View Full Version : Daytona-ing a Speed Triple 1050

8th September 2008, 10:45
response looks like it could be thin (but I'm posting this question all over the place) ... I've fitted 955 pistons and cams to my 1050 motor and am now experimenting with ignition and fuel curves to get the power optimised - do you know of anyone who has already done this (outside of the Triumph factory) ?

8th September 2008, 11:20
Because he has access to the parts.

And because he can.:devil2:

9th September 2008, 11:01
Why didn't you just put the 1050 motor in a Daytona?
What do the 955 pistons/cams (presume Daytona grind) do to the 1050? Why didn't you ..............???
I'm confused (as usual) and don't know what questions to even ask.
I think it's pretty cool just to do something because you can, tho'.