View Full Version : Stopped a bike theft

26th August 2008, 20:28
We had been away for the weekend - and came back fairly late - about 10:30 we were walking through the church carpark at the top of our road. Four kids about 16-17, all with pushbikes, were hanging around by the church, looking at something. When one of them saw us, he whistled to his mates and they moved away.

As we passed, there was a DT 125 parked by the church, with L plates on it. We felt suspicious of the kids, so as soon as we got in (only 2 or 3 minutes down the road), we rang the police to report them. Handed over details, and was asked "Are they still there now?" I wasn't sure if I'd be able to see the church from my house, so I went to look.

And they'd stolen the bike, were pushing it down the road and had stopped just down from me, trying to kick-start it. Straight back in and onto the police again. My wife stayed inside to answer the phone if the police rang back, so I walked back to the church to see if I could find the owner. As I got to the church and was knocking, the squad car came round. So I flagged them over and gave them all the details I could (make and colour of bike, how many kids, what they were wearing etc). They thanked me and drove off, so I walked back home.

A few minutes later, the phone rang. The police had found the bike, but not the kids (guessing they were scared off by a squad car). They'd phoned the owner, who had come down to pick up the bike. The police passed on the thanks of the owner, adding their thanks, saying I'd done exactly the right thing, and the depth of information I'd provided was just what they need.

My wife pointed out that we had a spare disc lock, so I went to head up the road to see if I could spot the owner. As luck would have it, he was pushing the bike and was just a bit past the house, so I caught up with him and gave him the disc lock.

So feeling really pleased that we were able to stop a theft - and hopefully that disc lock will stop any further attempts.

And that is the key to this - if there had been physical security on the bike, then those kids would have left it alone.

26th August 2008, 20:30
Good news :)

Str8 Jacket
26th August 2008, 20:31
Bloody dodgy churches.

26th August 2008, 20:32
Good karma your way mate.

26th August 2008, 20:34
Well done :clap:

26th August 2008, 20:34
Good on ya Bob. Its refreshing to see that there is people out there who give a toss. Society at times, appears to be on a down hill slide.

I wonder how many people would have just looked the other way.:2guns:

26th August 2008, 20:37
Well done!!
But cant help but wonder...:

How come neither those kids nor the owner could start the bike..?

26th August 2008, 20:38
Good man. :rockon:

26th August 2008, 20:39
Well done!!
But cant help but wonder...:

How come neither those kids nor the owner could start the bike..?

LOL Maybe someone else stole the keys, or owner stole it from someone else?=)

26th August 2008, 20:42
People poo-poo disc locks as futile, but they sure stop a lot of opportunist theives.

Good on ya Bob!

26th August 2008, 20:43
Good on ya Bob. Its refreshing to see that there is people out there who give a toss. Society at times, appears to be on a down hill slide.

I wonder how many people would have just looked the other way.:2guns:

No bike riders I would hope.

26th August 2008, 20:50
Man, that's just awesome! :headbang: :rockon: dood! and I hope the cops catch up with the little brats..

26th August 2008, 20:50
The moral of this story is next time - beat the shit out of the little f*ckers. Burn 'em!!:bash::bash::bash::bash:

Seriously, bling on the way.

26th August 2008, 21:06
LOL Maybe someone else stole the keys, or owner stole it from someone else?=)

A 22 year old foreign exchange student ran out of petrol near a church.
He decided to park it on the church steps, believing it would be safe there until he could return with a can of petrol.
The teenagers Bob saw with the bike where friends of the owner and just wanted to help their friend and return his bike.
When they saw the police drive by, they panicked and ran, since they did not speak English very well, and the police in their homecountry are a bit heavy handed....

The guy in the church, just seized the opportunity......
His prayers got answered......

Even got a lock....

Cheap helmet anyone?......


26th August 2008, 21:17
shoot to wound. they will never make that mistake again.

26th August 2008, 21:26
Good work. I made myself a rule with my bike - never never never never leave it unattended without the steering locked.


26th August 2008, 21:30
shoot to wound. they will never make that mistake again.

yeah great idea.....you get a pissed off witnes out for revenge.....

If you shoot, you shoot to kill....

No shooting back and only one story

26th August 2008, 21:41
Good work. I made myself a rule with my bike - never never never never leave it unattended without the steering locked.


Just never never never never never leave it ANYWHERE unattended FULL STOP!!!:(

26th August 2008, 21:56
well done a good deed is always returned ..........................Eventually

26th August 2008, 22:11
Awesome. One point for the good guys.

26th August 2008, 22:19
give that man a DB :niceone:

26th August 2008, 22:24
Good work mate.

blue eyed savage
26th August 2008, 22:48
good on ya mate. i wish more people were like u

26th August 2008, 22:50
Good karma your way mate.

Agreed. Goon on ya mate! :hug:

26th August 2008, 23:12
Good shit man!
+1 awesome to you.

26th August 2008, 23:17
give that man a DB :niceone:

For sure!! Good effort, good to see that some people still give a damn ;)

26th August 2008, 23:32
Awesome:niceone: Well done:clap::hug:

27th August 2008, 08:07
Well done Bob! :2thumbsup

Great to hear some good news and that there are people out there that do give a damn :yeah:

Bling 1+

27th August 2008, 09:57
Good on you for doing somthing and not ignoring it. Bling'n your way. Great to see theres still some good ole honest folk out there! :clap:

27th August 2008, 10:09
Yeah blung sung hero ! Ya get my vote !

27th August 2008, 11:02
give that man a DB :niceone:
You wish to punish Bob for doing the right thing...:scratch:

On ya! Bob!:first:

27th August 2008, 11:50
good stuff mate, if that had been my brand new vl250 i would have praised the ground you walk on.


27th August 2008, 12:54
How ironic... Last night I watched Batman The Beginning and preety much it was about the difference between Justice and Vengence.

Well in this case Justice wasn't served on a silver platter, but however it was prevented from the beginning of the drama.

Nice Job BOB :niceone:

Okey Dokey
27th August 2008, 14:26
Great work! The world needs more people like you.

27th August 2008, 19:02
Top man.

Keep it up.

27th August 2008, 20:07
yeah great idea.....you get a pissed off witnes out for revenge.....

If you shoot, you shoot to kill....

No shooting back and only one story

Screw the gun, you were prepping some hole in the backyard, you spyed some suspicious kids hanging round a bike and you and the spade (No. 4 p'haps) go over to have a look-see. Any problems and you've got a few options:

-1. Using the back of the spade DEFENSIVELY.

-2. Using the side of the spade slightly AGGRESSIVELY.

The best thing is, once the problem's solved, you can also dig another few holes for the trouble-makers...:rolleyes:

Good work on the bike-saving, if it'd been my SRX250, I would have kissed the ground you walked on...