View Full Version : Shit I can wheelie!

30th January 2005, 18:50
I think I've cracked it (just)!

I have always wanted to wheelie. Until I bought the R1 4 months ago, this was an elusive dream. I bought the bike for the looks, the reviews and jeez if you cant wheelie a light bike with 155 hp at the rear, well you're just a loser.

After run in I suceeded in doing some smallish wheelies on the power in first, but these were tentative little affairs. I was scared, inexperienced and well just crap. I knew the bike could wheelie its arse off I just didn't have the balls.

Fast forward to 4 months later. Sunny, Sunday, quiet roads, North West Auckland, Coatesville area, late afternoon. I had been to a good bye do for a friend who was gong back to Ireland. I had a couple of glasses of wine said thanks and left. Now don't get me wrong drinking and riding does not mix. and I don't recommend it in any way. 2 glasses over 2 hours, under the limit but just a little relaxed.

Heading back to Henderson I thought sod it lets try slipping the clutch in 1st and see what happens. Roads where quiet, some nice straights, slightly relaxed cos of the wine, well well well.....

20 wheelies later, I coudn't believe it. Commit to slipping the clutch and zinging up to about7-8000 rpm, bang up she comes. Little ones and BIG ones. 40 kmh, snap in clutch, rev , slip bang up she comes. All it took was to relax.

Now looking to the future, I need to gain more confidence and experiment more with rpm and clutch, and maybe even changing gear! Oh and I thing I should leave the wine out next time too. :)

Next: getting my knee down. :devil2:

Two Smoker
30th January 2005, 19:00
Congrats mate :niceone: Top effort!!!! Did it come up nice and smoothly in 1st when clutching it up? Have you tried second gear??? Farken awesome :niceone:

So i guess your keeping the R1 now hehehe....

30th January 2005, 19:03
Some were smooth some were bang straight up. Sometime held up for a few seconds other times dropped down with a bang. I'll have to practice!

Mr Skid
30th January 2005, 19:17
Congratulations! We knew you had it in you!

So are you still looking at selling the R1 after it's provided you with these glorious masculinizing wheelies?

And if so, are you offering to replace the fork seals for the next owner? :bleh:

Let me know when you've got some knee sliders and I'll intoduce you to my favorite corner for scraping bits.

30th January 2005, 19:31
Thanks mate. I may be tempted to hold on to her for a bit longer. Fork seals, we'll see, but I'll never catch up with Death, the Wheelie God! :laugh:

Knee down action, bring it on! Tell me when and where.

Two Smoker
30th January 2005, 19:34
Some were smooth some were bang straight up. Sometime held up for a few seconds other times dropped down with a bang. I'll have to practice!
Hhhmmmm I reakon, try second gear, would be way smoother :niceone: Sounds awesome, can't wait to see :yes: Glad to see your keeping the R1 a little bit longer :)

30th January 2005, 19:43
Swanman, hey if it works for you then great, but seriously, I wouldn't recommend clutching it up in FIRST gear. Jeepers, she's gonna spit you off. Try this:
In first, cruise at a stable 60km/h. Give an assertive twist of the throttle and a small tug back and she'll pop up imho faster than clutching it up. I guess though if you want to lift up at 40km/h, then yeah clutch it...

If it doesn't come up, try the same, with more throttle. Just be ready to ease back as soon as it lifts up. I'd reccomend practicing in second though, it's more predictable and smooth. Only thing is, in second you need to be doing 80km/h + when you tug back. So clutch is great for low speed wheelies. I still can't clutch it up, it sounds strange/bad for the bike. What exactly is your method/speed?

Sparky Bills
30th January 2005, 19:43
Just practise bringing it up smoothly, and putting it down just as smoothly.
No rush aye!

30th January 2005, 19:48

Well clutch, spin it up 3000 rpm or so, drop the clutch. Bigger the wheelie the bigger the rpm. The clutch is a 2 finger on/off affair.
2nd gear may well be the way ahead.

30th January 2005, 20:34
On my GSXR1000 2nd gear 80k roll open & your up no clutch needed on these bike's . Third gear 100k roll on hard the off quickly then snap it open again same deal up up & away . Just like the good old days . :Punk:

30th January 2005, 21:15
Roll off then on should work with most sportsbikes - using the compression of the forks to help bounce the front up....but this and roll ons tend to result more in 'power stands' rather than balance point wheelies

30th January 2005, 21:21
With my clutch set-up I can't 'clutch it up' like I would like to for ease of 2nd gear wheelies, so I have to pull it up in first from power delivery. A little tug on the bars at about 40km/h will get her up earlier, otherwise just wind it on and click second when ready. I must admit though due to the speed at which the front comes up in first it makes it harder to find the sweet spot and click up the box, I've only managed 2nd so far but used to go through 4 on my older gixxer before my accident.

30th January 2005, 21:39
congrats dude! :) :banana: u are not going to sell the R1 now :P

30th January 2005, 22:09
Have fun practicing mate. I can remember when I did my first wheelie. Purley accidental and only got the tire up cause i had to much weight on the back end.:2thumbsup

30th January 2005, 22:16
Nice dude....as it comes up in first(forget the clutch) on power as soon as your pulling about 8 grand click second you will already be on ya way up and the revs will carry on up in second then balance click 3rd and so on 4th 5th ....if ya click 6th then ya balls are bigger than mine :not: ...keep it up....no pun intended

31st January 2005, 00:34
Nice swanman, it's all a bit of practice mate, give it another few months of practice and hey presto, as fucked up as it sounds, the faster youre going the easier it is. Say 100kph/2nd goto full throttle snap off then slam it home and she'll come up real nice and smooth, or give the clutch a bit of slip and same deal.
Oh yeah have you got full leathers and a back protecter, shit like that comes in handy every now and then :doh: oh and watch dem crests out Kaiua way :disapint:

Just don't rush it or get too ahead of yourself, take ya time and like you said relax :rockon:

31st January 2005, 05:42
Thanks for the kind words.

The interesting thing about the clutch wheelie is that you can start off much slower than doing power ones. At this stage I am a little wary of power wheelies in 2nd as the sweet spot of 7000rpm means you are going over 100kmh. Still I guess I'll have to find out for myself. :yeah:

White trash
31st January 2005, 06:18
Aint nothin' like the thrill of learnin' to wheelie. RightOn!

31st January 2005, 16:20
Back brake covered and gently depressed eases the front down without the bang - alledgedly.

31st January 2005, 17:00
Back brake covered and gently depressed eases the front down without the bang - alledgedly.
Hay!!! stealing my handy hints......Imagine the poor advice you would give if i told you to come down gently ya give it heaps of gas and change down a gear :doh: ......

you can also click the nxt gear....duz the samething.....

31st January 2005, 17:19
For the CBR, your supposed to be at a complete stop, rev it to 10,000rpm, then let go of the clutch as quick as possible. Yet to try it out

Midnight 82
31st January 2005, 20:07
:brick: Im to worried about breaking my ole girl so its better to leave her on 2 wheels. But power wheelies wouldnt be a problem. :cool:

31st January 2005, 22:16
For the CBR, your supposed to be at a complete stop, rev it to 10,000rpm, then let go of the clutch as quick as possible. Yet to try it out

I wouldn't if i was you mate..... What you need to do is be rolling a bit first maybe at about 3k revs odd and then do the clutch dump method.... The 4 hundy uses less revs to get up but i got a good one going the other day didn't have the balls to change gear so put the front down when i ran out of revs.

Good on ya swanman i can't wait till i have a big enough bike to do power wheelies...... it's heaps of fun thugh aye :)

1st February 2005, 08:30
Hay!!! stealing my handy hints......Imagine the poor advice you would give if i told you to come down gently ya give it heaps of gas and change down a gear :doh: ......

you can also click the nxt gear....duz the samething.....

Erm - I think you'll find that when I did my first wheelie you either hadn't been born or were still nuzzling your mothers breast! Covering the back brake was natural for me then :yeah:

I've only ever done one "proper clutch slipping" wheelie on the Bird, and that's mainly because I don't want to bin it and no longer have the urge, oh - and as I told you I slammed the front end down the only time I have slipped the clutch. Basically because I'm a muppet and forgot that I used to use the back brake to ease the front down all those years ago.

1st February 2005, 08:53
swanny, we should catch up sometime - I'm trying to get the balls to wheelie, but I have to remind myself not to put my knee down cos I don't have sliders on yet! We should catch up and swap pointers some time!

Fryin Finn
1st February 2005, 10:47
This is how ya wheelie a Honda 50. Note the saftey boots and shaggy helmet. Bush shirts were standard riding gear in the 70's

2nd February 2005, 23:11
maybe my clutch is rooted but dumping it at 10k doesnt get it up... viagra perhaps?

4th February 2005, 20:47
Congrats!! finally got it eh!Think about what bruce said about using second and a bit more speed,it is easier.Look forward to a demo next time we're out.