View Full Version : 1996 Toyota van - transporting large roadbikes

27th August 2008, 08:50
Tomorrow I have to ride to aucks and pick up <a href="http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=172996791">this</a> van and transport my GT650R back in it.

Any suggestions ? Anyone know what the tie-down points are like in this model Hiace ?

Many thanks,

27th August 2008, 08:57
i doubt there will be any tie down points at all, but you can fold the seat forward and put the front wheel against it, and possibly use the seat mounting bracket at floor level. any tie down points you use want to be inline or foward of the front wheel.

27th August 2008, 10:01
i doubt there will be any tie down points at all, but you can fold the seat forward and put the front wheel against it, and possibly use the seat mounting bracket at floor level. any tie down points you use want to be inline or foward of the front wheel.Fuck I didn't even SEE that rear seat.. will the bike even FIT in there ?

Maybe I can loosen the seat bolts and slip the tie down under it and bolt down again.

This will be tomorrow thursday 28 1-2pm ish in the Waitakere area if anyone is bored wander down. We'll be in town from 11.30am on.

kthx nodrog.


27th August 2008, 12:34
MATE-- ONE off offer. Get yer arse to my yard AFTER 2.00pm
Ive got some spare tie down loops specially for tying bikes into vans.
In Mine I have them bolted in 3 points. One smack bang in the center of the van side to side and under the seat front to back.
I have two others bolted into front of the step on each side.
if the seats still in it you WILL be able to fit tie downs under the seat legs

27th August 2008, 12:43
Fuck I didn't even SEE that rear seat.. will the bike even FIT in there ?

Maybe I can loosen the seat bolts and slip the tie down under it and bolt down again.

This will be tomorrow thursday 28 1-2pm ish in the Waitakere area if anyone is bored wander down. We'll be in town from 11.30am on.

kthx nodrog.

It's LWB - bike will fit easy. Remove the mirrors.

Our LWB has the rear seat that clips down and we fitted a KLR650 in it with the seat up. I've welded a tiedown bar to the back of the seat that locates the wheels and is also tie down points.

27th August 2008, 12:58
Ok so I can't do pics--hey dude look Ive got the bits

27th August 2008, 14:53
Skunk, thanks maaan. Mirrors should fold back nicely, without removing them with any luck.

Frosty bro, you are a legend. Again. :first: Will drop down and see you 2pm ish. A pity we didnt have my mates espresso van, we coulda dosed you up fully with caffeine. It is possible we will have enough tie-downs and be gone by 12.30pm even, but we know where to come if that doesn't work out. Do you have a loading plank to push the bike up ?

Found you <a href="http://www.wises.co.nz/l/Auckland/Henderson/25+Corban+Avenue/">here</a>.


Crisis management
27th August 2008, 15:07
You'll have no problem, I've had DR650's in those vans easily, one tiedown each side at the front around the seat support. Ignore a loading plank as long as there are two of you you can lift the bike in easily, one wheel at a time obviously.
Just watch out for any fuel venting or spillage as thats a bit dangerous in a closed vehicle.

Have fun.

F5 Dave
27th August 2008, 16:35
Also tie from the back to be safe, there are two recessed hooks behind the wheel arches. There are places to hook from the front passenger seat etc, but I've put floor mounts in mine. SWB have had everything from GS1100s to 3 full size dirtbikes or 5 buckets. LWB will get more in.

27th August 2008, 16:49
Skunk, thanks maaan. Mirrors should fold back nicely, without removing them with any luck.

Frosty bro, you are a legend. Again. :first: Will drop down and see you 2pm ish. A pity we didnt have my mates espresso van, we coulda dosed you up fully with caffeine. It is possible we will have enough tie-downs and be gone by 12.30pm even, but we know where to come if that doesn't work out. Do you have a loading plank to push the bike up ?

Found you here (http://www.wises.co.nz/l/Auckland/Henderson/25+Corban+Avenue/).

Ive got the propper loading ramp.
Tell ya what if its earlyer than 2 I wont be here but call in and see Jorja --the hooks are in my top draw and my vans out the back for you to see how I did it

Ohh and mate --set aside $160 for a pair of overlong struts for the back door-it will mean the door will open higher and make getting the bike in a shit load easier

27th August 2008, 17:39
Ive got the propper loading ramp.
Tell ya what if its earlyer than 2 I wont be here but call in and see Jorja --the hooks are in my top draw and my vans out the back for you to see how I did it

Ohh and mate --set aside $160 for a pair of overlong struts for the back door-it will mean the door will open higher and make getting the bike in a shit load easierCool az Frosty. It will be a shame to not meet ya, so we will dawdle as long as we are able.

Struts, thats interesting. I will get the source for those off you sometime - no rush, I'll PM ya later, or else post in this thread - others may be interested.

Gee when KB comes through, its members really shine. Makes ya heart pump custard dunnit, yeah. :yes:


27th August 2008, 18:56
get the struts from a wrecker just need to be a NZ new model the jap imports dont come with them. ill check im also sure i have a pair of the factory fold down tie down loops that come in toyotas sitting at home can be picked up in newmarket if you want them.

27th August 2008, 19:05
Tomorrow I have to ride to aucks and pick up <a href="http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=172996791">this</a> van and transport my GT650R back in it.

Any suggestions ? Anyone know what the tie-down points are like in this model Hiace ?

Many thanks,

See how there are no wheels arches in the van? The floor is higher than other Hi-Aces.
Its the same as mine, you loose a bit of height.
I had to remove the mirrors of a GN250 to get it in, and even then, it just made it. You may have lean the Hyosung a tad to get it in Steve, but it'll fit.

28th August 2008, 21:17
Roite, we got there and back unscathed. In fact, it was an awesome day out.

Maha, yes we noticed the floor when we got back this evening. The GT650R fits no worries at all even with the mirrors fully up. It just wheeled in and sat on its sidestand until we were ready to tie it down properly. Rear seat flipped forward, front wheel against it, two tie downs to the bars with the bike balanced upright, and one across the rear grabrail so it could flip sideways, and it was solid as a cock. I was impressed considering I had never done it before. I looked at it quite a few times going home, but it never moved an inch. Very pleased.

Frosty, we got lost trying to find you!! We gave up after 15 mins of driving around, so we backed the van up to a traffic island, ride the bike on top of said traffic island, and HEAVED the bike in. OMFG its heavy! Took ten mins and and several attempts to heave it in. Fark!

Barty5, thanks for the gas shock pointers, and the support!

Mostly, I would like to thank Frosty. We were fully aware that ANYTHING could have happened to us many hours from home, and we knew you were just around the corner (just which corner that was escaped us!) and that one phone call would have had the mounted cavalry turn up, so thank you for being our safety net! Pity I didn't get to meet you also. Next time!

I didn't get to meet ANY KBers this time! EVERY other time I have been to aucks I have met a new KBer. Oh well, I'm sure I waved at a few. Hi to the two on cruisers on the southern motorway 11.30am ish, we rode with you for a few minutes until you kinda waved us through. You looked a little nervous.

So now I have transported a large bike in a van. Coolies. A GREAT day out.

best to all,