View Full Version : Yes another Snap poll

Big Dan
3rd November 2008, 18:27
just would like to see what the peeps think

3rd November 2008, 18:45
This another party vote, or electorate vote?

3rd November 2008, 18:50
bill and ben all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111:rockon::first:

3rd November 2008, 18:52
Helen is being "raped" by john key on cambell live as we speak

3rd November 2008, 18:52
What's the different between national and the national party? :S

Big Dan
3rd November 2008, 18:57
This another party vote, or electorate vote?

Party vote

What's the different between national and the national party? :S

Nothing i was reading the names off the pack they sent out with your vote card

3rd November 2008, 18:58
What's the difference between "National" and "National Party"?

3rd November 2008, 18:59
What's the difference between "National" and "National Party"?

repost :cool:

3rd November 2008, 19:01

No, it's an echo...

3rd November 2008, 19:03
No, it's an echo...
echo,echo,echo. Sorry Hitcher!

Big Dan
3rd November 2008, 19:05
sorry for mucking that "National " thing they are the same Party is there any way of me changing it or a mod merge the votes

3rd November 2008, 19:09
sorry for mucking that "National " thing they are the same Party is there any way of me changing it or a mod merge the votes

make another poll and we'll start again

3rd November 2008, 19:15
Just remember, a vote for any party other than national is a vote for Aunty Helen.

3rd November 2008, 19:17
I'm going to vote for "legalise cannabis". Where's my option?


Big Dan
3rd November 2008, 19:20
I'm going to vote for "legalise cannabis". Where's my option?


blame site rules on max 12 choices

3rd November 2008, 19:20
Just remember, a vote for any party other than national is a vote for Aunty Helen.

not bill and ben

3rd November 2008, 19:21
not bill and ben

Helen would suck up to them in a flash if it meant she could hold onto power for another 3 years.

3rd November 2008, 20:41
I plan to vote for the party that is least likely to get any seats.

3rd November 2008, 21:00
I plan to vote for the party that is least likely to get any seats.

labour voter eh? :Pokey:

3rd November 2008, 21:04
I'm voting No Confidence.

3rd November 2008, 22:00
I'm going to vote for "legalise cannabis". Where's my option?


blame site rules on max 12 choices

But.. but... if you weren't so stoned that you put National in twice you could have fit it in.

3rd November 2008, 22:06
I'm voting No Confidence.

With you on that one Harsha!

4th November 2008, 09:23
I plan to vote for the party that is least likely to get any seats.

that would be bill and ben

4th November 2008, 09:44
that would be bill and ben

Given that "Bill & Ben" is not a registered party, then the chances of them/it not getting any votes in the election is quite high. While humour is always important, adding this category to an otherwise serious poll completely negates it.

4th November 2008, 09:57
Just remember, a vote for any party other than national is a vote for Aunty Helen.
Yeah, Right!

The Act Party???

4th November 2008, 09:58
Given that "Bill & Ben" is not a registered party, then the chances of them/it not getting any votes in the election is quite high. While humour is always important, adding this category to an otherwise serious poll completely negates it.

Actually Hitch, I think you'll find they are: electoral commission site (http://www.elections.org.nz/voting/candidates-and-parties/party-lists.html)

4th November 2008, 09:58
Given that "Bill & Ben" is not a registered party, then the chances of them/it not getting any votes in the election is quite high. While humour is always important, adding this category to an otherwise serious poll completely negates it.

Haven't received your easy voting package yet? They're on the party list.

4th November 2008, 10:01
Actually Hitch, I think you'll find they are: electoral commission site (http://www.elections.org.nz/voting/candidates-and-parties/party-lists.html)

One learns something new every day. I apologise profusely for my error.

4th November 2008, 10:10
One learns something new every day. I apologise profusely for my error.

S'alright old bean, what are friends for? I have to say I'm intrigued by the possibility of the "underhang" scenario - not so much that I'm shifting my vote from Act mind you.

4th November 2008, 10:15
Just remember, a vote for any party other than national is a vote for Aunty Helen.

And it's thinking like this that is the reason we have so many shit heads in parliament.

'On [the robot's] world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.'

'Odd,' said Arthur, 'I thought you said it was a democracy?'

'I did,' said Ford, 'It is.'

'So,' said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, 'why don't the people get rid of the lizards?'

'It honestly doesn't occur to them,' said Ford. 'They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.'

'You mean they actually vote for the lizards?'

'Oh yes,' said Ford with a shrug, 'of course.'

'But,' said Arthur, going for the big one again, 'why?'

'Because if they didn't vote for a lizard,' said Ford, 'the wrong lizard might get in.'

4th November 2008, 10:30
S'alright old bean, what are friends for? I have to say I'm intrigued by the possibility of the "underhang" scenario - not so much that I'm shifting my vote from Act mind you.

One suspects you mean the "overhang" scenario: where Parliament comprises more that 120 seats due to disproportionate seats won versus votes cast?

Rodney winning Epsom would result in an overhang of one. The Maori Party winning all seven Maori seats would result in an overhang of four. Combine the two, and a government requires a working majority of 63 seats.

4th November 2008, 10:36
Yeah, Right!

The Act Party???

Ok the one possible exception, but listen to what key has to say about Roger Douglas it aint too complimentary.....

And it's thinking like this that is the reason we have so many shit heads in parliament.

Hmmm i thought it was more like common sense. Helen is by far more likely to rally support from the minor parties. National has ruled out a coalition with NZ 1st, the greens have ruled out a coalition with national, and all but act will jump into bed with labour in a flash once hels starts promising them juicy cabinet positions or support for their radical pet policies.

If the minor parties play a significant part in the election then my money is on them siding with Labour.

And shitheads? Do you mean the likes of WPeters and Sue Bradford????

4th November 2008, 11:12
what about a vote for MBB???



4th November 2008, 11:13
One suspects you mean the "overhang" scenario: where Parliament comprises more that 120 seats due to disproportionate seats won versus votes cast?

Rodney winning Epsom would result in an overhang of one. The Maori Party winning all seven Maori seats would result in an overhang of four. Combine the two, and a government requires a working majority of 63 seats.

Conversely, should B&B win 5% they are entitled to 5 seats however they only have a list of 2 candidates. They are not allowed to add to their declared list so the remaining 3 seats would be an underhang and remain un-filled.

4th November 2008, 11:20
Hmmm i thought it was more like common sense.

Common sense is voting for the person you want to represent you in parliament.

And shitheads? Do you mean the likes of WPeters and Sue Bradford????

Why stop at those two. There are another 119 to go.

4th November 2008, 11:25
Common sense is voting for the person you want to represent you in parliament.

Bill & Ben it is then.

Why stop at those two. There are another 119 to go.

:lol: too true.

4th November 2008, 13:37
Common sense is voting for the person you want to represent you in parliament.

Unfortunately MMP doesn't allow you to get rid of people you don't like by voting them out. They seem to miraculously appear on a party list and continue to get both trotters in the public trough.

4th November 2008, 13:54
Common sense is voting for the person you want to represent you in parliament.
I haven't met them. This strikes me as quite weird - I definitely recall door to door campaigning in the yookay, but not now. I've not met either potential MP.

Oh, it's all so hard.


4th November 2008, 15:32
Unfortunately MMP doesn't allow you to get rid of people you don't like by voting them out.

Is there an electoral system that lets you vote people out of government?

Was that what Tame Iti was working on in the Ureweras?

4th November 2008, 16:39
Is there an electoral system that lets you vote people out of government?

Absolutely. It's called "first past the post". If you don't like one candidate, you vote for another. The candidate with the most votes wins. Majority rules. It's democratic, easy to understand and effective. I'm surprised that it has fallen from favour.

4th November 2008, 16:43
Majority rules.

However the majority may just be the larget minority. Is that any better than mmp?

4th November 2008, 19:22
Absolutely. It's called "first past the post". If you don't like one candidate, you vote for another. The candidate with the most votes wins. Majority rules. It's democratic, easy to understand and effective. I'm surprised that it has fallen from favour.

I know what you are trying to say, but it doesn't make any sense. You can't vote someone out of office. There is no box on any voting paper in any system, FPP, MMP or whatever, that says "Tick here if you don't want this guy to get the job".

4th November 2008, 19:30
However the majority may just be the larget minority. Is that any better than mmp?

Jesus I am so over all of this nonsense about "fairness". I am so over a "party" with 5% of the popular vote, whose MPs nobody voted for, getting its nonsense agenda considered seriously by a Government in return for "favours" granted.

And to answer the next question: no, one person can't vote an electorate MP out. But a severalness of them can. "Fuck you, loser, and the horse you rode in on!" they yell exuberantly. But lo, said evicted loser is on a party list and waltzes back into Parliament. Where is the justice in that?

4th November 2008, 20:33
Jesus I am so over all of this nonsense about "fairness". I am so over a "party" with 5% of the popular vote, whose MPs nobody voted for, getting its nonsense agenda considered seriously by a Government in return for "favours" granted.

Presumedly 5% of the people voted for them. 5% who would have been right royally fucked if it wasn't for MMP.

And to answer the next question: no, one person can't vote an electorate MP out. But a severalness of them can. "Fuck you, loser, and the horse you rode in on!" they yell exuberantly. But lo, said evicted loser is on a party list and waltzes back into Parliament. Where is the justice in that?

Nothing's perfect mate.