shit "it aint what you ride" etc

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 22:19
Black ones are faster.

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 22:20
Just drop the goldie round to Blue Wing when you have finished :niceone:

No sweat.......

13th August 2008, 22:24
61 horsepower driving an automatic transmission (which will devour ponies like a French restaurateur). I would like to see a picture of someone riding it - looks like sports bike fairings on a cruiser - the seat height and handlebars will place the rider in an upright position well above the fairing - so it's essentially an underpowered cruiser with a sports fairing on the front.

I wonder who their market is?

13th August 2008, 22:33
61 horsepower driving an automatic transmission (which will devour ponies like a French restaurateur). I would like to see a picture of someone riding it - looks like sports bike fairings on a cruiser - the seat height and handlebars will place the rider in an upright position well above the fairing - so it's essentially an underpowered cruiser with a sports fairing on the front.

I wonder who their market is? Bike journos.Right or wrong some somewhere will find a hidden meaning between the lines and put out with there hard earned.Its one of those fairytales really where everyone ends up happy.The people that made it,the journo that wrote it and the guy that bought it,no matter what the tailender has proof in writing that it was a great purchase.:2thumbsupBit like the construction worker that goes out and buys a 1098 to ride to work and spirited sunday arvo rides with the 5 times yearly load her up and do the south isle.

13th August 2008, 22:34
I'm suprised it's not a hybrid

13th August 2008, 22:43
Old as fuck but still worthy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nrMQ3QwyPoSame ole shit "it aint what you ride" etc

Lol....reckon those Gold Wings would have been quite a few kilograms lighter by the end of that road judging by the amount of scraping going on!!
Still, pretty damn impressive :)

13th August 2008, 22:50
Lol....reckon those Gold Wings would have been quite a few kilograms lighter by the end of that road judging by the amount of scraping going on!!
Still, pretty damn impressive :) Yes it is.Hes posted up in an American based forum a bit (while back) and an interesting guy for sure.His comments on "blimp wearing latest sportbike riders" are funny for sure.

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 23:15
I'll find out tomorrow - but I imagine it will be an effective urban transport vehicle.

Cross over between Scooter and motorcycle. Makes sense to me in so far as the way modern 250 and 500cc scooters go its ludicrous to have 14" wheels and a modern 700cc motor is more than enough for the speed limit.

Plus it's different. Some people won't get their heads around that. Some of us cherish it.

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 23:18
Lol....reckon those Gold Wings would have been quite a few kilograms lighter by the end of that road judging by the amount of scraping going on!!
Still, pretty damn impressive :)

They have well sorted 'scrape pucks'. A lump on the bodywork that hits after the pegs.

The Pastor
13th August 2008, 23:19
I'll find out tomorrow - but I imagine it will be an effective urban transport vehicle.

Cross over between Scooter and motorcycle. Makes sense to me in so far as the way modern 250 and 500cc scooters go its ludicrous to have 14" wheels and a modern 700cc motor is more than enough for the speed limit.

Plus it's different. Some people won't get their heads around that. Some of us cherish it.
some of us are mentally retarded.

Big Dave
13th August 2008, 23:20
some of us are mentally retarded.

I thought your medication was helping.

13th August 2008, 23:27
"Human Friendly Transmission" ?

None of the ones I have had have ever been unfriendly to me.

What this one gonna do to me that the others have not? Suck my dick?

The Pastor
13th August 2008, 23:48
I thought your medication was helping.
it makes my head hurt + the dinosar told me not to take it as it makes you crazy

14th August 2008, 07:55
So I gather it's not the RCV213 then?

Big Dave
14th August 2008, 17:50
It's a nice vehicle. Extremely easy to ride. It's only mid power, but all so easy.

Like a Scooter - until you look at the speedo. 80! Sheeeeet.

Like a scooter - with SV650 Brakes and handling.

Like a Scooter - but comfortable at open road speeds.

The Automatic gearbox is impressive - Sports, economy or tripronic modes.

Ridden it round for 2 hours - haven't scraped anything yet.

14th August 2008, 18:21
I do actually quite like it. Like all other odd ball or different bikes that have preceeded this one over the years i am sure that there will be a market for this one. Would like to see it in the flesh.

14th August 2008, 18:23
I stick by my Pancake comment.

Looks like flapjacks on wheels. Odd bars too. They comfy?

Big Dave
14th August 2008, 18:34
I stick by my Pancake comment.

Looks like flapjacks on wheels. Odd bars too. They comfy?

Yeah seem so - I'm too big for it - we'll photograph the Ed on it, but it's comfy, yeah.