View Full Version : Was Honda NV400 ever sold in , NZ or AUS?

8th September 2008, 05:58
I am looking for any info about this bike.

I did run search here amd it seems that some people suggest that it is essentialy the same bike as VT500. I doesn't make sense because VT500 is a two cylinder banger, while NV400 is 4. Or am I wrong?

Was there ever a shop manual in english?

Thanks a lot.


James Deuce
8th September 2008, 06:57
Yes it was sold here and yes, you are wrong. The NV400 is a Japanese market VT500. Good, solid, reliable low maintenance commuter bike. I was looking for one and bought a Katana 400 instead. Mental, I am.

There is a Custom version or "Steed" as it is known, but the CX400 Custom was more popular. The standard street bike is a better bet, if you can find a good one.

8th September 2008, 07:47
Thanks for the quick reply.

8th September 2008, 08:00
NZ seems to have got a lot of Japanese market stuff back in the 80s. I'm still looking out for a first model GSXR400.

17th October 2008, 17:08
they are vtwins not fours

17th October 2008, 19:56
Yes, the NV 400 is in NZ. My oldest has one. Nice bike.

Only really has 2 problems:
1. The studs that hold the cylinders rip the threads from the casings when idiots do not use a torque wrench.

And this then...
2. Causes the head gaskets to start leaking compression in to the cooling.

But all this can be fixed. And the motor is easy to take out. Simple to work on. Nice strong V twin 400cc. You pay between 500 - 2K for a running one depending on condition.

Good Luck.