View Full Version : Mentor Nomination - Unit

17th August 2008, 12:02
Please note that feedback is welcome, however, negative feedback should be given only via pm to the Mentor Administrators. This is not an opportunity for character assassination or to start an argument. This thread will be kept strictly on topic.

Unit has been nominated as a Mentor for the Central North Island Region

19th August 2008, 17:15
Well thank you very much for the nomination. I'll will be committed now to calling down to Alexandra for a visit, bit of a hike from here but, oh well :scooter: seriously a great part of the country, cant wait

19th August 2008, 17:18
If she can make sure that nut DMNTD behaves himself. She should be able to handle a few newbies.

It's nice to see everyone nominated so far are great people, not only riders.

The Stranger
19th August 2008, 20:30
If she can make sure that nut DMNTD behaves himself.

She can't.

Anyway. Yeah, go unit.
Smart and sensible lady. I still remember your advice thank you unit.

Mrs Busa Pete
20th August 2008, 07:01
She can't.

Anyway. Yeah, go unit.
Smart and sensible lady. I still remember your advice thank you unit.

Yes but was that bike related.:laugh:

Yet another good nomination would be a priviledge to have unit teach me a thing or to about riding.

20th August 2008, 07:29
Looks like Gordie's going to get some serious mentoring!

20th August 2008, 08:53
Unit is an awesome person to learn from. She is patient and thorough in her teaching.
Great choice!

20th August 2008, 09:28
Unit is :first: she would be a farken :cool: mentor :yeah:

20th August 2008, 09:35
Looks like Gordie's going to get some serious mentoring!

LOL i taught them everything they know, they just have better social skills in dealing with fuckin irratating brainless n00bs :laugh:

20th August 2008, 09:45
Ok so Nelson Mandela wasn't a valid vote.... (PD'd)

I still reckon Unit is a bloody good choice! Um.. yeah... as a.... ahhh Mentor... yeah that's it...