View Full Version : Good music I have found recently

5th February 2005, 21:29
Partially in response to Blakamin's request for ideas about songs for a metal bar, and partially about myself wanting to plug some awesome music I've found recently.

First, my recommendations for some high quality metal.

Children of Bodom:
Every Time I Die
Kissing The Shadows
Angels Don't Kill
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Taste Of My Scythe

In Flames:
Man Made God
Reroute To Remain
Touch of Red
Only For The Weak
Episode 666

Iron Maiden: (hard to include them all, I know)
Hallowed be Thy Name
The Number of The Beast
The Trooper
Run to the Hills

Lamb Of God: (quite new American guys, pretty classy)
Laid To Rest

Pantera: (also hard to pick!)
Cemetery Gates
Cowboys From Hell
Shedding Skin

I Spit On Your Grave

All of the first 4 albums.

Crazy Train
Mr. Crowley

That should do very nicely.

I should also take the time to plug some miscellaneous music I've come across recently.

Steve Vai: (nods to Blakamin)

bought Passion and Warfare the other day, first album purchase in like, forever! only $12.

some standout songs:
For The Love Of God
Blue Powder
I Would Love To
The Animal

very nice stuff.

also found some more great Jason Becker, the now crippled guitar virtuoso of virtuosos:

Perpetual Burn
Mabel's Fatal Fable (except for the screwed up Zappa-esque part at the end...)
Altitudes (I've had this for a while, so it's not new, but I have no choice but to plug it here, as I think it's the most divinely inspired and amazing song I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. download it and change your life)

Racer X: Paul Gilberts band, very shred0rific
King of The Monsters
Technical Difficulties
Viking Kong
Y.R.O. (Yngwie Rip Off I believe, go figure...)

Opeth - A Fair Judgement (10:22 long, very awesome)

that's most of what I can think of right now, enjoy folks!

5th February 2005, 21:46
Got any links to download any of this?

5th February 2005, 21:51
Cant forget these:
Union Underground
Alice in Chains
Lacuna Coil
Cradle of Filth
No particular order just did a run through my cd's and stuff on my pc havnt got all of them on but didnt want this post bein so big. Anyway Damn near any song by these groups is good.

5th February 2005, 21:51
Got any links to download any of this?
I beleave that may be illegal lol..

5th February 2005, 21:52
Got any links to download any of this?

Jeez Gav... Hire a jukebox like the rest of us and keep Blakamin employed ;)


Oh..and for the oldies, what's a metal bar without Danzig... Nothing like a dwarf screaming "Show me how the gods kill"...