View Full Version : Fighting bike theft: Big fuck-off alarmed disc locks, for you

2nd September 2008, 18:54
motorcycle theft is something we don't have much control over, we often don't bother with locks, the police don't seem to care and the general public apparently don't find a guy hopping out of a car to start a bike with a screwdriver suspicious. My solution? Last week i asked the uni bike club (SMC) if they'd be keen on making a bulk order on some alarms/disc locks. there was a strong response, and alot of interest from throughout KB, so now i've got some prices i'm posting up here where you'll all see it.

Basically big fuck-off disc locks with 110 decibel alarms fitted. (http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/alarm/XNSeries/XN15/page1/#) - scare the shit out of thieves and save money/hassle by lowering your insurance premiums/excesses and preventing theft in the first place.

many of us have been caught out before, even with locks, so i'm hoping an alarm will scare thieves away and draw attention to what they are doing. really, you can't afford NOT to have a lock on your bike;)

quick specs:

14mm locking pin (assuming that model fits your bike, they come bigger & smaller), waterproof, won't crack due to ice attacks etc etc, use watch batteries easily bought at supermarket.

if you go to ride bike it'll beep so you remember it, if it gets knocked it'll go for 15seconds since the last movement... talking to the supplier they take a reasonable knock to set them off so they shouldn't go off when you go to disarm them.

talked to the "product manager" and apparently they only really carry the XN15 (http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/alarm/XNSeries/XN15/page1/), XN14 and XD10 (http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/alarm/10Series/XD10/page1/).

the major difference between them is size

the rrp on these is "around $120", but they will do us what is basically trade price of $90 for the XN15, and $70 for the XD10 (all including gst)

they'll run it through cycletreads and wouldn't really budge on that one, but he reckons $90 so that's what it is.

these will be at cost plus a $3 charge for non SMC members to cover my time/hassle/petrol/risk*.
will get confirmed orders, buy the lot and distribute. dunno what shipping is like outside of auckland, but within auckland I might just deliver them by bike and/or have everyone collect them at the chiller and/or courier

Order Information:
deadline for orders is midnight this sunday 7th september

Those interested should PM me with "disc lock" in the subject field. Include your name, address (or just area), what you want and how many you want.

I can courier, deliver myself if possible, and am happy for you to pick up from my place out in west auckland or in the city at the SMC friday arvo beers (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=64433)

And i don't want any money until i've 100% confirmed the price and basically made the order

pricing may go up or down to reflect the supplier's whims

XN15 (http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/alarm/XNSeries/XN15/page1/) = $93 + shipping
<img src="http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/images/m_thumbnail/6_1.jpg"><img src="http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/images/m_thumbnail/6_4.jpg">

XD10 (http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/alarm/10Series/XD10/page1/) = $73 + shipping
<img src="http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/images/m_thumbnail/8_1.jpg"><img src="http://www.xenasecurity.com/product/motorbikes/images/m_thumbnail/8_4.jpg">

*if you guys commit to a purchase i'd appreciate you carrying it out. at $3 per non member i'm not exactly going to have much cash to cover any losses. if anything is faulty it can be brought back to me and i'll chase it up for a replacement under the CGA and/or warranty

2nd September 2008, 19:35
Appreciate all the work you're putting in man!

2nd September 2008, 19:38
PM sent.
10 chars.

2nd September 2008, 21:14
These are awesome locks I've had one for a while and love it to bits!

the best thing about them is that they have the alarm so you can't ride away with it on unless you're really stupid or deaf...

Or if you are a cheap bastard like me and when the battery starts dieing and the alarm starts going off all the time decides that it would be a good idea to take the batteries off the alarm until I can get the money to get the new batteries ($10 for a set by the way) then ride the bike away with the lock still on it and end up bending the brake rotor which cost 80 bucks to fix and will eventually need to be replaced....

Anyway the moral of the story is, if you get one of these and the battery runs dead (which you will notice because the alarm will beep every minute it is on the bike and fuck everyone in your house off) don't just take the batteries off. - REPLACE THEM!

2nd September 2008, 21:34
Hmm, maybe-might be worth ChCh people getting their batch sent to wofman and picking up on Wednesday nights?


I've got just a cheapo $30 disk lock for my bike atm, might do a bit of reading on these units.

2nd September 2008, 22:24
Good idea...

I have one but the bike is mostly in secure parking, at home and at work, so haven't used it... It came with one of my other aquisitions...

2nd September 2008, 22:49
Let motorbyclist tell you about secure car parks...

2nd September 2008, 22:57
These are awesome locks I've had one for a while and love it to bits!
sweet, that's pretty much what i've heard about these

Hmm, maybe-might be worth ChCh people getting their batch sent to wofman and picking up on Wednesday nights?

that would be a very good idea to both make things easier and save a lot on shipping

Good idea...

I have one but the bike is mostly in secure parking, at home and at work, so haven't used it... It came with one of my other aquisitions...

police officer: where was your bike stolen from
me: secure staff carpark at the university
officer: any locks?
me: uh, the cable sitting under the back seat?

my bike was stolen from a secure park (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?p=1685577#post1685577) with a near constant flow of foot traffic, within 30minutes of my parking there. it wasn't even a regular spot for me, and it would appear no-one saw anything

3rd September 2008, 00:28
These things are a fucking cunt when they go off, i've set one off more than a couple of times by accident in a friends garage. Not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination... the slight bump of a handle bar is enough to set it off.

3rd September 2008, 00:59
These things are a fucking cunt when they go off, i've set one off more than a couple of times by accident in a friends garage. Not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination... the slight bump of a handle bar is enough to set it off.

good... although it seems the sensitivity varies from user to user.....

3rd September 2008, 09:32
good... although it seems the sensitivity varies from user to user.....

I was wondering about that - I always thought that they were not that loud and I consider it more of a re minder to take it off before I ride away :Oops: (not done it yet for the record)

3rd September 2008, 10:29
yeah i have one of these myself and i can attest that they are good - so good that i struggle to unlock them with my key WITHOUT setting them off (dont get me wrong - easy to unlock with key, but any movement and they go off - i think they can even be triggered possibly by tampering attempts i notice it goes off faster if i touch the outside of it even if it doesnt really move.) definitely a good buy for any bike parking situation.

4th September 2008, 18:06

that poll is showing a lot more interest than my PM inbox

4th September 2008, 18:49
Hey dude, looks like a good deal. I've just bought an FXR150, and its still in shipping, so i can't check the disk size to see if this'll fit... Does anyone know/can anyone tell me if they will? Thanks for all the hard work!

4th September 2008, 20:14
yep there's a few i can look at, but i'm pretty sure both would fit. i'd suggest the smaller one. PM me

(my little brother had one of those until saturday)

4th September 2008, 20:56
I'd like ones that go off easily, to attract attention (there's a grll for ya, too old to get it any other way :mellow:)

4th September 2008, 22:12
As long as the sensitivity isn't too hardcore I am sure it would be fine.

5th September 2008, 13:55

deadline may be moved to noon monday

5th September 2008, 14:06
if you go to ride bike it'll beep so you remember it, if it gets knocked it'll go for 15seconds since the last movement... talking to the supplier they take a reasonable knock to set them off so they shouldn't go off when you go to disarm them.

I have one and they are pretty solid things but mine is sensitive as, just touch it and it goes off, I can't unlock it without it going off.

It also quite often just goes off for no reason and sometimes needs to be wacked/thrown/generally beaten senseless until it stops, tried replacing the battery's and no difference, if I was to get another I would probably get one without the alarm.

5th September 2008, 14:08
they key won't disarm yours? sounds like it's faulty mate

5th September 2008, 17:30

deadline may be moved to noon monday
Am waiting for check to clear.......

6th September 2008, 15:16
Forget it - finally read ALL entries - q answered......not sure I want one that you cannot shut off.......had a car alarm that used to go off every night about 3.00am.....neighbours were very "understanding"......

6th September 2008, 16:04
You can shut it off, just remove the battery and it functions like a regular disc lock.

6th September 2008, 17:30
You can shut it off, just remove the battery and it functions like a regular disc lock.

then why pay the extra for an alarmed one?

6th September 2008, 17:43
You wouldn't, but it's a backup if it has problems or there is a special situation where you don't want it going off.

6th September 2008, 18:30
yeah, it'll go for 15 seconds or until you unlock/disarm it with the key

saw Rie's one yesterday and while she ahd the battery out, it's emblazoned with warning stickers.

and i'm thinking if it's extra sensitive i'll finally be able to stop the cat putting holes in my seat!

6th September 2008, 19:59
Keep your hair on mate.

Take the risk, if it's too sesnsitive then flogg it off on trademe or take out the batteries. If it's perfect, then you've just saved twenty bucks (110 in stores, brought for 90) and you've got a shit hot dick lock that'll get the bastards away from your bike (hopefully).

6th September 2008, 20:20
Keep your hair on mate.

Take the risk, if it's too sesnsitive then flogg it off on trademe or take out the batteries. If it's perfect, then you've just saved twenty bucks (110 in stores, brought for 90) and you've got a shit hot dick lock that'll get the bastards away from your bike (hopefully).

Hmm.... Not sure i want one of those... sounds painful :p

7th September 2008, 04:25
righto, better get those last minute orders in fast!

10th September 2008, 11:54
ok kids, i've just had the shipment confirmed, will be picking up later this week.

this means it's a bit late for orders but i'll post up here if i find myself with any surplus (but they'll probably go on trademe pretty fast as i'm borrowing the cash to buy the bulk order)

11th September 2008, 09:21

Just givvus a yell when they're in and I'll be round there to pick one up... with the, erm, cash... too. :shifty:

16th September 2008, 10:00
ah ffs i gave the guy the wrong number and the locks have been waiting for me for almost a week now :doh:

will PM those i have listed later tonight, but if you're down for pickup this friday is the day

16th September 2008, 10:02
Well you'll need some money from us - details please. And where do I send the pre-paid pre-addressed post bag? Do a broadcast PM.

16th September 2008, 10:34
Do a broadcast PM.

was doing so when you posted ;)

16th December 2008, 19:29
I'm keen... keen as mustard.. I have a Hyosung GT250 comet.. what size should i order?

16th December 2008, 22:50
lol you're a bit late there mate - last post was in september!

i'll post here if i do another lot in the new year

16th December 2008, 23:05
Mine is for sale! $60 for the larger of the two, let me know.
I need to get a smaller one for my lil ninja.
$50 if the money goes into my account in the next two days! haha
(Needs money badly)

17th December 2008, 07:07
i'll post here if i do another lot in the new year

Damn, because that looks like just the thing I want. If you are organizing a new batch, I'd be keen. I'll need to check which size will fit a 250 Virago though.

17th December 2008, 07:10
I recommend them -I got one in the last order and its great!!

22nd December 2008, 16:21
I recommend them -I got one in the last order and its great!!

Actually, I'd quite like another one too, if anyone doing this again. I got two last time and onsold one immediately, but think I've misplaced my one :doh:

22nd December 2008, 16:52
Mine is for saaaale