View Full Version : MotoTech Magazine

23rd October 2008, 17:44

Anyone here had a read of these magazines? It's a bit different to your usual bike magazine in that instead of talking bollocks about what some nancy ex-wannabe-racer from the UK thinks of a bike, these guys actually go in depth to give you an understanding of how specific things work and function as a whole so that you can go ride the bikes and decided properly for yourself.

Might help us mere mortals understand what Mr Taylor is talking about when he explains why you're suspension isn't working right for you.

23rd October 2008, 17:54
Quote from the Mag

"It is a magazine written for riders, engineers, manufacturers, suppliers, mechanics, team managers and enthusiasts who demand a more in depth insight into the workings of the motorbike - in fact, all who seek knowledge of the art and science or motorbike technology."

It is all for the engineer and manufacturer it helps keep us to the fore. and then the guys who are supposed to be able to sell you the finished machine should know what they are selling ;) And it not just about bike a lot of the mag cover race cars and dezign.

REST OF THE WORLD: Race Tech 1 year - 12 issues for the price of 10 £75.00 x it by 3 for NZ price, and you have to wait on snail mail, pity you can't get PDF version.

or maybe you ment Two-Wheel Techniques and Technology a Bi Monthly mag at
REST OF THE WORLD: Moto Tech 1 Year Subscription £36.00

23rd October 2008, 18:05
I had to hold back from laughing when a sales rep at Red Baron couldn't tell me whether a new R6 had a steering damper as stock. The answer of course should have been no, but I already knew that.

23rd October 2008, 18:24
I had to hold back from laughing when a sales rep at Red Baron couldn't tell me whether a new R6 had a steering damper as stock. The answer of course should have been no, but I already knew that.

What you expect they are only salesmen, after their commision, last thing they need to know is aby thing about what they are selling, then they can't tell porkies when you ask a tech question, just give you the stcok ERRRRRRRRRRRrr don't know mate answer.

The the President of the USA calls it plausible deniability if he don't know about it, he can't tell lies.

23rd October 2008, 23:38
I had to hold back from laughing when a sales rep at Red Baron couldn't tell me whether a new R6 had a steering damper as stock. The answer of course should have been no, but I already knew that.
Just remember you're obsessed about it... the salesman has a life.

Same as me shopping for a bike... I could list off all the differences from old model to new, he couldn't... but then again, he could give more details across a range of models and manufacturers, when I couldn't.