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View Full Version : Dirty carbs

5th September 2008, 17:14
Well I've just have confirmed what I've been thinking for a while now.

My carbies are dirty, so in prep for summer im going to clean and balance them.
Enter problem, I don't have the tools or space to do it myself (and probably also the experience/know how).

So I'm wondering if there's anyone out there willing to help/show me how to clean and balance my carbs (fix it day maybe?). Beers would definately result in any assistance :beer:

5th September 2008, 18:23
get a mechanic to do it, a trusted one. Carbs are a bitch to work with..well in my opinion and if you stuff it up your rooted. If you want to balance them, lots of info on the net. Get some clear tube and a plank then just find an article with the instruction, I can't actually remember them haha. Mind you i just got the local mech who is awesome to clean and balance mine.

5th September 2008, 19:01
I've been told panmure motorcycles do good work.
I asked mt. eden motorcycles for a price and they said around $250, just sounds fairly steep.

5th September 2008, 21:04
one is easy, it's not too hard when there's just two of them, 4 becomes a headache.

it's pretty hard to stuff up a carb provided you know the basics of not stuffing up a carb (count all turns, 1/8 turn makes big difference, keep it clean, don't drop it), but balancing can be tricky without the right tools (clear tubing like dushi mentioned is one way to go about it, but i've also seen tubes hooked up to pressure gauges for each carby) but with only two carbs it's not as major as, say, 4 carbs all bolted together and squashed into a v4

the next fix it day would be able to help you... cleaning them could be done tomorrow in fact but talk to jafa as he's booked me for the day

6th September 2008, 11:57
cleaning them could be done tomorrow in fact but talk to jafa as he's booked me for the day

You two cunts are in my shed arent you? Shame i've got the good tools with me :lol: